Republicans--are you this intimidated by the thought of the 1st WOMAN President?

We see Republicans bouncing all around the 15 male candidates like they're on pogo sticks, while ignoring the most qualified candidate in this race, Carly Fiorina.

Having a vagina doesn't make her the most qualified candidate.
There are those, including a few USMB feminazis, who will blindly vote for Hildabeast because they claim it is "her turn"....

Women are the largest voting block in this country today--representing 54% of the voting population. They outvote men by about 10 points, and you can bet there's going to be a lot more than femia-nazi's voting for her.

In 2012 Republicans lost women by double digits--insuring a 2nd term to Obama. This was due primarily to extreme male right wing nutcases talking about "what is legitamate rape--and moving into--"who's going to pay for birth control pills." Women got so sick of these men involved in their issues--they pushed a lever against the Republican Party. It wasn't because they necessary wanted another 4 years of Barack Obama.

The best strategy for Republicans now is to PROVE they don't have a war on the largest voting block in this country by nominating the best candidate anyway. Carly Fiorina.

You put up a male candidate--Hillary Clinton is going to put on "these boots are made for kicking ass" while the male RNC candidate is going to have to handle her with kid gloves, so as to not insult the majority population (women.) After the loss in 2012 it's very clear that the majority of women in this country are going to scrutinize a male Republican nominee coming out of the gate with a micro-scope up his ass. SO GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ONE--LOL
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No you stupid shit, we don't want another incompetent, corrupt, lying President like Obama. It has nothing to do with her sex dipshit.
So Carly is a lying corrupt incompetent republican candidate?????? WOW! :D

Unless your long cut and paste job claims otherwise,you are talking about Hillary being POTUS. I was answering your title to this thread.
It was Oreo's title and thread and she is talking about Carly being the best ''man'' for the job of President, better and more qualified than the other 15 men in the contest....

I stand corrected. I like Fiorina, I think she would make a fine POTUS.
Sonnenfeld: Fiorina’s track record at HP was weak

I see you've caught on to the left wing talking points already. I have to ask this--IS THIS ALL YOU'VE GOT?? Do you have any idea the amount of shit we can dig up on all the other candidates? Especially the front runner Donald Trump. It would take 1 month to get all of his shit together, and you 6 months to sort through it all. If you're not going to do your homework, on your preferred candidates you can dam well be certain that Democrats will.

Ted Peterson who voted to FIRE Carly Fiorina at HP is now endorsing her for President.
Ex-HP board member who voted to fire Fiorina endorses her

Now you tell me what was WEAK about this?

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Once again we have the Democrats screaming what a big deal it is that the next President might be a woman.

These Democrats always look at gender and race first, and place more emphasis on those things than any other.

Why do they say it's Republicans who are intimidated, when it's obvious the Democrats are far more so?
Once again we have the Democrats screaming what a big deal it is that the next President might be a woman.

These Democrats always look at gender and race first, and place more emphasis on those things than any other.

Why do they say it's Republicans who are intimidated, when it's obvious the Democrats are far more so?
Oreo, the op poster, HAS NEVER been a democrat or liberal since she arrived on this board... you guys are not fully reading or simply not comprehending her ''GO CARLY'' rally post.
Once again we have the Democrats screaming what a big deal it is that the next President might be a woman.

These Democrats always look at gender and race first, and place more emphasis on those things than any other.

Why do they say it's Republicans who are intimidated, when it's obvious the Democrats are far more so?

That's not correct. Hillary Clinton will be the nominee of the Democrat Party. There is no doubt about it. Democrats are not accused of having a war on women, it's Republicans that get it shoved up their butts. And often they deserve it, like in 2012 they deserved it.

You can't have the male species out there talking like they're women, reflecting on what a woman's body is capable of, continually talking about abortion, rape and incest, what is legitimate rape, what a woman should do in these instances, while at the same time having a shit fit about paying for birth control pills.

These type of comments cross party lines and every woman is offended by them. Currently we have several knuckle dragging neanderthals in this race that are capable of doing 2012 and the war on women all over again. They are Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, & Rick Perry. The longer they stay in the race gives them the opportunity to say something real STUPID, that will remembered and the consequences will show up in the voting booth.
Karen Hughes: I'll 'cut out' the tongue of GOPers talking rape

In 2016--the memory is still there of what happened in 2012. Women all across this country will scrutinize any male Republican candidate. They already have a low opinion of them, and the hangover of 2012 is not forgotten.

