"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Clau 10364688
They killed three thousand people on 9-11 and were dancing in the streets and cheering.

The ones who killed Americans on Bush and Cheney's watch died in the attacks... and the ringleader of that one was not killed until Obama sent Seal Team Six to do it. Bush had just inherited a great economy when he sat by and watch al Qaeda attack and kill people in the Pentagon.

The vast majority of Democrats did not 'blame' Bush... they blamed the terrorists. Its a shame that Republicans don't have the same ethics, patriotism and principles when it come to an enemy attack on Americans. Its rather disgusting the way Republicans behaved after the death of four Americans in Benghazi.
kaz 10362307
Yes, which is not a "cut," liar.

It certainly was a budget constraint to have a request for additional funding denied since Benghazi was a new area for State Department operations. Since Republicans are complaining that the region surrounding Libya and inside Libya was becoming more dangerous, Republicans should have made sure all security related requests for funding were properly fulfilled.

Liar, you said they "cut" the budget. That was a flat out lie.

So your argument is that big increases in security globally that are less that the highest number proposed by anyone are "cuts" and we can take those global increases and say it's a cut specifically in Libya, which wasn't specified in the budget, that was Obama's choice. Obama wasn't smart enough on his own to use more of the budget increase in a ... war zone ... and that's on the Republicans.

If Obama crapped in his pants, would that be on the Republicans too? Apparently so. And this is the party that made sense to you, so you changed your position on every issue. Because this is just so right.

Keep talking, you're beautifully showing just how butt hurt liberals are in your endless lies.
Clau 10364688
They killed three thousand people on 9-11 and were dancing in the streets and cheering.

The ones who killed Americans on Bush and Cheney's watch died in the attacks... and the ringleader of that one was not killed until Obama sent Seal Team Six to do it. Bush had just inherited a great economy when he sat by and watch al Qaeda attack and kill people in the Pentagon.

The vast majority of Democrats did not 'blame' Bush... they blamed the terrorists. Its a shame that Republicans don't have the same ethics, patriotism and principles when it come to an enemy attack on Americans. Its rather disgusting the way Republicans behaved after the death of four Americans in Benghazi.

  1. Disgusting to be disgusted over the Obama administrations lying and Hillary's "What differnece does it make." She had all kinds of pity for the families of those victims of her incompetence.

    You might think thats okay but I sure don't and your baloney about Muslims just shows me what an idiot you are.

    As for 9-11 you might want to throw some angst Clintons way as the whole thing was planned on his watch.

    His FBI agent O'Neil knew something was up but he couldn't get anyone to listen to him.

    Bush will alway get the blame because the buck stops at his desk.

    Obama will get the blame for Benghazi because it happened on his watch and the buck stops right there.
You have to add to that to make it apples to apples.

If you take care of my lawn and last year you charged me $900. This year you say you want $1,100, and I say I'll only pay you $1,000. I didn't cut what I paid you to any rational person. Which of course is why you don't grasp it. You you have serious mental issues. My favorite lie of yours if that they would not only enlist you into the military but give you access to all the guns you want. You say oh, a projectile, there is only one reason for that, to kill people. Not even during Vietnam would you pass the psych evaluation.

So you have reading comprehension problems, then? Sorry, guy, I was in from 1981 to 1992, as both reservist and active duty, MOS 76y10- that's the MOS where you handle the weapons because you are in charge of locking them up and maintaining them.

Obviously I don't because I said you claimed you were in the military. Claiming it again is not proof of anything. And there is no way. You are paranoid, delusional and narcissistic with allusions of grandeur. The military contrary to your leftist authoritarianism bigotry isn't where they take the dregs of society. You don't have to be a rocket scientist, but you have to have some intelligence. And they also have psych exams specifically to weed you out. There is no way they would allow you near a gun much less accept you.

And another lie is your claim that "brown people" fight in our wars. The military is more white than the general population, another lie based on your bigotry and ignorance.

Now, back to the illogic of your statement. I charged you $900 last year. Since then, you expanded the size of your lawn, and the cost of gasoline has gone up. So really, my request for $1100 was probably justified. If you only pay me $1000, then I'm probably not going to show up as often, I might skimp on the parts of the lawn that aren't easily visible.

THis is the point. State evaluated all of our commitments, and said, "We need X amount to secure all of our embassies, consulate and missions." and you twits said, "nope, you got to make due with less than that!"
And someone decided that a consulate in Benghazi was okay with the number of guards it had.

Not that more guards would have been a lot of help against hundreds of heavily armed fighters...

