"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

When Rice looks earnestly into the camera and tells people that the best information they have at that point is that it was a protest that was hijacked by extremists...she's telling a lie. That isn't the best information that they have! The best information overwhelmingly told them that there WASN'T a protest in Benghazi that day.
According to our intelligence community, that was the best assessment at the time. Too bad for you, your Dreamer version of events doesn't trump our intelligence community's.
Kinda funny that Panetta told Obama immediately that it was a terrorist attack.

One has to wonder why he gave Rice her talking points and they were lies about a video. Oh there were demonstrations all right. Just none at Benghazi.

To bad for you, your dreamer account doesn't trump our intelligence community which called it what it was. A terrorist attack and told Obama immediately.
I keep hearing this refrain that the investigations have cleared the State Department and the White House of any "wrong doing". I'm baffled by that because every single one of the reports is critical of the State Department's handling of diplomatic security leading up to Benghazi. How you arrive at the conclusion that they've been given a clean bill of health on Benghazi boggles my mind. That wasn't the result of ANY of the investigations. The last one gave the intelligence services a passing grade and the Defense Department a pass as well. It did not do the same for the Clinton State Department.
If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.

When the Administration is deliberately hiding evidence from Congressional investigators like the Ben Rhodes email...should they be rewarded because they were successful at hiding evidence for over a year until a Freedom of Information lawsuit forced them to divulge what they should have turned over earlier? The reason we keep wasting money on investigations is that the people we investigate refuse to level with the American people. Hold people accountable for the lies and the hiding of documents from Congressional investigators and we won't HAVE to have seven investigations...

Yawn, the Rhodes email reveals nothing new. The video was the cause of the protests throughout the Muslim world beginning with Cairo.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi. Just a terrorist attack that they had warnings about for months. The anniversary of 9-11 Duuuuh.

One of the questions she was being prepped for was about the raging protest across the ME at that time, not exclusively about the event in Benghazi.
When Rice looks earnestly into the camera and tells people that the best information they have at that point is that it was a protest that was hijacked by extremists...she's telling a lie. That isn't the best information that they have! The best information overwhelmingly told them that there WASN'T a protest in Benghazi that day.
According to our intelligence community, that was the best assessment at the time. Too bad for you, your Dreamer account doesn't trump our intelligence community.
Kinda funny that Panetta told Obama immediately that it was a terrorist attack.

To bad for you, your dreamer account doesn't trump out intelligence community.
All reviewed during the course of 7 GOP-led investigations and determined that regardless of what Panetta said initially, the best assessment of events as portrayed by Rice came from our intelligence community.
When Rice looks earnestly into the camera and tells people that the best information they have at that point is that it was a protest that was hijacked by extremists...she's telling a lie. That isn't the best information that they have! The best information overwhelmingly told them that there WASN'T a protest in Benghazi that day.
According to our intelligence community, that was the best assessment at the time. Too bad for you, your Dreamer version of events doesn't trump our intelligence community's.

That was the best assessment the night of the attack, Faun...by the time that Rice went out for those Sunday morning news shows that was not the best assessment at all. The intelligence community started walking back the "protest gone bad" scenario from that very first day. For Rice to claim that it was STILL the best assessment a week later is laughable.
If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.

When the Administration is deliberately hiding evidence from Congressional investigators like the Ben Rhodes email...should they be rewarded because they were successful at hiding evidence for over a year until a Freedom of Information lawsuit forced them to divulge what they should have turned over earlier? The reason we keep wasting money on investigations is that the people we investigate refuse to level with the American people. Hold people accountable for the lies and the hiding of documents from Congressional investigators and we won't HAVE to have seven investigations...

Yawn, the Rhodes email reveals nothing new. The video was the cause of the protests throughout the Muslim world beginning with Cairo.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi. Just a terrorist attack that they had warnings about for months. The anniversary of 9-11 Duuuuh.

One of the questions she was being prepped for was about the raging protest across the ME at that time, not exclusively about the event in Benghazi.
Rice was being prepped to handle Benghazi, Boo. She was being prepped by Rhodes on how to divert blame away from Benghazi being a policy failure...to push a narrative that this was not an Al Queda affiliated group...and to push the narrative that Barry was on top of things. The protests taking place across the Arab world were simply the excuse they came up with to blame the attack on.
I keep hearing this refrain that the investigations have cleared the State Department and the White House of any "wrong doing". I'm baffled by that because every single one of the reports is critical of the State Department's handling of diplomatic security leading up to Benghazi. How you arrive at the conclusion that they've been given a clean bill of health on Benghazi boggles my mind. That wasn't the result of ANY of the investigations. The last one gave the intelligence services a passing grade and the Defense Department a pass as well. It did not do the same for the Clinton State Department.

