"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

oooo oooooo I heard someone got a parking ticket. Gear up the "scandal" spin.

No one was ever really buying into it. The hacks pretended to because they thought they might get some mileage out of it. But no one ever took it seriously - well no one with an IQ above 45.
Talk that is damaging to one's character; malicious gossip."

ok, fine. There was a scandal.

If Clinton ran today she would only win by 60% rather than 65%. Damaging malicious gossip notwithstanding.
Yes, the tragedy was a result of callous mismanagement, dishonesty, and the cynical disregard of life embodied in our administration...and that is why it's a scandal.

No I disagree. It was a tragedy because of a military style assault on a building that was not fortified against such an assault like our embassies are. The other tragedy was the response of the GOP Presidential candidate who tried unsuccessfully to turn it into politics.
oooo oooooo I heard someone got a parking ticket. Gear up the "scandal" spin.

No one was ever really buying into it. The hacks pretended to because they thought they might get some mileage out of it. But no one ever took it seriously - well no one with an IQ above 45.


"Pat Smith, the mother of foreign officer Sean Smith killed in the September 11, 2012 attacks on the embassy in Benghazi, has spent the last two years searching for answers into her son’s death. During that search she has been highly critical of President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton."

What an idiot, lol. Typical progressive scum, call the victims stupid.

STUDY Victims Families Speak Out Against Obama Networks Don t Care
LOL - scandal doesn't equate to "outrage."
What kind of idiot would say that?
Your definition includes the design
By Camp's definition, the "it's just a bunch of meanies being malicious" one, it's still a scandal.

As I said. You don't have any idea what the word "scandal" means. And you still don't. You probably never would. You should return to 4th grade, and this time, don't do drugs during class.
The definition you posted says ".....disgrace of offends the moral sensibilities of society."

Your post, the definition you are using to make your point.

A partisan segment of the population does not speak for "society". You are not speaking for society. You are speaking for a segment of society that has an agenda driven opinion. It in no way represents society. You have a fractional minority opinion and speak only for a very specific and small segment of society.
Yes, the tragedy was a result of callous mismanagement, dishonesty, and the cynical disregard of life embodied in our administration...and that is why it's a scandal.

No I disagree. It was a tragedy because of a military style assault on a building that was not fortified against such an assault like our embassies are. The other tragedy was the response of the GOP Presidential candidate who tried unsuccessfully to turn it into politics.

Good lord, am I going to have to teach you what "tragedy" means now?
Save your breath South.

Four dead men mean nothing to these idiots. The fact that Benghazi didn't have to happen means nothing either. They can't see the forrest for the trees because they are idiiots.

Claudette's translation: I can't refute the truth, so I will derail the thread with filthy accusations about the posters who are writing the truth here.

The administration blamed it on a video knowing full well that it was a terrorist attack as told by the CIA from day one.

Your the one refuting the truth.

You just don't want to believe that the administration let Benghazi happen

They could have beefed up security or pulled our people the hell out of Libya like the Brits and the Red Cross. They were smart enough to pay attention to those warnings. Our State Department sure wasn't.

State had months of warnings but did nothing.

It ain't rocket science there Jakey. Its incompetence by State and an administration that lied its ass off because they didn't want anything negative getting in the way of Barry's campaign.

Barry had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser the next day. Four dead men weren't as important to him as that fund raiser was.

They don't seem to be important to you either.
LOL - scandal doesn't equate to "outrage."
What kind of idiot would say that?
Your definition includes the design
By Camp's definition, the "it's just a bunch of meanies being malicious" one, it's still a scandal.

As I said. You don't have any idea what the word "scandal" means. And you still don't. You probably never would. You should return to 4th grade, and this time, don't do drugs during class.
The definition you posted says ".....disgrace of offends the moral sensibilities of society."

Your post, the definition you are using to make your point.

A partisan segment of the population does not speak for "society". You are not speaking for society. You are speaking for a segment of society that has an agenda driven opinion. It in no way represents society. You have a fractional minority opinion and speak only for a very specific and small segment of society.

