Republicans--are you this intimidated by the thought of the 1st WOMAN President?

Republicans--are you this intimidated by the thought of the 1st WOMAN President?

No, I think Carly will do well.

You're addressing the wrong group. Democrats are the ones who always examine a candidate's gender (and race) before doing anything else. Those things matter to them, more than anything. They always make a huge deal of it (just as you are doing by starting this thread). They are the intimidated ones.
Liberals always look to identity ( gender, race, etc) to pick a candidate to support. Never on the issues.
Yes, which is why many liberals are supporting an old white male. Idiot.
I am a woman and generally have in the past leaned towards voting republican. I used to be a full fledge republican but people like the rabbi here claimed I wasn't actually because I don't believe capitalistic giants should be given favors over and above in order to rule over the people. I would not personally desire to vote for her for president from some of what I have heard her say.
Ah yes another "I used to be a Republican" loon.
Remind me which "man" is keeping you down today.
You sure do know how to show how ignorant you are don't you.
Ignorant? How so?.....Or are you one these people who with no thought or logic say, " I changed my mind"....
No I am waiting for the old sex perverts to all be disbanded in both parties. Does that work for YOU?
No you stupid shit, we don't want another incompetent, corrupt, lying President like Obama. It has nothing to do with her sex dipshit.
So Carly is a lying corrupt incompetent republican candidate?????? WOW! :D

Unless your long cut and paste job claims otherwise,you are talking about Hillary being POTUS. I was answering your title to this thread.
It was Oreo's title and thread and she is talking about Carly being the best ''man'' for the job of President, better and more qualified than the other 15 men in the contest....

I stand corrected. I like Fiorina, I think she would make a fine POTUS.
Sonnenfeld: Fiorina’s track record at HP was weak

Meh, she still is 150% more qualified than Obama was in 2008, in fact he is still unqualified.
So Carly is a lying corrupt incompetent republican candidate?????? WOW! :D

Unless your long cut and paste job claims otherwise,you are talking about Hillary being POTUS. I was answering your title to this thread.
It was Oreo's title and thread and she is talking about Carly being the best ''man'' for the job of President, better and more qualified than the other 15 men in the contest....

I stand corrected. I like Fiorina, I think she would make a fine POTUS.
Sonnenfeld: Fiorina’s track record at HP was weak

Meh, she still is 150% more qualified than Obama was in 2008, in fact he is still unqualified.
How exactly is obama unqualified?
her speeches and policy ideas have been posted here.........obviously you have ignored them so posting them again wont make any difference will it

I get it. You don't think she has enough accomplishments to make a case for her presidency. Fair enough. I don't either.

Merely acknowledging your effort not to know

And yet, I was the one to ask you to tell me all about it.
yeah ....thats it very sincerely too

That's OK. I didn't expect you to have much on that subject anyway.
Please....merely indulging your self imposed ignorance.......not to mention how many people on a message board ever change any of their opinions about anything...classss.....
lol, can you believe this BS. those who are asking this OF YOU Republicans are the very people who KICKED that woman (Hillary) to the curb the last time she ran for President.

and now I guess they are blaming that on you Republicans too.

we saw the losers who were screeeeeeerd to have a woman President. and they are vile and nasty people. Not only did you not vote for Hillary , but you showed that you have raw hate for women by the way you treated a Governor of a State who was running for Vice President of our country.

Not only that, but Hillary had a mound of experience over the Community Organizer. She spent eight years in the US Senate and eight years in the White House. That's 16 years of experience over DumBama's next to nothing experience, and they still voted the woman down.

Very true. Hillary was betrayed by party faithfuls--(in order to elect the 1st black man to the Presidency.) Be assured that 2016 will be the woman ticket. They are going to vote for the 1st women President regardless of emails--Bengazi--whatever.

