Republicans Become the Party of Big Government


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Republicans Become the Party of Big Government
Chris Edwards and Tad DeHaven
February 2, 2004

Even before the release of the new federal budget, President Bush’s budget chief Josh Bolten has begun the damage control. On one flank, the president is trying to ward off the increasing despair in his conservative base caused by his huge spending increases and big deficits. On another flank, the mainstream media are beginning to run front-page stories on the administration’s fiscal irresponsibility.

The administration’s other argument is that spending has been driven by defense and national security needs. That was also a good excuse for awhile, but the administration should have been working on reform ideas to cut domestic spending to offset defense increases. Defense is certainly a high-priority spending area, but the administration has not identified low-priority spending areas that could be cut. Indeed, Bush has signed every spending bill that crossed his desk while his veto pen has collected dust.
Republicans Become the Party of Big Government | Chris Edwards, Tad DeHaven | Cato Institute
The drug bill is the largest entitlement expansion in 40 years. Its advertised price tag of $400 billion is actually a big understatement of the true cost. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the bill could cost taxpayers as much as $2 trillion in its second decade because of the rapid increase in the number of elderly in future years. Besides, Senator Ted Kennedy called it only a “down payment” for future drug program expansions.

Republicans Become the Party of Big Government | Chris Edwards, Tad DeHaven | Cato Institute
The drug bill is the largest entitlement expansion in 40 years. Its advertised price tag of $400 billion is actually a big understatement of the true cost. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the bill could cost taxpayers as much as $2 trillion in its second decade because of the rapid increase in the number of elderly in future years. Besides, Senator Ted Kennedy called it only a “down payment” for future drug program expansions.

Republicans Become the Party of Big Government | Chris Edwards, Tad DeHaven | Cato Institute

The title is about Republicans and now you talk about Kennedy. :clap2:
Republicans Become the Party of Big Government

no, it became the party of big business.
A 2004 article, dumped on the forum which she won't debate.

Break out the ban hammer.

It is the reason we are in this mess today. No need to debate. It speaks for it self.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" Bush shoved your heads in your butts and you have become comfortable with it.
A 2004 article, dumped on the forum which she won't debate.

Break out the ban hammer.

I've been watching a lot of people post shit about the great things the GOP did back in 1964 and 1863 for weeks now.
The drug bill is the largest entitlement expansion in 40 years. Its advertised price tag of $400 billion is actually a big understatement of the true cost. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the bill could cost taxpayers as much as $2 trillion in its second decade because of the rapid increase in the number of elderly in future years. Besides, Senator Ted Kennedy called it only a “down payment” for future drug program expansions.

Republicans Become the Party of Big Government | Chris Edwards, Tad DeHaven | Cato Institute

The title is about Republicans and now you talk about Kennedy. :clap2:

Medicare Group D was a Republican initiative, shoved through a Republican Congress with a lot of arm twisting, which had to repeal PayGo to make it happen, and signed by a Republican President.

Come on. Republicans love bragging about being the majority that passed civil rights legislation back in the mists of time. Why not take some credit for the budget busting Medicare D while you are at it? It is much closer in history, too!
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The drug bill is the largest entitlement expansion in 40 years. Its advertised price tag of $400 billion is actually a big understatement of the true cost. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the bill could cost taxpayers as much as $2 trillion in its second decade because of the rapid increase in the number of elderly in future years. Besides, Senator Ted Kennedy called it only a “down payment” for future drug program expansions.

Republicans Become the Party of Big Government | Chris Edwards, Tad DeHaven | Cato Institute

The title is about Republicans and now you talk about Kennedy. :clap2:

Medicare Group D was a Republican initiative, shoved through a Republican Congress with a lot of arm twisting, which had to repeal PayGo to make it happen, and signed by a Republican President.

Come on. Republicans love bragging about being the majority that passed civil rights legislation back in the mists of time. Why not take some credit for the budget busting Medicare D while you are at it? It is much closer in history, too!
Well, to be fair here, it was only an idea that they totally stole from the democratics.

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