Now you can choose to ignore this 54% voting block, or you can get smart and nominate the best candidate out of the bunch. Carly Fiorina, who would actually win the White House. She wins women, men, Conservatives, Independents and cross-over Democrats. It would be a landslide.

Election 2016: Carly Fiorina: "No excuse" for Hillary Clinton's private email server
After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President) I remind them that if they're turning their backs on the most qualified candidate that is running (Carly Fiorina) that they may get their 1st woman President in Hillary Clinton anyway.

We see Republicans bouncing all around the 15 male candidates like they're on pogo sticks, while ignoring the most qualified candidate in this race, Carly Fiorina. 15 male candidates--(the first time in history this many have entered a Presidential race) to go after ONE woman. The debate stages resembles more of a beauty contest than a political debate Why? Because they're scared to death. Not necessarily because it's Hillary Clinton, but obviously more so--because she is a woman. They would have never entered this many into this race if the DNC popular was a male candidate.

Carly Fiorina is the most brilliant, the most articulate in this race. She can answer any question, she can slice and dice. She handles the left wing media like play dough in her hands. She has been referred to by Charles Krautghammer as "Reaganesk" who also stated she one the 1st debate. She could wipe clean Hillary Clinton in any debate. She wins conservative, independents and cross-over Democrats. IOW she could win it all. Yet yet she is put on IGNORE by all the pogo stick jumpers.

You know if the Republican Party can give us the 1st President that abolished 150 years of slavery in this country, they can sure as dam well give us the 1st woman President. Why would we want Democrats to hold that title?

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate in this race, that has been asked repeatedly if she would accept a Vice Presidential position. Here is her reply to that.

Carly Fiorina Zings Chris Wallace: Ask Me About Being VP When You Ask Everyone Else (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Dude, dudette....whoever you may be.......I agree and I am voting for Carly even though my guy is Scott Walker. There are people in this country who are going to just vote for the first vagina to run in 2016....regardless if she is a criminal, married to a sexual predator who both sold our State secrets to the Chinese.

So you can't fight stupid....not all the time, so I am voting for Carly for President. She is more than qualified and will be a good President....and she will be a woman vs. the criminal hilary...who may be a woman too, but it is kinda hard to tell, since she is so unfeminine
What a load of cynical, condescending, sexist bullshit on this thread. Liberals never seem to tire of hypocrisy.
So Carly is a lying corrupt incompetent republican candidate?????? WOW! :D

Unless your long cut and paste job claims otherwise,you are talking about Hillary being POTUS. I was answering your title to this thread.
It was Oreo's title and thread and she is talking about Carly being the best ''man'' for the job of President, better and more qualified than the other 15 men in the contest....

I stand corrected. I like Fiorina, I think she would make a fine POTUS.
Sonnenfeld: Fiorina’s track record at HP was weak

I see you've caught on to the left wing talking points already. I have to ask this--IS THIS ALL YOU'VE GOT?? Do you have any idea the amount of shit we can dig up on all the other candidates? Especially the front runner Donald Trump. It would take 1 month to get all of his shit together, and you 6 months to sort through it all. If you're not going to do your homework, on your preferred candidates you can dam well be certain that Democrats will.

Ted Peterson who voted to FIRE Carly Fiorina at HP is now endorsing her for President.
Ex-HP board member who voted to fire Fiorina endorses her

Now you tell me what was WEAK about this?

Carly Fiorina might be president. Of her condo association.
Once again we have the Democrats screaming what a big deal it is that the next President might be a woman.

These Democrats always look at gender and race first, and place more emphasis on those things than any other.

Why do they say it's Republicans who are intimidated, when it's obvious the Democrats are far more so?

That's not correct. Hillary Clinton will be the nominee of the Democrat Party. There is no doubt about it. Democrats are not accused of having a war on women, it's Republicans that get it shoved up their butts. And often they deserve it, like in 2012 they deserved it.

You can't have the male species out there talking like they're women, reflecting on what a woman's body is capable of, continually talking about abortion, rape and incest, what is legitimate rape, what a woman should do in these instances, while at the same time having a shit fit about paying for birth control pills.

These type of comments cross party lines and every woman is offended by them. Currently we have several knuckle dragging neanderthals in this race that are capable of doing 2012 and the war on women all over again. They are Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, & Rick Perry. The longer they stay in the race gives them the opportunity to say something real STUPID, that will remembered and the consequences will show up in the voting booth.

