"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Sorry. Try again buddy.

Charlene Lamb stated under oath that budget issues had nothing to do with security staffing levels and that the State Department was not only satisfied with those staffing levels BEFORE the attacks but amazingly felt they were adequate AFTER the attacks!

I heard her on TV myself.

You do realize that the fine line between Ambassador Stephens' surviving the attack and death by smoke asphyxiation was perhaps 40 ft of separation between him and his security team in the dark and smoke filled compound. All but one other Americans were rescued from the consulate.

The point is that security was clearly not enough to save Stephens and Smith, but in the real world every dangerous place where State Dept staff and Ambassadors serve. But it may have been enough had all the Libyan forces also in charge of security not abandoned their positions and shot and killed the attackers.
A partisan segment of the population does not speak for "society". You are not speaking for society. You are speaking for a segment of society that has an agenda driven opinion. It in no way represents society. You have a fractional minority opinion and speak only for a very specific and small segment of society.

Give up. You don't understand the terms, you shouldn't even be involved in this conversation, you're embarassing yourself.

No I'm not. You are the one who doesn't know the definition of society or making the claim you speak for "society". You should be embarrassed spelled with two r's instead of one.
I went to the actual webpage for this topic.

Fact Sheet - House Intelligence Committee s Benghazi Report The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

It appears that the report is inconclusive according to the chairman.:

December 4, 2014 Contact: Susan Phalen
[email protected]

Fact Sheet

House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report

Certain press articles about the House Intelligence Committee’s Report on Benghazi do not accurately represent the Committee’s Report or take into account the full scope of the evidence the Committee received. Statements by individual eyewitnesses, in particular former security contractors who were in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11-12, 2012, do not present the complete picture of what happened that night. The Committee’s Report is based on the totality of the evidence it received and all the testimony of witnesses taken under oath and on the record. The facts described in the Report comport with the findings of other committees in Congress, including the Senate Intelligence Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Armed Services Committee. The Committee stands by its final bipartisan Report that was formally adopted by a voice vote of Committee members.

· The former security contractors who are telling their version of events in the media do not represent the totality of the two CIA rescue teams. Some individuals remain unnamed. Some security officers continue to serve the CIA in dangerous places around the world, and thus cannot disclose their testimony publicly.​
Sorry. Try again buddy.

Charlene Lamb stated under oath that budget issues had nothing to do with security staffing levels and that the State Department was not only satisfied with those staffing levels BEFORE the attacks but amazingly felt they were adequate AFTER the attacks!

I heard her on TV myself.

You do realize that the fine line between Ambassador Stephens' surviving the attack and death by smoke asphyxiation was perhaps 40 ft of separation between him and his security team in the dark and smoke filled compound. All but one other Americans were rescued from the consulate.

The point is that security was clearly not enough to save Stephens and Smith, but in the real world every dangerous place where State Dept staff and Ambassadors serve. But it may have been enough had all the Libyan forces also in charge of security not abandoned their positions and shot and killed the attackers.

They should have pulled our people out like the Brits and the Red Cross. If that had been done they would have attacked an empty consulate and none of our people would have died.
A partisan segment of the population does not speak for "society". You are not speaking for society. You are speaking for a segment of society that has an agenda driven opinion. It in no way represents society. You have a fractional minority opinion and speak only for a very specific and small segment of society.

Give up. You don't understand the terms, you shouldn't even be involved in this conversation, you're embarassing yourself.

No I'm not. You are the one who doesn't know the definition of society or making the claim you speak for "society". You should be embarrassed spelled with two r's instead of one.

Omg, what the hell are you babbling about now?
eah... Budgets were cut... HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were taken out of the state department budget.


If it were ONLY TRUE... THAT would be SUCH a wonderful thing. But it's NOT true... what's more it is hysterically FALSE.

The Moonie Times admits that there were deep cuts.

Benghazi attack followed deep cuts in State Department security budget - Washington Times

The gop cut the embassy budgets by more than 400 million dollars. If the gop had not done that maybe there would have been funding for extra security.

That bullshit has been debunked so many times.