Justified doesn't make your lie they "cut" the budget true. If that was your argument, you should have said that instead of lying. And maybe when Republicans INCREASED the global security budget, they thought the Commander and Chief of the Military would have been smart enough to use more of it in a ... war zone ... They were wrong, obviously.
What?? There were budget cuts immediately following the worst recession in nearly a century?? Imagine that? Well thank goodness there weren't any ambassadors killed in 2010, otherwise you righties would be blaming the Democrat-led Congress for cutting back on security.

LOL, so there were budget cuts after a recession, which is not the party in control's fault, but security at Benghazi was the fault of the Republicans for cutting the budget. Got it. LOL, again, I keep making the point. Liberalism is the ability to simultaneously completely believe two contradictory thoughts.
No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
According to the GOP-led investigations, the liar is you, Dreamer, not them.

Oh so they didn't lie for two weeks? I and millions of other Americans didn't hear any lies??

The Obama State Department run by that idiot Hillary Clinton. Ineptitude and incompetence at its best.

No one was fired. No heads rolled but we still have four dead men because of the incompetence of the State Department and according to your sorry ass no one lied and no one should be held accountable.

You really are buried in that punchbowl and your one sorry excuse for a human being.

That is the point. Liberals are willing to ignore what they remember to shill for their political Gods, the rest of us are not.
Clau 10364664
... and according to your sorry ass no one lied and no one should be held accountable.

No one lied because no one lied. And you should be ashamed of the fact that you post in generalities and cannot quote Susan Rice on what you believe to be a lie.

I can cite the transcript. You cannot. There is no lie except the lie that there is a lie.

NF 10364819
Susan Rice on national TV said that it was clear that there were three possibilities of terrorist involvement... (1) al Qaeda affiliates, (2) Libyan-based extremists or (3) al Qaeda itself. That is not denying in anyway al Qaeda involvement.
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They didn't lie?? WOW where the hell was your sorry ass when they lied on TV for two straight weeks??

I shouldn't be surprised. Your heads so deep in that punchbowl I doubt you'll ever get out.

Your an idiot.
kaz 10365194
Liberals are willing to ignore what they remember

I'm not relying on personal memory from two years ago. I have something much more accurate and conclusive. Transcripts from the Sunday News Shows.

Susan Rice was asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

Admit it. You have no memory of that statement, do you kaz?
Clau 10365289
They didn't lie?? WOW where the hell was your sorry ass when they lied on TV for two straight weeks??

Explain how this was a lie:

Susan Rice was asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."
kaz 10365194
Liberals are willing to ignore what they remember

I'm not relying on personal memory from two years ago. I have something much more accurate and conclusive. Transcripts from the Sunday News Shows.

Susan Rice was asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

Admit it. You have no memory of that statement, do you kaz?

Remembering that particular statement doesn't contradict what I said.
No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
According to the GOP-led investigations, the liar is you, Dreamer, not them.

Oh so they didn't lie for two weeks? I and millions of other Americans didn't hear any lies??

The Obama State Department run by that idiot Hillary Clinton. Ineptitude and incompetence at its best.

No one was fired. No heads rolled but we still have four dead men because of the incompetence of the State Department and according to your sorry ass no one lied and no one should be held accountable.

You really are buried in that punchbowl and your one sorry excuse for a human being.
Are you nuts, Dreamer? It's not my opinion they didn't lie. It's the conclusion from a GOP-led investigation. You must think the GOP is "in that punchbowl" and "sorry excuses for human beings" because they said neither Obama nor Clinton nor Rice lied. I'm merely passing along the findings of the GOP-led investigation, so who knows why you're pissed at me? :dunno:
Clau 10365289
They didn't lie?? WOW where the hell was your sorry ass when they lied on TV for two straight weeks??

Explain how this was a lie:

Susan Rice was asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

Gee thats kinda funny because I just Googled Rice and according to what I read the WH told her to lie about attack on Benghazi. She also said the attacks weren't premeditated. Good God your drunk on that punchbowl idiot.

Rice also said she was told to toe the party line and to continue that lie.

Google it and see for yourself.
Was Susan Rice told to lie about the attack at Benghazi.

Loads of info comes up and all of it says hell yes she lied and was told to lie.
There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


Perhaps you should Google Susan Rice like I did.

Was Susan Rice told to lie about the attack at Benghazi

Loads of info and all of it says she lied her ass off and toed the party line because she was told to.

Your drunk in that punchbowl dreamer.

You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
According to the GOP-led investigations, the liar is you, Dreamer, not them.

Oh so they didn't lie for two weeks? I and millions of other Americans didn't hear any lies??

The Obama State Department run by that idiot Hillary Clinton. Ineptitude and incompetence at its best.

No one was fired. No heads rolled but we still have four dead men because of the incompetence of the State Department and according to your sorry ass no one lied and no one should be held accountable.

