Republicans are on edge about the economy.

Whether or not Trump wins the 2020 POTUS election, the Republicans fear being led into the wilderness by Donald Trump as their control of the senate is under threat in 2020.

The GOP lawmakers have nothing to show after 2+ years of Donald Trump and in fact, the GOP lawmakers have been marginalized and have become invisible under Trump's media blitzkrieg which has stolen their oxygen.

If in 2021 the GOP does not have the Senate, does not have the House and doesn't have their demagog Trump they will be left with nothing.

Donald Trump will have erased the GOP from the minds of the public with his Donald Trump First policy.

Republicans are on edge about the economy. Any slowdown from Trump’s trade wars could cost them the Senate

Republicans are on edge about the economy. Any slowdown from Trump’s trade wars could cost them the Senate
Joseph Zeballos-Roig

Republicans have weathered President Donald Trump's trade war against China with some unease, but their patience is starting to wear thin and their frustration is spilling out publicly.

Recently, Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania told Politico, "there's no question that trade uncertainty is contributing to the slowdown."

But Trump has showed that he cares little for the collateral damage his trade war inflicts on the American economy, which is showing signs of slowing down after its longest expansion in the nation's history.
As next year's election cycle starts heating up, Republicans are beginning to look increasingly vulnerable on Trump's signature issue: the economy.

It could threaten their control of the White House and cost them the Senate.

Republicans have weathered President Donald Trump's trade war against China with some unease, but their patience starting to wear thin and their frustration is spilling out publicly.

Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania — a leading free-trader — recently told Politico, "there's no question that trade uncertainty is contributing to the slowdown."
"We're in a very good place," he added. "The danger is: Where are we going to be a year from now if concerns about trade continue to be an irritant to growth." ...
Eh, sorry, not on edge .. Trump's kicking ass and Democrats are whimpering like inevitable losers ..
Life is Great ...:popcorn: .. try to cheer up a bit ..
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
Democrats want the standard of living in America brought down and do everything possible to do it. Their cities and states are full of giant homeless tent cities, and they make life in those tent cities worse by flooding them with needy homeless foreign nationals.

No Democrats don't want the standard of living in America reduced to your level and don't want the country flooded with your ilk.
It's not like the Democrat Socialist Party Poopers make a secret about their intentions to destroy our economy. Money is fungible and enough will flee our markets to create a panic but the leftarded lemmings don't care. They are envious of those smarter and more successful and would have all but the apparatchiks be as hopeless, hapless, and helpless as they are.

Never trust a leftist … NEVER.
Anyone with half a brain or better watching a Trump rally could not believe the dupes at Trump rallies are intelligent successful people.
A regular "basket of deplorables," eh Pompous One? :lol:
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
At the moment the most miserable person is Donald Trump.
Indeed. Filthy rich, hot wife, beautiful fam, and POTUS. I can see why some fools would find that misery.

Wait ... no I can't. :laughing0301:
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves
Let me make a prediction. If the left is successful at electing a Sanders, a Warren or a Harris to the Oval Office...the result WILL be a recession as capital in the Private Sector runs for cover! None of then have a clue how to create jobs or grow an economy. All of them believe in government intervention as the "solution" to all ills...a belief which will knee cap the US economy!

It's going to be a choice between Trump and his strong economic policies...and those 3 ideologues. Let's hope the country is smart enough to make the right decision on that. If not? It'll be a long four years.

A recession will be the least of their worries.
Trump will have little trouble pinning any economic slowdown on our Hysterical House Dems who are doing all they can to derail our winning and prosperity.

Fucking traitors … every one of 'em.
Unemployment is at a historic low in 2 1/2 years. Obama couldn't do it in 8. "Experts" may have recalibrated Trump's 3% GDP but Obama couldn't do it in 8. Granted the left is a bit incoherent these days but how in the world could anybody consider a clown car full of socialists?

The clown car has been commandeered by conservatives?
Yanno, once you've chosen which socialist roadkill will face Trump in the general election they will try (unsuccessfully) to sell themselves as capitalists and patriots while winking and nodding to desperate, leftarded lemmings like you. Meanwhile DNC Chair Tom Perez is going to Mexico City in hopes of raising cash because neither of America's rational Dems is willing to write a check in support of what your party is selling.