They don't get a clean bill of health. They fucked up and it cost four men their lives
Anyone who thinks the Clinton State Department did a great job is a fucking idiot.
When Rice looks earnestly into the camera and tells people that the best information they have at that point is that it was a protest that was hijacked by extremists...she's telling a lie. That isn't the best information that they have! The best information overwhelmingly told them that there WASN'T a protest in Benghazi that day.
According to our intelligence community, that was the best assessment at the time. Too bad for you, your Dreamer account doesn't trump our intelligence community.
Kinda funny that Panetta told Obama immediately that it was a terrorist attack.

To bad for you, your dreamer account doesn't trump out intelligence community.
All reviewed during the course of 7 GOP-led investigations and determined that regardless of what Panetta said initially, the best assessment of events as portrayed by Rice came from our intelligence community.

Panneta ran the CIA. That is our intelligence community you idiot.
If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.

When the Administration is deliberately hiding evidence from Congressional investigators like the Ben Rhodes email...should they be rewarded because they were successful at hiding evidence for over a year until a Freedom of Information lawsuit forced them to divulge what they should have turned over earlier? The reason we keep wasting money on investigations is that the people we investigate refuse to level with the American people. Hold people accountable for the lies and the hiding of documents from Congressional investigators and we won't HAVE to have seven investigations...

Yawn, the Rhodes email reveals nothing new. The video was the cause of the protests throughout the Muslim world beginning with Cairo.

Was it the "cause" of a protest in Benghazi that day, Boo? Because if you can't say yes to that question...then who the hell CARES if it caused a protest in another country? If it didn't cause a protest in Benghazi...which we know without question that it did not!!!...then the Rhodes email illustrates that the Obama Administration was quite willing to mislead the American people that Sunday morning when they trotted Susan Rice out to all of those shows with her rehearsed message.

Because she was being prepped for a question about those protests.
If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.

When the Administration is deliberately hiding evidence from Congressional investigators like the Ben Rhodes email...should they be rewarded because they were successful at hiding evidence for over a year until a Freedom of Information lawsuit forced them to divulge what they should have turned over earlier? The reason we keep wasting money on investigations is that the people we investigate refuse to level with the American people. Hold people accountable for the lies and the hiding of documents from Congressional investigators and we won't HAVE to have seven investigations...

And yet after paying for seven investigations - all we have are the opinions of people - people who have been investigating birth certificates and the likes nonstop since Obama was elected - and no evidence of any wrongdoing.

Don't use my tax money to grind your political ax.

If the same people hadn't been making such a nonstop barrage of silly charges and accusations in an obvious attempt to kneecap Obama from day one - they might still have a bit of credibility left with me. But sadly, these little boys who cry wolf have absolutely no credibility left. No one is listening anymore.

So because of their political tactics, Obama could probably get away with murder now, because anyone who accuses him of anything is just going to get lumped in with these idiots who use investigation as a tool of political theater.

Thanks idiots.
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If there is a scandal here - how come seven investigations couldn't uncover it?

Why should we pay for an eighth. Either there is no scandal here or the investigators are completely incompetent and we should not keep throwing our money at them.

When the Administration is deliberately hiding evidence from Congressional investigators like the Ben Rhodes email...should they be rewarded because they were successful at hiding evidence for over a year until a Freedom of Information lawsuit forced them to divulge what they should have turned over earlier? The reason we keep wasting money on investigations is that the people we investigate refuse to level with the American people. Hold people accountable for the lies and the hiding of documents from Congressional investigators and we won't HAVE to have seven investigations...

Yawn, the Rhodes email reveals nothing new. The video was the cause of the protests throughout the Muslim world beginning with Cairo.

There were no demonstrations at Benghazi. Just a terrorist attack that they had warnings about for months. The anniversary of 9-11 Duuuuh.

One of the questions she was being prepped for was about the raging protest across the ME at that time, not exclusively about the event in Benghazi.
Rice was being prepped to handle Benghazi, Boo. She was being prepped by Rhodes on how to divert blame away from Benghazi being a policy failure...to push a narrative that this was not an Al Queda affiliated group...and to push the narrative that Barry was on top of things. The protests taking place across the Arab world were simply the excuse they came up with to blame the attack on.

Yes the Benghazi event cannot be separated from the other protest in the ME at that time. We've had the discussion about what talking points are for so........
That sparked violence in various parts of the world, including violence directed against western facilities including our embassies and consulates.

You need to look at the broad question that Crowley asked Susan Rice and compare that to specific questions directly related to Benghazi that were asked on the other shows.

"CROWLEY: Let me move you to what's gone on in the Middle East in Arab countries and elsewhere. There is a "New York Times" story this morning that suggests that the administration thinks this is a foreshadowing of a fall that will see sustained instability. Does the administration expect to see these sorts of protests outside U.S. embassies and elsewhere throughout the fall?"