The administraion spokesperson came out the next day and said money wasn't an issue.

It was the total incompetance of the State Department that cost the lives of four good men.

Actually no.

The gop congress cut 465 million from the security budget for the embassies.

That money could have gone to more security.

No, you're lying. There have been something like 6 investigations and reports. Every single one of them said that the state department wasn't incompetent. That all the accusations by the gop is nothing but lies.

These are reports and investigations done by the gop. So if you want to say the gop is a bunch of liars that's your choice.

Gowdy, Gowdy, he's our man, if he can't make it a scandal no one.......well there's always talk radio and the rest of the echo-chamber to carry the torch.....

Gowdy is going after pre-attack lack of sufficient security. All the post-attack nonsense has been shot down by the facts.

This Gowdy search for the smoking gun will also be a waste of time.
A partisan segment of the population does not speak for "society". You are not speaking for society. You are speaking for a segment of society that has an agenda driven opinion. It in no way represents society. You have a fractional minority opinion and speak only for a very specific and small segment of society.

Give up. You don't understand the terms, you shouldn't even be involved in this conversation, you're embarassing yourself.

No I'm not. You are the one who doesn't know the definition of society or making the claim you speak for "society". You should be embarrassed spelled with two r's instead of one.

Omg, what the hell are you babbling about now?
Your misuse of the word "scandal" and "society".
A partisan segment of the population does not speak for "society". You are not speaking for society. You are speaking for a segment of society that has an agenda driven opinion. It in no way represents society. You have a fractional minority opinion and speak only for a very specific and small segment of society.

Give up. You don't understand the terms, you shouldn't even be involved in this conversation, you're embarassing yourself.

No I'm not. You are the one who doesn't know the definition of society or making the claim you speak for "society". You should be embarrassed spelled with two r's instead of one.

Omg, what the hell are you babbling about now?
Your misuse of the word "scandal" and "society".

I have never misused either one.


But we have certainly established that you're an idiot who doesn't understand the words she likes to banter about.

The gop cut the embassy budgets by more than 400 million dollars. If the gop had not done that maybe there would have been funding for extra security.

That bullshit has been debunked so many times.

The administraion spokesperson came out the next day and said money wasn't an issue.

It was the total incompetance of the State Department that cost the lives of four good men.

Actually no.

The gop congress cut 465 million from the security budget for the embassies.

That money could have gone to more security.

No, you're lying. There have been something like 6 investigations and reports. Every single one of them said that the state department wasn't incompetent. That all the accusations by the gop is nothing but lies.

These are reports and investigations done by the gop. So if you want to say the gop is a bunch of liars that's your choice.

Gowdy, Gowdy, he's our man, if he can't make it a scandal no one.......well there's always talk radio and the rest of the echo-chamber to carry the torch.....

Gowdy is going after pre-attack lack of sufficient security. All the post-attack nonsense has been shot down by the facts.

This Gowdy search for the smoking gun will also be a waste of time.
Partisans have trouble dealing with Shit Happens. Stevens won't look good if he goes that way. He was a great guy but he twice turned down extra security, was 400 miles away in a place he said was dangerous as hell, and then all hell broke loose and he was killed. No matter what they go after trying to get at Hillary and Obama those facts won't change.
This investigation isn't about the cover up but about actions at the facilities in Benghazi.

That is another investigation entirely.

So essentially, this thread is based on a false assumption better known as a lie by Mother Jones.
Sorry. Try again buddy.

Charlene Lamb stated under oath that budget issues had nothing to do with security staffing levels and that the State Department was not only satisfied with those staffing levels BEFORE the attacks but amazingly felt they were adequate AFTER the attacks!

I heard her on TV myself.

You do realize that the fine line between Ambassador Stephens' surviving the attack and death by smoke asphyxiation was perhaps 40 ft of separation between him and his security team in the dark and smoke filled compound. All but one other Americans were rescued from the consulate.

The point is that security was clearly not enough to save Stephens and Smith, but in the real world every dangerous place where State Dept staff and Ambassadors serve. But it may have been enough had all the Libyan forces also in charge of security not abandoned their positions and shot and killed the attackers.

