Republicans - Fight Welfare


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
The Republicans need an issue that the public will respond to, one that sets them aside from the democrats and offers the public something to support.

That issue is to fight welfare.

No, I don't mean go after SNAP, that's a drop in the bucket. Republicans need to go after the REAL wefare fatcats. Some ghetto mom sucking the government tit for $30K a year is background noise compared to Solyndra glomming on to $500 MILLION in taxpayer monies. The federal government hands billions of dollars to for profit companies each year - in return for campaign donations and political support.

Kaiser and Blue Cross will reap trillions of dollars in rewards from Obamacare, and naturally they repaid Obama and the democrats with millions in campaign bribes.

The import-export bank exists for no reason OTHER than to provide corporate welfare. Agricultural subsidies go to multi-billion dollar companies like Archer-Daniels-Midland. Clinton made sure his cronies at Tyson raked in their share of corporate welfare, after they spent decades funding his campaigns.

IF the GOP wants to be relevant, then take up the cause that not one dime of public money will be used for the benefit of for profit companies - except in return for goods and services. Explain to the public that corporate welfare is nothing more than open corruption, and that unlike the democrats, the Republicans will take a stand against corruption. End corporate welfare, completely.
That's the right idea but Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin, and that coin is in the pocket of the insanely wealthy.

The American political system needs a real "grass roots" movement.

The America political system needs third parties to come to the fore--I support the Green Party, check them out at their website.
Man, that's the basis for their support!

Actually, it's the basis of the support for democrats.

The reason this is the best issue is that not only does it have populist appeal, it cuts the legs out from under the corrupt democrats. The Obama administration has spent more on corporate welfare than the 6 administrations prior did.

Okay, I grant you that this is not an entirely fair metric, the bailout of GM and Chrysler are a big chunk of that. Still, Obama hands welfare to corporations at a breakneck rate - with many strings attached.
It's pretty bipartisan. McDaniel hit Cochran with everything from farm subsidies to road funds. (He got soundly slapped down on the latter, btw)

But remember the gop house wouldn't touch tax cuts for private jets because cutting that would ... wait for it .... wait for it ... cost jobs.

It's fine to try and take it program or tax give back one at a time, but that's pretty hopeless. the Budget Enforcement Act and paygo was more effective in holding back overall spending. But last I saw, the House gop wouldn't bring them back.
Hit the democrats where they live - in open and gross corruption. The Ex-Im is the primary example of corporate welfare, AND the vehicle for moving American jobs to China.

Let the democrats fight to keep the corporate welfare and offshoring going - just make sure the public is reminded that democrats are openly trading American jobs for campaign bribes. That while the dims end American jobs, they are busy giving taxpayer money to these corporate giants, in return for campaign bribes.
The Republicans need an issue that the public will respond to, one that sets them aside from the democrats and offers the public something to support.

That issue is to fight welfare.

No, I don't mean go after SNAP, that's a drop in the bucket. Republicans need to go after the REAL wefare fatcats. Some ghetto mom sucking the government tit for $30K a year is background noise compared to Solyndra glomming on to $500 MILLION in taxpayer monies. The federal government hands billions of dollars to for profit companies each year - in return for campaign donations and political support.

Kaiser and Blue Cross will reap trillions of dollars in rewards from Obamacare, and naturally they repaid Obama and the democrats with millions in campaign bribes.

The import-export bank exists for no reason OTHER than to provide corporate welfare. Agricultural subsidies go to multi-billion dollar companies like Archer-Daniels-Midland. Clinton made sure his cronies at Tyson raked in their share of corporate welfare, after they spent decades funding his campaigns.

IF the GOP wants to be relevant, then take up the cause that not one dime of public money will be used for the benefit of for profit companies - except in return for goods and services. Explain to the public that corporate welfare is nothing more than open corruption, and that unlike the democrats, the Republicans will take a stand against corruption. End corporate welfare, completely.


Next, you'll advise them to come out in favor of Santa Claus.

You rock!
How about - Your on welfare (my dime) for two weeks. Find a job during that time, vs. cruising the hood for crack and spending (my) taxpayer money on smokes, porn and Colt 45 Malt Liquor.
Two weeks - your on your fucking own.
Even a Goddamned retarded illegal Mexican can find a fucking job.
How about - Your on welfare (my dime) for two weeks. Find a job during that time, vs. cruising the hood for crack and spending (my) taxpayer money on smokes, porn and Colt 45 Malt Liquor.
Two weeks - your on your fucking own.
Even a Goddamned retarded illegal Mexican can find a fucking job.

^^^^didn't read the OP^^^^
welfare for Americans.. Bad

welfare for third world countries ...good

Love, The GOP.
The Republicans need an issue that the public will respond to, one that sets them aside from the democrats and offers the public something to support.

That issue is to fight welfare.

No, I don't mean go after SNAP, that's a drop in the bucket. Republicans need to go after the REAL wefare fatcats. Some ghetto mom sucking the government tit for $30K a year is background noise compared to Solyndra glomming on to $500 MILLION in taxpayer monies. The federal government hands billions of dollars to for profit companies each year - in return for campaign donations and political support.

Kaiser and Blue Cross will reap trillions of dollars in rewards from Obamacare, and naturally they repaid Obama and the democrats with millions in campaign bribes.

The import-export bank exists for no reason OTHER than to provide corporate welfare. Agricultural subsidies go to multi-billion dollar companies like Archer-Daniels-Midland. Clinton made sure his cronies at Tyson raked in their share of corporate welfare, after they spent decades funding his campaigns.

IF the GOP wants to be relevant, then take up the cause that not one dime of public money will be used for the benefit of for profit companies - except in return for goods and services. Explain to the public that corporate welfare is nothing more than open corruption, and that unlike the democrats, the Republicans will take a stand against corruption. End corporate welfare, completely.


Next, you'll advise them to come out in favor of Santa Claus.

You rock!

If we recognize the fact that Obama's fascistcare is the biggest corporate welfare scheme in U.S. history, then this is a natural position for the GOP. Republicans are supposed to be about fighting waste and fraud, here is their chance.
That's the right idea but Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin, and that coin is in the pocket of the insanely wealthy.

The American political system needs a real "grass roots" movement.


I have to agree with you here. I love money but big money and the media rule the world.

Anything anybody does is immediately shot down as racist or uncaring or homophobic.
The Republicans need an issue that the public will respond to, one that sets them aside from the democrats and offers the public something to support.

That issue is to fight welfare..

If the Republicans want to be considered "electable" they most cave in to the Parasitic Hordes.

[ame=""]FEED ME SEYMOUR[/ame]


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