"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

If there really was no Benghazi scandal...then kindly explain why it is that four Americans are dead. Duh?

Americans died = 'no scandal possible' to leftwing ass hats, just like there can be no racism from minorities and no white victims of prejudice either.

Their ideology trumps their low IQs into silence.
The actual attacks in Benghazi were terrorists. Not demonstrators. I

Obama said it was an act of terror the morning after the attacks. No one blamed protesters for the four deaths in Benghazi. Why do you keep repeating a response that no one disagrees with?
Come on, Bulldog...this has dragged on for as long as it has because the Obama people stonewalled the investigation of Benghazi before the 2012 elections.

Yes, it was a complete plot to make Romney say stupid things.

Oh, wait, Romney usually said stupid things without any prompting.
Do you think those families deserved to be lied to by the President, the Vice President and the Secretary of State, Bulldog? Because that's what took place when those four caskets were unloaded at Andrew's Air Force Base. That wasn't the GOP...that was Barry, Joe and Hillary.

Or that they just had a different opinion of what happened.

Opinions do not equal facts.
Unfortunately Lois Lerner is living comfortably on her pension after depriving the very Americans who PAY that pension their rights under the Constitution.

Anyone expecting convictions of a liberal as long as Eric Holder is running the Justice Department is about as delusional as they come.

Waaaaah, the Koch Brothers didn't get to buy all the politicians they wanted to!!!!

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of wasting more time investigating faux scandals, how about you guys actually pass legislation that is good for the country and will put people back to work. I mean, I know, this is like a crazy idea and stuff.
You make such a damming case. Why didn't all those republican led investigations pick upon some of your claims? Are you saying the leading republicans in charge of all those separate investigations are incompetent, or are they secretly Democrats who are helping with a cover up? Trey Goudy and Darrell Issa........Double agents for the DNC. Someone should investigate that.

When you've got an Administration that's actively working to hide the truth from Congress...as the Obama White House did when they reclassified the Ben Rhodes email to Top Secret...should it surprise anyone that investigations DON'T reveal the truth? Take a good hard look at the White House's stance during those early investigations, Bulldog. They were declaring that they had given Congress everything that they had on Benghazi when we now know that was not the case. They lied to Congress and they lied to the American people. That's why this has dragged out for as long as it has!
It's already a given ... there can be another dozen investigations. Dreamers are going to drag this out until after the 2016 elections. It will then be brought to the forefront again when Hillary is running for re-election in 2020. The RWN strategy is transparent.

What's amusing is that the same liberals that were happy to drag out the original investigations until AFTER the 2012 elections now demand that they be concluded as quickly as possible BEFORE the 2016 elections. Sorry, Kiddies...you made the bed...climb in and get comfy!

Your head is overheating again. You got a single example of anyone other than a teabagger wanting to drag out all those so called investigations?

I'm concerned with each of those "so called investigations", Bulldog and I'll give you the reasons why you should be too.

Fast & Furious? Anytime our government has a policy that allows high powered assault weapons to fall into the hands of narco-terrorists...that worries me. Years after that story broke and I STILL have no clue what the Holder Justice Department was trying to achieve with that program!

Benghazi? I'm concerned when the people who make our foreign policy can't deal with reality! My problem with Obama and Clinton isn't that they lied to me...politicians on all sides of the aisle are less than honest with the American people all the time...what bothers me is that they honestly seem to believe that if they simply "say" that things aren't bad...then they won't be bad! If they "say" that Al Queda is on the run then Al Queda is on the run and we don't need to have the correct policies in place to deal with their threat. If they "say" the situation in Libya was getting better then they didn't need those 30 security personnel.

The IRS? This is really a no brainer, Bulldog. If you allow ANY party that controls government to use the IRS as a weapon against it's political opponents it's just a matter of time until the opponents seize power and return the favor. I don't want to have to fight the IRS because of how I vote or because of my views on issues. The tax collector should not be partisan and with Lois Lerner the IRS WAS! Anyone who was involved in that should be doing jail time. They knew that what they were doing was wrong...yet they did it anyways and then did their best to hide what had taken place.

