Republicans, do you really want Trump to win the ‘popular vote’?

If Pubs stop taking the high road and they get in the gutter with the Dimms, the Dimms are so fucked.

All the Dimms have is their lies and their cheating. That’s their edge.

They have to lie to get anything passed.
I just want Trump to win. I don’t care if he spies on rival campaigns like Obama did or use a fake Russian dossier like Hillary paid for.

What a pathetic attitude - IOW - I don't care if he cheats.

You probably don't care either that Russian trolls are already pumping out and amplifying thousands of fake news memes each day designed to divide Dems and help their Donald.

Well, you're not alone. Donald, Billy Barr and Congressional Republicans from Moscow Mitch McTurtle on down don't give a crap either. Just remember, what goes around comes around. And if an true authoritarian regime is what you desire, you'll be happier in Russia, Turkey or NoKo. I'll pick up your one-way ticket.


First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Martin Niemöller

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

"Rumpbots" ??? I'm stealing it ;)

It's totally likely that LefTarded rag the LA Times published such "fake news"...right?

More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV
More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV

Takes a poster from the Special Bus to go ahead and post fake news that's already been proven fake, and yet bring enough self-delusion to the table to think surely it will fly THIS time....
I just want Trump to win. I don’t care if he spies on rival campaigns like Obama did or use a fake Russian dossier like Hillary paid for.

What a pathetic attitude - IOW - I don't care if he cheats.

You probably don't care either that Russian trolls are already pumping out and amplifying thousands of fake news memes each day designed to divide Dems and help their Donald.

Well, you're not alone. Donald, Billy Barr and Congressional Republicans from Moscow Mitch McTurtle on down don't give a crap either. Just remember, what goes around comes around. And if an true authoritarian regime is what you desire, you'll be happier in Russia, Turkey or NoKo. I'll pick up your one-way ticket.


First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Martin Niemöller

Nope. Don’t care. If Dimms cheat then pubs should too. Fuck the high ground...fuck the Dimms in the caboose.

Yep - You are a pathetic, sad lil Rumpbot :icon_cry:
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

George W. Bush did it in 2004, so why can't Trump do it in 2020?

The demographics of this nation has changed dramatically since 2004 as have the wants, needs and desires of the citizenry.
Face it, this nation will continue to grow further apart...we are just too different.
Sorry but we've ALWAYS been different. In fact I'd say the opposite is true, we're more alike today than any time in our history.

That's just plain retarded silly talk..ignorance and denial. Stop pretending and pay attention please.
You claimed this nation continues to grow further apart and now we are just too different. If that is not retarded silly talk you should be able to back it up. Can you?
If Pubs stop taking the high road and they get in the gutter with the Dimms, the Dimms are so fucked.

All the Dimms have is their lies and their cheating. That’s their edge.

They have to lie to get anything passed.

Cheating and voter suppression is the only way your team can win a purple state anymore.

But the extreme demographic anxiety is entertaining. Do continue! ;)
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

George W. Bush did it in 2004, so why can't Trump do it in 2020?

The demographics of this nation has changed dramatically since 2004 as have the wants, needs and desires of the citizenry.
Face it, this nation will continue to grow further apart...we are just too different.
Sorry but we've ALWAYS been different. In fact I'd say the opposite is true, we're more alike today than any time in our history.

That's just plain retarded silly talk..ignorance and denial. Stop pretending and pay attention please.
You claimed this nation continues to grow further apart and now we are just too different. If that is not retarded silly talk you should be able to back it up. Can you?

Not even the most ignorant, most foolish among us would need proof that we are divided like never before in our history. Save it, you're simply making an ass of yourself in public.
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

George W. Bush did it in 2004, so why can't Trump do it in 2020?
And all those republicans that were so gung ho to vote for Dubya back then in support of the Iraq war are now running on "no more stupid wars." Next time maybe they'll run on "no more stupid Presidents."
then your side had better come up with a smart one....
I just want Trump to win. I don’t care if he spies on rival campaigns like Obama did or use a fake Russian dossier like Hillary paid for.

What a pathetic attitude - IOW - I don't care if he cheats.

You probably don't care either that Russian trolls are already pumping out and amplifying thousands of fake news memes each day designed to divide Dems and help their Donald.

Well, you're not alone. Donald, Billy Barr and Congressional Republicans from Moscow Mitch McTurtle on down don't give a crap either. Just remember, what goes around comes around. And if an true authoritarian regime is what you desire, you'll be happier in Russia, Turkey or NoKo. I'll pick up your one-way ticket.


First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Martin Niemöller

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

"Rumpbots" ??? I'm stealing it ;)

It's totally likely that LefTarded rag the LA Times published such "fake news"...right?

More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV
More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV

Takes a poster from the Special Bus to go ahead and post fake news that's already been proven fake, and yet bring enough self-delusion to the table to think surely it will fly THIS time....

