"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

And it happened on 9/11 is a coincidence, a liberal politician told you that.

I saw fireworks on the fourth of july, I'm thinking it was a coincidence...

I don't think it was a 'coincidence". The riots in Cairo started on 9/11. That clearly wasn't planned, they were upset about the video.
Yes, but you said nobody cared, I assumed that meant you.

I said no one cares about the vast conspiracy you guys have been failing to prove for two years now.

People are really going to be sick of this shit if you are still talking about it two years from now.
And it happened on 9/11 is a coincidence, a liberal politician told you that.

I saw fireworks on the fourth of july, I'm thinking it was a coincidence...

I don't think it was a 'coincidence". The riots in Cairo started on 9/11. That clearly wasn't planned, they were upset about the video.

Yes, they only rioted one day a year. Then the spontaneously got 150 men who overran marines and seals. Spontaneously. Got it. So liberal politicians aren't lying to you and leading you by the nose. Again, seriously, don't take calls from telemarketers. That's going to go badly for you. Is it literally wet behind your ears? Just curious.
Yes, they only rioted one day a year. Then the spontaneously got 150 men who overran marines and seals. Spontaneously. Got it. So liberal politicians aren't lying to you and leading you by the nose. Again, seriously, don't take calls from telemarketers. That's going to go badly for you. Is it literally wet behind your ears? Just curious.

Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?
The actual attacks in Benghazi were terrorists. Not demonstrators. I

Obama said it was an act of terror the morning after the attacks. No one blamed protesters for the four deaths in Benghazi. Why do you keep repeating a response that no one disagrees with?

I keep repeating myself because you keep ignoring the fact that the administraioin said it was a demonstration about a video. A fact that I myself watched on TV for two weeks.

Kinda funny he called an act of terror instead of an act by terrorists and then proceeded to tell his people to lie about the whole thing being about a demonstration about a video.

Any answer for that??
Yeah, read the Congressional report, Dreamer. It clears up all your misconceptions.
Faun is a blind idiot who just can't see the truth.
Funny ... that's exactly what Truthers say about me whenever I debunk their nonsensical conspiracy. :mm:

Dreamers = the new Truthers
Since I'm not a Rep and I'm certainly not a birther your comments are ridiculous.

You can't debunk what millions of us saw on TV there idiot.

Dream on dreamer.

Oh yeah. And if Bush were the POTUS when Benghazi happened you'd be singing one different tune. You'd be screaming scandal, coverup and be demanding the truth.

Seriously, just how rightarded are you?? (Rhetorical)

I never said anyone debunked them saying it on TV. Who knows why you keep repeating that? I said it was your claim that they lied which was debunked. And the best part ... ? It was debunked by a GOP-led investigation, so only Dreamers can keep dreaming the investigation was bullshit. :lol:

Your an idiot.
I don't typically point out spelling mistakes, but when they're this deliciously ironic, I can't refrain myself from highlighting the idiocy. :mm:

Lying is lying no matter who does it and for what reason and they lied their asses off and anyone watching TV hear them doing it.

They knew it was a terrorist attack so you explain to me why they lied.

Oh wait. I forgot. Your a fucking idiot so you don't care. Never mind.

As for my spelling mistakes, fuck off.
If there really was no Benghazi scandal...then kindly explain why it is that four Americans are dead. Duh?

Deaths equals scandal? Wouldn't that make 9.11 a scandal of epic proportions than since 749 times as many people died?
I'm starting to feel a little like one of the folks who lived in the village with the little boy who cried wolf.

Maybe there is a scandal here, but if seven investigations haven't unearthed it, I'm not sure 8, 9, or 10 will either.

I guess we'll see because they sure aren't going to stop. I think they are just trying to keep it on life support long enough to attack Hillary Clinton with it.
Come on, Bulldog...that talking point was shot down in tatters so long ago it's corpse has turned to dust by now! The reason that Lerner has taken the 5th and refuses to answer questions on advice from counsel isn't because she was treating both conservatives and liberals in the same fashion. Lois is pleading the fifth because she knows only too well that she targeted conservative groups and provided confidential information on conservative taxpayers to the Justice Department in direct violation of IRS regulations. The reason they tried to crash their computers and erase the evidence of what they did wasn't because they treated both conservatives and liberals equally...it's because they were working hand in hand with the Obama Administration to deny conservative groups tax free status. That isn't a "made up" scandal...that's a "put people in jail" scandal!

Why? Not one conservative group was denied tax exempt status.