2 old White guys standing on a Republican platform isn't going to cut it in 2016.[/QUOTE

one old white guy is kicking her ass without effort.....with bi-partisan support
If remember correctly, a certain republican by the name of Sarah Palindrome wanted to be Vice President. Who opposed that?

69,498,516 voters on election day.
Umm, they were not voting FOR anything. The entire democrat message was " Vote democrat because you're against Bush".

That was pretty much the GOP message as well. We're are not Bush, vote for us. After 8 years of Bush the GOP could have ran Pope Saint John Paul II and lost.
lol, can you believe this BS. those who are asking this OF YOU Republicans are the very people who KICKED that woman (Hillary) to the curb the last time she ran for President.

and now I guess they are blaming that on you Republicans too.

we saw the losers who were screeeeeeerd to have a woman President. and they are vile and nasty people. Not only did you not vote for Hillary , but you showed that you have raw hate for women by the way you treated a Governor of a State who was running for Vice President of our country.

Not only that, but Hillary had a mound of experience over the Community Organizer. She spent eight years in the US Senate and eight years in the White House. That's 16 years of experience over DumBama's next to nothing experience, and they still voted the woman down.
8 years as FLOTUS is NOT experience.
HRC hitched her wagon to her philandering husband, showing ZERO self respect for her own political ambitions...
She was a do nothing as a Senator. Not one single piece of important legislation was written be her. Not enough to be pushed forward as a candidate for POTUS...As Secy of State, she was an abject disaster. She got fired for Christ's sake.
She is nothing more than an elitist limousine liberal.
lol, can you believe this BS. those who are asking this OF YOU Republicans are the very people who KICKED that woman (Hillary) to the curb the last time she ran for President.

and now I guess they are blaming that on you Republicans too.

we saw the losers who were screeeeeeerd to have a woman President. and they are vile and nasty people. Not only did you not vote for Hillary , but you showed that you have raw hate for women by the way you treated a Governor of a State who was running for Vice President of our country.

Not only that, but Hillary had a mound of experience over the Community Organizer. She spent eight years in the US Senate and eight years in the White House. That's 16 years of experience over DumBama's next to nothing experience, and they still voted the woman down.

Very true. Hillary was betrayed by party faithfuls--(in order to elect the 1st black man to the Presidency.) Be assured that 2016 will be the woman ticket. They are going to vote for the 1st women President regardless of emails--Bengazi--whatever.

2 old White guys standing on a Republican platform isn't going to cut it in 2016.
You can go on believing that if it makes you feel better.
The country has had it UP TO HERE with politics of identity. Political correctness and the far left wing of the democrat party.
Republicans--are you this intimidated by the thought of the 1st WOMAN President?

No, I think Carly will do well.

You're addressing the wrong group. Democrats are the ones who always examine a candidate's gender (and race) before doing anything else. Those things matter to them, more than anything. They always make a huge deal of it (just as you are doing by starting this thread). They are the intimidated ones.
Liberals always look to identity ( gender, race, etc) to pick a candidate to support. Never on the issues.

Who told you that?
Yer kidding, right?
lol, can you believe this BS. those who are asking this OF YOU Republicans are the very people who KICKED that woman (Hillary) to the curb the last time she ran for President.

and now I guess they are blaming that on you Republicans too.

we saw the losers who were screeeeeeerd to have a woman President. and they are vile and nasty people. Not only did you not vote for Hillary , but you showed that you have raw hate for women by the way you treated a Governor of a State who was running for Vice President of our country.

Not only that, but Hillary had a mound of experience over the Community Organizer. She spent eight years in the US Senate and eight years in the White House. That's 16 years of experience over DumBama's next to nothing experience, and they still voted the woman down.