I don't know about your assessment here. Most of the women I know were offended that the Democrats created this war on women lie. In fact we're sick of all their lies. The very idea that because Republicans think government is not for forcing insurance companies or employers on what they have to cover is hardly a war on anything except Big Government, and the intelligent women can see this.

The Democrat strategy is do divide this country up as much as possible, spread hate, and then pick the groups they will cater to in effort to buy votes. As I stated, intelligent women look through this war on women and feel like they're being used because the Democrats look at the gender as stupid. Same holds true of equal pay. We've had equal pay in this country since the early 60's, but stupid women don't know that, only the intelligent women do. Unemployment. There are more women not working today than before DumBama took office, but again, only the intelligent women know this.

So just remember one thing: while you think you are winning votes from the less intelligent women, you are turning the intelligent women against your party. We're sick of the division and lies from the Democrats
After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President) I remind them that if they're turning their backs on the most qualified candidate that is running (Carly Fiorina) that they may get their 1st woman President in Hillary Clinton anyway.

We see Republicans bouncing all around the 15 male candidates like they're on pogo sticks, while ignoring the most qualified candidate in this race, Carly Fiorina. 15 male candidates--(the first time in history this many have entered a Presidential race) to go after ONE woman. The debate stages resembles more of a beauty contest than a political debate Why? Because they're scared to death. Not necessarily because it's Hillary Clinton, but obviously more so--because she is a woman. They would have never entered this many into this race if the DNC popular was a male candidate.

Carly Fiorina is the most brilliant, the most articulate in this race. She can answer any question, she can slice and dice. She handles the left wing media like play dough in her hands. She has been referred to by Charles Krautghammer as "Reaganesk" who also stated she one the 1st debate. She could wipe clean Hillary Clinton in any debate. She wins conservative, independents and cross-over Democrats. IOW she could win it all. Yet yet she is put on IGNORE by all the pogo stick jumpers.

You know if the Republican Party can give us the 1st President that abolished 150 years of slavery in this country, they can sure as dam well give us the 1st woman President. Why would we want Democrats to hold that title?

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate in this race, that has been asked repeatedly if she would accept a Vice Presidential position. Here is her reply to that.

Carly Fiorina Zings Chris Wallace: Ask Me About Being VP When You Ask Everyone Else (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Dude, dudette....whoever you may be.......I agree and I am voting for Carly even though my guy is Scott Walker. There are people in this country who are going to just vote for the first vagina to run in 2016....regardless if she is a criminal, married to a sexual predator who both sold our State secrets to the Chinese.

So you can't fight stupid....not all the time, so I am voting for Carly for President. She is more than qualified and will be a good President....and she will be a woman vs. the criminal hilary...who may be a woman too, but it is kinda hard to tell, since she is so unfeminine

Scott Walker committed political suicide right on stage during the first debate. You saw it. It was when Megan Kelly asked about him voting against giving an exception to the life of the mother. He went white as a sheet and looked like a deer in the headlights. Women do feel like their lives are worth saving.

This is what I mean about the male candidates.. They're telling a woman who may have two kids at home that she has to raise, that in the instance of an abortion she cannot save her life. They're telling her husband that his wife has to die, and he'll have to raise the two kids plus the baby all by himself.

It's a blanket (one size fits all) to arouse the right wing extreme portion of the base, that in reality only reflects the opinion of 9% of the country. They are swimming upstream against 91% of this population that do give exceptions to the life of the mother, rape & incest. IOW--there's no way in hell they're going to win a national election.
After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President) I remind them that if they're turning their backs on the most qualified candidate that is running (Carly Fiorina) that they may get their 1st woman President in Hillary Clinton anyway.

We see Republicans bouncing all around the 15 male candidates like they're on pogo sticks, while ignoring the most qualified candidate in this race, Carly Fiorina. 15 male candidates--(the first time in history this many have entered a Presidential race) to go after ONE woman. The debate stages resembles more of a beauty contest than a political debate Why? Because they're scared to death. Not necessarily because it's Hillary Clinton, but obviously more so--because she is a woman. They would have never entered this many into this race if the DNC popular was a male candidate.

Carly Fiorina is the most brilliant, the most articulate in this race. She can answer any question, she can slice and dice. She handles the left wing media like play dough in her hands. She has been referred to by Charles Krautghammer as "Reaganesk" who also stated she one the 1st debate. She could wipe clean Hillary Clinton in any debate. She wins conservative, independents and cross-over Democrats. IOW she could win it all. Yet yet she is put on IGNORE by all the pogo stick jumpers.