Democrats are too far left to win Middle America

Anxious Democratic Governors Urge 2020 Field Not to Veer Too Far Left

Moulton: Sanders, Warren too liberal to beat Trump in 2020

You are driving the conservative clown-car?
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves
95% of the entertainment/media did. Extremist judges did. But some Repubs in congress blocked some of the agendas or slowed them down.
Whether or not Trump wins the 2020 POTUS election, the Republicans fear being led into the wilderness by Donald Trump as their control of the senate is under threat in 2020.

The GOP lawmakers have nothing to show after 2+ years of Donald Trump and in fact, the GOP lawmakers have been marginalized and have become invisible under Trump's media blitzkrieg which has stolen their oxygen.

If in 2021 the GOP does not have the Senate, does not have the House and doesn't have their demagog Trump they will be left with nothing.

Donald Trump will have erased the GOP from the minds of the public with his Donald Trump First policy.

Republicans are on edge about the economy. Any slowdown from Trump’s trade wars could cost them the Senate

Republicans are on edge about the economy. Any slowdown from Trump’s trade wars could cost them the Senate
Joseph Zeballos-Roig

Republicans have weathered President Donald Trump's trade war against China with some unease, but their patience is starting to wear thin and their frustration is spilling out publicly.

Recently, Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania told Politico, "there's no question that trade uncertainty is contributing to the slowdown."

But Trump has showed that he cares little for the collateral damage his trade war inflicts on the American economy, which is showing signs of slowing down after its longest expansion in the nation's history.
As next year's election cycle starts heating up, Republicans are beginning to look increasingly vulnerable on Trump's signature issue: the economy.

It could threaten their control of the White House and cost them the Senate.

Republicans have weathered President Donald Trump's trade war against China with some unease, but their patience starting to wear thin and their frustration is spilling out publicly.

Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania — a leading free-trader — recently told Politico, "there's no question that trade uncertainty is contributing to the slowdown."
"We're in a very good place," he added. "The danger is: Where are we going to be a year from now if concerns about trade continue to be an irritant to growth." ...
Eh, sorry, not on edge .. Trump's kicking ass and Democrats are whimpering like inevitable losers ..
Life is Great ...:popcorn: .. try to cheer up a bit ..
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
Democrats want the standard of living in America brought down and do everything possible to do it. Their cities and states are full of giant homeless tent cities, and they make life in those tent cities worse by flooding them with needy homeless foreign nationals.

No Democrats don't want the standard of living in America reduced to your level and don't want the country flooded with your ilk.
This Democrat says illegal immigrants are as bad as I am, yet they aid, abet and encourage them to come. What a liar.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.

Comrade Trump will lighten you gloom with fresh hate-tweets.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves
95% of the entertainment/media did. Extremist judges did. But some Repubs in congress blocked some of the agendas or slowed them down.
You do remember what McConnell promised he'd do when Obama became president ? Republican senate sat on their hands ,,,and while Obama didn't break unemployment records he sure got it down from the 9+% GWB left him to 4+ and how bad was 75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains? If republican morons stopped bashing Obama like trump does all the time I'm sure Dems would reciprocate But it seems NOTHING is ever trumps fault
It's not like the Democrat Socialist Party Poopers make a secret about their intentions to destroy our economy. Money is fungible and enough will flee our markets to create a panic but the leftarded lemmings don't care. They are envious of those smarter and more successful and would have all but the apparatchiks be as hopeless, hapless, and helpless as they are.

Never trust a leftist … NEVER.
Anyone with half a brain or better watching a Trump rally could not believe the dupes at Trump rallies are intelligent successful people.
A regular "basket of deplorables," eh Pompous One? :lol:
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
At the moment the most miserable person is Donald Trump.
Indeed. Filthy rich, hot wife, beautiful fam, and POTUS. I can see why some fools would find that misery.

Wait ... no I can't. :laughing0301:

Filthy lucre? Family of grifters? Couldn't get a job outside poppa's influence? Losers like remoras on the big orange-haired loser.

Trump's family is a bunch of the dumb people Trump loves so much.
Whether or not Trump wins the 2020 POTUS election, the Republicans fear being led into the wilderness by Donald Trump as their control of the senate is under threat in 2020.