Give up. You don't understand the terms, you shouldn't even be involved in this conversation, you're embarassing yourself.
Save your breath South.

Four dead men mean nothing to these idiots. The fact that Benghazi didn't have to happen means nothing either. They can't see the forrest for the trees because they are idiiots.

Claudette's translation: I can't refute the truth, so I will derail the thread with filthy accusations about the posters who are writing the truth here.

The administration blamed it on a video knowing full well that it was a terrorist attack as told by the CIA from day one.

Your the one refuting the truth.

You just don't want to believe that the administration let Benghazi happen

They could have beefed up security or pulled our people the hell out of Libya like the Brits and the Red Cross. They were smart enough to pay attention to those warnings. Our State Department sure wasn't.

State had months of warnings but did nothing.

It ain't rocket science there Jakey. Its incompetence by State and an administration that lied its ass off because they didn't want anything negative getting in the way of Barry's campaign.

Barry had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser the next day. Four dead men weren't as important to him as that fund raiser was.

They don't seem to be important to you either.
Barry needed to hook up with Jay-Z and Beyonce who live in Vegas.
LOL - scandal doesn't equate to "outrage."
What kind of idiot would say that?
Your definition includes the design
By Camp's definition, the "it's just a bunch of meanies being malicious" one, it's still a scandal.

As I said. You don't have any idea what the word "scandal" means. And you still don't. You probably never would. You should return to 4th grade, and this time, don't do drugs during class.
The definition you posted says ".....disgrace of offends the moral sensibilities of society."

Your post, the definition you are using to make your point.

A partisan segment of the population does not speak for "society". You are not speaking for society. You are speaking for a segment of society that has an agenda driven opinion. It in no way represents society. You have a fractional minority opinion and speak only for a very specific and small segment of society.

Give up. You don't understand the terms, you shouldn't even be involved in this conversation, you're embarassing yourself.

Translation: "Holy crap, you nailed me and I don't have a comeback."
LOL - scandal doesn't equate to "outrage."
What kind of idiot would say that?
Your definition includes the design
By Camp's definition, the "it's just a bunch of meanies being malicious" one, it's still a scandal.

As I said. You don't have any idea what the word "scandal" means. And you still don't. You probably never would. You should return to 4th grade, and this time, don't do drugs during class.
The definition you posted says ".....disgrace of offends the moral sensibilities of society."

Your post, the definition you are using to make your point.

A partisan segment of the population does not speak for "society". You are not speaking for society. You are speaking for a segment of society that has an agenda driven opinion. It in no way represents society. You have a fractional minority opinion and speak only for a very specific and small segment of society.

Give up. You don't understand the terms, you shouldn't even be involved in this conversation, you're embarassing yourself.

Translation: "Holy crap, you nailed me and I don't have a comeback."

Uh..no. But your grasp of the language is limited, so I understand your confusion.
You're going to have a hard time making the case that budget cuts were the culprit, Jakey when Charlene Lamb stated under oath that budget issues had nothing to do with security staffing levels and that the State Department was not only satisfied with those staffing levels BEFORE the attacks but amazingly felt they were adequate AFTER the attacks!

Yup. Heard her on TV myself telling us that money wasn't an object. There was plenty of money beef up security.

You're going to have a hard time making the case that budget cuts were the culprit, Jakey when Charlene Lamb stated under oath that budget issues had nothing to do with security staffing levels and that the State Department was not only satisfied with those staffing levels BEFORE the attacks but amazingly felt they were adequate AFTER the attacks!
eah... Budgets were cut... HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were taken out of the state department budget.


If it were ONLY TRUE... THAT would be SUCH a wonderful thing. But it's NOT true... what's more it is hysterically FALSE.

The Moonie Times admits that there were deep cuts.

