"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

I know that Hillary left her position at the State Department in order to put as much distance between herself and the Obama Administration's failed foreign policy as possible before she tries to run for President but she's still on the hook for what took place at the State Department when she WAS there running things. Benghazi is part and parcel of that.

Yup she and her State Department fucked up big time and it cost four lives.

One has to wonder how anyone in their right mind would even consider this woman as a viable POTUS.

She showed her worth with her mismanagement at State and those four deaths are on her plate.

What difference does in make? Indeed.
I, for one, will most certainly enjoy reading your posts when she is referred to as Madame President. :mm:

Hope you ain't holding your breath there Faun cause you gonna suffocate before that bitch is the POTUS.

She couldn't handle the job and she proved it with her inept handling of the State Department.

One has to wonder just how anyone could vote for that useless bitch.
OS 10358779
Does that in some way make their failure of policy in Benghazi less in some way

What policy failed in Benghazi?

"Normalization" is how the State Department described it, Notfooled. They wanted to show that things were getting so good in Libya that we were able to draw down the number of US security personnel there. It was something that was done for the "optics" of how that would be seen rather than as prudent policy. Stevens was repeatedly asking that the security detail NOT be shrunk and he was repeatedly rebuffed until it reached the point that he was ordered not to make the request anymore.
Did you really just call Christopher Stevens "a little bitch" and then accuse me of using his coffin as a soap box?

Uh, no, I didn't. I just pointed out that you claimed he was whining like one. Which he wasn't.

When did I ever accuse Christopher Stevens of "whining"? As far as I can tell Ambassador Stevens did everything exactly as he should have done. He understood that Libya was becoming more dangerous. He passed that view along to his superiors. He asked that his security detail not be drawn down. He made that request so many times he was ordered not to ask anymore. He told General Ham he couldn't accept Department of Defense security agents. Why? Because his superiors at the State Department didn't want them there because of appearances. Christopher Stevens was putting his life at daily risk for a bunch of idiots back in Washington that were so fucking clueless about the real situation in Libya that they thought a Libyan militia would provide the same level of security as the 21 highly trained US security operators that they were taking away.
Joe you missed it - Old Style asked a previous poster if he "just called Stevens "a little bitch."

The previous poster had not. Clearly.

And Old Style did not. Clearly.

Can this really be honest confusion?
If there really was no Benghazi scandal...then kindly explain why it is that four Americans are dead. Duh?

Deaths equals scandal? Wouldn't that make 9.11 a scandal of epic proportions than since 749 times as many people died?

Only if you want to make the point that the Bush Administration cut security by 2/3's to allow 9/11 to happen. If you are indeed making that point then you've made the quantum leap from the absurd to absolute farce.
Yes, they only rioted one day a year. Then the spontaneously got 150 men who overran marines and seals. Spontaneously. Got it. So liberal politicians aren't lying to you and leading you by the nose. Again, seriously, don't take calls from telemarketers. That's going to go badly for you. Is it literally wet behind your ears? Just curious.

Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?

No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.
Yes, they only rioted one day a year. Then the spontaneously got 150 men who overran marines and seals. Spontaneously. Got it. So liberal politicians aren't lying to you and leading you by the nose. Again, seriously, don't take calls from telemarketers. That's going to go badly for you. Is it literally wet behind your ears? Just curious.

Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?

No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.
Yes, they only rioted one day a year. Then the spontaneously got 150 men who overran marines and seals. Spontaneously. Got it. So liberal politicians aren't lying to you and leading you by the nose. Again, seriously, don't take calls from telemarketers. That's going to go badly for you. Is it literally wet behind your ears? Just curious.

Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?

No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
If there really was no Benghazi scandal...then kindly explain why it is that four Americans are dead. Duh?

Deaths equals scandal? Wouldn't that make 9.11 a scandal of epic proportions than since 749 times as many people died?

Only if you want to make the point that the Bush Administration cut security by 2/3's to allow 9/11 to happen. If you are indeed making that point then you've made the quantum leap from the absurd to absolute farce.
No, but they made other mistakes which can be argued may have allowed 9.11 to happen. Point being -- deaths no not equal scandal. And 7 GOP-led investigations have confirmed there is no scandal here. No matter how hard you Dreamers try to keep it alive.
Yes, they only rioted one day a year. Then the spontaneously got 150 men who overran marines and seals. Spontaneously. Got it. So liberal politicians aren't lying to you and leading you by the nose. Again, seriously, don't take calls from telemarketers. That's going to go badly for you. Is it literally wet behind your ears? Just curious.

Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?

No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
According to the GOP-led investigations, the liar is you, Dreamer, not them.
Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?

No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
According to the GOP-led investigations, the liar is you, Dreamer, not them.

GOP lead investigations said anyone who thinks Obama covered up what happened in Benghazi is a "liar." You are delusional. Wow.