Lerner isn't going to testify because Issa is a fuckhead with no legal authority to ask her questions. He ain't her boss, he isn't a prosecutor, he's just as assclown with a gavel.

Now there is a classic case of semantics, Joey...the tactic that was used by Lerner's Merry Band wasn't to deny tax exempt status...their tactic was to keep conservative groups in limbo for month after month...neither denying or approving their status. They didn't do that to liberal groups.

I notice that you ignored the point about the IRS illegally releasing confidential tax payer information to the Justice Department and to Democratic politicians.

As for Issa's "status". He's chairing a Senate investigation into wrongdoing at the IRS...he has not only the legal authority to ask Lois Lerner questions...it's what his entire FUNCTION is. The Congress is the people's representatives. They are there to make sure that the government serves us and not the other way around.
Dude, do you not understand that the "judgement" Stevens would be safe with security provided in large part by local militias is why Hillary Clinton's competence is being questioned following the deaths in Benghazi? Despite repeated requests from Stevens not to draw down his security personnel because the situation was becoming increasingly dangerous in Libya...the Clinton State Department pushed a policy referred to as "normalization" in which the goal was to claim that things were getting better in Libya...not worse and the proof of that was fewer American security forces needed to protect our diplomats. It was policy put forth by people who refuse to accept reality when it conflicts with what they WANT to be reality!

If Stevens was really screaming like a little bitch about the 'deteriorating security situation" in LIbya, doesn't leaving his nice safe embassy in Tripoli to go to Benghazi where all the fighting was seem like kind of a bad idea?

Of course, he wasn't, and you Wingnuts are taking things out of context to prove crazy conspiracy theories.

Quit trying to use the poor man's coffin as a soap box, you just look ghoulish doing it.

Did you really just call Christopher Stevens "a little bitch" and then accuse me of using his coffin as a soap box?
Dude, do you not understand that the "judgement" Stevens would be safe with security provided in large part by local militias is why Hillary Clinton's competence is being questioned following the deaths in Benghazi? Despite repeated requests from Stevens not to draw down his security personnel because the situation was becoming increasingly dangerous in Libya...the Clinton State Department pushed a policy referred to as "normalization" in which the goal was to claim that things were getting better in Libya...not worse and the proof of that was fewer American security forces needed to protect our diplomats. It was policy put forth by people who refuse to accept reality when it conflicts with what they WANT to be reality!

If Stevens was really screaming like a little bitch about the 'deteriorating security situation" in LIbya, doesn't leaving his nice safe embassy in Tripoli to go to Benghazi where all the fighting was seem like kind of a bad idea?

Of course, he wasn't, and you Wingnuts are taking things out of context to prove crazy conspiracy theories.

Quit trying to use the poor man's coffin as a soap box, you just look ghoulish doing it.

Did you really just call Christopher Stevens "a little bitch" and then accuse me of using his coffin as a soap box?

I find it hard to believe that you misread his post that bad honestly
I'm starting to feel a little like one of the folks who lived in the village with the little boy who cried wolf.

Maybe there is a scandal here, but if seven investigations haven't unearthed it, I'm not sure 8, 9, or 10 will either.

I guess we'll see because they sure aren't going to stop. I think they are just trying to keep it on life support long enough to attack Hillary Clinton with it.

Do you not grasp the fact that what happened in Benghazi BELONGS to Hillary? No disrespect, NoDog but accusing people of using the deaths of those four Americans to "attack" Hillary Clinton misses the point! Yes, I'm "attacking" Hillary Clinton but the REASON I'm attacking her is that it was her misguided policies that led to what happened. I know you like Hillary and want her to run for the Oval Office. I know you're hoping she becomes the next President but expecting Benghazi not to be a major part of the conversation if she DOES run is naive on your part! She was in charge of the State Department. She called the shots. When it comes to the draw down of security for our Ambassador I think it's obvious that she made a horrendous decision that was based more on "optics" than on reality. I think it's also obvious that she was complicit in the protest gone bad false narrative that the Obama White House used to deflect blame for what happened away from policy decisions to an obscure video.
Dude, do you not understand that the "judgement" Stevens would be safe with security provided in large part by local militias is why Hillary Clinton's competence is being questioned following the deaths in Benghazi? Despite repeated requests from Stevens not to draw down his security personnel because the situation was becoming increasingly dangerous in Libya...the Clinton State Department pushed a policy referred to as "normalization" in which the goal was to claim that things were getting better in Libya...not worse and the proof of that was fewer American security forces needed to protect our diplomats. It was policy put forth by people who refuse to accept reality when it conflicts with what they WANT to be reality!

