"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"


You airhead righties often post links to HotAir.com as fact.

Now what do you have to say? LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal
Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal Hot Air Headlines

Oh, wait! Just to corroborate your beloved blog, your beloved Washington Examiner says it ain't so either, TOOLS.

House Benghazi report delivers mixed story of heroism, policy failures

"""A two-year congressional investigation into the deadly 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, found that while the State Department ignored warnings of terrorist threats, Obama administration appointees weren’t directly to blame.
The report, conducted by the Republican-run House Intelligence Committee and declassified Friday, debunks several conspiracies regarding the administration’s involvement in the attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.""

House Benghazi report delivers mixed story of heroism policy failures WashingtonExaminer.com

What idiots, chasing shiny things that the GOP throws in your path.
Benghazi is a scandal. Four men killed because of inaction by a corrupt regime.
And yet, the GOP says otherwise. Whom to believe? Hard decision.
OS 10296718
If there really was no Benghazi scandal...then kindly explain why it is that four Americans are dead. Duh?

Because extremists with potential ties to Al Qaeda and with heavy weapons committed an act of terror against Americans serving on foreign soil. That is what the Obama Administration told you during the first week after the attack. That truth is unchanged.

Why you keep asking the same question over and over would normally be a mystery. However the partisan history demonstrated in all of your posts explains why it is no surprise that you really are not looking for honest answers to your questions.
LOL, Joe is always there to pick up the Democratic lie. The only measure that funding was cut was against proposed budgets. There were no actual cuts, in fact, spending is way up on embassy security. Sorry the facts have to get in the way of your lies, but they always do. Pesky little buggers facts are, aren't they? As if I'm telling you, who gets tripped up by facts more than you do?

Point was, they got 100 million less than they asked for. This is what government on the cheap looks like, guy , what you Libertardians always call for in your No Dressage Horse Left Behind policy.

I know you're not very informed on this kind of stuff, Joey...which of course makes you the PERFECT Obama fluffer...but take a guess what the Democratically controlled Congress did when the State Department submitted it's budget back in 2010? I'll give you a hint, Sparky...the Dems didn't give the State Department what it asked for back then even though they controlled both Houses of Congress! The State Department budget request was cut by 142 million that year. So tell me, Joey...was THAT government on the cheap as well?
OS 10296718
If there really was no Benghazi scandal...then kindly explain why it is that four Americans are dead. Duh?

Because extremists with potential ties to Al Qaeda and with heavy weapons committed an act of terror against Americans serving on foreign soil. That is what the Obama Administration told you during the first week after the attack. That truth is unchanged.

Why you keep asking the same question over and over would normally be a mystery. However the partisan history demonstrated in all of your posts explains why it is no surprise that you really are not looking for honest answers to your questions.

Show me where Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice or Jay Carney said in the week after the attack, that extremists with potential ties to Al Queda committed an act of terror in Benghazi? Show me their quotes on that, Notfooled.
Would you like me to start showing video clips of Obama and others refusing to call it a terrorist attack for weeks? I'd be happy to...

You airhead righties often post links to HotAir.com as fact.

Now what do you have to say? LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal
Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal Hot Air Headlines

Oh, wait! Just to corroborate your beloved blog, your beloved Washington Examiner says it ain't so either, TOOLS.

House Benghazi report delivers mixed story of heroism, policy failures

"""A two-year congressional investigation into the deadly 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, found that while the State Department ignored warnings of terrorist threats, Obama administration appointees weren’t directly to blame.
The report, conducted by the Republican-run House Intelligence Committee and declassified Friday, debunks several conspiracies regarding the administration’s involvement in the attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.""

