Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

I can see a gestating fetus. I can feel it move. But it’s not fully alive until it can live outside the womb. It’s not “on the planet” until it’s outside it’s mother and breathing.

Your opinion is duly noted and rightfully dismissed. Prenatal development is just a life stage of a unique human being.

NotfooledbyW said: Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. • ¥a • nf.23.11.21 #1

OKTexas said: There's only one argument that has any merit. There can be no moral justification to kill a living human being for no other reason than convenience. It's just that simple. . vktxs.23.11.24 #257

Society is not obligated to comply with your morals on private matters that cause no harm in or to society.

You chose to apply a legal right to life to ZEF stage human beings who have not been separated from their mothers based on your personal moral judgement.

You are nobody to decide my morality on unborn life and that includes your Republican Party.

One argument I have that you should be able to agree with Saint Oktexas is that Jewish people are moral people and they have lived moral lives for thousands of years while believing that sanctity of life begins at birth.

You have no argument or authority or status to call Jewish people murderers and baby killers.

nf .23.11.25 to vktxs.23.11.24 #257
So it’s not a child. A clump of cells. Well good. It wouldn’t be unethical to terminate it then!
It is a living human being. Abortion kills a living human being, vermin.

Child has a specific meaning, like adult, Simp.
The absolute dumbest argument against abortion is that god would find it immoral. Fuck your fake deity. Don’t tell women what to do with their own bodies because your fake god wouldn’t like it.
You are right about that - runner!

Can you make a rational argument as to why society has a duty to protect human life at the sixth week of gestation by invading the privacy of what is biologically going on inside a pregnant woman’s body?

Because she’s pregnant? Should a woman’s offspring not be protected if she wants to take the pregnancy to birth?
Because she’s pregnant? Should a woman’s offspring not be protected if she wants to take the pregnancy to birth?
Of course every ZEF is protected through the right to life of its nurturing birth mother. No person can terminate a fetus’s life except the birthmother because taking the risks of giving birth can only affect her life and the one and only body she has.
Whatever anyone who is not pregnant wants to call a human being in the ZEF stage of development prior to viability, there is nothing unethical if the potential birthmother chooses not to gestate a fetus to a full term

Question for Saint Nostra :

what is unethical about abortion that is performed weeks before potential viability?
Abortion is legal in most states.

What abortion does to the woman's soul is none of my business. Abortion is her decision, not mine.
One of the dumbest things republicans say about abortion is that if the father wants to keep the pregnancy, the mother must automatically comply because of that. That’s how you settle a deadlock? Only the mother is the one putting their health on the line for 9 months. All a guy did was blow his load. Obviously the woman should have the final say.
Republicans also never seem to preach about the man’s responsibility for the pregnancy. It doesn’t even matter to them if the father isn’t in the picture. The woman must carry the child regardless.

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