The laws of AZ are still as lax as they ever were. The US also supplies Mexico with most of their weapons. Theft of these weapons is rampant and supplies the Cartels with many more weapons than what the ATF in AZ observed watching the straw buyers.
I hate to point out the blatantly obvious, Bulldog but the Obama Administration now has a long history of stonewalling investigations into scandals. Fast & Furious, the IRS and Benghazi. It's what they DO.

I think the real scandal is the phony investigations and trying to somehow link those to the Obama Administration these Republicans have pursued. How many convictions do they have?
Have they arrested that super villain Lois Lerner yet?

Unfortunately Lois Lerner is living comfortably on her pension after depriving the very Americans who PAY that pension their rights under the Constitution.

Anyone expecting convictions of a liberal as long as Eric Holder is running the Justice Department is about as delusional as they come.
What are talking about? Lois Lerner played an invaluable role in this. Thanks to her, I now know that rightwingers are crazy assholes.

Thank you for your service, Lois!

To be fair, there was already plenty of evidence that right wingers are crazy assholes long before Lois came on the scene. Like you, I thank her as well, but she didn't do it all by herself.

The fact that you on the Left view Lois Lerner as some sort of "hero" because she used the power of the IRS to illegally target conservative groups is illustrative of your "the end justifies the means" mentality. It's OK with you that Lerner deprived Americans of their civil rights under the Constitution because you don't happen to agree politically with those Americans that she harmed. Because those people are conservatives...you seem to feel that they got what they deserved and more power TO Lois Lerner!

What you don't seem to grasp is that using the IRS as a political weapon is a double edged sword...it was used against conservatives this time (which you applaud) but at a future date it could be used against liberals by an unscrupulous conservative government. Will you be fine with that? No problems when you're being audited for the sixth time in six years?

Lerner is no ones hero. Reference to her impending arrest is a joke. Get it?

What's amusing is that the same liberals that were happy to drag out the original investigations until AFTER the 2012 elections now demand that they be concluded as quickly as possible BEFORE the 2016 elections. Sorry, Kiddies...you made the bed...climb in and get comfy!

The only people who still "care" about Benghazi are far right wingnuts who wouldn't have voted for Hillary, anyway.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Instead of just you racist assholes who've been freaking out about the black guy in the White House since 2008, how about producing for me ONE PERSON who says, "I voted for Obama but If I had ONLY KNOWN THE TRUTH about Benghazi, I'd have voted for Romney!"

Let me know when you find that person.
So they spontaneously attacked our embassy on 9/11. The date they attacked the world trade center, which was the date they attacked the African embassies, which is the date they like to plan other attacks. On that date, a hundred fifty men spontaneously attacked a US mission and overran seals and marines. You actually believe that.

Riots can break out pretty quickly. Just ask the folks in Ferguson.

LOL, this is why Democratic politicians lead you people so easily by the nose. My God you are gullible. On 9/11, a date that Islamic fundamentalists target, you actually believe liberal politicians when they say it was spontaneous. On 9/11. Seriously, what a bunch of saps you are.
What's amusing is that the same liberals that were happy to drag out the original investigations until AFTER the 2012 elections now demand that they be concluded as quickly as possible BEFORE the 2016 elections. Sorry, Kiddies...you made the bed...climb in and get comfy!

The only people who still "care" about Benghazi are far right wingnuts who wouldn't have voted for Hillary, anyway.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. Instead of just you racist assholes who've been freaking out about the black guy in the White House since 2008, how about producing for me ONE PERSON who says, "I voted for Obama but If I had ONLY KNOWN THE TRUTH about Benghazi, I'd have voted for Romney!"

Let me know when you find that person.

Ha, ain't no doubt we won't find a Obama supporter who would say such a thing. Most people don't like to admit how incredibly wrong they were.

We also know that Obama supporters don't care about the needless deaths of four Americans, thanks for not pretending you do.
Unfortunately Lois Lerner is living comfortably on her pension after depriving the very Americans who PAY that pension their rights under the Constitution.

Anyone expecting convictions of a liberal as long as Eric Holder is running the Justice Department is about as delusional as they come.

Waaaaah, the Koch Brothers didn't get to buy all the politicians they wanted to!!!!

