Republicans--are you this intimidated by the thought of the 1st WOMAN President?

After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President) I remind them that if they're turning their backs on the most qualified candidate that is running (Carly Fiorina) that they may get their 1st woman President in Hillary Clinton anyway.

We see Republicans bouncing all around the 15 male candidates like they're on pogo sticks, while ignoring the most qualified candidate in this race, Carly Fiorina. 15 male candidates--(the first time in history this many have entered a Presidential race) to go after ONE woman. The debate stages resembles more of a beauty contest than a political debate Why? Because they're scared to death. Not necessarily because it's Hillary Clinton, but obviously more so--because she is a woman. They would have never entered this many into this race if the DNC popular was a male candidate.

Carly Fiorina is the most brilliant, the most articulate in this race. She can answer any question, she can slice and dice. She handles the left wing media like play dough in her hands. She has been referred to by Charles Krautghammer as "Reaganesk" who also stated she one the 1st debate. She could wipe clean Hillary Clinton in any debate. She wins conservative, independents and cross-over Democrats. IOW she could win it all. Yet yet she is put on IGNORE by all the pogo stick jumpers.

You know if the Republican Party can give us the 1st President that abolished 150 years of slavery in this country, they can sure as dam well give us the 1st woman President. Why would we want Democrats to hold that title?

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate in this race, that has been asked repeatedly if she would accept a Vice Presidential position. Here is her reply to that.

Carly Fiorina Zings Chris Wallace: Ask Me About Being VP When You Ask Everyone Else (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

I'm intimidated by the thought of the first woman President being as bad as the first black President turned out to be.

Once bitten twice shy--But certainly you're not going to compare a "community organizer" to the CEO of one of the largest corporations in America, are you?

Election 2016: Carly Fiorina: "No excuse" for Hillary Clinton's private email server


I'm comparing two people with zero qualifications for the Presidency.
good grief, trump was stumped on a terror question. Can they get anymore of a stupid and misleading title. you see folks, this what Republicans are up against with these left leaning medias. Get your political news from places that you trust and shun all these lamestream left leaning medias. you won't get a fair shake on the Republicans if that is what you are looking for from them

If you would actually READ the article it was a CONSERVATIVE talk show host that was asking Trump and Fiorina these questions. These are questions, regarding National Security that every candidate should know.

Now if you're going to support someone who doesn't know the answers to common questions regarding terrorist leaders, ISIS--then you get what you deserve. What kind of a commander & chief do you think Trump would make if he doesn't feel this is important enough to know?

Again here's how YOUR GUY TRUMP answered the question: "Trump's approach was to deflect the question rather than answer it. You know, I'll tell you honestly – I think by the time we get to office, they'll all be changed,' he said. 'They'll be all gone.'

RIDICULOUS--Why is it that Carly Fiorina can answer these same questions and Donald Trump CAN'T? Sara Palin could have done a better job with these National Security questions, than Donald Trump


After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President) I remind them that if they're turning their backs on the most qualified candidate that is running (Carly Fiorina) that they may get their 1st woman President in Hillary Clinton anyway.

We see Republicans bouncing all around the 15 male candidates like they're on pogo sticks, while ignoring the most qualified candidate in this race, Carly Fiorina. 15 male candidates--(the first time in history this many have entered a Presidential race) to go after ONE woman. The debate stages resembles more of a beauty contest than a political debate Why? Because they're scared to death. Not necessarily because it's Hillary Clinton, but obviously more so--because she is a woman. They would have never entered this many into this race if the DNC popular was a male candidate.

Carly Fiorina is the most brilliant, the most articulate in this race. She can answer any question, she can slice and dice. She handles the left wing media like play dough in her hands. She has been referred to by Charles Krautghammer as "Reaganesk" who also stated she one the 1st debate. She could wipe clean Hillary Clinton in any debate. She wins conservative, independents and cross-over Democrats. IOW she could win it all. Yet yet she is put on IGNORE by all the pogo stick jumpers.

