Republicans break into "funeral" song over economy they are ruining



House Republicans Sing 'Amazing Grace' As Their Latest Plan Dies

Still, House Republicans leaving the meeting were pleased with their singing abilities. Rep. Steve Southerland (R-Fla.) took the lead in singing the hymn in place of the conference's typical opening prayer, and Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) said later that he was moved that he and his colleagues were able to sing all three verses without the words written out.

"Isn't that impressive," Burgess told reporters.

"I hope they understand the derivations of those lyrics," Connolly said. "It was written by a slave trader who came to be filled with remorse for his actions. His words say, 'I was blind but now I see' ... He is remorseful for his past and takes responsibility for those actions and sees the saving light of grace, even for a wretch like himself."

"I'm not saying my colleagues are wretches," he added. "But I hope what that indicates, the symbolism of singing that beautiful hymn that all Americans share, is that there's some saving grace here."


When I read about what Republicans are doing, sometimes, I think it comes from the Onion. But no, they really are like that. And the guy that led the songfest was a former funeral director. How fitting.
We need to take our country back. Stop Republicans from trying to bury it.
Why don't we dismantle the Republican Party and just let the dems run things and all will shine again!
Why don't we dismantle the Republican Party and just let the dems run things and all will shine again!

Hey I'm good with that. Now I might be persuaded to let them continue IF you can point out ONE thing that the Republicans have done for white, middle class, blue collar workers like me, in the past 8 years. Just one. Should be easy for you. You know, with all the great Repub accomplishments.
Why don't we dismantle the Republican Party and just let the dems run things and all will shine again!

Hey I'm good with that. Now I might be persuaded to let them continue IF you can point out ONE thing that the Republicans have done for white, middle class, blue collar workers like me, in the past 8 years. Just one. Should be easy for you. You know, with all the great Repub accomplishments.

And the donkey party has done what for you that didn't come at the expense of an additional 6+ trillion tacked onto our ND?
[ame=]Bill Clinton fakes crying at Ron Brown's funeral - YouTube[/ame]
Why don't we dismantle the Republican Party and just let the dems run things and all will shine again!

Hey I'm good with that. Now I might be persuaded to let them continue IF you can point out ONE thing that the Republicans have done for white, middle class, blue collar workers like me, in the past 8 years. Just one. Should be easy for you. You know, with all the great Repub accomplishments.

And the donkey party has done what for you that didn't come at the expense of an additional 6+ trillion tacked onto our ND?

You can't hand someone a sack of shit and expect them to turn it into gold overnight. When millions of jobs were shipped to China during Bush's 8 years, and tens of thousands of factories closed, and Wall Street was deregulated, and the two unfunded wars, and the trillions in tax cuts, it set the stage for years after that. You can't crash a car, give the car to someone else and ask them why their car was crashed. It's fucking stupid. What is it with you people? Bush wasn't handed that mess.

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

If you want to know what Obama has done, why not go look it up and get "informed". "Knowing stuff" is good. It gives you a foundation if you actually want to debate something. All the Master Debaters "know stuff".
It's all the republicans fault. Especially that they offered up a bill that was shot down by senate leaders and the president before it was even unveiled.


Yup. It's all the republicans faults.

Poor, Rderp.

If you want to know what Obama has done, why not go look it up and get "informed". "Knowing stuff" is good. It gives you a foundation if you actually want to debate something. All the Master Debaters "know stuff".

Then there is you. Which I would schedule in as a master-baiter instead of master debater.
If you want to know what Obama has done, why not go look it up and get "informed". "Knowing stuff" is good. It gives you a foundation if you actually want to debate something. All the Master Debaters "know stuff".

Then there is you. Which I would schedule in as a master-baiter instead of master debater.

Most right wingnuts feel that way. They are simply tired of being "spanked".
It's all the republicans fault. Especially that they offered up a bill that was shot down by senate leaders and the president before it was even unveiled.


Yup. It's all the republicans faults.

Poor, Rderp.


Oh wow, Republicans offered up a bill. Gee, wait, didn't they do that like 40 times before? The SAME bill?

Democrats are a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white. We see what happens when Democrats run things. You get such unimportant things as jobs and fairness and a surplus and safety and health care and a minimum wage.

We know what you get with Republicans. Debt, war, lies, no healthcare, no jobs, disaster, fiasco, debacle. How can you deny it? What else do they have to show us?
House Republicans Sing 'Amazing Grace' As Their Latest Plan Dies

Still, House Republicans leaving the meeting were pleased with their singing abilities. Rep. Steve Southerland (R-Fla.) took the lead in singing the hymn in place of the conference's typical opening prayer, and Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) said later that he was moved that he and his colleagues were able to sing all three verses without the words written out.

"Isn't that impressive," Burgess told reporters.

"I hope they understand the derivations of those lyrics," Connolly said. "It was written by a slave trader who came to be filled with remorse for his actions. His words say, 'I was blind but now I see' ... He is remorseful for his past and takes responsibility for those actions and sees the saving light of grace, even for a wretch like himself."