The GOP lawmakers have nothing to show after 2+ years of Donald Trump and in fact, the GOP lawmakers have been marginalized and have become invisible under Trump's media blitzkrieg which has stolen their oxygen.

If in 2021 the GOP does not have the Senate, does not have the House and doesn't have their demagog Trump they will be left with nothing.

Donald Trump will have erased the GOP from the minds of the public with his Donald Trump First policy.

Republicans are on edge about the economy. Any slowdown from Trump’s trade wars could cost them the Senate
Eh, sorry, not on edge .. Trump's kicking ass and Democrats are whimpering like inevitable losers ..
Life is Great ...:popcorn: .. try to cheer up a bit ..
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
Democrats want the standard of living in America brought down and do everything possible to do it. Their cities and states are full of giant homeless tent cities, and they make life in those tent cities worse by flooding them with needy homeless foreign nationals.

No Democrats don't want the standard of living in America reduced to your level and don't want the country flooded with your ilk.

This Democrat says illegal immigrants are as bad as I am, yet they aid, abet and encourage them to come. What a liar.

I apologize for Democrats. Nobody is as bad as you. Please don't thank me.
It's not like the Democrat Socialist Party Poopers make a secret about their intentions to destroy our economy. Money is fungible and enough will flee our markets to create a panic but the leftarded lemmings don't care. They are envious of those smarter and more successful and would have all but the apparatchiks be as hopeless, hapless, and helpless as they are.

Never trust a leftist … NEVER.
Anyone with half a brain or better watching a Trump rally could not believe the dupes at Trump rallies are intelligent successful people.
A regular "basket of deplorables," eh Pompous One? :lol:
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
At the moment the most miserable person is Donald Trump.
Indeed. Filthy rich, hot wife, beautiful fam, and POTUS. I can see why some fools would find that misery.

Wait ... no I can't. :laughing0301:

Filthy lucre? Family of grifters? Couldn't get a job outside poppa's influence? Losers like remoras on the big orange-haired loser.

Trump's family is a bunch of the dumb people Trump loves so much.
Eh, sorry, not on edge .. Trump's kicking ass and Democrats are whimpering like inevitable losers ..
Life is Great ...:popcorn: .. try to cheer up a bit ..
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
Democrats want the standard of living in America brought down and do everything possible to do it. Their cities and states are full of giant homeless tent cities, and they make life in those tent cities worse by flooding them with needy homeless foreign nationals.

No Democrats don't want the standard of living in America reduced to your level and don't want the country flooded with your ilk.

This Democrat says illegal immigrants are as bad as I am, yet they aid, abet and encourage them to come. What a liar.

I apologize for Democrats. Nobody is as bad as you. Please don't thank me.
We know. You believe needy homeless foreign nationals are better people than Americans.

Democrats believe Americans are the lowest of the low.
It's not like the Democrat Socialist Party Poopers make a secret about their intentions to destroy our economy. Money is fungible and enough will flee our markets to create a panic but the leftarded lemmings don't care. They are envious of those smarter and more successful and would have all but the apparatchiks be as hopeless, hapless, and helpless as they are.

Never trust a leftist … NEVER.
Anyone with half a brain or better watching a Trump rally could not believe the dupes at Trump rallies are intelligent successful people.
A regular "basket of deplorables," eh Pompous One? :lol:
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
At the moment the most miserable person is Donald Trump.
Indeed. Filthy rich, hot wife, beautiful fam, and POTUS. I can see why some fools would find that misery.

Wait ... no I can't. :laughing0301:

Filthy lucre? Family of grifters? Couldn't get a job outside poppa's influence? Losers like remoras on the big orange-haired loser.

Trump's family is a bunch of the dumb people Trump loves so much.

Was Joy one of Donald Trump's sex assault victims?
Eh, sorry, not on edge .. Trump's kicking ass and Democrats are whimpering like inevitable losers ..
Life is Great ...:popcorn: .. try to cheer up a bit ..
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
Democrats want the standard of living in America brought down and do everything possible to do it. Their cities and states are full of giant homeless tent cities, and they make life in those tent cities worse by flooding them with needy homeless foreign nationals.

