Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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I believe that Republicans are digging their own grave, because they cannot hide this fact that they are brazenly attempting to steal elections and turn our democracy into some kind of oligarchy like those found in Eastern Europe.

Republicans have created a Straw Man

A Strawman built on complete lies that our election process is corrupt.

They then attack that Straw Man by changing election rules, making the voting process an ordeal and creating impediments to voting.
If that fails, they allow a partisan legislature to just overturn the election without cause
Neo-Marxists cannot be reasoned with.

Marxism, and Liberalism it has been correctly said, is mental illness, a delusional cult. They aren’t the original 19th century communists who were just anti-intellectuals rednecks. They are degenerated trained dogs, they train themselves to share the same beliefs and to hold them systematically.

With such a drastic economical change advocacy, you’d think they were all about talking about economics and incentives, you’d think their circles would be all about economical theory and how to apply their totalitarian commie policies in a way that doesn’t completely destroy society, after all, if they manage to make incentives and allocation just slightly worse than capitalism they’ll become a third world shithole in five years. But nope, they are not talking about that, they are not even remotely interested in knowing how their system should look like, they don’t even care.

So what do they talk about? They talk about feminism, they talk about racism, they harp about the class struggle, they talk about veganism and trannies. It is a conglomeration of mental illnesses, a pile of degeneracy. They are a lost cause. There’s no economical argument that they’ll accept, there’s no moral argument they’ll accept, there’s no philosophical axioms they’ll accept as long as those go against their commie beliefs. They are the human beings that failed at dealing with nihilism. They don’t believe they can define truth for themselves, they only care about defending their fantasies and dreaming about an utopia of ultimate pleasure where you don’t need virtue to survive.

Thus, they cannot be debated in forums either. The come to destroy, disrupt, argue, provoke, derail, anything to avoid the actual facts of a discussion.

Look at the lying sack of shit who started this bullshit thread based on a total lie.

In America today there is no longer Liberal American patriot debating Conservative American patriot. There is American patriots (conservatives) against the new American Marxists and their anti-American ideology of hate, racism, sexual perversion, all meant to destroy our great nation, cause havoc and chaos, and use the havoc and chaos to bring for a Marxist nation.

The Left are the enemy. They are evil. Wade into them. Destroy them. That includes those who reside in this very forum. Don’t let their faux friendliness fool you. They ae your enemy. They would see your children and grandchildren subjects of a Marxist state.

These people do Satan's work: Baby-killing, molesting the minds of children, mutilating the genitals of children, many disgusting things that I shall start a thread on called These Are Actually True Stories.
Yet I couldn't find that anywhere in the other sources I read. I believe the Rolling Stone makes the same claim. One would think if that's what's really in this bill, it would be at the top of the articles.
It's in the fine print. If they made it obvious, even people like you would object to it. So they hid it in the details, where the careful analysis by only a few would find it.
So what in this bill steals elections or is a threat to democracy? As I stated, other sources made no mention of overturning the election.

Do you support State Legislatures overturning elections without cause?

So you’re against a law that punishes people who illegally buy guns? Because you say criminals don’t care about the punishment?

Then let’s stop putting people in prison for murder because jail doesn’t deter murderers.

Chicago police have complained that they bust people with illegal guns and find them walking the streets by the end of the day. There is no real deterrent from having an illegal gun, especially in commie cities like that.
No, it's not. It uses only the spike of the virus and is an adenovirus based vaccine. It doesn't introduce the entire attenuated virus into the body. There are two that do: Covavax and Novavax. My entire family caught the latest virus. We have immunity so an injection isn't necessary.

do you get tested regularly for antibodies? some people are losing their after a few short months. & covid 19 is different than delta is different than omicron.

regeneron is useless for omicron. the mutations are getting smarter...
Only your source says that. Other left-wing sources don't mention it. They are focused on mail in voting and voter purges.
I have provided you two sources and my Google turned up multiple accounts of the proposed bill

Answer the question
Do you support State Legislatures overturning the vote without cause?
Chicago police have complained that they bust people with illegal guns and find them walking the streets by the end of the day. There is no real deterrent from having an illegal gun, especially in commie cities like that.

I’m looking for a story that says people caught with illegal guns walk the streets the next day. Even if true, they’ll have their day in court
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.

The law will be challenged in the courts, and it will lose.

Whoever is working on the law is wasting time and taxpayer dollars.
Only your source says that. Other left-wing sources don't mention it. They are focused on mail in voting and voter purges.

The Hill​

Last updated on January 14th, 2022 at 07:16 am

The Hill - Least Biased - Credible - Reliable - Not Left - Not right Bias
Factual Reporting: Mostly Factual - Mostly Credible and Reliable


These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased Sources.
The Hill
I know you are just being obtuse here. But if Illegal voters like child molesters cast a ballot, it cancels mine out. After they count my legit vote, the pervs makes it like I didn't vote at all as there is one D vote and one R vote.

Democrats are cool with that

DNC is on record that even an accurate voter database would end them as a National Party; they NEED to cheat or they die

"The DNC’s top leaders have been telling people that Hoffman’s project (accurate voter database) represents an “existential threat" to the party, according to two sources with knowledge of the discussions."

LinkedIn co-founder backs $35 million voter data project in 'existential threat' to Democratic Party
I love threads like this because you're not really Democrats. You're socialists and Marxists.

It is obvious that Republicans are finding Democracy to be an obstacle to their success

They are willing to abandon Democracy… long as they win

people who got covid are losing their antibodies.

just ask the media whore sarah palin. she got it twice AND just like chickenpox - the virus may stick around for years & suddenly show up as something even more devastating.

I'll take my chances, rather than getting all the shit you're going to have the rest of your life.
The law will be challenged in the courts, and it will lose.

Whoever is working on the law is wasting time and taxpayer dollars.

Will it?
If it goes to the Supreme Court, will the right leaning court find an excuse to allow it? Like they did with the Unconstitutional Texas Abortion Law?
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