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of wasting more time investigating faux scandals, how about you guys actually pass legislation that is good for the country and will put people back to work. I mean, I know, this is like a crazy idea and stuff.

You mean like the democrats should have been doing for the last 6 years? Instead of focusing solely on shoving the job killing Obamacare on the nation? You mean clean up another Democrat mess like Reagan did?
Fast & Furious? Anytime our government has a policy that allows high powered assault weapons to fall into the hands of narco-terrorists...that worries me. Years after that story broke and I STILL have no clue what the Holder Justice Department was trying to achieve with that program!

Really? So you are all for having common sense gun laws and not letting Arizona sell guns to anyone who walks in the door, then? Or are you just upset because a few guns weren't successfully tracked.

The fact that you on the Left view Lois Lerner as some sort of "hero" because she used the power of the IRS to illegally target conservative groups is illustrative of your "the end justifies the means" mentality. It's OK with you that Lerner deprived Americans of their civil rights under the Constitution because you don't happen to agree politically with those Americans that she harmed. Because those people are conservatives...you seem to feel that they got what they deserved and more power TO Lois Lerner!

No, I don't view Lerner as a hero. I view Lerner as a bureaucrat trying to deal with an absolutely insane ruling that pretty much put our government up for sale to the highest bidder. I'm not so sure why you think the ability of the Koch Brothers to hide which fake Tea Party groups they are contributing to is a "civil right". I'm much more disturbed about what the Koch Brothers and Adelson are doing to our democracy than what Lerner did to try to root out the fraud.

What you don't seem to grasp is that using the IRS as a political weapon is a double edged sword...it was used against conservatives this time (which you applaud) but at a future date it could be used against liberals by an unscrupulous conservative government. Will you be fine with that? No problems when you're being audited for the sixth time in six years?

Guy, if we get a conservative government, I'd be more worried about the wars, recessions, and anti-worker policies they are going to bring in that will totally fuck me over.

You know, which is what i got when I made the mistake of voter for that cocksucker Bush.
Ha, ain't no doubt we won't find a Obama supporter who would say such a thing. Most people don't like to admit how incredibly wrong they were.

We also know that Obama supporters don't care about the needless deaths of four Americans, thanks for not pretending you do.

Well, there's a big difference between "not caring" and "not seeing a vast conspiracy". sorry you dont get that.
LOL, this is why Democratic politicians lead you people so easily by the nose. My God you are gullible. On 9/11, a date that Islamic fundamentalists target, you actually believe liberal politicians when they say it was spontaneous. On 9/11. Seriously, what a bunch of saps you are.

Or that emotions were already running high that day, because, frankly, if I were a Muslim, I'd get pretty tired of getting beaten up over that anniversary. Then you hear some asshole just made a film defaming your beloved prophet.
You mean like the democrats should have been doing for the last 6 years? Instead of focusing solely on shoving the job killing Obamacare on the nation? You mean clean up another Democrat mess like Reagan did?

YOu mean Gutting the Middle Class, which is what that senile old fool did, was "cleaning up a Democratic mess'.

Me, I'd love to have the kind of union job my Dad had before Reagan said it was okay to gut the unions and make us all work in "At Will" workplaces.
On 9/11 there was one protest and that was in Cairo. Other then that most came days after Benghazi. One could think that what Rice and Obama said led to MORE riot.

And you really want us to believe that Obama and Rice went on a hunch instead of solid intelligence? EVERYONE knew it wasn't a riot over the video.

The riots started in Cairo and spread everywhere else when it got more exposure. The CIA were the ones who told Obama and Rice that the video was the cause.

Yes, spread after an American president went to the UN and told the WORLD that because of this video America was bad. I am not sure why you can not see the connection. As for the CIA telling them it was over a video, produce the evidence. The following is from factcheck.org which indicates no such thing happened. EVEN if the CIA did tell them that why in the hell would they go out in public and say such things? Especially if they were not absolutely sure? Them saying it obviously stopped nothing the riots increased as you admit. No, we would have been much better off if they would have just kept their mouths shut, but they acted stupidly.

From factcheck.org:

Benghazi Timeline

The question won’t go away: Did President Obama and administration officials mislead the public when they initially claimed that the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi began “spontaneously” in response to an anti-Muslim video?

