Republicans--are you this intimidated by the thought of the 1st WOMAN President?

What qualifies her to be president? She was at the kiddie table, but got a boost when she shouted "I HATE HILLARY" a little louder than the others at the kiddie table. Is that all the right wants in a president?

And what did you want want in a President, Hope and Change?

I want lots of qualities in a president. I just don't know if Fiorina has any of them, and I can't find anyone who is willing to point out the qualities she has.
Qualifications.....That is for YOU to decide.
Why would you need someone else to point out these things. Do your own homework
What qualifies her to be president? She was at the kiddie table, but got a boost when she shouted "I HATE HILLARY" a little louder than the others at the kiddie table. Is that all the right wants in a president?

And what did you want want in a President, Hope and Change?

I want lots of qualities in a president. I just don't know if Fiorina has any of them, and I can't find anyone who is willing to point out the qualities she has.
Qualifications.....That is for YOU to decide.
Why would you need someone else to point out these things. Do your own homework

OK. So far I haven't seen anything in her record that justifies a closer look. If you have nothing to add, I'll maintain that position.
Unless your long cut and paste job claims otherwise,you are talking about Hillary being POTUS. I was answering your title to this thread.
It was Oreo's title and thread and she is talking about Carly being the best ''man'' for the job of President, better and more qualified than the other 15 men in the contest....

I stand corrected. I like Fiorina, I think she would make a fine POTUS.
Sonnenfeld: Fiorina’s track record at HP was weak

Meh, she still is 150% more qualified than Obama was in 2008, in fact he is still unqualified.
How exactly is obama unqualified?

In 2008 he was unqualified having zero experience in anything. Now he's unqualified simply because he's fucked everything up so badly.
It was Oreo's title and thread and she is talking about Carly being the best ''man'' for the job of President, better and more qualified than the other 15 men in the contest....

I stand corrected. I like Fiorina, I think she would make a fine POTUS.
Sonnenfeld: Fiorina’s track record at HP was weak

Meh, she still is 150% more qualified than Obama was in 2008, in fact he is still unqualified.
How exactly is obama unqualified?

In 2008 he was unqualified having zero experience in anything. Now he's unqualified simply because he's fucked everything up so badly.
United States Senate career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I stand corrected. I like Fiorina, I think she would make a fine POTUS.
Sonnenfeld: Fiorina’s track record at HP was weak

Meh, she still is 150% more qualified than Obama was in 2008, in fact he is still unqualified.
How exactly is obama unqualified?

In 2008 he was unqualified having zero experience in anything. Now he's unqualified simply because he's fucked everything up so badly.
United States Senate career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know all about that. He was a do-nothing Senator. Unqualified, exactly like I said. The proof is in the terrible job he has done. Worst president ever.
HRC intimidates me because of her arrogance and incompetence (the server) and unwillingness to admit fault. She shares bad character qualities found in Nixon and the younger Bush. She cannot be our president.
You'll vote for her.
:lol: Spoon is more likely to vote for her than me. I am for Kasich. If he takes Rubio on the ticket, we have a chance. We have none with Trump or any on the far right.
We?.....You're cracking me up, dude.

Meh, she still is 150% more qualified than Obama was in 2008, in fact he is still unqualified.
How exactly is obama unqualified?

In 2008 he was unqualified having zero experience in anything. Now he's unqualified simply because he's fucked everything up so badly.
United States Senate career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know all about that. He was a do-nothing Senator. Unqualified, exactly like I said. The proof is in the terrible job he has done. Worst president ever.
You first claim he was unqualified, despite the fact that he was a senator. In office, he has done many good things, followed through/compromised on a majority of his promises, despite the republicans not willing to move at all, and he was essentially handed a burning house.
lol, can you believe this BS. those who are asking this OF YOU Republicans are the very people who KICKED that woman (Hillary) to the curb the last time she ran for President.

and now I guess they are blaming that on you Republicans too.

we saw the losers who were screeeeeeerd to have a woman President. and they are vile and nasty people. Not only did you not vote for Hillary , but you showed that you have raw hate for women by the way you treated a Governor of a State who was running for Vice President of our country.

Not only that, but Hillary had a mound of experience over the Community Organizer. She spent eight years in the US Senate and eight years in the White House. That's 16 years of experience over DumBama's next to nothing experience, and they still voted the woman down.

Very true. Hillary was betrayed by party faithfuls--(in order to elect the 1st black man to the Presidency.) Be assured that 2016 will be the woman ticket. They are going to vote for the 1st women President regardless of emails--Bengazi--whatever.

