Republicans determined to start a war.

1. IMHO it depends on who the president is. Biden likes the gangs. Trump unleashes the Feds against gangs.

2. A slaughter by any other name. You need to do better than that. See the movie "Generation Kill"?

3. The US would NOT be invading Mexico. The US would be helping the Mexican military against the cartels.

4. What's your bitch with the Patriot Act?
"The formal name of the statute is the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001"

5. The same reason more city people will be voting Republican in 2024. To make the streets livable again.

Helping the Mexican Military? The news story I linked to in the OP says that Mexico’s answer is a flat no. Diplomats who know Mexico have said it was a terrible idea. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says it’s a terrible idea.

But it will just magically work out because. Well because we mean well. President Wilson was determined to teach the Mexicans to elect good men. How did that work out?
Can you give a year? How about an administration that the US involvement in the Syria war started?

I think it was 2012.. in response to the barrel bombs, chemical attacks and refugee surge.

This is the best backstory on Syria written by a man who lived there off and on for 50 years.

Putin started the war Ukraine.
Ukraine is a highly corrupt partner to the Biden administration. Money laundering; under-the-table deals; bio-weapon labs; and the list could go on. Like I've said, I'm no fan of anyone in the region but I'm afraid that America's leaders are every bit as corrupt as any of the players in that part of the world.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.
You prefer Potato getting us into war in Europe.
Nope. The most dangerous calls the police handle is Domestic Disputes. Emotions are running high and often they’ll stop fighting each other long enough to attack the police.

The Mexicans will respond just as we would. They’ll stop fighting each other and turn on the Americans. The Mexican people would join in.

Republicans hate the Democrats and honestly Vice versa. However do you think that hatred would continue if Russia attacked Alaska?

On December 8th 1941 political opponents walked into Congress arm in arm to show solidarity.

Democrats and Republicans passed the PATRIOT ACT. the most unconstitutional legislation in modern history. It was nearly unanimous in its passage.

Reagan famously said the most dangerous words in the world are. “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help.” If Americans don’t want to hear those words what makes you think Mexicans will buy it?

You forgot to call them breakfast tacos in your racist rant.
1. IMHO it depends on who the president is. Biden likes the gangs. Trump unleashes the Feds against gangs.

2. A slaughter by any other name. You need to do better than that. See the movie "Generation Kill"?

3. The US would NOT be invading Mexico. The US would be helping the Mexican military against the cartels.

4. What's your bitch with the Patriot Act?
"The formal name of the statute is the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001"

5. The same reason more city people will be voting Republican in 2024. To make the streets livable again.

Trump said he would deport the M13 gangs, but it's a US gang and most are US citizens.
Thanks to NAFTA we are stuck a dysfunctional country on our southern border and weak-kneed washington swamp rats eho are afraid to do anything

We dont have to invade mexico to defend ourselves from them

But that is the easy copout of live-for-now politicians on the campaign trail
didn't you hear. trump made a great new super deal, the best, some say, replacing nafta.
So why is the Mexican President opposed? That’s in the news story in the OP isn’t it?
Use your brain man.

Right now it is just talk. With Biden in office and potentially able to win again he knows it has zero chance of happening. So why would he put his neck on the cartels chopping block for nothing. Of course he will publicly state he is for the cartels success just like you all. If the time comes and the right gain control he will sit back and publicly condemn but do nothing about it while hoping we succeed.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.

Yes, all the Republican candidates are well-educated, but they know that the MAGA base are idiots.

I believe that the only one that seriously wants to invade Mexico is Ramaswamy. The others are just blowing wind.

BTW - The only time the U.S. invaded Mexico it was absolutely successful - though not justified at all.

Hypothetically, if the U.S. invaded Mexico, we would quickly take over the country and eliminate the cartels. However it would piss off the Mexican people and them we'd have to deal with an endless insurgency like we had in Iraq. When we finally withdrew Mexican/American relations would be permanently ruined and Mexico would become a client state of China or Russia (if Russia exists at that point).

Invading Mexico is a really, really bad idea. It doesn't surprise me that Idiot MAGA Republicans support it.
Every Republican Candidate for President is promising Military action in Mexico. Unilaterally, and even on Day One.

Now. All of these folks are College Graduates. All of them have had some History Classes. And presumably they had at least one class on American History. So how is it that none of them seem to know Military Action in Mexico doesn’t seem to go well?

The second question is this. Do they really think the Mexicans will stand aside and welcome the Americans? Really?

If you thought Afghanistan was a quagmire that swallowed lives and treasure like nobodies business, just wait until we invade Mexico to get the cartels. That will consume money and men like you won’t believe.
You really haven't been watching the news, have you? Biden is trying to start a war with Russia, who has nukes.
An actual war..just isn't in the cards. If we really wish to stop the cartels...find their money and take it..find their houses and drone them
That's basically what they are talking about. . . Go back and watch that entire interview with Bill Burr and Ramaswamy in post #16.

A targeted operation, with, or without the cooperation of the Mexican government, much like they did the 80s with crack and cocaine.

The biggest risk here, of course, is that our own law enforcement and interdiction personnel, will become corrupt.

Michael Ruppert Confronts CIA Director John Deutch on Drug Trafficing​

That's basically what they are talking about. . . Go back and watch that entire interview with Bill Burr and Ramaswamy in post #16.

A targeted operation, with, or without the cooperation of the Mexican government, much like they did the 80s with crack and cocaine.

The biggest risk here, of course, is that our own law enforcement and interdiction personnel, will become corrupt.

Michael Ruppert Confronts CIA Director John Deutch on Drug Trafficing​

Worth the risk.

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