So DMV officials admitted to this but they made it all up? Is that what you're asserting?
Quoted from the article:

"Tens of thousands of Californians have been registered to vote incorrectly by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, including some who were assigned the wrong political party preference, officials said Wednesday.

Officials insist the errors were limited to 23,000 of the 1.4 million voter registration files sent to elections offices between late April, when California’s new automated “motor voter” system went into effect, and early August. Californians who were affected will soon receive notifications in the mail instructing them to check their voter registration status.

Jean Shiomoto, the state’s DMV director, and Amy Tong, director of the California Department of Technology, described the problem as “an administrative processing error” in a letter to Secretary of State Alex Padilla, California’s chief elections officer.

“We are committed to getting this right and are working closely with the Secretary of State’s office to correct the errors that occurred,” Shiomoto said in a written statement. Tong declined to comment beyond the letter.
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

Trump is going to win the popular and the electoral votes by an overwhelming landslide this time.
Wait and see.

Good. What will I win on election day morning when all that's worth knowing will be known.
When TRUMP was running in 2016 he was running on things supported by the republican party across the board. The never-TRUMPers were trying to push doubts that if elected TRUMP will cave to democrats.
Democrats on the other hand are fractured about what their party supports, so it will be harder for whoever win the dems nomination to rally a broad base of people to show up at the polls.
TRUMP will win the popular vote if democrats have low voter turn out which could very well happen.
One would think by now democrats know they can't beat TRUMP and would be looking for a candidate who has the best chance to win the popular vote.
Since when were the Make The Elite Even Wealthier running on a MAGA platform?
Both narcissistic ends of the spectrum want to cram their agendas down our throats whether the majority wants it or not.

They have convinced themselves that they, and they alone, know what's best for us. They're very smart, y'know.

Just another of the many examples of how nutters on both ends can be so comically similar in their behaviors.

Conversely, you and your ilk keep telling us that ShaQuita from the swamps of Louisiana with a filth grade education and zero knowledge of politics and barely legal, barely English speaking Guadalupe “know what’s best for us” and should decide our elections. What gives?
I did?


Nowhere. You are just a placeholder to yell at for dip shit wingers. You're in good company.
I just want Trump to win. I don’t care if he spies on rival campaigns like Obama did or use a fake Russian dossier like Hillary paid for.

What a pathetic attitude - IOW - I don't care if he cheats.

You probably don't care either that Russian trolls are already pumping out and amplifying thousands of fake news memes each day designed to divide Dems and help their Donald.

Well, you're not alone. Donald, Billy Barr and Congressional Republicans from Moscow Mitch McTurtle on down don't give a crap either. Just remember, what goes around comes around. And if an true authoritarian regime is what you desire, you'll be happier in Russia, Turkey or NoKo. I'll pick up your one-way ticket.


First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Martin Niemöller

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

DMV Enables Massive Voter Fraud in the Golden State - California Globe


False Claim of California Registering Noncitizens to Vote

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

They tried the same fake news shit in Texas.

"If you repeat a lie often enough, those unwashed idiot Rumpbots in Duh Bubble over at USMB will come to believe it" --- Josef Göbbels, 1943

"Rumpbots" ??? I'm stealing it ;)

It's totally likely that LefTarded rag the LA Times published such "fake news"...right?

More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV
More than 23,000 Californians were registered to vote incorrectly by state DMV

Takes a poster from the Special Bus to go ahead and post fake news that's already been proven fake, and yet bring enough self-delusion to the table to think surely it will fly THIS time....

So DMV officials admitted to this but they made it all up? Is that what you're asserting?
Quoted from the article:

"Tens of thousands of Californians have been registered to vote incorrectly by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, including some who were assigned the wrong political party preference, officials said Wednesday.

Officials insist the errors were limited to 23,000 of the 1.4 million voter registration files sent to elections offices between late April, when California’s new automated “motor voter” system went into effect, and early August. Californians who were affected will soon receive notifications in the mail instructing them to check their voter registration status.

Jean Shiomoto, the state’s DMV director, and Amy Tong, director of the California Department of Technology, described the problem as “an administrative processing error” in a letter to Secretary of State Alex Padilla, California’s chief elections officer.

“We are committed to getting this right and are working closely with the Secretary of State’s office to correct the errors that occurred,” Shiomoto said in a written statement. Tong declined to comment beyond the letter.

Ah, is that the article that says the errors were caught before the primaries and didn't affect the vote?

>> That error — potentially thousands of cases in which multiple registration documents were generated for a single voterwas caught before the June primary. The timing of the new error, officials said, should not cause problems for any Californian who changes registration information before the November election. <<​

Whereas the original claim you tried to plop here was --- let's just quote it verbatim:

With the advent of MASSIVE vote fraud in California, a Republican winning the national "popular vote" may be an impossibility.

