Republicans are the true moochers in this country

Obviously you didn't think this through to the nth degree. We do NOT have a tax issue concerning adequate revenue to operate on. What we have is shameful runaway spending, waste, fraud, and corruption. The problem is improper use of the revenue we do have. Raising taxes with only provide more revenue to waste, give away, and use for stupid non-sense.

(1) foreign aid (2) subsidies to big oil and rich farmers (3) building mosques on foreign soil (4) senseless deadly costly wars (5) exploring the far reaches of the universe (6) supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists (7) stupid projects such as "The Fence" (8) ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress (9) no-bid government contracts { Halliburton } (10) excessive military and defense spending (11) the care and support of illegal immigrants (12) Medicare and Medicaid fraud (13) pork spending (14) excessive government travel (15) bailouts (16) the ACA { Obamacare } (17) an excessive number of military bases on foreign soil (18) bribes paid to North Korea and Iran (19) lavish White House parties (20) lavish first family vacations (21) funding the overthrow of foreign governments (22) tax loopholes for the rich (23) government assistance programs fraud { food stamps, housing, health care, etc. } (24) corporations that pay no taxes (25) hiding money off-shore to avoid paying taxes.

Add all of the money from the above items and then see how much money could be added to the government's revenue pool. Then figure how much less the government would have to borrow each and every day, and the interest saved on that money. Chances are that we wouldn't need to raise taxes in order to fund and run the government.

Don't forget all that excessive unemployment benefits, it shouldn't take even 50 weeks to find a job. Unemployment is only to help transition your way towards your next job, or jobs if need be, it's not an income to be used until you finally come around to a career that meets your previous vested seniority pay rate.

"Don't forget all that excessive unemployment benefits, it shouldn't take even 50 weeks to find a job."


Yeah, 1,000,000+ peple applied for 50,000 McDonlds jobs


Productivity has surged, but income and wages have stagnated for most Americans. If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.

It s the Inequality Stupid Mother Jones


Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low

1) Corporate profit margins just hit another all-time high. Companies are making more per dollar of sales than they ever have before. (And some people are still saying that companies are suffering from "too much regulation" and "too many taxes." Maybe little companies are, but big ones certainly aren't. What they're suffering from is a myopic obsession with short-term profits at the expense of long-term value creation).


2) Wages as a percent of the economy just hit another all-time low. Why are corporate profits so high? One reason is that companies are paying employees less than they ever have as a share of GDP. And that, in turn, is one reason the economy is so weak: Those "wages" are represent spending power for consumers. And consumer spending is "revenue" for other companies. So the profit obsession is actually starving the rest of the economy of revenue growth.


In short, our current obsessed-with-profits philosophy is creating a country of a few million overlords and 300+ million serfs.
Profits At High Wages At Low - Business Insider

See this recovery versus the last 5??


Anyone who would rather sit on an unemployment paycheck for over 50 weeks instead of working IS lazy, period! You can downsize to an apartment if you can't afford a home, relocate and get a job in another state, or work two jobs if you absolutely have to. We live in an technological society that places wants over needs, with the majority living above their means and accumulating credit card debt. There is no reason for an able bodied person to simply live off unemployment for 50 weeks.
Lol I don't see how you can just miss his point. He said 1 million people applied for 50,000 McDonald's jobs. Doesn't that tell you something about the market? We are talking about an economic emergency. It's not like anyone on unemployment has a comfortable living. They make 60% of their previous job. It fucking sucks.

I thought all these repetitive speeches since Obama took office, of "infrastructure" was the answer to everyone's hopes of getting a job? You mean pushing those same ideas over and over and over again hasn't produced the strong vibrant economy you were hoping for?
The ideas were never properly pushed. It would require higher taxes that repubs won't allow.
Obama will make it fair for EVERYONE! every American family will make a base income of $37,800.00 plus $2,786.00 per child. America will be the most fair nation on earth!

So tell us, what percentage of your total income do you pay in taxes? My guess would be 9%.
Obama will make it fair for EVERYONE! every American family will make a base income of $37,800.00 plus $2,786.00 per child. America will be the most fair nation on earth!

So tell us, what percentage of your total income do you pay in taxes? My guess would be 9%.
Gasoline tax, property tax, sales tax, income tax, school tax, tags on vehicles, hunting and fishing license, tax on phone bill, tax on cable TV service, tax on food, etc., etc., amounts to approx. 20 to 25% of total household income.

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