2 old White guys standing on a Republican platform isn't going to cut it in 2016.
Thats why Bernie Sanders is kicking her ass? First old Jewish white man president.
Meh, she still is 150% more qualified than Obama was in 2008, in fact he is still unqualified.
How exactly is obama unqualified?

In 2008 he was unqualified having zero experience in anything. Now he's unqualified simply because he's fucked everything up so badly.
United States Senate career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know all about that. He was a do-nothing Senator. Unqualified, exactly like I said. The proof is in the terrible job he has done. Worst president ever.
You first claim he was unqualified, despite the fact that he was a senator. In office, he has done many good things, followed through/compromised on a majority of his promises, despite the republicans not willing to move at all, and he was essentially handed a burning house.

Bull shit. He was a do nothing senator who began campaigning for POTUS as soon as he got into office. Since getting elected he has fucked up everything he's touched, and lied his ass off.
No More Affirmative Action Presidents
Let’s just get the best man—or woman—for the job.

By Thomas Sowell – 9.2.14

The latest Gallup poll indicates that 14 percent of the people “moderately disapprove” of Barack Obama’s performance as president and 39 percent “strongly disapprove.”

Since Obama won two presidential elections, chances are that some of those who now “strongly disapprove” of what he has done voted to put him in office. We all make mistakes, but the real question is whether we learn from them.

With many people now acting as if it is time for “a woman” to become president, apparently they have learned absolutely nothing from the disastrous results of the irresponsible self-indulgence of choosing a president of the United States on the basis of demographic characteristics, instead of individual qualifications.

It would not matter to me if the next five presidents in a row were all women, if these happened to be the best individuals available at the time. But to say that we should now elect “a woman” president in 2016 is to say that we are willfully blind to the dangers of putting life and death decisions in the hands of someone chosen for symbolic reasons.

If we were to choose just “a woman” as our next president, would that mean that any criticism of that president would be considered to be a sign of being against women?

No public official should be considered to be above criticism—and the higher up that official is, the more important it is to hold his or her feet to the fire when it comes to carrying out duties involving the life and death of individuals and the fate of the nation.

We have not yet had a Jewish president. If and when we do, does that mean that any criticism of that individual should be stigmatized and dismissed as anti-Semitism? What of our first Italian-American president, our first Asian-American president?

Human beings of every background are imperfect creatures. When they are in a position high enough for their imperfections to bring disasters to more than 300 million Americans, the last thing we need is to stifle criticism of what they do.

It is by no means guaranteed that this country will survive the long-run consequences of the disastrous decisions already made by Barack Obama, especially his pretense of stopping Iran’s becoming a nuclear power. Obama may no longer be in office when those chickens come home to roost.

If we wake up some morning and find some American city in radioactive ruins, will we connect the dots and see this as a consequence of voting to elect an unknown and untried man, for the sake of racial symbolism?

Among those who look around for someone to blame, how many will look in the mirror?

Presidents already have too much insulation from criticism—and from reality.

When President Calvin Coolidge caught everyone by surprise in 1928, by announcing that he would not run for re-election, despite a prosperous economy and his own personal popularity, he simply said, “I do not choose to run.” Coolidge was a man of very few words, despite his knowledge of multiple languages. Someone once said that Coolidge could be silent in five different languages.

But, when he later wrote a small autobiography, Coolidge explained the inherent dangers in the office of President of the United States, especially when one person remains in the White House too long:

CalvinCoolidge said:
It is difficult for men in high office to avoid the malady of self-delusion. They are always surrounded by worshippers. They are constantly, and for the most part sincerely, assured of their greatness. They live in an artificial atmosphere of adulation and exaltation which sooner or later impairs their judgment. They are in grave danger of becoming careless and arrogant.

Of presidents who served eight years in office, he said, “in almost every instance” the last years of their terms show little “constructive accomplishments” and those years are often “clouded with grave disappointments.”

Another president chosen for demographic representation (whether by race, sex, or whatever), and further insulated from criticism and from reality, is the last thing we need.
How exactly is obama unqualified?

In 2008 he was unqualified having zero experience in anything. Now he's unqualified simply because he's fucked everything up so badly.
United States Senate career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know all about that. He was a do-nothing Senator. Unqualified, exactly like I said. The proof is in the terrible job he has done. Worst president ever.
You first claim he was unqualified, despite the fact that he was a senator. In office, he has done many good things, followed through/compromised on a majority of his promises, despite the republicans not willing to move at all, and he was essentially handed a burning house.