House Benghazi report delivers mixed story of heroism policy failures WashingtonExaminer.com

What idiots, chasing shiny things that the GOP throws in your path.
Benghazi is a scandal. Four men killed because of inaction by a corrupt regime.
And yet, the GOP says otherwise. Whom to believe? Hard decision.
As Benghazi conspiracy theorists become more strident, they lose all credibility.
LOL, Joe is always there to pick up the Democratic lie. The only measure that funding was cut was against proposed budgets. There were no actual cuts, in fact, spending is way up on embassy security. Sorry the facts have to get in the way of your lies, but they always do. Pesky little buggers facts are, aren't they? As if I'm telling you, who gets tripped up by facts more than you do?

Point was, they got 100 million less than they asked for. This is what government on the cheap looks like, guy , what you Libertardians always call for in your No Dressage Horse Left Behind policy.

I know you're not very informed on this kind of stuff, Joey...which of course makes you the PERFECT Obama fluffer...but take a guess what the Democratically controlled Congress did when the State Department submitted it's budget back in 2010? I'll give you a hint, Sparky...the Dems didn't give the State Department what it asked for back then even though they controlled both Houses of Congress! The State Department budget request was cut by 142 million that year. So tell me, Joey...was THAT government on the cheap as well?
What?? There were budget cuts immediately following the worst recession in nearly a century?? Imagine that? Well thank goodness there weren't any ambassadors killed in 2010, otherwise you righties would be blaming the Democrat-led Congress for cutting back on security.
OS 10305266
Nor is it a "conspiracy theory" to point out that the Obama White House decided to go with a narrative that it wasn't Al Queda that was behind the attacks that killed those four Americans but that the attacks took place because of a YouTube video.

If it is not a CT it is a very bad lie you are putting on your record. This is not true:

"the Obama White House decided to go with a narrative that it wasn't Al Queda that was behind the attacks"

And here is why:

NF 10246779
NotfooledbyW said:
Susan Rice said and acknowledged on September 16, 2012 after being directly asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine.

Face the Nation transcripts September 16 2012 Libyan Pres. Magariaf Amb. Rice and Sen. McCain - Page 2 - CBS News
Oldstyle wrote: "the Obama White House decided to go with a narrative that it wasn't Al Queda that was behind the attacks"

They didn't but so what if they had?

The primary ringleader arrested for the attack was not a member of al Qaeda.

.The State Department designated Abu Khattala a terrorist in January, calling him a “senior leader” of the Benghazi branch of the militant organization Ansar al-Sharia, a group that arose after the 2011 fall of the Libyan regime of Moammar Gaddafi.

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post
OS 10363983
Show me where Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice or Jay Carney said in the week after the attack, that extremists with potential ties to Al Queda committed an act of terror in Benghazi? Show me their quotes on that, Notfooled.

Right here:

NF 10246779
NotfooledbyW said:
Susan Rice said and acknowledged on September 16, 2012 after being directly asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine.

Face the Nation transcripts September 16 2012 Libyan Pres. Magariaf Amb. Rice and Sen. McCain - Page 2 - CBS News
Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?

No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
According to the GOP-led investigations, the liar is you, Dreamer, not them.

Oh so they didn't lie for two weeks? I and millions of other Americans didn't hear any lies??

The Obama State Department run by that idiot Hillary Clinton. Ineptitude and incompetence at its best.

No one was fired. No heads rolled but we still have four dead men because of the incompetence of the State Department and according to your sorry ass no one lied and no one should be held accountable.

You really are buried in that punchbowl and your one sorry excuse for a human being.
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I know you're not very informed on this kind of stuff, Joey...which of course makes you the PERFECT Obama fluffer...but take a guess what the Democratically controlled Congress did when the State Department submitted it's budget back in 2010? I'll give you a hint, Sparky...the Dems didn't give the State Department what it asked for back then even though they controlled both Houses of Congress! The State Department budget request was cut by 142 million that year. So tell me, Joey...was THAT government on the cheap as well?

And if Benghazi had happened in 2010, you might have had a point.

Um, guy, you pretend that the GOP went along with everything the Democrats wanted to do.

In fact, the GOP screamed the Austerity Bullshit pretty much from the beginning of this recession, and Democrats went along with parts of it.