You know if the Republican Party can give us the 1st President that abolished 150 years of slavery in this country, they can sure as dam well give us the 1st woman President. Why would we want Democrats to hold that title?

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate in this race, that has been asked repeatedly if she would accept a Vice Presidential position. Here is her reply to that.

Carly Fiorina Zings Chris Wallace: Ask Me About Being VP When You Ask Everyone Else (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

I'm intimidated by the thought of the first woman President being as bad as the first black President turned out to be.

Once bitten twice shy--But certainly you're not going to compare a "community organizer" to the CEO of one of the largest corporations in America, are you?

Election 2016: Carly Fiorina: "No excuse" for Hillary Clinton's private email server


I'm comparing two people with zero qualifications for the Presidency.

Exactly which candidate do you think is qualified?
I am a woman and generally have in the past leaned towards voting republican. I used to be a full fledge republican but people like the rabbi here claimed I wasn't actually because I don't believe capitalistic giants should be given favors over and above in order to rule over the people. I would not personally desire to vote for her for president from some of what I have heard her say.
I don't see ANY Democrat voting for her.

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What qualifies her to be president? She was at the kiddie table, but got a boost when she shouted "I HATE HILLARY" a little louder than the others at the kiddie table. Is that all the right wants in a president?
Sadly, yes.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
What qualifies her to be president? She was at the kiddie table, but got a boost when she shouted "I HATE HILLARY" a little louder than the others at the kiddie table. Is that all the right wants in a president?
Sadly, yes.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

I wouldn't expect an Obamabot to be a Fiorina supporter. Fiorina beats your "community organizer" hands down in experience.

Carly Fiorina would attract millions of Democrats, especially women on that side of the isle.

Look what she did to "your tingley leg" friend. Only this time I am certain it was a tingley feeling he felt running down his leg--maybe something warm and wet would be a better description--LOL

I am a woman and generally have in the past leaned towards voting republican. I used to be a full fledge republican but people like the rabbi here claimed I wasn't actually because I don't believe capitalistic giants should be given favors over and above in order to rule over the people. I would not personally desire to vote for her for president from some of what I have heard her say.

Do not allow Rabbi to dictate your supposed political leanings to you. Rabbi himself is a big government, open borders, entitlement junkie, fake conservative.
Thanks I know what he is. I recall him from when he first started posting here.
If remember correctly, a certain republican by the name of Sarah Palindrome wanted to be Vice President. Who opposed that?

69,498,516 voters on election day.
Umm, they were not voting FOR anything. The entire democrat message was " Vote democrat because you're against Bush".

That was pretty much the GOP message as well. We're are not Bush, vote for us. After 8 years of Bush the GOP could have ran Pope Saint John Paul II and lost.
Yet, Republicans bitterly cling to the Bush policies. Still!

They haven't learned.

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Carly Fiorina would attract millions of Democrats, especially women on that side of the isle.

Like she did in the California Senate race she lost?

The only way Barbara Boxer is going to be removed from office--is feet first out of the Senate Chambers. After all who in California is going to vote for someone who promises to CUT government spending and balance the budget? Californians typically don't vote for Republicans unless they're movie stars.

Look what they did with their water reserves. After 4 LONG YEARS of drought--they just put on water restrictions (for the 1st time in the history of this state) making sure they waited until the last cup of water to do anything. They were told to build more reservoirs decades ago--they didn't. They operate their finances in the same manner.

Just like they did with the electric grid. After being warned decades ago to put in infrastructure, they of course didn't, now you have rolling blackouts--and electric rates 3 to 4 times higher than the rest of the nation. I imagine the water rates are 5 times higher than the national average.

In fact, here is California's SOLUTION to the water problem now. Billions of black plastic balls in their reservoirs to keep the water from evaporating. Does the EPA say anything about billions of black plastic balls in the water? Oh Hell no.