No Democrats don't want the standard of living in America reduced to your level and don't want the country flooded with your ilk.

This Democrat says illegal immigrants are as bad as I am, yet they aid, abet and encourage them to come. What a liar.

I apologize for Democrats. Nobody is as bad as you. Please don't thank me.
Correction ,,,Sayit is
Our snowflakes do seem to enjoy being miserable, need everyone to know they are miserable, and demand all join them in their misery. Very sad. :)
Democrats want the standard of living in America brought down and do everything possible to do it. Their cities and states are full of giant homeless tent cities, and they make life in those tent cities worse by flooding them with needy homeless foreign nationals.

No Democrats don't want the standard of living in America reduced to your level and don't want the country flooded with your ilk.

This Democrat says illegal immigrants are as bad as I am, yet they aid, abet and encourage them to come. What a liar.

I apologize for Democrats. Nobody is as bad as you. Please don't thank me.
We know. You believe needy homeless foreign nationals are better people than Americans.

Democrats believe Americans are the lowest of the low.

You are a masochist. Please don't thank me.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves

Mitch McConnell took the gloves OFF after Barry made it quite clear that he wasn't going to work with Republicans with his "Elections have consequences...I won!" speech. Funny how Obama changed his tune on that whole elections have consequences narrative as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid-term elections! Then his new speech was "I have a pen and a phone!" and the elections DIDN'T mean a thing! Then you wonder why the GOP didn't want to work with him? Obama got what he deserved. He played "fuck you!" politics when he had control of the House and Senate and then ignored the will of the voters when they responded to his agenda!
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves

Mitch McConnell took the gloves OFF after Barry made it quite clear that he wasn't going to work with Republicans with his "Elections have consequences...I won!" speech. Funny how Obama changed his tune on that whole elections have consequences narrative as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid-term elections! Then his new speech was "I have a pen and a phone!" and the elections DIDN'T mean a thing! Then you wonder why the GOP didn't want to work with him? Obama got what he deserved. He played "fuck you!" politics when he had control of the House and Senate and then ignored the will of the voters when they responded to his agenda!

McConnell is an asshole who denies even his own party members requests to consider bills before the Senate.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves

Mitch McConnell took the gloves OFF after Barry made it quite clear that he wasn't going to work with Republicans with his "Elections have consequences...I won!" speech. Funny how Obama changed his tune on that whole elections have consequences narrative as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid-term elections! Then his new speech was "I have a pen and a phone!" and the elections DIDN'T mean a thing! Then you wonder why the GOP didn't want to work with him? Obama got what he deserved. He played "fuck you!" politics when he had control of the House and Senate and then ignored the will of the voters when they responded to his agenda!
Stop trying to paint republican filth as the ""mr good guys "" we all know republicans in particular are jobs over country and as far as your senate was under obama how are they now under trump with that pos mcconnell leading the way?
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves

Mitch McConnell took the gloves OFF after Barry made it quite clear that he wasn't going to work with Republicans with his "Elections have consequences...I won!" speech. Funny how Obama changed his tune on that whole elections have consequences narrative as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid-term elections! Then his new speech was "I have a pen and a phone!" and the elections DIDN'T mean a thing! Then you wonder why the GOP didn't want to work with him? Obama got what he deserved. He played "fuck you!" politics when he had control of the House and Senate and then ignored the will of the voters when they responded to his agenda!

McConnell is an asshole who denies even his own party members requests to consider bills before the Senate.

Which ones?
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves

Mitch McConnell took the gloves OFF after Barry made it quite clear that he wasn't going to work with Republicans with his "Elections have consequences...I won!" speech. Funny how Obama changed his tune on that whole elections have consequences narrative as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid-term elections! Then his new speech was "I have a pen and a phone!" and the elections DIDN'T mean a thing! Then you wonder why the GOP didn't want to work with him? Obama got what he deserved. He played "fuck you!" politics when he had control of the House and Senate and then ignored the will of the voters when they responded to his agenda!

McConnell is an asshole who denies even his own party members requests to consider bills before the Senate.

Which ones?
How about interference with our elections ?Moscow mitch the sob says states not gov't should be responsible ???He is a prick of misery

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