Yep. as much as I don't like Hillary. Obama treated her like dog poop and then her base did the same by voting for him over her. and then sit here accusing Republicans of being intimidated by women.
I am a woman and generally have in the past leaned towards voting republican. I used to be a full fledge republican but people like the rabbi here claimed I wasn't actually because I don't believe capitalistic giants should be given favors over and above in order to rule over the people. I would not personally desire to vote for her for president from some of what I have heard her say.
Ah yes another "I used to be a Republican" loon.
Remind me which "man" is keeping you down today.
You sure do know how to show how ignorant you are don't you.
Ignorant? How so?.....Or are you one these people who with no thought or logic say, " I changed my mind"....
No I am waiting for the old sex perverts to all be disbanded in both parties. Does that work for YOU?
Old sex perverts? Ok, you're done.
You've had a melt down and run out of making sense.
After spending a lot of time on national political boards, including this one--plus social media outlets. Some of the comments I have been reading--(including comments from women who are honest enough to say that they're not certain if they're ready for the first woman President) I remind them that if they're turning their backs on the most qualified candidate that is running (Carly Fiorina) that they may get their 1st woman President in Hillary Clinton anyway.

We see Republicans bouncing all around the 15 male candidates like they're on pogo sticks, while ignoring the most qualified candidate in this race, Carly Fiorina. 15 male candidates--(the first time in history this many have entered a Presidential race) to go after ONE woman. The debate stages resembles more of a beauty contest than a political debate Why? Because they're scared to death. Not necessarily because it's Hillary Clinton, but obviously more so--because she is a woman. They would have never entered this many into this race if the DNC popular was a male candidate.

Carly Fiorina is the most brilliant, the most articulate in this race. She can answer any question, she can slice and dice. She handles the left wing media like play dough in her hands. She has been referred to by Charles Krautghammer as "Reaganesk" who also stated she one the 1st debate. She could wipe clean Hillary Clinton in any debate. She wins conservative, independents and cross-over Democrats. IOW she could win it all. Yet yet she is put on IGNORE by all the pogo stick jumpers.

You know if the Republican Party can give us the 1st President that abolished 150 years of slavery in this country, they can sure as dam well give us the 1st woman President. Why would we want Democrats to hold that title?

Carly Fiorina is the only candidate in this race, that has been asked repeatedly if she would accept a Vice Presidential position. Here is her reply to that.

Carly Fiorina Zings Chris Wallace: Ask Me About Being VP When You Ask Everyone Else (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

No you stupid shit, we don't want another incompetent, corrupt, lying President like Obama. It has nothing to do with her sex dipshit.
So Carly is a lying corrupt incompetent republican candidate?????? WOW! :D
Nice try......:eusa_doh:
Democrats will have a harder time with a woman President than will Republicans, as Dems live in denial about the differences between the sexes. Once a chick is put under the microscope as president these differences will be exposed and they will have to deal with them, whereas Republicans are well aware of them.

For what it is worth, I like Carly Fiorina and will be just fine with her as President.
I get it. You don't think she has enough accomplishments to make a case for her presidency. Fair enough. I don't either.

Merely acknowledging your effort not to know

And yet, I was the one to ask you to tell me all about it.
yeah ....thats it very sincerely too

That's OK. I didn't expect you to have much on that subject anyway.
Please....merely indulging your self imposed ignorance.......not to mention how many people on a message board ever change any of their opinions about anything...classss.....

There is a pretty long list of things I have changed my mind about when given justifying information. I will never argue for something if I have been shown credible reason why my previous beliefs were wrong.
Republicans--are you this intimidated by the thought of the 1st WOMAN President?

No, I think Carly will do well.

You're addressing the wrong group. Democrats are the ones who always examine a candidate's gender (and race) before doing anything else. Those things matter to them, more than anything. They always make a huge deal of it (just as you are doing by starting this thread). They are the intimidated ones.
Liberals always look to identity ( gender, race, etc) to pick a candidate to support. Never on the issues.

Who told you that?
Yer kidding, right?

I asked the question didn't I? I'm a liberal, and gender or race has nothing to do with my choice. I ask you again. Who told you that Liberals always look to identity ( gender, race, etc) to pick a candidate to support. Never on the issues.

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