Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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Sure it did. It’s just not the silver bullet solution to all gun violence. That we’d have to ask why so many Americans are fucked up in the head crazy

No, the Brady bill was awful and accomplished nothing.
Anyone intent on risking a murder rap, is not going to worry about the minor penalty for illegally buying the gun they are going to use for the murder.
The ONLY people ever harmed by gun control laws are the honest people who are intimidated by the law they feel obligated to obey.
Criminal never obey laws.
That is the point.
If they did, they would not be criminals.
Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

Another ignorant stupid lie from another 100% Marxist Liar

This stupid thread by an ignorant liar is exactly what MY thread was all about:

Whats the Point

In universities and on debate teams, there are rules to a debate. And a good debate is when an established idea or fatct or propsal is debated fairly and honestly.

But in a forum like this?

The Democrats and the Left will tell any lie, regurgitate any fake news, spew any propaganda or hate, just to destroy and real debate and derail any good conversation.

So what is the point in a forum like this? When conservatives' time is spent disproving lies instead of debating actual honest ideas, whats the point?

Hay my mom had just died and they sent her absentee ballot. Her last wish was to vote for Hillary. You would deny your moms last wish?
That depends on the state. If she filled out and signed the ballot, but didn't get to mail it back before she died, many states would allow you to mail it in, and it would be counted. Other states require the person to be alive on election day, so it would not be counted.

Seventeen states prohibit counting ballots cast by someone who subsequently dies before the election, but 10 states specifically allow it. The law is silent in the rest of the country, according to research by the National Conference of State Legislatures.
It is clear that Republicans are willing to surrender our Democracy as long as they win

You are a degenerate piece of shit liar,

Who bans people from videos and social media? Who locks people down like Nazis? Who mandates medical procedures like ChiComs? Who bans actual words and free speech on campuses?

Democrats, Democrats, Democrats and Democrats, thats who.

Go fuck yourself you sick filthy liar.
J & J was old school. did you get that?

No, it's not. It uses only the spike of the virus and is an adenovirus based vaccine. It doesn't introduce the entire attenuated virus into the body. There are two that do: Covavax and Novavax. My entire family caught the latest virus. We have immunity so an injection isn't necessary.
There are some suspicious parts about your article. So I went to other left sources about this bill (CNBC and the AP). Neither mentioned anything about overturning an election. What your article didn't include is that the bill would remove non-active voters who didn't vote in two election cycles, remove sending out mail in ballots to everybody, have ballots with watermarks on them to assure they are not cheap copies of real ballots, and have electronic finger printing as a means of positive identification. So what's wrong with those provisions?
As he said, the ability for the legislature to "throw out" the results.
Democrat policy makes it easier for voters to cast multiple ballots as well as for Illegal voters- illegal aliens, convicted criminals, the deceased, the insane, etc.- to cast. Illegal voters cancel out the votes of honest people only voting once, in effect disenfranchising them.
As he said, the ability for the legislature to "throw out" the results.

Yet I couldn't find that anywhere in the other sources I read. I believe the Rolling Stone makes the same claim. One would think if that's what's really in this bill, it would be at the top of the articles.
There are some suspicious parts about your article. So I went to other left sources about this bill (CNBC and the AP). Neither mentioned anything about overturning an election. What your article didn't include is that the bill would remove non-active voters who didn't vote in two election cycles, remove sending out mail in ballots to everybody, have ballots with watermarks on them to assure they are not cheap copies of real ballots, and have electronic finger printing as a means of positive identification. So what's wrong with those provisions?

Another source

OK USMB Conservatives

Do you believe State Legislators should have the power to reject election results without cause?
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