Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.

Well, hardly much democracy to assault, but they are certainly loving cheating.
Which has ZERO to do with mailing out MILLIONS of ballots to people who didn't ask for them. No ID, no signature, NOTHING required to PROVE THAT BALLOT IS LEGAL. Keep it up... FAAFO...
Who mailed out millions to people who didn't ask for them in the 2020 presidential election? Which states? Any of the swing states in contention?

Sounds like theyre trying to restore a legitimate voting system, not the full of holes cheap imitation that anyone can manipulate. its a lost cause anyways but you cant help but see the honor in what their trying to do. Its like trying to turn a sewage treatment plant into a water bottling company.
Time for Republicans to start stealing
If your crime bosses in DC can't manage to create a law that legalizes your means of cheating then just like clockwork, come November your party is going to get its ass SERIOUSLY spanked and people like YOU will be here screaming about "voter suppression" "theft" and other lies. That's just assumed. What we don't yet know is how far the thugs among you will go to create problems for the rest of us. I predict that if you lose the House and Senate, there will be ongoing protests, including looting, burning, and general violence in your blue cesspools. Your party has now reached the level of hateful STUPID that you simply are no longer willing to EVER lose again without a fight.
Who mailed out millions to people who didn't ask for them in the 2020 presidential election? Which states? Any of the swing states in contention?

The rules WERE changed in the battleground states. Rules that should by LAW only have been changed by the state legislatures, were adjusted by courts, AGs, and the like.
But, I was referring to the rules included in the current HR1 clones your criminal party wants to ram down our throats on a tiebreaker vote. If you don't believe it, pull up the "voter rights" bills and have a look. ANYONE who is demanding that no ID be required to vote, is a person who would be screaming their lungs out if they lost. Those who don't want absentee ballots to be requested or even SIGNED, are people who are gaming the system to steal elections and it is NOT GOING TO BE ALLOWED without one hell of a fight.

Once trust in our elections is lost, the next step is going to be the refusal by millions of Americans to obey laws that are passed by legislators and presidents who they see as illegitimate. Anyone who thinks millions of us will just sit down, shut up, pay up, and obey... is A FOOL. You lot cheered for the 750 or so political prisoners being gang-raped of their rights on 1/6 but when tens of thousands of us in every state around the country tell you to GFY, sweetie, you don't have enough cells or cops to handle THAT kind of blowback.
Give up and go home, aint worth the trouble anymore.
That might be an option if these Nazi bastards would leave the rest of us alone. That's not how they roll, though. They're unable to leave folks alone. They want to dominate and dictate. They want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
Who mailed out millions to people who didn't ask for them in the 2020 presidential election? Which states? Any of the swing states in contention?


Why do you people on the left ask for something, and when it's provided to you, ask again as if your concerns weren't addressed. I gave you a link on several states that mailed out ballots to every single registered voter whether they requested one or not, and you act like you didn't even see it.
Trump didn't have Delta, which was 9 times more contagious....which spread to many more people at a faster rate, killing mostly those that were unvaccinated.

A different strain doesn't change a thing. Sars was plenty contagious and Trump had no vaccines. After Delta came about Dementia said he was going to wipe out Covid. Well?
Then you are not reading my posts, the one before the response to yours, specifically states there are 9 states that mail ballots to all states and some of those states have been doing such for twenty years.... And I believe it is 5 of those states only have vote by mail as their voting means for everyone....

Then just say you were wrong is all. Your claim was that NO states mailed out ballots to everybody.
Studies came back that the unvaccinated are contagious twice as long as the vaccinated. Their R0 is twice that of the vaccinated.

Covid lasts for 14 days in most cases unless you have a preexisting condition(s) that prolong it, and most all of those people get hospitalized so they are not going anywhere.
Why do you people on the left ask for something, and when it's provided to you, ask again as if your concerns weren't addressed. I gave you a link on several states that mailed out ballots to every single registered voter whether they requested one or not, and you act like you didn't even see it.
Only one of the contested states did that. And in a state like Utah which did that, Trump won. So much for your nonsense.
I beat ya'll down with facts I guess
Not really. Just an endless listing of cut and paste, each one subsequently more ridiculous than the previous. Half your list has nothing to do with being a threat to democracy, just a laundry list of rightwing grievances and delusions. Gulags? REALLY? :lmao:

But you have proved something- you CAN learn and create threads within the rules, kudos to you! :)


Gulags? :rofl:
Not really . . .

