Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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I have nothing to be cured of because I have a strong immune system.

You know, that thing you used to have before you took all those COVID vaccines.


people who got covid are losing their antibodies.

just ask the media whore sarah palin. she got it twice AND just like chickenpox - the virus may stick around for years & suddenly show up as something even more devastating.
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Democrats support fair and honest election
It is clear that Republicans are willing to surrender our Democracy as long as they win

You are a degenerate piece of shit liar,

Who bans people from videos and social media? Who locks people down like Nazis? Who mandates medical procedures like ChiComs? Who bans actual words and free speech on campuses?

Democrats, Democrats, Democrats and Democrats, thats who.

Go fuck yourself you sick filthy liar.
He was? By who? You mean he was initially laughed at but turns out he was right, idiot.

Can you name any famous people who were vaccinated and died of COVID? Very few. Meanwhile, the number of famous outspoken conservative people who were anti vas are now dead. The last one being Meatloaf.

And still you guys stay dug in. Interesting.

He was? By who? You mean he was initially laughed at but turns out he was right, idiot.

Can you name any famous people who were vaccinated and died of COVID? Very few. Meanwhile, the number of famous outspoken conservative people who were anti vas are now dead. The last one being Meatloaf.

And still you guys stay dug in. Interesting.

No, he was wrong.
No, the Brady bill was awful and accomplished nothing.
Anyone intent on risking a murder rap, is not going to worry about the minor penalty for illegally buying the gun they are going to use for the murder.
The ONLY people ever harmed by gun control laws are the honest people who are intimidated by the law they feel obligated to obey.
Criminal never obey laws.
That is the point.
If they did, they would not be criminals.
So you’re against a law that punishes people who illegally buy guns? Because you say criminals don’t care about the punishment?

Then let’s stop putting people in prison for murder because jail doesn’t deter murderers.
“We need to get back to 1958-style voting,” John Fillmore, another Republican state representative who introduced the bill said on Wednesday, according to the Arizona Republic. Arizona had a racist literacy test in place in 1958, the Republic noted. The Voting Rights Act, which wiped out many blatant efforts to keep Black people from the polls, passed in 1965.
1958 is racist
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.
I know this awful and subversive, but I believe that Republicans are digging their own grave, because they cannot hide this fact that they are brazenly attempting to steal elections and turn our democracy into some kind of oligarchy like those found in Eastern Europe. Needless to say, this will not age well with future generations who will make up the majority of voters, and only calcifies the Republican Party as a Soviet era ruling class circa 1989.

The sooner it goes extinct, the better. I hope the next version respects democracy, but their fascist ideology will need to be extinguished, internally, first.
You are a degenerate piece of shit liar,

Who bans people from videos and social media? Who locks people down like Nazis? Who mandates medical procedures like ChiComs? Who bans actual words and free speech on campuses?

Democrats, Democrats, Democrats and Democrats, thats who.

Go fuck yourself you sick filthy liar.
Nice diversion
Allowing private companies to establish rules of behavior is not an assault on Free Speech
But they last longer than the vaccines, so there is that.

you don't know that. covid has only been around for a couple years.

the booster may or may not be the last one... a series of 3.

ooooOOOoooo several vaccinations take more than one shot to get full efficacy. rabies is a 4 dose series for example.

how fast would you get yer butt to the ER if you were bit by a rabid animal, ray ray?
I know this awful and subversive, but I believe that Republicans are digging their own grave, because they cannot hide this fact that they are brazenly attempting to steal elections and turn our democracy into some kind of oligarchy like those found in Eastern Europe. Needless to say, this will not age well with future generations who will make up the majority of voters, and only calcifies the Republican Party as a Soviet era ruling class circa 1989.

The sooner it goes extinct, the better. I hope the next version respects democracy, but their fascist ideology will need to be extinguished, internally, first.

So what in this bill steals elections or is a threat to democracy? As I stated, other sources made no mention of overturning the election.
you don't know that. covid has only been around for a couple years.

the booster may or may not be the last one... a series of 3.

ooooOOOoooo several vaccinations take more than one shot to get full efficacy. rabies is a 4 dose series for example.

how fast would you get yer butt to the ER if you were bit by a rabid animal, ray ray?

You're correct, we don't know. We don't know a lot of things about this virus or the vaccines. However what we do know is that the vaccines don't last long.
No, he was wrong.
You may mean he proposed a lot of things and he may have assumed something that wasn’t righ? It happens. Still overall, Darwin is taught in school as fact. Scientific fact. Can’t get any better than that.

Your theory is god POOFED land animals here. In fact, you believe he poofed 2 giraffe, 2 pigs, two dogs, 2 apes, 2 humans, 2 everything else that walks and breathes air on this earth and the couples all gave birth enough to populate the planet with all that we have now. Is that about right?
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