When asked specifically on ABC about al Qaeda being involved in the attack at Benghazi she clearly said that what started as a very small protest was hijacked by extremists that brought heavy weapons. And she tied her label of extremists to al Qaeda. And al Qaeda are terrorists. I don't see that specific response on ABC and similar being trumped by what she told Crowley in response to a broad and general question about all the protests.
When Rice looks earnestly into the camera and tells people that the best information they have at that point is that it was a protest that was hijacked by extremists...she's telling a lie. That isn't the best information that they have! The best information overwhelmingly told them that there WASN'T a protest in Benghazi that day.
According to our intelligence community, that was the best assessment at the time. Too bad for you, your Dreamer version of events doesn't trump our intelligence community's.

That was the best assessment the night of the attack, Faun...by the time that Rice went out for those Sunday morning news shows that was not the best assessment at all. The intelligence community started walking back the "protest gone bad" scenario from that very first day. For Rice to claim that it was STILL the best assessment a week later is laughable.
You're entitled to your opinion, Dreamer, but that's not the conclusion the GOP-led investigation reported.
When Rice looks earnestly into the camera and tells people that the best information they have at that point is that it was a protest that was hijacked by extremists...she's telling a lie. That isn't the best information that they have! The best information overwhelmingly told them that there WASN'T a protest in Benghazi that day.
According to our intelligence community, that was the best assessment at the time. Too bad for you, your Dreamer account doesn't trump our intelligence community.
Kinda funny that Panetta told Obama immediately that it was a terrorist attack.

To bad for you, your dreamer account doesn't trump out intelligence community.
All reviewed during the course of 7 GOP-led investigations and determined that regardless of what Panetta said initially, the best assessment of events as portrayed by Rice came from our intelligence community.

Panneta ran the CIA. That is our intelligence community you idiot.
Umm, no. The CIA is NOT our intelligence community. It's merely one member of it. And again, it doesn't matter what Panetta said that first day ... the CIA's best assessment during the following 2 weeks was that a protest sparked by a video prompted the attack. The administration did not lie about that no matter how hard you wish they did.
No she was just doing what the Administration told her to do.

Yes. The Administration told her to go out and tell the truth and she did. We see how you only wanted to hear a small part of what she said. When she said the extremists were possibly linked to al Qaeda you shut your mind down. We see that from the incomplete link you cited.
No she was just doing what the Administration told her to do.

Yes. The Administration told her to go out and tell the truth and she did. We see how you only wanted to hear a small part of what she said. When she said the extremists were possibly linked to al Qaeda you shut your mind down. We see that from the incomplete link you cited.

Where in any of those 7 Sunday morning talk shows did Susan Rice say that extremists possibly linked to Al Qaeda attacked our consulate?
Do you not understand that the REASON for Rice to go on those shows was to downplay any involvement by Al Qaeda because that made a joke of the President's whole "Osama is dead and Al Qaeda is on the run" stump speech?
Obviously I don't because I said you claimed you were in the military. Claiming it again is not proof of anything. And there is no way. You are paranoid, delusional and narcissistic with allusions of grandeur.

I think the word you are looking for is "illusions of grandeur".

The military contrary to your leftist authoritarianism bigotry isn't where they take the dregs of society.

Again, back in the 1980's, i was more right wing than you are. Except that was before Right Wing turned into "Batshit Crazy". Incidentally, a lot of liberals in the military, then and now.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist, but you have to have some intelligence. And they also have psych exams specifically to weed you out. There is no way they would allow you near a gun much less accept you.

I think that shows how very little you know. There are no "Psych exams" to get into the military, guy. Now, I can't speak of right now - where they still managed to take guys like Hasan, Bergdahl and Manning, all of whom were a few tacos short of a combination platter - but back in the day, all you really had to do was pass a physical and the ASVAB.

Honestly, I wish the military was better at identifying emotional issues. During a good chunk of my service, I was pretty seriously depressed after my parents died. No one really noticed.

And another lie is your claim that "brown people" fight in our wars. The military is more white than the general population, another lie based on your bigotry and ignorance.

Well, no, you'd be wrong about that, as well.

Demographics of Active Duty U.S. Military Statistic Brain

Blacks make up 21.5% of the Army compared to 13% of the population.

Justified doesn't make your lie they "cut" the budget true. If that was your argument, you should have said that instead of lying. And maybe when Republicans INCREASED the global security budget, they thought the Commander and Chief of the Military would have been smart enough to use more of it in a ... war zone ... They were wrong, obviously.

Except Libya wasn't an active war zone at that point. Now, realizing you are like a complete fucking retard, the reality is, when you have places like Iraq and Afghanistan, where our embassies are pretty much fortresses, you probably aren't going to spend a lot of effort on the consulate in Benghazi. It's just not going to be a high priority for you.
Do you not understand that the REASON for Rice to go on those shows was to downplay any involvement by Al Qaeda because that made a joke of the President's whole "Osama is dead and Al Qaeda is on the run" stump speech?

Yup, I'm sure that's what you mouth-breathers tell yourselves. Because your average voter is smart enough to tell the difference between Al Qaeda and Ansar-al-Sharia,

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