If Stevens was really screaming like a little bitch about the 'deteriorating security situation" in LIbya, doesn't leaving his nice safe embassy in Tripoli to go to Benghazi where all the fighting was seem like kind of a bad idea?

Of course, he wasn't, and you Wingnuts are taking things out of context to prove crazy conspiracy theories.

Quit trying to use the poor man's coffin as a soap box, you just look ghoulish doing it.

Did you really just call Christopher Stevens "a little bitch" and then accuse me of using his coffin as a soap box?

I find it hard to believe that you misread his post that bad honestly

I haven't misread anything that Joey posted. He's been trying to blame Stevens for his own death for a week now. Joey thinks it's Steven's fault he was murdered because he knew it was dangerous so he should never have left Tripoli. The man was doing his JOB! He went to Benghazi to do that job! If he'd had the security that he should have...he'd probably be alive today. Steven's isn't to blame for 2/3's of his security force being removed. That was something that the Clinton State Department ordered.
Told ya

Thanks for the confirmation

I'm baffled by the concept that anyone being critical of Hillary Clinton at this junction is only doing so because she's thinking of running for President and therefore such criticism should be ignored! This isn't some personal attack on Hillary because she has big ankles or has a husband who can't keep it in his pants! This is criticizing her performance as Secretary of State! This is saying...here are her policies...here are the results of those policies!
On 9/11 there was one protest and that was in Cairo. Other then that most came days after Benghazi. One could think that what Rice and Obama said led to MORE riot.

And you really want us to believe that Obama and Rice went on a hunch instead of solid intelligence? EVERYONE knew it wasn't a riot over the video.

The riots started in Cairo and spread everywhere else when it got more exposure. The CIA were the ones who told Obama and Rice that the video was the cause.

Yes, spread after an American president went to the UN and told the WORLD that because of this video America was bad. I am not sure why you can not see the connection. As for the CIA telling them it was over a video, produce the evidence. The following is from factcheck.org which indicates no such thing happened. EVEN if the CIA did tell them that why in the hell would they go out in public and say such things? Especially if they were not absolutely sure? Them saying it obviously stopped nothing the riots increased as you admit. No, we would have been much better off if they would have just kept their mouths shut, but they acted stupidly.

From factcheck.org:

Benghazi Timeline

The question won’t go away: Did President Obama and administration officials mislead the public when they initially claimed that the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi began “spontaneously” in response to an anti-Muslim video?

The question surfaced again on Oct. 25 — more than six weeks after the incident — when government emails showed the White House and the State Department were told even as the attack was going on that Ansar al-Sharia, a little-known militant group, had claimed credit for it.

We cannot say whether the administration was intentionally misleading the public. We cannot prove intent. There is also more information to come — both from the FBI, which is conducting an investigation, and Congress, which has been holding hearings.

But, at this point, we do know that Obama and others in the administration were quick to cite the anti-Muslim video as the underlying cause for the attack in Benghazi that killed four U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. And they were slow to acknowledge it was a premeditated terrorist attack, and they downplayed reports that it might have been.

What follows is a timeline of events that we hope will help put the incident into perspective. We call attention in particular to these key facts:

The UN speech didn't happen until two weeks later. No wonder you don't have a grasp on the situation, you can't keep the facts of the matter straight.
Maybe investigation 9, 10, 11, or 11987 will confirm that.

Keep pluggin' 'cause Hillary's gonna run.

It's looking more and more like political theater.

Just like when John McCain skipped a Benghazi briefing so he could attend a press conference he scheduled to complain about not getting enough information on Benghazi.

I respect you and you opinions, but I believe you've just gotten sucked into the hyper-partisan political theater.
Maybe investigation 9, 10, 11, or 11987 will confirm that.

Keep pluggin' 'cause Hillary's gonna run.

It's looking more and more like political theater.

Just like when John McCain skipped a Benghazi briefing so he could attend a press conference he scheduled to complain about not getting enough information on Benghazi.

I respect you and you opinions, but I believe you've just gotten sucked into the hyper-partisan political theater.

How is taking Hillary Clinton to task for a policy called "normalization" that drew down US security personnel in Libya to give the appearance that things were getting better rather than worse..."hyper-partisan political theater"? Was she NOT calling the shots at State?
I know that Hillary left her position at the State Department in order to put as much distance between herself and the Obama Administration's failed foreign policy as possible before she tries to run for President but she's still on the hook for what took place at the State Department when she WAS there running things. Benghazi is part and parcel of that.

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