Hey, the Democrats investigated and found Obama is responsible for the explosion in the National Debt, they said anyone who denies that is a liar. Did you hear about that?
I know that Hillary left her position at the State Department in order to put as much distance between herself and the Obama Administration's failed foreign policy as possible before she tries to run for President but she's still on the hook for what took place at the State Department when she WAS there running things. Benghazi is part and parcel of that.

Yup she and her State Department fucked up big time and it cost four lives.

One has to wonder how anyone in their right mind would even consider this woman as a viable POTUS.

She showed her worth with her mismanagement at State and those four deaths are on her plate.

What difference does in make? Indeed.
I, for one, will most certainly enjoy reading your posts when she is referred to as Madame President. :mm:

Hope you ain't holding your breath there Faun cause you gonna suffocate before that bitch is the POTUS.

She couldn't handle the job and she proved it with her inept handling of the State Department.

One has to wonder just how anyone could vote for that useless bitch.
And yet, despite all the hysterics from you shrieking righties, she still leads every single Republican in head-to-head polls.
No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
According to the GOP-led investigations, the liar is you, Dreamer, not them.

GOP lead investigations said anyone who thinks Obama covered up what happened in Benghazi is a "liar." You are delusional. Wow.

Hey, the Democrats investigated and found Obama is responsible for the explosion in the National Debt, they said anyone who denies that is a liar. Did you hear about that?
Your hysteria is noted, Dreamer.
I haven't misread anything that Joey posted. He's been trying to blame Stevens for his own death for a week now. Joey thinks it's Steven's fault he was murdered because he knew it was dangerous so he should never have left Tripoli. The man was doing his JOB! He went to Benghazi to do that job! If he'd had the security that he should have...he'd probably be alive today. Steven's isn't to blame for 2/3's of his security force being removed. That was something that the Clinton State Department ordered.

After Repbulicans slashed the shit out of diplomatic security, you mean?

LOL, Joe is always there to pick up the Democratic lie. The only measure that funding was cut was against proposed budgets. There were no actual cuts, in fact, spending is way up on embassy security. Sorry the facts have to get in the way of your lies, but they always do. Pesky little buggers facts are, aren't they? As if I'm telling you, who gets tripped up by facts more than you do?
There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
According to the GOP-led investigations, the liar is you, Dreamer, not them.

GOP lead investigations said anyone who thinks Obama covered up what happened in Benghazi is a "liar." You are delusional. Wow.

Hey, the Democrats investigated and found Obama is responsible for the explosion in the National Debt, they said anyone who denies that is a liar. Did you hear about that?
Your hysteria is noted, Dreamer.

My "hysteria is noted?" From the guy long in ridiculous assertion and devoid of evidence to back it up?
Yes, they only rioted one day a year. Then the spontaneously got 150 men who overran marines and seals. Spontaneously. Got it. So liberal politicians aren't lying to you and leading you by the nose. Again, seriously, don't take calls from telemarketers. That's going to go badly for you. Is it literally wet behind your ears? Just curious.

Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?

No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
Imbecile ... Covering up a crime IS itself a crime.
Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?

No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
Imbecile ... Covering up a crime IS itself a crime.

Which was my point, LOL. A standard you hold to Nixon and not Obama...

You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
According to the GOP-led investigations, the liar is you, Dreamer, not them.

GOP lead investigations said anyone who thinks Obama covered up what happened in Benghazi is a "liar." You are delusional. Wow.

Hey, the Democrats investigated and found Obama is responsible for the explosion in the National Debt, they said anyone who denies that is a liar. Did you hear about that?
Your hysteria is noted, Dreamer.

My "hysteria is noted?" From the guy long in ridiculous assertion and devoid of evidence to back it up?
:lol: You're a funny Dreamer. :lol: Everything I've asserted regarding Benghazi comes from the GOP-led investigations. That's hardly ridiculous and despite your hysteria, loaded with evidence.
Guaranteed that the OP takes every single deduction at his disposal.

Just like every other American does.

Dumb ass thread

What's this got to do with me and my taxes? I just posted links that the GOP has mea culpa-ed on Bennngahhhhazeeee.. And you can't handle it.
No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.

There is no comparison to Nixon and the investigation into the crimes of Nixon and his administration. It was his own words that finally turned a few (enough) Republicans on the committee to vote in favor of impeachment. There was no crime and no cover up in or about Benghazi.


You said nixon committed a crime, other than the cover up? What crime? That's the central part of my point.

As for Obama not covering up Benghazi, :lmao:

Take your head out of the kool-aid bowl.

Yup Nixon was guilty of a coverup not a crime.

Barry has his people tell lies for two weeks. Kinda funny how the idiots on this board don't see anything wrong with that.

They definietly have their heads buried in that punch bowl. LOL
Imbecile ... Covering up a crime IS itself a crime.

Which was my point, LOL. A standard you hold to Nixon and not Obama...
Since you can't demonstrate a cover up: and since a GOP-led investigation concluded there was no cover up, my standards are in check.

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