"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Well, let's see if six or seven more investigations will nail that down for you.

Why exactly are you from the Left so fixated on the number of investigations that the Obama Administration have managed to stonewall? Does that in some way make their failure of policy in Benghazi less in some way? Does it change their obvious attempt to blame a nonexistent protest on the attacks?
I know that Hillary left her position at the State Department in order to put as much distance between herself and the Obama Administration's failed foreign policy as possible before she tries to run for President but she's still on the hook for what took place at the State Department when she WAS there running things. Benghazi is part and parcel of that.

Yup she and her State Department fucked up big time and it cost four lives.

One has to wonder how anyone in their right mind would even consider this woman as a viable POTUS.

She showed her worth with her mismanagement at State and those four deaths are on her plate.

What difference does in make? Indeed.
Well, let's see if six or seven more investigations will nail that down for you.

Why exactly are you from the Left so fixated on the number of investigations that the Obama Administration have managed to stonewall? Does that in some way make their failure of policy in Benghazi less in some way? Does it change their obvious attempt to blame a nonexistent protest on the attacks?

I can't speak for the left, but let me ask you this:
How many investigations have been conducted into the VA healthcare scandal?
Did more people die in BENGAWZIIIIII than have died waiting for the healthcare they were promised? Did Obama (in his first campaign) call it a national disgrace (rightfully so) and vow to fix it? Did he? Is the situation getting any better now? Do any of you BENGAWZIIII folks even know if any progress has been made?

The reason the VA scandal was dropped is because there was no more hyper-partisan political attacks that could be made about it (without agreeing to spend the money to fix it).

If you haven't uncovered any smoking guns in umpteen investigation what are the odds that number umpteen and one is going to provide it?

The priority that requires a fixation on BENGAWZIIIII and virtually ignoring the VA mess is one I cannot share.

My opinion is that at this point there are far better and more useful ways to spend your time.
Unfortunately Lois Lerner is living comfortably on her pension after depriving the very Americans who PAY that pension their rights under the Constitution.

Anyone expecting convictions of a liberal as long as Eric Holder is running the Justice Department is about as delusional as they come.
What are talking about? Lois Lerner played an invaluable role in this. Thanks to her, I now know that rightwingers are crazy assholes.

Thank you for your service, Lois!

To be fair, there was already plenty of evidence that right wingers are crazy assholes long before Lois came on the scene. Like you, I thank her as well, but she didn't do it all by herself.

The fact that you on the Left view Lois Lerner as some sort of "hero" because she used the power of the IRS to illegally target conservative groups is illustrative of your "the end justifies the means" mentality. It's OK with you that Lerner deprived Americans of their civil rights under the Constitution because you don't happen to agree politically with those Americans that she harmed. Because those people are conservatives...you seem to feel that they got what they deserved and more power TO Lois Lerner!

What you don't seem to grasp is that using the IRS as a political weapon is a double edged sword...it was used against conservatives this time (which you applaud) but at a future date it could be used against liberals by an unscrupulous conservative government. Will you be fine with that? No problems when you're being audited for the sixth time in six years?

What you don't seem to grasp is that the IRS was investigating both parties, and a democratically based organization was the only one to be denied the exemption. This was nothing more than more of the right wing strategy of trying to make a scandal of everything. I don't understand why you teabaggers all want to make sure our politicians all have a price tag on them.

Come on, Bulldog...that talking point was shot down in tatters so long ago it's corpse has turned to dust by now! The reason that Lerner has taken the 5th and refuses to answer questions on advice from counsel isn't because she was treating both conservatives and liberals in the same fashion. Lois is pleading the fifth because she knows only too well that she targeted conservative groups and provided confidential information on conservative taxpayers to the Justice Department in direct violation of IRS regulations. The reason they tried to crash their computers and erase the evidence of what they did wasn't because they treated both conservatives and liberals equally...it's because they were working hand in hand with the Obama Administration to deny conservative groups tax free status. That isn't a "made up" scandal...that's a "put people in jail" scandal!