You know if the Republican Party can give us the 1st President that abolished 150 years of slavery in this country, they can sure as dam well give us the 1st woman President. Why would we want Democrats to hold that title?

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate in this race, that has been asked repeatedly if she would accept a Vice Presidential position. Here is her reply to that.

Carly Fiorina Zings Chris Wallace: Ask Me About Being VP When You Ask Everyone Else (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Dude, dudette....whoever you may be.......I agree and I am voting for Carly even though my guy is Scott Walker. There are people in this country who are going to just vote for the first vagina to run in 2016....regardless if she is a criminal, married to a sexual predator who both sold our State secrets to the Chinese.

So you can't fight stupid....not all the time, so I am voting for Carly for President. She is more than qualified and will be a good President....and she will be a woman vs. the criminal hilary...who may be a woman too, but it is kinda hard to tell, since she is so unfeminine

Scott Walker committed political suicide right on stage during the first debate. You saw it. It was when Megan Kelly asked about him voting against giving an exception to the life of the mother. He went white as a sheet and looked like a deer in the headlights. Women do feel like their lives are worth saving.

This is what I mean about the male candidates.. They're telling a woman who may have two kids at home that she has to raise, that in the instance of an abortion she cannot save her life. They're telling her husband that his wife has to die, and he'll have to raise the two kids plus the baby all by himself.

It's a blanket (one size fits all) to arouse the right wing extreme portion of the base, that in reality only reflects the opinion of 9% of the country. They are swimming upstream against 91% of this population that do give exceptions to the life of the mother, rape & incest. IOW--there's no way in hell they're going to win a national election.

You don't know what everyone is thinking . so you claiming Walker committed suicide, that is only your opinion.
This is what I mean about the male candidates.. They're telling a woman who may have two kids at home that she has to raise, that in the instance of an abortion she cannot save her life. They're telling her husband that his wife has to die, and he'll have to raise the two kids plus the baby all by himself. ....

Who are you posting this ridiculous partisan bullshit for? Fellow pro-abortion leftists who already agree with your nihilistic nonsense? You don't imagine anyone else is buying it, do you?
Republicans--are you this intimidated by the thought of the 1st WOMAN President?

They would be fine with a failure like Carl Fiorina. They just don't want a successful woman like Hillary Clinton.
This is what I mean about the male candidates.. They're telling a woman who may have two kids at home that she has to raise, that in the instance of an abortion she cannot save her life. They're telling her husband that his wife has to die, and he'll have to raise the two kids plus the baby all by himself. ....

Who are you posting this ridiculous partisan bullshit for? Fellow pro-abortion leftists who already agree with your nihilistic nonsense? You don't imagine anyone else is buying it, do you?

In 2012--54% of the population bought into it, when WOMEN voted in double digits to re-elect Barack Obama.

Do you think they have changed their minds since then?----LOL
We have a woman president now so it's a false question. I like Fiorina and her answers to the HP seem reasonable to me. Some that fired her now say they regret it, those were tough times for many and some big players didn't survive. But at least she has experience in the real world. It would be interesting to see the libs go in full attack mode on her gender, they've had practice and will do it again.
lol, can you believe this BS. those who are asking this OF YOU Republicans are the very people who KICKED that woman (Hillary) to the curb the last time she ran for President.

and now I guess they are blaming that on you Republicans too.

we saw the losers who were screeeeeeerd to have a woman President. and they are vile and nasty people. Not only did you not vote for Hillary , but you showed that you have raw hate for women by the way you treated a Governor of a State who was running for Vice President of our country.

Not only that, but Hillary had a mound of experience over the Community Organizer. She spent eight years in the US Senate and eight years in the White House. That's 16 years of experience over DumBama's next to nothing experience, and they still voted the woman down.

Very true. Hillary was betrayed by party faithfuls--(in order to elect the 1st black man to the Presidency.) Be assured that 2016 will be the woman ticket. They are going to vote for the 1st women President regardless of emails--Bengazi--whatever.

2 old White guys standing on a Republican platform isn't going to cut it in 2016.
You mean Biden and Sanders?
We have a woman president now so it's a false question. I like Fiorina and her answers to the HP seem reasonable to me. Some that fired her now say they regret it, those were tough times for many and some big players didn't survive. But at least she has experience in the real world. It would be interesting to see the libs go in full attack mode on her gender, they've had practice and will do it again.
Agree, I'd have no problem what so ever voting for her, or Trump, or Carson, or Cruz, that's the beautiful thing about this election cycle, we conservatives have some great choices for president.

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