"I'm not saying my colleagues are wretches," he added. "But I hope what that indicates, the symbolism of singing that beautiful hymn that all Americans share, is that there's some saving grace here."


When I read about what Republicans are doing, sometimes, I think it comes from the Onion. But no, they really are like that. And the guy that led the songfest was a former funeral director. How fitting.
We need to take our country back. Stop Republicans from trying to bury it.

Like I', going to sit through a 60 second commercial to listen to this?!

HUFF POST can bite my ass!
It's all the republicans fault. Especially that they offered up a bill that was shot down by senate leaders and the president before it was even unveiled.


Yup. It's all the republicans faults.

Poor, Rderp.


Oh wow, Republicans offered up a bill. Gee, wait, didn't they do that like 40 times before? The SAME bill?

Democrats are a coalition party. Republicans are 90% white. We see what happens when Democrats run things. You get such unimportant things as jobs and fairness and a surplus and safety and health care and a minimum wage.

We know what you get with Republicans. Debt, war, lies, no healthcare, no jobs, disaster, fiasco, debacle. How can you deny it? What else do they have to show us?

You sir. Are a serious retard. Seek help.
I have been hearing lately that 30% of healthcare expenditures is waste fraud and abuse. Something like 50% is spent on the 5% that are critically ill/diseased. So......what does obabblecare do to solve resolve these issues?
Why don't we dismantle the Republican Party and just let the dems run things and all will shine again!

Hey I'm good with that. Now I might be persuaded to let them continue IF you can point out ONE thing that the Republicans have done for white, middle class, blue collar workers like me, in the past 8 years. Just one. Should be easy for you. You know, with all the great Repub accomplishments.

They fought against ovomitcare, and they're still fighting against it, for the good of ALL, moron. You should be thanking them.
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Why don't we dismantle the Republican Party and just let the dems run things and all will shine again!

Hey I'm good with that. Now I might be persuaded to let them continue IF you can point out ONE thing that the Republicans have done for white, middle class, blue collar workers like me, in the past 8 years. Just one. Should be easy for you. You know, with all the great Repub accomplishments.

And the donkey party has done what for you that didn't come at the expense of an additional 6+ trillion tacked onto our ND?

Typical rethug. Answer a question with a question. You do know that makes you look stupid. Right?

Tell you what. You answer my question. I'll answer yours. Or you can just read what rdean has to say. He nails it every time.
Why don't we dismantle the Republican Party and just let the dems run things and all will shine again!

Hey I'm good with that. Now I might be persuaded to let them continue IF you can point out ONE thing that the Republicans have done for white, middle class, blue collar workers like me, in the past 8 years. Just one. Should be easy for you. You know, with all the great Repub accomplishments.

They fought against odumbocare, and they're still fighting against it, for the good of ALL, moron. You should be thanking them.

I should be for a bunch of jerks intent on destroying our government over something that doesn't affect me? You are crazy. I have health insurance. Sorry you don't. But you will soon.

And on top of that, after 40 some votes and 20 some hours of Ted reading Green Eggs and Ham, they still couldn't get er done.

Why you support a bunch of losers like the Tbaggers?
Hey I'm good with that. Now I might be persuaded to let them continue IF you can point out ONE thing that the Republicans have done for white, middle class, blue collar workers like me, in the past 8 years. Just one. Should be easy for you. You know, with all the great Repub accomplishments.

And the donkey party has done what for you that didn't come at the expense of an additional 6+ trillion tacked onto our ND?

Typical rethug. Answer a question with a question. You do know that makes you look stupid. Right?

Tell you what. You answer my question. I'll answer yours. Or you can just read what rdean has to say. He nails it every time.

Hey I'm good with that. Now I might be persuaded to let them continue IF you can point out ONE thing that the Republicans have done for white, middle class, blue collar workers like me, in the past 8 years. Just one. Should be easy for you. You know, with all the great Repub accomplishments.

They fought against odumbocare, and they're still fighting against it, for the good of ALL, moron. You should be thanking them.

I should be for a bunch of jerks intent on destroying our government over something that doesn't affect me? You are crazy. I have health insurance. Sorry you don't. But you will soon.

And on top of that, after 40 some votes and 20 some hours of Ted reading Green Eggs and Ham, they still couldn't get er done.

Why you support a bunch of losers like the Tbaggers?
Sorry, I'm a service connected disabled veteran and don't need to deal with ovomitcare, dumbass mother fucker.

But never fear, YOUR PREMIUMS ARE GOING TO DOUBLE or TRIPLE, but you're too fucking STUPID to know where the BLAME for that goes... well, no, you're not that STUPID, you know where the blame goes, you're just too big of a fucking PARTISAN HACK and have your head shoved too far up ovomit's ASS HOLE to be able to TELL THE TRUTH.

Fuck off, shit for brains.
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