Wow... Just because facts don't particularly fit your scenario doesn't mean they have been shot down. What you have is the makings of a great novel, but it's little more than conjecture based on more conjecture based on your desire to find something to whine about. Typical teabagger.
Now there is a classic case of semantics, Joey...the tactic that was used by Lerner's Merry Band wasn't to deny tax exempt status...their tactic was to keep conservative groups in limbo for month after month...neither denying or approving their status. They didn't do that to liberal groups.

I notice that you ignored the point about the IRS illegally releasing confidential tax payer information to the Justice Department and to Democratic politicians.

As for Issa's "status". He's chairing a Senate investigation into wrongdoing at the IRS...he has not only the legal authority to ask Lois Lerner questions...it's what his entire FUNCTION is. The Congress is the people's representatives. They are there to make sure that the government serves us and not the other way around.

1) So what? Seriously, these guys were committing fraud. They weren't social welfare agencies. That was the status they were applying for. If your main goal in life is to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry children, you shouldn't call yourself a social welfare agency.

2) If they didn't so anything wrong, why should they care?

3) Issa is a politician. No reason why she should give up her constitutional rights. (I know you stopped reading amendments when you go to two)
Did you really just call Christopher Stevens "a little bitch" and then accuse me of using his coffin as a soap box?

Uh, no, I didn't. I just pointed out that you claimed he was whining like one. Which he wasn't.
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Does it change their obvious attempt to blame a nonexistent protest on the attacks?

You have never quoted anyone from the Administration blaming the deaths of Stevens and Smith on protesters.

Obama called it an act of terror immediately following the attacks, Susan Rice blamed the deaths on extremists with heavy weapons. Protesters don't use heavy weapons like mortars.
Yes, they only rioted one day a year. Then the spontaneously got 150 men who overran marines and seals. Spontaneously. Got it. So liberal politicians aren't lying to you and leading you by the nose. Again, seriously, don't take calls from telemarketers. That's going to go badly for you. Is it literally wet behind your ears? Just curious.

Whatever, guy. Seven Investigations- no wrongdoing. Why are you still wasting our time?

No investigation proved Nixon was behind the break in, why was Watergate and issue? Why did he have to resign?

The White House covered it up. You're their sycophant, you don't care, but covering up is a crime. And it should be.
I haven't misread anything that Joey posted. He's been trying to blame Stevens for his own death for a week now. Joey thinks it's Steven's fault he was murdered because he knew it was dangerous so he should never have left Tripoli. The man was doing his JOB! He went to Benghazi to do that job! If he'd had the security that he should have...he'd probably be alive today. Steven's isn't to blame for 2/3's of his security force being removed. That was something that the Clinton State Department ordered.

After Repbulicans slashed the shit out of diplomatic security, you mean?
I know that Hillary left her position at the State Department in order to put as much distance between herself and the Obama Administration's failed foreign policy as possible before she tries to run for President but she's still on the hook for what took place at the State Department when she WAS there running things. Benghazi is part and parcel of that.

Right. Frankly, only someone who ends two futile wars could be called a "Failure".

Most people think ending wars is a good thing.
I know that Hillary left her position at the State Department in order to put as much distance between herself and the Obama Administration's failed foreign policy as possible before she tries to run for President but she's still on the hook for what took place at the State Department when she WAS there running things. Benghazi is part and parcel of that.

Yup she and her State Department fucked up big time and it cost four lives.

One has to wonder how anyone in their right mind would even consider this woman as a viable POTUS.

She showed her worth with her mismanagement at State and those four deaths are on her plate.

What difference does in make? Indeed.
I, for one, will most certainly enjoy reading your posts when she is referred to as Madame President. :mm:
Well, let's see if six or seven more investigations will nail that down for you.

Why exactly are you from the Left so fixated on the number of investigations that the Obama Administration have managed to stonewall? Does that in some way make their failure of policy in Benghazi less in some way? Does it change their obvious attempt to blame a nonexistent protest on the attacks?
Still waiting for you to post proof that the Obama administration classified Rhodes' email to prevent Congress from seeing it .......
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the REASON I'm attacking her is that it was her misguided policies that led to what happened.

What policies by the State Department caused extremists with heavy weapons to commit acts of terror against Americans working in Benghazi on September 11 2012?

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