They should have pulled our people out like the Brits and the Red Cross. If that had been done they would have attacked an empty consulate and none of our people would have died.

Cause our motto is "Cut-n-Run" right?
The gop cut the embassy budgets by more than 400 million dollars. If the gop had not done that maybe there would have been funding for extra security.

That bullshit has been debunked so many times.

The administraion spokesperson came out the next day and said money wasn't an issue.

It was the total incompetance of the State Department that cost the lives of four good men.

Actually no.

The gop congress cut 465 million from the security budget for the embassies.

That money could have gone to more security.

No, you're lying. There have been something like 6 investigations and reports. Every single one of them said that the state department wasn't incompetent. That all the accusations by the gop is nothing but lies.

These are reports and investigations done by the gop. So if you want to say the gop is a bunch of liars that's your choice.

Gowdy, Gowdy, he's our man, if he can't make it a scandal no one.......well there's always talk radio and the rest of the echo-chamber to carry the torch.....

Gowdy is going after pre-attack lack of sufficient security. All the post-attack nonsense has been shot down by the facts.

This Gowdy search for the smoking gun will also be a waste of time.
Partisans have trouble dealing with Shit Happens. Stevens won't look good if he goes that way. He was a great guy but he twice turned down extra security, was 400 miles away in a place he said was dangerous as hell, and then all hell broke loose and he was killed. No matter what they go after trying to get at Hillary and Obama those facts won't change.

^^Blaming the victim. Hillary-approved.

The gop cut the embassy budgets by more than 400 million dollars. If the gop had not done that maybe there would have been funding for extra security.

That bullshit has been debunked so many times.

The administraion spokesperson came out the next day and said money wasn't an issue.

It was the total incompetance of the State Department that cost the lives of four good men.

Actually no.

The gop congress cut 465 million from the security budget for the embassies.

That money could have gone to more security.

No, you're lying. There have been something like 6 investigations and reports. Every single one of them said that the state department wasn't incompetent. That all the accusations by the gop is nothing but lies.

These are reports and investigations done by the gop. So if you want to say the gop is a bunch of liars that's your choice.

Gowdy, Gowdy, he's our man, if he can't make it a scandal no one.......well there's always talk radio and the rest of the echo-chamber to carry the torch.....

Gowdy is going after pre-attack lack of sufficient security. All the post-attack nonsense has been shot down by the facts.

This Gowdy search for the smoking gun will also be a waste of time.

Only in your mind. This report clearly states this was an attack, not a protest.

Isn't that what the Whitehouse claimed, that this was a protest over a stupid video?

As for the lax security, Hillary needs to answer for that. The fault rests with her. She recently stated that we need to be understanding to our enemies, so understanding that we pull most of our security and hang our diplomats out to dry.
Never was any scandal - just an attempt to create an illusion for political gain.

Gee, we've NEVER seen anything like THAT before, huh?

To say that there never was a scandal is to pretend that a US Ambassador wasn't killed in an attack on our diplomatic facility. Christopher Stevens and three others are dead. That isn't an "illusion"...that's an undisputed fact. The "scandal" is twofold...that the Clinton State Department ignored repeated warnings that the situation in Libya was growing increasingly dangerous and it was foolhardy to draw down the levels of security personnel given that situation...and that the Obama White House tried to mislead the Congress and the American people about who carried out the attacks for political reasons and then tried to hide how those efforts were carried out.
a death does not equal a "scandal"

No one ever really thought there was a "scandal" here. Just political hacks doing what they do.

Don't get me wrong, Democrats do it too. I just don't get sucked into to all the hackery from either side.

The people that have "no shame" are people like you, R-Derp...who continue to attempt to pass blame on Benghazi to GOP budget cuts when the State Department's Charlene Lamb testified under oath that budget cuts had nothing to do with security personnel being drawn down prior to the Benghazi attacks.
a death does not equal a "scandal"

No one ever really thought there was a "scandal" here. Just political hacks doing what they do.

Don't get me wrong, Democrats do it too. I just don't get sucked into to all the hackery from either side.

The cover up of why is.

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