"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Nope but at least you know the findings aren't as honest as you seem to think they are.

Poor, Poor Dreamer that you are.
If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.

When the Administration is deliberately hiding evidence from Congressional investigators like the Ben Rhodes email...should they be rewarded because they were successful at hiding evidence for over a year until a Freedom of Information lawsuit forced them to divulge what they should have turned over earlier? The reason we keep wasting money on investigations is that the people we investigate refuse to level with the American people. Hold people accountable for the lies and the hiding of documents from Congressional investigators and we won't HAVE to have seven investigations...

Yawn, the Rhodes email reveals nothing new. The video was the cause of the protests throughout the Muslim world beginning with Cairo.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi. Just a terrorist attack that they had warnings about for months. The anniversary of 9-11 Duuuuh.
Nope but at least you know the findings aren't as honest as you seem to think they are.

Poor, Poor Dreamer that you are.
This only goes to prove just how nutty you Dreamers are.

According to your insanity, the GOP was "dishonest" over the course of 7 investigations in order to protect Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You Dreamers are as crazy as Truthers and Birthers.

Lois Lerner was absolutely right
Gowdy & Issa should be publicly humiliated for all the shit lies & propaganda they have tried to push down Americans throats for 6 fucking years . Solindra , fast n furious , IRS , Bengazie , Issa is batting a big fat zero ,
Nope but at least you know the findings aren't as honest as you seem to think they are.

Poor, Poor Dreamer that you are.
This only goes to prove just how nutty you Dreamers are.

According to your insanity, the GOP was "dishonest" over the course of 7 investigations in order to protect Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You Dreamers are as crazy as Truthers and Birthers.

Lois Lerner was absolutely right

Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Kinda funny there weren't any demonstrations in Benghazi and there sure hell were months worth of warnings.

You of course will believe as you wish but I'm wondering what you'd be saying if one of your family members was killed at Benghazi.

I kinda think you'd be singing one different tune.

You'd be screaming about liars, coverups and scandals.

But then you didn't lose a love one so you could care less.
Nope but at least you know the findings aren't as honest as you seem to think they are.

Poor, Poor Dreamer that you are.
This only goes to prove just how nutty you Dreamers are.

According to your insanity, the GOP was "dishonest" over the course of 7 investigations in order to protect Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You Dreamers are as crazy as Truthers and Birthers.

Lois Lerner was absolutely right

Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Kinda funny there weren't any demonstrations in Benghazi and there sure hell were months worth of warnings.

You of course will believe as you wish but I'm wondering what you'd be saying if one of your family members was killed at Benghazi.

I kinda think you'd be singing one different tune.

You'd be screaming about liars, coverups and scandals.

But then you didn't lose a love one so you could care less.
Wrong again, Dreamer. I saw her say that. But after 7 GOP-led investigations, we learned that when she said it, she wasn't lying. Now you may be crazy enough to believe the GOP was lying when they Reached that conclusion, but I am not willing to believe the GOP held 7 investigations in order to lie to protect Obama and Clinton.
Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Then why can't you produce a single transcript that shows Susan Rice telling "everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video."

She did not say that. What she said was in accordance with the CIA talking points but she never pinned the deaths on protesters.

She said it was clear that what she meant by extremists was in fact al Qaeda itself, affiliates of AQ or Libyan militias. She did not name protesters as the group responsible for American deaths. She could not get out in front of the investigation and name a specific group.
Nope but at least you know the findings aren't as honest as you seem to think they are.

Poor, Poor Dreamer that you are.
This only goes to prove just how nutty you Dreamers are.

According to your insanity, the GOP was "dishonest" over the course of 7 investigations in order to protect Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You Dreamers are as crazy as Truthers and Birthers.

Lois Lerner was absolutely right

Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Kinda funny there weren't any demonstrations in Benghazi and there sure hell were months worth of warnings.

You of course will believe as you wish but I'm wondering what you'd be saying if one of your family members was killed at Benghazi.

I kinda think you'd be singing one different tune.

You'd be screaming about liars, coverups and scandals.

But then you didn't lose a love one so you could care less.
Wrong again, Dreamer. I saw her say that. But after 7 GOP-led investigations, we learned that when she said it, she wasn't lying. Now you may be crazy enough to believe the GOP was lying when they Reached that conclusion, but I am not willing to believe the GOP held 7 investigations in order to lie to protect Obama and Clinton.

No she was just doing what the Administration told her to do.

No wrongdoing by the administration, at least according to the investigation, just total imcompetence by the State Department that got four good men killed.

