Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.
It's reasonable to wonder if this was the plan all along: Convince the rubes the election was stolen so that anything done in "response" is justified.

It's all right out in the open, too. Amazing. And once again, we can look to history for parallels.
What goes around comes around.

Ballot Tally

The findings by Cyber Ninjas revealed that Biden received 99 more votes than the original canvass conducted by Maricopa County. It also said Trump got 261 fewer votes. According to the audit report, 1,040,873 votes went to Biden while 995,404 went to Trump. So Biden won by 45,469 votes.

Ballot Tally

The findings by Cyber Ninjas revealed that Biden received 99 more votes than the original canvass conducted by Maricopa County. It also said Trump got 261 fewer votes. According to the audit report, 1,040,873 votes went to Biden while 995,404 went to Trump. So Biden won by 45,469 votes.

Fake news.
OP cherry picks to call it the destruction of democracy though not many blm baboons who were destroying the infrastructure that democracy built over a black eater of Chinese fentanyl is conveniently overlooked. Neither ID nor literacy test was required to inact Blm Marxist commie bullshit addicted to free stuff.
Ask me how I know you're out of touch and ignorant. Reagan didn't ban "assault weapons." That was Clinton.
Reagan supported the Brady Bill
Maybe getting shot convinced him
I predict that by the end of this thread, -10 people will agree with the premise of the OP, and vote for a Democrat Kleptocrat

Reagan supported the Brady Bill
Maybe getting shot convinced him
And Nancy supported stem cell because it could lead the way to curing what ronny had.

This tells you republicans lack empathy. Libertarians too. Rand Paul always says no to disaster relief, until it happened in his state. You should have seen the letter he wrote to biden begging for federal dollars. Yo I’ll suck your dick begging.
Republicans are in shock that once Republican stronghold Arizona now has two Democratic Senators and voted for Biden

Rather than address why Arizona voters have turned on them, they make it more difficult to vote and empower the partisan Republican Legislature to reject the election without cause.

An assault on Democracy

Apparently Arizona voters like cognitively challenged old timers like Brandon, according to your theory.

Perhaps the GOP should approach some of their older, foggier members to run?
Democrats support fair and honest election. They want every eligible voter to cast a ballot And to make voting convenient for all. They stand by the will of the voters

Republicans want voting to be an ordeal. Limited opportunity to vote, long lines and harassment of voters you don’t like.
If that doesn’t work, they want a partisan Republican legislature to overturn the will of We the People

An open assault on our Democracy
fake news.

donny lost.

let's go darwin!
Progs live the Darwin way and would be dead if not for the massive socialist government subsidizing the lifestyle choices. You mock traditional nuclear families and they have been affected to pay for the social justice agendas over the decades. You won't even recognize this. I am not into interfering with people. I get it. However, you do not destroy the revenue streams and put pressure on the same to raise families for your way of living and call it equality. That is being a sucker.
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