Bull shit. He was a do nothing senator who began campaigning for POTUS as soon as he got into office. Since getting elected he has fucked up everything he's touched, and lied his ass off.
What has he fucked up? What did he lie his ass off about? No president is a perfect angel, of course Obama messed up and couldn't follow through on some of his promises, welcome to politics.
After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President) I remind them that if they're turning their backs on the most qualified candidate that is running (Carly Fiorina) that they may get their 1st woman President in Hillary Clinton anyway.

We see Republicans bouncing all around the 15 male candidates like they're on pogo sticks, while ignoring the most qualified candidate in this race, Carly Fiorina. 15 male candidates--(the first time in history this many have entered a Presidential race) to go after ONE woman. The debate stages resembles more of a beauty contest than a political debate Why? Because they're scared to death. Not necessarily because it's Hillary Clinton, but obviously more so--because she is a woman. They would have never entered this many into this race if the DNC popular was a male candidate.

Carly Fiorina is the most brilliant, the most articulate in this race. She can answer any question, she can slice and dice. She handles the left wing media like play dough in her hands. She has been referred to by Charles Krautghammer as "Reaganesk" who also stated she one the 1st debate. She could wipe clean Hillary Clinton in any debate. She wins conservative, independents and cross-over Democrats. IOW she could win it all. Yet yet she is put on IGNORE by all the pogo stick jumpers.

You know if the Republican Party can give us the 1st President that abolished 150 years of slavery in this country, they can sure as dam well give us the 1st woman President. Why would we want Democrats to hold that title?

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate in this race, that has been asked repeatedly if she would accept a Vice Presidential position. Here is her reply to that.

Carly Fiorina Zings Chris Wallace: Ask Me About Being VP When You Ask Everyone Else (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

I really want you to listen to what I have to say. It's crucial to your candidate's success.


Look I go back politically to Bobby Kennedy and Pierre Elliot Trudeau. That means I've been around the block for a number of elections.

This latest tactic of flooding boards will only turn people off your candidate it will make them hate you and your candidate.
HRC intimidates me because of her arrogance and incompetence (the server) and unwillingness to admit fault. She shares bad character qualities found in Nixon and the younger Bush. She cannot be our president.

Are you saying W has never ever admitted to fault? I'll call you on this.
In 2008 he was unqualified having zero experience in anything. Now he's unqualified simply because he's fucked everything up so badly.
United States Senate career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know all about that. He was a do-nothing Senator. Unqualified, exactly like I said. The proof is in the terrible job he has done. Worst president ever.
You first claim he was unqualified, despite the fact that he was a senator. In office, he has done many good things, followed through/compromised on a majority of his promises, despite the republicans not willing to move at all, and he was essentially handed a burning house.

Bull shit. He was a do nothing senator who began campaigning for POTUS as soon as he got into office. Since getting elected he has fucked up everything he's touched, and lied his ass off.
What has he fucked up? What did he lie his ass off about? No president is a perfect angel, of course Obama messed up and couldn't follow through on some of his promises, welcome to politics.

Ha! There isn't enough space to list his lies or his screw ups so I'll just generalize on the screw ups:

1. Foreign Policy
2. Domestic Policy
3. Economic Policy
4. Energy Policy
5. Environmental Policy

Those are generalizations just to save time.

I know all about that. He was a do-nothing Senator. Unqualified, exactly like I said. The proof is in the terrible job he has done. Worst president ever.
You first claim he was unqualified, despite the fact that he was a senator. In office, he has done many good things, followed through/compromised on a majority of his promises, despite the republicans not willing to move at all, and he was essentially handed a burning house.

Bull shit. He was a do nothing senator who began campaigning for POTUS as soon as he got into office. Since getting elected he has fucked up everything he's touched, and lied his ass off.
What has he fucked up? What did he lie his ass off about? No president is a perfect angel, of course Obama messed up and couldn't follow through on some of his promises, welcome to politics.

Ha! There isn't enough space to list his lies or his screw ups so I'll just generalize on the screw ups:

1. Foreign Policy
2. Domestic Policy
3. Economic Policy
4. Energy Policy
5. Environmental Policy

Those are generalizations just to save time.
Hilarious, we have another genius who wants to blame Obama for everything and ignore his achievements. If all you can do is make such hasty generalizations, you're not worth anyone's time.

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