The question surfaced again on Oct. 25 — more than six weeks after the incident — when government emails showed the White House and the State Department were told even as the attack was going on that Ansar al-Sharia, a little-known militant group, had claimed credit for it.

We cannot say whether the administration was intentionally misleading the public. We cannot prove intent. There is also more information to come — both from the FBI, which is conducting an investigation, and Congress, which has been holding hearings.

But, at this point, we do know that Obama and others in the administration were quick to cite the anti-Muslim video as the underlying cause for the attack in Benghazi that killed four U.S. diplomats, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. And they were slow to acknowledge it was a premeditated terrorist attack, and they downplayed reports that it might have been.

What follows is a timeline of events that we hope will help put the incident into perspective. We call attention in particular to these key facts:
LOL, this is why Democratic politicians lead you people so easily by the nose. My God you are gullible. On 9/11, a date that Islamic fundamentalists target, you actually believe liberal politicians when they say it was spontaneous. On 9/11. Seriously, what a bunch of saps you are.

Or that emotions were already running high that day, because, frankly, if I were a Muslim, I'd get pretty tired of getting beaten up over that anniversary. Then you hear some asshole just made a film defaming your beloved prophet.

And it happened on 9/11 is a coincidence, a liberal politician told you that.

I saw fireworks on the fourth of july, I'm thinking it was a coincidence...
So who would assume that this was a protest over a video and what was gained by blaming it on a video? My contention that by doing so the administration flamed the riots.

Who would make such an assumption when everyone who saw the facts, as Obama should have, had to know it was an organized attack?

Guy, the Muslim world didn't need to tell Obama that video was offensive.

and why do "organized attack" and "anger over the video" have to be mutually exclusive?

That is really a good question, why did Obama deny it was an organized attack for so long?
The actual attacks in Benghazi were terrorists. Not demonstrators. I

Obama said it was an act of terror the morning after the attacks. No one blamed protesters for the four deaths in Benghazi. Why do you keep repeating a response that no one disagrees with?

Think, why do people not tell the truth? Because they have something to hide plain an simple. I am thinking they were hiding something to do with national security.

From factcheck.org: Benghazi Timeline

  • There were no protesters at the Benghazi consulate prior to the attack, even though Obama and others repeatedly said the attackers joined an angry mob that had formed in opposition to the anti-Muslim film that had triggered protests in Egypt and elsewhere. The State Department disclosed this fact Oct. 9 — nearly a month after the attack.
  • Libya President Mohamed Magariaf insisted on Sept. 16 — five days after the attack — that it was a planned terrorist attack, but administration officials continued for days later to say there was no evidence of a planned attack.
  • Magariaf also said the idea that the attack was a “spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous.” This, too, was on Sept. 16. Yet, Obama and others continued to describe the incident in exactly those terms — including during the president’s Sept. 18 appearance on the “Late Show With David Letterman.”
  • Matt Olsen, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, was the first administration official to call it “a terrorist attack” during a Sept. 19 congressional hearing. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did the same on Sept. 20. Even so, Obama declined opportunities to call it a terrorist attack when asked at a town hall meeting on Sept. 20 and during a taping of “The View” on Sept. 24.
The actual attacks in Benghazi were terrorists. Not demonstrators. I

Obama said it was an act of terror the morning after the attacks. No one blamed protesters for the four deaths in Benghazi. Why do you keep repeating a response that no one disagrees with?

I keep repeating myself because you keep ignoring the fact that the administraioin said it was a demonstration about a video. A fact that I myself watched on TV for two weeks.

Kinda funny he called an act of terror instead of an act by terrorists and then proceeded to tell his people to lie about the whole thing being about a demonstration about a video.

Any answer for that??
Ha, ain't no doubt we won't find a Obama supporter who would say such a thing. Most people don't like to admit how incredibly wrong they were.

We also know that Obama supporters don't care about the needless deaths of four Americans, thanks for not pretending you do.

Well, there's a big difference between "not caring" and "not seeing a vast conspiracy". sorry you dont get that.

Yes, but you said nobody cared, I assumed that meant you.

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