Yet your article doesn't support anything about "fraud" OR political parties, does it. Software error/voter fraud: Know the difference.

Do you ever actually READ your own articles?
Both narcissistic ends of the spectrum want to cram their agendas down our throats whether the majority wants it or not.

They have convinced themselves that they, and they alone, know what's best for us. They're very smart, y'know.

Just another of the many examples of how nutters on both ends can be so comically similar in their behaviors.

Conversely, you and your ilk keep telling us that ShaQuita from the swamps of Louisiana with a filth grade education and zero knowledge of politics and barely legal, barely English speaking Guadalupe “know what’s best for us” and should decide our elections. What gives?
I did?


Nowhere. You are just a placeholder to yell at for dip shit wingers.
What fascinates me is that they might very well believe the stuff they make up.

Like Trump - just spray it out, and talk yourself into believing it simultaneously.

Nutters: Always interesting to observe.
Please let go of that tired played out “POPULAR VOTE” shit.
NOBODY I know who will vote for Trump would encourage him to tailor his form of governance to appeal to the populous of Mexifornia and Loon York.
We are a nation divided and we want it to stay that way.....Welcome to the Democrat designed, LefTist built Divided States Of America.

Trump is going to win the popular and the electoral votes by an overwhelming landslide this time.
Wait and see.

Good. What will I win on election day morning when all that's worth knowing will be known.

You'll win an autographed copy of the Constitution, the passage where it talks about the "flag".

Oh wait, you ran away from that one didn't you.
Both narcissistic ends of the spectrum want to cram their agendas down our throats whether the majority wants it or not.

They have convinced themselves that they, and they alone, know what's best for us. They're very smart, y'know.

Just another of the many examples of how nutters on both ends can be so comically similar in their behaviors.

Conversely, you and your ilk keep telling us that ShaQuita from the swamps of Louisiana with a filth grade education and zero knowledge of politics and barely legal, barely English speaking Guadalupe “know what’s best for us” and should decide our elections. What gives?
I did?


Nowhere. You are just a placeholder to yell at for dip shit wingers.
What fascinates me is that they might very well believe the stuff they make up.

Like Trump - just spray it out, and talk yourself into believing it simultaneously.

Nutters: Always interesting to observe.

Interesting? More like annoying. They're annoying little fleas on the ass of America.
I want him to win the electoral vote if he wins the popular vote that’s a bonus.
Both narcissistic ends of the spectrum want to cram their agendas down our throats whether the majority wants it or not.

They have convinced themselves that they, and they alone, know what's best for us. They're very smart, y'know.

Just another of the many examples of how nutters on both ends can be so comically similar in their behaviors.

Conversely, you and your ilk keep telling us that ShaQuita from the swamps of Louisiana with a filth grade education and zero knowledge of politics and barely legal, barely English speaking Guadalupe “know what’s best for us” and should decide our elections. What gives?
I did?


Nowhere. You are just a placeholder to yell at for dip shit wingers.
What fascinates me is that they might very well believe the stuff they make up.

Like Trump - just spray it out, and talk yourself into believing it simultaneously.

Nutters: Always interesting to observe.

Interesting? More like annoying. They're annoying little fleas on the ass of America.
Yeah, and destructive. Stipulated.

I guess the nihilist in me enjoys it, but this ain't good because it's metastasizing.
Conversely, you and your ilk keep telling us that ShaQuita from the swamps of Louisiana with a filth grade education and zero knowledge of politics and barely legal, barely English speaking Guadalupe “know what’s best for us” and should decide our elections. What gives?
I did?


Nowhere. You are just a placeholder to yell at for dip shit wingers.
What fascinates me is that they might very well believe the stuff they make up.

Like Trump - just spray it out, and talk yourself into believing it simultaneously.

Nutters: Always interesting to observe.

Interesting? More like annoying. They're annoying little fleas on the ass of America.
Yeah, and destructive. Stipulated.

I guess the nihilist in me enjoys it, but this ain't good because it's metastasizing.

At least this place isn't representative of any offline reality.
Both narcissistic ends of the spectrum want to cram their agendas down our throats whether the majority wants it or not.

They have convinced themselves that they, and they alone, know what's best for us. They're very smart, y'know.

Just another of the many examples of how nutters on both ends can be so comically similar in their behaviors.

Actually no.

The left wants to create a gaggle of automatons in their own image and are willing to spill blood to do it.

Conservatives on the other hand are more or less live and let live. When a conservative lives in a neighborhood with a bunch of liberals and he has the freedom to fly a flag or the freedom to put up a Christmas ornament or the freedom to simply say he disagrees with them. This is transmuted into cramming his agenda down their throat.

It's a composition fallacy and a dangerous one too.


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