Tell me. What would you be saying if your son were killed at Benghazi. I'd be willing to bet you'd be singing one totally different tune.
Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Then why can't you produce a single transcript that shows Susan Rice telling "everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video."

She did not say that. What she said was in accordance with the CIA talking points but she never pinned the deaths on protesters.

She said it was clear that what she meant by extremists was in fact al Qaeda itself, affiliates of AQ or Libyan militias. She did not name protesters as the group responsible for American deaths. She could not get out in front of the investigation and name a specific group.

Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Then why can't you produce a single transcript that shows Susan Rice telling "everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video."

She did not say that. What she said was in accordance with the CIA talking points but she never pinned the deaths on protesters.

She said it was clear that what she meant by extremists was in fact al Qaeda itself, affiliates of AQ or Libyan militias. She did not name protesters as the group responsible for American deaths. She could not get out in front of the investigation and name a specific group.

But our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous -- not a premeditated -- response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated,

This was from an interview with Jake Tapper, ABC news.

This Week Transcript U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice - ABC News
I saw her say that

Since Claudette find it perhaps you can post the transcript that shows Susan Rice telling "everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video."

I'd just like to see what some think they heard Susan Rice say that looks like in writing. I have posted her remarks from all the shows and she does not say that Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith were killed by protestors or demonstrators who were angry over a video.

In the case of Dougherty and Wood's deaths - that is absurd to think she meant protesters fired the mortar rounds.
Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Then why can't you produce a single transcript that shows Susan Rice telling "everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video."

She did not say that. What she said was in accordance with the CIA talking points but she never pinned the deaths on protesters.

She said it was clear that what she meant by extremists was in fact al Qaeda itself, affiliates of AQ or Libyan militias. She did not name protesters as the group responsible for American deaths. She could not get out in front of the investigation and name a specific group.

Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Then why can't you produce a single transcript that shows Susan Rice telling "everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video."

She did not say that. What she said was in accordance with the CIA talking points but she never pinned the deaths on protesters.

She said it was clear that what she meant by extremists was in fact al Qaeda itself, affiliates of AQ or Libyan militias. She did not name protesters as the group responsible for American deaths. She could not get out in front of the investigation and name a specific group.

But our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous -- not a premeditated -- response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated,

This was from an interview with Jake Tapper, ABC news.

This Week Transcript U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice - ABC News
Cokie Roberts Susan Rice didn t put the whole Benghazi attack on the video PunditFact

Here's another where she blames a video. She blamed that video on all the talk shows. Sounds to me like she's putting the blame on a video. How bout you.

According to the NYT there was no link to AQ.

According to the Weekly Standard there certainly were links that the NYT ignored.

Times Ignores Evidence of Al Qaeda Link to Benghazi The Weekly Standard#!
Nope but at least you know the findings aren't as honest as you seem to think they are.

Poor, Poor Dreamer that you are.
This only goes to prove just how nutty you Dreamers are.

According to your insanity, the GOP was "dishonest" over the course of 7 investigations in order to protect Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You Dreamers are as crazy as Truthers and Birthers.

Lois Lerner was absolutely right

Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Kinda funny there weren't any demonstrations in Benghazi and there sure hell were months worth of warnings.

You of course will believe as you wish but I'm wondering what you'd be saying if one of your family members was killed at Benghazi.

I kinda think you'd be singing one different tune.

You'd be screaming about liars, coverups and scandals.

But then you didn't lose a love one so you could care less.
Wrong again, Dreamer. I saw her say that. But after 7 GOP-led investigations, we learned that when she said it, she wasn't lying. Now you may be crazy enough to believe the GOP was lying when they Reached that conclusion, but I am not willing to believe the GOP held 7 investigations in order to lie to protect Obama and Clinton.

No she was just doing what the Administration told her to do.

No wrongdoing by the administration, at least according to the investigation, just total imcompetence by the State Department that got four good men killed.

Tell me. What would you be saying if your son were killed at Benghazi. I'd be willing to bet you'd be singing one totally different tune.
Not just cleared by an investigation .... cleared by seven GOP-led investigations.

And as far as your inane argument that I would be whistling a different tune had my son been among those killed there .... of course I would. Parents are expected to be biased regardless of the facts. You should drop this silly argument. That would be like me trying to convince you that Michael Brown was innocent because that's what you would believe if you were his parent.
As I said. No wrongdoing. Just incompetence. Incompetence that cost the lives or four men.