You guys slashed 100 million from State department security in FY2012. That was the year Benghazi happened.

Government on the cheap. This is what it looks like. No Dressage Horse Left Behind.
Would you like me to start showing video clips of Obama and others refusing to call it a terrorist attack for weeks? I'd be happy to...

He called it that the next day. Next argument.

Personally, I'd love to see us drop the word "Terrorism" from the Lexicon. We bomb, torture, slaughter thousands, starve children and we got the fucking nerve to call them "Terrorists"?
If Bush were POTUS when Benghazi happened you'd be singing a different tune.

You'd and screaming bloody murder about liars, coverups and scandal.

Funny how with Barry and his pack of boobs you seem to think he doesn't lie, coverup or create scandals.

Your another one with your head buried in that punchbowl.
Would you like me to start showing video clips of Obama and others refusing to call it a terrorist attack for weeks? I'd be happy to...

He called it that the next day. Next argument.

Personally, I'd love to see us drop the word "Terrorism" from the Lexicon. We bomb, torture, slaughter thousands, starve children and we got the fucking nerve to call them "Terrorists"?

No. He called it an act of terror not an act by Al Queda terrorists.

He was pulling his punchs so no one would remind him how Al Queada was harmless now according to him anyway.

After all he gave the okay to kill UBL.

They are terrorists and as far as I'm concerned there are no innocent Muslims. If there were they would be doing all they could to rein in the jihadists among em. They don't so the assumption is that they approve.

They killed three thousand people on 9-11 and were dancing in the streets and cheering. My give a shit meter for their welfare is 0.

They have no problem with their jihadist brothers chopping of heads, murdering, raping and generally being terrorists.

You can fee sorry for them but I sure as hell don't and I would gladly watch them all die.
No. He called it an act of terror not an act by Al Queda terrorists.

He was pulling his punchs so no one would remind him how Al Queada was harmless now according to him anyway.

After all he gave the okay to kill UBL.

These guys weren't Al Qaeda. They were their own group of home grown whackos. Now, if you want to blame Obama for something, and you should, it was going along with the EU supporting these guys to topple Khadafy.

They are terrorists and as far as I'm concerned there are no innocent Muslims. If there were they would be doing all they could to rein in the jihadists among em. They don't so the assumption is that they approve.

They killed three thousand people on 9-11 and were dancing in the streets and cheering. My give a shit meter for their welfare is 0.

Okay, let's look at that. Besides after the 9/11 attacks, a lot of Muslim countries assisted us in tracking down the "evil-doers" as Bush simplistically said, (at least until we got caught torturing people and invading the wrong countries) if your criteria is how many people got killed, when we attacked Iraq and then imposed a decade of crippling sanctions on them, we killed upwards of 40,000 during the war and perhaps up to half a million in the sanctions that followed.

Since 1980, we have invaded, occuppied or bombed 16 Islamic countries.

Not to mention the fact we support the Zionists and their slow-motion genocide of the Palestinian people.
Oh Brother.

If we had American citizens doing what these jihadists dirtbags are doing they wouldn't last long.

As for the attackers had links to AQ.

It was the anniversay of 9-11 Duuuuh.
Clau 10364664
Oh so they didn't lie for two weeks?

Clau 10364688
No. He called it an act of terror not an act by Al Queda terrorists.

No there was no lie. The lie comes from the right-wingers that the Obama Administration and intelligence community knew it was al Qaeda but denied it was al Qaeda. Susan Rice on national TV said that it was clear that there were three possibilities of terrorist involvement... (1) al Qaeda affiliates, (2) Libyan-based extremists or (3) al Qaeda itself. That is not denying in anyway al Qaeda involvement.

Susan Rice was asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

It turns out that the main ringleader of the attacks comes from choice Number 2.

There is no lie from Susan Rice. Five days after the attack her responses were spot on and in compliance with the CIA talking points that were provided to the White House and to Congress.

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