Republicans, Be Gracious and Remember That You Might Be The Next Party to Be Hit Hard by Reality


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yes, Trump won by an impressive amount. Jeebus, he has flipped at least five states and held on to all of Romney's states from 2012. YUGE accomplishment that you have every right to be proud of.

But dont crow (well at least after today).

Please, be gracious and be willing to reach across the aisle and extend a hand of bipartisanship to moderate nonMarxist Democrats who need to rebuild their party. You can use your power to help these moderates become the future of the Democrats; dont throw it away in a partisan fit of retribution and vengeance.

You and the Democrats and all of us in the middle, we are all Americans and it does not help to try to make yourself stronger by reducing the rest of us.

Look at what a disaster the ACA is (and is totally salvageable at least in concept) and it became that because the Democrats decided wrongly that they could do that legislation without input from across the aisle. That is why Democratic Republics are so strong and why we have been so strong over the past two centuries and more; we take in ALL angles of culture and experience to construct the path into the future that our nation and our children will travel.

Please, have a big heart and show some grace and a willingness to work with the Good Democrats that love this country too.

Except for Jake Starkey, Candy Corn, Jillian, and others I cant remember because they are on my ignore list.

Yeah, it's the lash for them for a couple of years. :whip:

Lol, just kidding, no one will lash them better than they will to themselves. Let's just stand out of the way and let them go at it.
yeah , where is Jake , Oldschool , Jillian and the rest group of American lefty dem enemies eh ?? Oh yeah , and CCorn the government employee , where is she and don't ferget good ol' Luddely ?? ---------------------------- Can't forget Luddely and TigerRed !!
yeah , where is Jake , Oldschool , Jillian and the rest group of American lefty dem enemies eh ?? Oh yeah , and CCorn the government employee , where is she and don't ferget good ol' Luddely ?? ---------------------------- Can't forget Luddely and TigerRed !!

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