Republicans, do you really want Trump to win the ‘popular vote’?

Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

Trump is going to win the popular and the electoral votes by an overwhelming landslide this time.
Wait and see.
It would be nice, just to give the Progs one less talking point to harp about when and if they lose in 2020.
Aside from that point, Trump is going to win more votes than any other candidate in US history.

I am thinking it could go north of 70 million votes for him.

That's real likely considering (a) he got 25% the first time out (45% of the electorate stayed home when they looked at the ballot and said, 'fuck it, what's the point') and (b) he will have had four years of nationally-embarrassing bad behaviour to furnish an answer to that "what's the point" question.

Yeah, you bet on that horse, Hunior.
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

Trump is going to win the popular and the electoral votes by an overwhelming landslide this time.
Wait and see.

Nobody anywhere predicted a "Hillary landslide" Prove me wrong.


"Exactly one week before Election Day, Moody Analytics’ economic election model (which has correctly predicted presidential election outcomes since 1980) is predicting a Hillary Clinton presidency. Not only that, the model is predicting that Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 election cycle by a veritable landslide."

"Grabien compiled a list of clips featuring experts and pundits predicting a “landslide” victory for Hillary Clinton this year. Some of these were recorded just days before the election, proving just how wrong nearly everyone was."

WATCH: Clips Feature Pundits Confidently Predicting ‘Landslide’ Victory for Hillary | National Review
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

George W. Bush did it in 2004, so why can't Trump do it in 2020?

The demographics of this nation has changed dramatically since 2004 as have the wants, needs and desires of the citizenry.
Face it, this nation will continue to grow further apart...we are just too different.
Sorry but we've ALWAYS been different. In fact I'd say the opposite is true, we're more alike today than any time in our history.

That's just plain retarded silly talk..ignorance and denial. Stop pretending and pay attention please.
With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943
With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

"Rumpbots" ??? I'm stealing it ;)
Warren couldn't even beat a midwest homosexual mayor on her own New England turf. The former V.P. couldn't even beat Warren. Trump set a primary record for an incumbent president in N.H. Why worry about the popular vote?
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

Trump is going to win the popular and the electoral votes by an overwhelming landslide this time.
Wait and see.

I sincerely hope you're wrong. I pray to God that he never appeals to the pieces of shit and barely legals in this nation.
I just want Trump to win. I don’t care if he spies on rival campaigns like Obama did or use a fake Russian dossier like Hillary paid for.

What a pathetic attitude - IOW - I don't care if he cheats.

You probably don't care either that Russian trolls are already pumping out and amplifying thousands of fake news memes each day designed to divide Dems and help their Donald.

Well, you're not alone. Donald, Billy Barr and Congressional Republicans from Moscow Mitch McTurtle on down don't give a crap either. Just remember, what goes around comes around. And if an true authoritarian regime is what you desire, you'll be happier in Russia, Turkey or NoKo. I'll pick up your one-way ticket.


First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Martin Niemöller

Nope. Don’t care. If Dimms cheat then pubs should too. Fuck the high ground...fuck the Dimms in the caboose.
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

Trump is going to win the popular and the electoral votes by an overwhelming landslide this time.
Wait and see.

I sincerely hope you're wrong. I pray to God that he never appeals to the pieces of shit and barely legals in this nation.

What, you mean the "very fine" David Dookeys, Richard Speners, Cesar Sayocs, John McGraws, Leader Brotherses James Fieldses and those not-at-all-fake news publishers over at The Crusader?

Little late for that wish, innit.
Personally, I hope Trump win a -larger- share of the electoral vote and a -smaller- share of the "popular vote".
Liberal tears...
I just want Trump to win. I don’t care if he spies on rival campaigns like Obama did or use a fake Russian dossier like Hillary paid for.

What a pathetic attitude - IOW - I don't care if he cheats.

You probably don't care either that Russian trolls are already pumping out and amplifying thousands of fake news memes each day designed to divide Dems and help their Donald.

Well, you're not alone. Donald, Billy Barr and Congressional Republicans from Moscow Mitch McTurtle on down don't give a crap either. Just remember, what goes around comes around. And if an true authoritarian regime is what you desire, you'll be happier in Russia, Turkey or NoKo. I'll pick up your one-way ticket.


First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Martin Niemöller

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

"Rumpbots" ??? I'm stealing it ;)

It's totally likely that LefTarded rag the LA Times published such "fake news"...right?

More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV
More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV
Several states have decided to ignore their vote results and award all their electoral votes to whichever candidate wins the National Popular Vote.
Exactly zero states have changed their laws to this effect.
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.
If Bernie wins the Democratic nomination, Trump is a shoo in to win both the electoral and the popular vote. Look I was a former life long Democrat for 35+ years. Then Obama, who I voted for declared me a bitter clinger and Hillary declared me deplorable. My party didn't want me. I voted for Trump and will again. I predict there are still enough sane Democrats who realize what a danger a President Sanders would be who will switch like I did last time. When you ignore the media's bull shit narrative and look deeper and see the good that Trump is doing, Trump stands a good chance of winning. Now if only the constituents of Dem house members will realize that their representatives did jack shit for them in the last three years while attempting to pull of a coup, maybe they will boot them out of office like happened when Reid ran an obstructionist house and it cost them the leadership. Then Trump would only have the media to contend with.
Nobody anywhere predicted a "Hillary landslide" Prove me wrong.


"Exactly one week before Election Day, Moody Analytics’ economic election model (which has correctly predicted presidential election outcomes since 1980) is predicting a Hillary Clinton presidency. Not only that, the model is predicting that Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 election cycle by a veritable landslide."

"Grabien compiled a list of clips featuring experts and pundits predicting a “landslide” victory for Hillary Clinton this year. Some of these were recorded just days before the election, proving just how wrong nearly everyone was."

WATCH: Clips Feature Pundits Confidently Predicting ‘Landslide’ Victory for Hillary | National Review

From your own link:

>> as ABC News reports, Donald Trump is now up by one point in the polls, Hillary is killing it in the electoral college. The Hill reports that the Moody Analytics model is predicting that Hillary Clinton will win with 332 electoral votes. <<​

That ain't "killing it", is it. What you have there is a hyperinflated read of what was predicted as a dead heat.

Further, Rump ended up getting --- by a total combined margin of 70,000 votes --- the electoral votes of three crucial states, the infamous trio of Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania --- NONE of which majority-voted for anybody.

In other words a "perfect storm" of a freak squeaker. Known for short as a "fluke".
I just want Trump to win. I don’t care if he spies on rival campaigns like Obama did or use a fake Russian dossier like Hillary paid for.

What a pathetic attitude - IOW - I don't care if he cheats.

You probably don't care either that Russian trolls are already pumping out and amplifying thousands of fake news memes each day designed to divide Dems and help their Donald.

Well, you're not alone. Donald, Billy Barr and Congressional Republicans from Moscow Mitch McTurtle on down don't give a crap either. Just remember, what goes around comes around. And if an true authoritarian regime is what you desire, you'll be happier in Russia, Turkey or NoKo. I'll pick up your one-way ticket.


First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Martin Niemöller

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

"Rumpbots" ??? I'm stealing it ;)

It's totally likely that LefTarded rag the LA Times published such "fake news"...right?

More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV
More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV

The error was corrected - Illegals can't vote nor would they risk it - STOP LYING Rumpbot!!

The DMV says the error did not allow anyone living in the country without authorization to register to vote

California DMV may have botched 23,000 voter registrations

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