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What qualifies her to be president? She was at the kiddie table, but got a boost when she shouted "I HATE HILLARY" a little louder than the others at the kiddie table. Is that all the right wants in a president?
Sadly, yes.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk

I wouldn't expect an Obamabot to be a Fiorina supporter. Fiorina beats your "community organizer" hands down in experience.

Carly Fiorina would attract millions of Democrats, especially women on that side of the isle.

Look what she did to "your tingley leg" friend. Only this time I am certain it was a tingley feeling he felt running down his leg--maybe something warm and wet would be a better description--LOL

All she did was call Hillary a liar over things that have been repeatedly proven to involve no intentional wrong doing. Is yelling "I HATE HILLARY" a little louder than all the others the only asset republicans think a president should have?
After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President) I remind them that if they're turning their backs on the most qualified candidate that is running (Carly Fiorina) that they may get their 1st woman President in Hillary Clinton anyway.

We see Republicans bouncing all around the 15 male candidates like they're on pogo sticks, while ignoring the most qualified candidate in this race, Carly Fiorina. 15 male candidates--(the first time in history this many have entered a Presidential race) to go after ONE woman. The debate stages resembles more of a beauty contest than a political debate Why? Because they're scared to death. Not necessarily because it's Hillary Clinton, but obviously more so--because she is a woman. They would have never entered this many into this race if the DNC popular was a male candidate.

Carly Fiorina is the most brilliant, the most articulate in this race. She can answer any question, she can slice and dice. She handles the left wing media like play dough in her hands. She has been referred to by Charles Krautghammer as "Reaganesk" who also stated she one the 1st debate. She could wipe clean Hillary Clinton in any debate. She wins conservative, independents and cross-over Democrats. IOW she could win it all. Yet yet she is put on IGNORE by all the pogo stick jumpers.

You know if the Republican Party can give us the 1st President that abolished 150 years of slavery in this country, they can sure as dam well give us the 1st woman President. Why would we want Democrats to hold that title?

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate in this race, that has been asked repeatedly if she would accept a Vice Presidential position. Here is her reply to that.

Carly Fiorina Zings Chris Wallace: Ask Me About Being VP When You Ask Everyone Else (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Fiorina is best qualified? Pump the breaks there cookie man.
After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President)
Easiest prediction of all time: Every disagreement or criticism of Clinton will be "because she's a woman".


Identity Politics is so freakin' tedious. And predictable.
Exactly which candidate do you think is qualified?

The only thing that qualifies someone to be president of the United States is being president of the United States.
Uh no.
There are Constitutional qualifications. And there are job qualifications. You wouldnt hire an 18yr old to be your mechanic if he didnt know what a torque wrench did, even though he is legally qualified for the job.
If remember correctly, a certain republican by the name of Sarah Palindrome wanted to be Vice President. Who opposed that?

69,498,516 voters on election day.
Umm, they were not voting FOR anything. The entire democrat message was " Vote democrat because you're against Bush".

That was pretty much the GOP message as well. We're are not Bush, vote for us. After 8 years of Bush the GOP could have ran Pope Saint John Paul II and lost.
Yet, Republicans bitterly cling to the Bush policies. Still!

They haven't learned.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
Which Bush policies?.....
Markie, that train left the station long ago.. No more blaming Bush.
This has been Obama's watch.
it's ALL on him.. Your sides failures have left you with.....Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.. That's it.
There are no more excuses. No more playing with words. No more finger pointing.
Your side has had it's way long enough. Step aside.
We need to make this country great again.
After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President)
Easiest prediction of all time: Every disagreement or criticism of Clinton will be "because she's a woman".


Identity Politics is so freakin' tedious. And predictable.

Conservatives invite such rhetoric.

Look, every one of them swears that Obama was elected only because he was black. It seems as though they will say the same thing about Clinton except instead of black being the reason, it will be only because she was female.

If liberals shoot back that the criticisms are based only on race or gender; seems to me that turnabout is fair play. It would be really great if all parties stuck to issues instead of attributing motive to the other side's supporters. But we all know better.

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