Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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The tragic death of Gen. Colin Powell from COVID-19 reveals not the failure of vaccines but the inability of his fragile immune system to protect him from those who are unvaccinated, health care experts said Monday.

& he hadn't gotten his booster b4 he passed.
Only your source says that. Other left-wing sources don't mention it. They are focused on mail in voting and voter purges.
All, I can say is make sure you have a lawyer read any contracts before you sign them. You're apparently not aware of "the fine print"
You're correct, we don't know. We don't know a lot of things about this virus or the vaccines. However what we do know is that the vaccines don't last long.

we didn't know about rabies either until the 4th dose.

we don't know how many who get covid will have long lasting immunity - but we DO know not everyone will.
I'll take my chances, rather than getting all the shit you're going to have the rest of your life.

chickenpox ------------> shingles.

shingles lives in the nervous system & if it re emerges, & finds an ocular or auditory pathway, can render one blind &/or deaf.

covid has been shown to clot in major organs.
So Ray..

It appears, like a true Conservative, that if you find a story inconvenient……You just call it fake news and deny it

So you find one source that makes this claim so it's Gospel? Talk about suspect, why didn't they mention the other things I did in your article that clearly would make elections much more secure?

do you get tested regularly for antibodies? some people are losing their after a few short months. & covid 19 is different than delta is different than omicron.

regeneron is useless for omicron. the mutations are getting smarter...

I don't get tested for antibodies. This virus is becoming weaker and this is to be expected. Thats what viruses do.
DNC is on record that even an accurate voter database would end them as a National Party; they NEED to cheat or they die

"The DNC’s top leaders have been telling people that Hoffman’s project (accurate voter database) represents an “existential threat" to the party, according to two sources with knowledge of the discussions."

LinkedIn co-founder backs $35 million voter data project in 'existential threat' to Democratic Party

Illegal aliens is their Plan B

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

To the surprise of absolutely no one, a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."

Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

… a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…” Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration
The law will be challenged in the courts, and it will lose.

Whoever is working on the law is wasting time and taxpayer dollars.
The problem is it may be well past the mid-terms for the case to work it's way to the US Supreme Court.
Chicago police have complained that they bust people with illegal guns and find them walking the streets by the end of the day. There is no real deterrent from having an illegal gun, especially in commie cities like that.

them thar illegal guns are being brought in from the surrounding hayseed hillbillie states surrounding illinois.

ever hear of driving?
You may mean he proposed a lot of things and he may have assumed something that wasn’t righ? It happens. Still overall, Darwin is taught in school as fact. Scientific fact. Can’t get any better than that.

Your theory is god POOFED land animals here. In fact, you believe he poofed 2 giraffe, 2 pigs, two dogs, 2 apes, 2 humans, 2 everything else that walks and breathes air on this earth and the couples all gave birth enough to populate the planet with all that we have now. Is that about right?

Its not scientific fact. The fossil record gives no clue that any basic type of animal has ever changed into another basic type of animal, for no undisputed chain of in-between forms has ever been discovered. That is fact.
So you find one source that makes this claim so it's Gospel? Talk about suspect, why didn't they mention the other things I did in your article that clearly would make elections much more secure?
I have posted three sources, one from a news source in Arizona

Like Trump taught you…..If you don’t like a fact, just make up your own

What is wrong Ray?
Afraid to stand up for Democracy?

5′ 10″ – 215 lbs

I don't get tested for antibodies. This virus is becoming weaker and this is to be expected. Thats what viruses do.

delta was stronger than covid 19. omicron is weaker...

but only to the vaxxed. the overwhelming number that are intubated & dying aren't vaccinated; so omicron is still quite deadly.

this nation, as a whole is very sickly.
delta was stronger than covid 19. omicron is weaker...

but only to the vaxxed. the overwhelming number that are intubated & dying aren't vaccinated; so omicron is still quite deadly.

this nation, as a whole is very sickly.

This nation, as a whole, is very unhealthy. If we were a healthy nation, we wouldn't be begging to be pumped with drugs and vaccines every 5 minutes.
I have posted three sources, one from a news source in Arizona

Like Trump taught you…..If you don’t like a fact, just make up your own

What is wrong Ray?
Afraid to stand up for Democracy?

Oh, facts are what you want. Okay, from your own source:

But he said that a rejection would not mean that lawmakers could then decide who won, whether in presidential, statewide or even their own races. Instead, Fillmore said, rejection would allow "any qualified elector" – meaning anyone who is registered to vote – to file suit and ask a superior court judge to order a new election.

What is not spelled out in the legislation is whether lawmakers would have to reject all the election results or could simply decide that only the outcome of some of the races was suspect. What also is unsaid is whether those currently in office would remain in their positions pending court action and, if ordered, a new vote.

And if a judge refuses to issue such an order?

"Then we're just going to have to shut up and deal with it," Fillmore said.

So where is this legislatures overturning elections at? What your article says is if they are suspicious of some ballots, they allow a judge to determine it's legitimacy.
So you find one source that makes this claim so it's Gospel? Talk about suspect, why didn't they mention the other things I did in your article that clearly would make elections much more secure?
It's like sugar coating a lump of turd. You like the sugar coating of the bill, and ignore what's really inside.
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