Benghazi attack followed deep cuts in State Department security budget - Washington Times

The gop cut the embassy budgets by more than 400 million dollars. If the gop had not done that maybe there would have been funding for extra security.

That bullshit has been debunked so many times.

The administraion spokesperson came out the next day and said money wasn't an issue.

It was the total incompetance of the State Department that cost the lives of four good men.

Actually no.

The gop congress cut 465 million from the security budget for the embassies.

That money could have gone to more security.

No, you're lying. There have been something like 6 investigations and reports. Every single one of them said that the state department wasn't incompetent. That all the accusations by the gop is nothing but lies.

These are reports and investigations done by the gop. So if you want to say the gop is a bunch of liars that's your choice.
eah... Budgets were cut... HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were taken out of the state department budget.


If it were ONLY TRUE... THAT would be SUCH a wonderful thing. But it's NOT true... what's more it is hysterically FALSE.

The Moonie Times admits that there were deep cuts.

Benghazi attack followed deep cuts in State Department security budget - Washington Times

The gop cut the embassy budgets by more than 400 million dollars. If the gop had not done that maybe there would have been funding for extra security.

That bullshit has been debunked so many times.

The administraion spokesperson came out the next day and said money wasn't an issue.

It was the total incompetance of the State Department that cost the lives of four good men.

Actually no.

The gop congress cut 465 million from the security budget for the embassies.

That money could have gone to more security.

No, you're lying. There have been something like 6 investigations and reports. Every single one of them said that the state department wasn't incompetent. That all the accusations by the gop is nothing but lies.

These are reports and investigations done by the gop. So if you want to say the gop is a bunch of liars that's your choice.

when the RW's get stuck on stupid even other RW's can't get through to them.
Sorry. Try again buddy.

Charlene Lamb stated under oath that budget issues had nothing to do with security staffing levels and that the State Department was not only satisfied with those staffing levels BEFORE the attacks but amazingly felt they were adequate AFTER the attacks!

I heard her on TV myself.

Oh and you might want to read this as well.

OhBenghazi attack testimony claims state department ignored warnings US news The Guardian
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9-11 was years in the planning. It was planned on Clinton's watch.

Funny your so dead set on blaming Bush but forget all about Clinton's none action.

His FBI agent O'Neil was screaming bloody murder and his bosses thought he was nuts.

The buck will always stop at Bush's desk but it should also stop at Clinton's.

I'm not blaming Bush43 for the attacks on 9/11/01. I was pointing at the absurdity in Oldstyle's argument that blames Obama for the rise of IS terrorists in Iraq and Syria.

This red white & blue blooded American blames terrorists for what terrorists do. I supported Bush sending troops into Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 attacks. That's right. I Blame the terrorists when Americans are attacked not the president of the USA no matter which political party the president represents.

Since January 2009 US right wingers have never given Obama the same discretionary choice that blames the terrorists for committing acts of terror.

Perhaps you can start now Claudette.
eah... Budgets were cut... HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS were taken out of the state department budget.


If it were ONLY TRUE... THAT would be SUCH a wonderful thing. But it's NOT true... what's more it is hysterically FALSE.

The Moonie Times admits that there were deep cuts.

Benghazi attack followed deep cuts in State Department security budget - Washington Times

The gop cut the embassy budgets by more than 400 million dollars. If the gop had not done that maybe there would have been funding for extra security.

That bullshit has been debunked so many times.

The administraion spokesperson came out the next day and said money wasn't an issue.

It was the total incompetance of the State Department that cost the lives of four good men.

Actually no.

The gop congress cut 465 million from the security budget for the embassies.

That money could have gone to more security.

No, you're lying. There have been something like 6 investigations and reports. Every single one of them said that the state department wasn't incompetent. That all the accusations by the gop is nothing but lies.

These are reports and investigations done by the gop. So if you want to say the gop is a bunch of liars that's your choice.

Gowdy, Gowdy, he's our man, if he can't make it a scandal no one.......well there's always talk radio and the rest of the echo-chamber to carry the torch.....

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