That apparantly means nothing to you and your willing to let the lies slide but then thats you.
I saw her say that

Since Claudette find it perhaps you can post the transcript that shows Susan Rice telling "everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video."

I'd just like to see what some think they heard Susan Rice say that looks like in writing. I have posted her remarks from all the shows and she does not say that Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith were killed by protestors or demonstrators who were angry over a video.

In the case of Dougherty and Wood's deaths - that is absurd to think she meant protesters fired the mortar rounds.

RICE: Well, Candy, first of all, let's recall what has happened in the last several days. There was a hateful video that was disseminated on the internet. It had nothing to do with the United States government and it's one that we find disgusting and reprehensible. It's been offensive to many, many people around the world.

That sparked violence in various parts of the world, including violence directed against western facilities including our embassies and consulates. That violence is absolutely unacceptable, it's not a response that one can ever condone when it comes to such a video. And we have been working very closely and, indeed, effectively with the governments in the region and around the world to secure our personnel, secure our embassy, condemn the violent response to this video.

CNN.com - Transcripts
Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Then why can't you produce a single transcript that shows Susan Rice telling "everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video."

She did not say that. What she said was in accordance with the CIA talking points but she never pinned the deaths on protesters.

She said it was clear that what she meant by extremists was in fact al Qaeda itself, affiliates of AQ or Libyan militias. She did not name protesters as the group responsible for American deaths. She could not get out in front of the investigation and name a specific group.

Apparantly you weren't watching the same TV I was watching when Rice came out and told everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video.

Then why can't you produce a single transcript that shows Susan Rice telling "everyone that Benghazi was attacked over a video."

She did not say that. What she said was in accordance with the CIA talking points but she never pinned the deaths on protesters.

She said it was clear that what she meant by extremists was in fact al Qaeda itself, affiliates of AQ or Libyan militias. She did not name protesters as the group responsible for American deaths. She could not get out in front of the investigation and name a specific group.

But our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous -- not a premeditated -- response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated,

This was from an interview with Jake Tapper, ABC news.

This Week Transcript U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice - ABC News.

Why not cite the continuation of her entire response to the question?

"We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to -- or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in -- in the wake of the revolution in Libya are -- are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there.

We'll wait to see exactly what the investigation finally confirms, but that's the best information we have at present."

She is not saying that a small number of people who came to the consulate to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo were the ones who attacked and killed Stevens and Smith. That is an absurd assumption on your part. A small number of unarmed protesters could not overwhelm the Consulate.

She said in the part, you refuse to read and post, that clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons were the ones who attacked the consulate - and later the CIA Annex.

You need to show where she says that the extremists attacked because they were upset about the video. But you can't - because that has been a right wing lie for two years.
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As I said. No wrongdoing. Just incompetence. Incompetence that cost the lives or four men.

That apparantly means nothing to you and your willing to let the lies slide but then thats you.
First of all, you accused them of lying. The record clearly shows they didn't lie. Secondly, "wrong-doing" includes incompetence. If they did something wrong due to incompetence, it would still be wrong-doing.

Seven GOP-led investigations have cleared them of doing anything wrong. At the same time, seven GOP-led investigations have revealed how you Dreamers are just as nutty as Birthers, so the money spent on 7 investigations wasn't a total waste.
If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.

When the Administration is deliberately hiding evidence from Congressional investigators like the Ben Rhodes email...should they be rewarded because they were successful at hiding evidence for over a year until a Freedom of Information lawsuit forced them to divulge what they should have turned over earlier? The reason we keep wasting money on investigations is that the people we investigate refuse to level with the American people. Hold people accountable for the lies and the hiding of documents from Congressional investigators and we won't HAVE to have seven investigations...

Yawn, the Rhodes email reveals nothing new. The video was the cause of the protests throughout the Muslim world beginning with Cairo.

Was it the "cause" of a protest in Benghazi that day, Boo? Because if you can't say yes to that question...then who the hell CARES if it caused a protest in another country? If it didn't cause a protest in Benghazi...which we know without question that it did not!!!...then the Rhodes email illustrates that the Obama Administration was quite willing to mislead the American people that Sunday morning when they trotted Susan Rice out to all of those shows with her rehearsed message.
When Rice looks earnestly into the camera and tells people that the best information they have at that point is that it was a protest that was hijacked by extremists...she's telling a lie. That isn't the best information that they have! The best information overwhelmingly told them that there WASN'T a protest in Benghazi that day.

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