Yes really.

. . . Just an endless listing of . . .

. . . . listing of facts and information.

Not really. Just an endless listing of cut and paste, each one subsequently more ridiculous than the previous. Half your list has nothing to do with being a threat to democracy, just a laundry list of rightwing grievances and delusions. Gulags? REALLY? :lmao:

But you have proved something- you CAN learn and create threads within the rules, kudos to you! :)

Gulags? :rofl:

One year old and they are still there

Sounds like theyre trying to restore a legitimate voting system, not the full of holes cheap imitation that anyone can manipulate. its a lost cause anyways but you cant help but see the honor in what their trying to do. Its like trying to turn a sewage treatment plant into a water bottling company.
Rejecting the results of a legal election without cause is legitimate?

Trump demanded Republican Legislatures overturn the 2020 election. They didn’t have the authority

Now, they are making sure they do
The rules WERE changed in the battleground states. Rules that should by LAW only have been changed by the state legislatures, were adjusted by courts, AGs, and the like.
But, I was referring to the rules included in the current HR1 clones your criminal party wants to ram down our throats on a tiebreaker vote. If you don't believe it, pull up the "voter rights" bills and have a look. ANYONE who is demanding that no ID be required to vote, is a person who would be screaming their lungs out if they lost. Those who don't want absentee ballots to be requested or even SIGNED, are people who are gaming the system to steal elections and it is NOT GOING TO BE ALLOWED without one hell of a fight.

Once trust in our elections is lost, the next step is going to be the refusal by millions of Americans to obey laws that are passed by legislators and presidents who they see as illegitimate. Anyone who thinks millions of us will just sit down, shut up, pay up, and obey... is A FOOL. You lot cheered for the 750 or so political prisoners being gang-raped of their rights on 1/6 but when tens of thousands of us in every state around the country tell you to GFY, sweetie, you don't have enough cells or cops to handle THAT kind of blowback.
How does a govt issued photo ID card prevent any registered voter from committing fraud?

You're being played.

The States, when vetting people registering to vote in their state, should be checking that the person applying is 18 and older, not a felon still on parole etc IF applicable,, and a citizen of the USA. The States can use E-verify, the system set up for employers to check that their new hires are citizens, to check for citizenship on all new registrants and existing registered voters.

Requiring citizens who have lived their whole lives without a govt issued photo id, should not be required to get one, just to vote, when the States can verify this, without one.

We as citizens have voted for two hundred and twenty five plus years without these govt issued photo ids, were all those elections fraudulent and should not have counted?

If the voter is registered to vote then they should be allowed to vote, without hurdles put in the way which is similar to a poll tax.

If an I'd is required at the polling place, to prove they are the person registered, then the registered voter should be allowed to use various ids, like their electric bill, or work id, or SSAN card.

I have voted for the past 30 years, and have never been required to show an ID in the various states I lived and voted in.

I vote absentee ballot in Maine and have never been required to show a govt issued photo or non photo ID to vote that way....and I'll be damned if they ever try to make me!

Illegals, and those who do not qualify to be a registered voter, should NOT be on the voter rolls, in the first place. States should be vetting, and doing their jobs, to keep voter rolls clean as a whistle.....that should NOT be put on us citizens. The non citizens, can get a fake id.... The poor and disabled that do not drive or own a car, is who you are burdening.

What republicans have done since they started their quest to disenfranchise citizens of their constitutional right to vote, is close DMVs in black neighborhoods, right after their voter id requirements have passed. Making getting a govt id much harder for people who do not drive in the first place, to get to a place to get one.

This was a strategic, republican plan, to disenfranchise citizens of color, who repubs believe will vote democratic....cheating.

Just like their gerrymandering.

Just like republicans removing voting places in neighborhoods of color....all to disenfranchise CITIZENS that generally vote for the Republican s opposition.
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