You really are buried in that punchbowl and your one sorry excuse for a human being.
Are you nuts, Dreamer? It's not my opinion they didn't lie. It's the conclusion from a GOP-led investigation. You must think the GOP is "in that punchbowl" and "sorry excuses for human beings" because they said neither Obama nor Clinton nor Rice lied. I'm merely passing along the findings of the GOP-led investigation, so who knows why you're pissed at me? :dunno:

You really should Google Susan Rice.

Was Susan Rice told to lie about the attack on Benghazi.

Loads of info comes up and all of says you bet your ass she was told to lie. She was also told to say it wasn't a premeditated attack even though they had months of warnings.

Your drunk in the punchbowl there dreamer.
If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.
LOL, Joe is always there to pick up the Democratic lie. The only measure that funding was cut was against proposed budgets. There were no actual cuts, in fact, spending is way up on embassy security. Sorry the facts have to get in the way of your lies, but they always do. Pesky little buggers facts are, aren't they? As if I'm telling you, who gets tripped up by facts more than you do?

Point was, they got 100 million less than they asked for. This is what government on the cheap looks like, guy , what you Libertardians always call for in your No Dressage Horse Left Behind policy.

I know you're not very informed on this kind of stuff, Joey...which of course makes you the PERFECT Obama fluffer...but take a guess what the Democratically controlled Congress did when the State Department submitted it's budget back in 2010? I'll give you a hint, Sparky...the Dems didn't give the State Department what it asked for back then even though they controlled both Houses of Congress! The State Department budget request was cut by 142 million that year. So tell me, Joey...was THAT government on the cheap as well?
What?? There were budget cuts immediately following the worst recession in nearly a century?? Imagine that? Well thank goodness there weren't any ambassadors killed in 2010, otherwise you righties would be blaming the Democrat-led Congress for cutting back on security.

So let me see how this works in Lib Land, Faun...Joey's has his panties in a bunch because the Republican controlled House gave the State Department 100 million less than what they asked for which Joey is DETERMINED is to blame for the lack of security in Benghazi...but when I point out that Congress almost ALWAYS gives less to government agencies than what they request and that the Democratically controlled House gave the State Department 142 million less than it asked for in 2010 you blow it off as something to do with the recession?

My point was that what the GOP controlled House did in 2012 is no different than what the Democratically controlled House did in 2010 and what most sessions of Congress do on a regular basis. Anyone who tried to float THAT as an excuse for why security was drastically drawn down in Libya before the 9/11 attacks was engaged in a deliberate attempt to mislead the public. Hillary Clinton tried to float that idea out there and then backed off rather quickly when she was challenged on it. Yet morons like Joey STILL try to bring up budget cuts as an excuse for why security in Libya wasn't what it should have been!
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They didn't lie?? WOW where the hell was your sorry ass when they lied on TV for two straight weeks??

I shouldn't be surprised. Your heads so deep in that punchbowl I doubt you'll ever get out.

Your an idiot.

The funny thing about that TV machine is that it can be recorded and played back at a future date, and there are even transcripts available. If there was a lie, surely (hope you don't mind if I call you Shirley) you can link to it or quote it?
If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.

When the Administration is deliberately hiding evidence from Congressional investigators like the Ben Rhodes email...should they be rewarded because they were successful at hiding evidence for over a year until a Freedom of Information lawsuit forced them to divulge what they should have turned over earlier? The reason we keep wasting money on investigations is that the people we investigate refuse to level with the American people. Hold people accountable for the lies and the hiding of documents from Congressional investigators and we won't HAVE to have seven investigations...
If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.

When the Administration is deliberately hiding evidence from Congressional investigators like the Ben Rhodes email...should they be rewarded because they were successful at hiding evidence for over a year until a Freedom of Information lawsuit forced them to divulge what they should have turned over earlier? The reason we keep wasting money on investigations is that the people we investigate refuse to level with the American people. Hold people accountable for the lies and the hiding of documents from Congressional investigators and we won't HAVE to have seven investigations...

Yawn, the Rhodes email reveals nothing new. The video was the cause of the protests throughout the Muslim world beginning with Cairo.
Clau 10365289
They didn't lie?? WOW where the hell was your sorry ass when they lied on TV for two straight weeks??

Explain how this was a lie:

Susan Rice was asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine."

Gee thats kinda funny because I just Googled Rice and according to what I read the WH told her to lie about attack on Benghazi. She also said the attacks weren't premeditated. Good God your drunk on that punchbowl idiot.

Rice also said she was told to toe the party line and to continue that lie.

Google it and see for yourself.
Was Susan Rice told to lie about the attack at Benghazi.

Loads of info comes up and all of it says hell yes she lied and was told to lie.
Poor, Dreamer. Google won't reverse the findings of the GOP-led investigations which found Susan Rice didn't lie.

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