"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

Oh my, more bullshit from the pansy left. Want to hear the truth? BTW Betrayus is ranked about 4 thumbs down at the Army Ranger web site.

GOP lawmakers highly critical of Petraeus Benghazi explanation testimony shows Fox News

a G.I. Joe web site?


Yes, and even faggots are welcome there, but try not to touch anything. I mean after all, you creeps spread communicable disease 15 times greater than any other demographic, don't you?
Oh my, more bullshit from the pansy left. Want to hear the truth? BTW Betrayus is ranked about 4 thumbs down at the Army Ranger web site.

GOP lawmakers highly critical of Petraeus Benghazi explanation testimony shows Fox News

I can understand why rightwing posters here are ignorant of the fact that the State Department Consulate and the CIA Annex are two separate locations and two separate attacks. But GOP lawmakers and Fox News reporters have no excuse being so ignorant.

From your link:

.King said, "the 90 percent conclusion that General Petraeus reached was that this was caused by the video, and it was a spontaneous demonstration." King continued, "the one thing he was ruling out was terrorist involvement. I remember when the chairman [Mike Rogers] specifically mentioned to him about the mortar rounds, three mortar rounds landing at the Annex, could that be an indication of terrorist involvement. [Petraeus] said no. He said anybody in Libya could do that."

The CIA Annex has nothing to do with the State Department and cannot be blamed on Hillary Clinton. No one was claiming the attack on the Annex was the result of the video. Not even Petraeus was saying that.

Right Wingers are so confused on Benghazi it should embarrass them all from the lowest minion to Romney himself.
Oh my, more bullshit from the pansy left. Want to hear the truth? BTW Betrayus is ranked about 4 thumbs down at the Army Ranger web site.

GOP lawmakers highly critical of Petraeus Benghazi explanation testimony shows Fox News

I can understand why rightwing posters here are ignorant of the fact that the State Department Consulate and the CIA Annex are two separate locations and two separate attacks. But GOP lawmakers and Fox News reporters have no excuse being so ignorant.

From your link:

.King said, "the 90 percent conclusion that General Petraeus reached was that this was caused by the video, and it was a spontaneous demonstration." King continued, "the one thing he was ruling out was terrorist involvement. I remember when the chairman [Mike Rogers] specifically mentioned to him about the mortar rounds, three mortar rounds landing at the Annex, could that be an indication of terrorist involvement. [Petraeus] said no. He said anybody in Libya could do that."

The CIA Annex has nothing to do with the State Department and cannot be blamed on Hillary Clinton. No one was claiming the attack on the Annex was the result of the video. Not even Petraeus was saying that.

Right Wingers are so confused on Benghazi it should embarrass them all from the lowest minion to Romney himself.

The CIA annex was attacked by the same people who attacked the State Department Mission... the attack on the Annex was the result of that facility being used in support of the defense of the Mission.

To date, there have been precisely zero conflations by any American of the two locations, who both were attacked by the same people, for the same reason, in the same attack.
With all due respect, Boo...the "crime" that Richard Nixon committed didn't take place on day one of the Watergate break-in. His crimes were committed over the following months as his administration tried to stonewall the investigation leading up to the election that year.
It's a simple question, Boo. How could the CIA possibly have gotten it so wrong for so long when EVERYBODY involved was telling them there was no protest that night in Benghazi? Libyan officials made that clear. The streaming video made that clear. The surviving Americans who were there made that clear. Even a very dead Ambassador Stevens made it clear because he mentioned nothing about a protest taking place an hour and a half before the attack began when he walked that Turkish diplomat out to the front gates of the consulate. Surely if there WAS a protest, Stevens would have noted it? On a red letter day like 9/11 when he was already deeply concerned about security levels? Yet your best answer is "I dunno..."?

You make such a damming case. Why didn't all those republican led investigations pick upon some of your claims? Are you saying the leading republicans in charge of all those separate investigations are incompetent, or are they secretly Democrats who are helping with a cover up? Trey Goudy and Darrell Issa........Double agents for the DNC. Someone should investigate that.

When you've got an Administration that's actively working to hide the truth from Congress...as the Obama White House did when they reclassified the Ben Rhodes email to Top Secret...should it surprise anyone that investigations DON'T reveal the truth? Take a good hard look at the White House's stance during those early investigations, Bulldog. They were declaring that they had given Congress everything that they had on Benghazi when we now know that was not the case. They lied to Congress and they lied to the American people. That's why this has dragged out for as long as it has!
It's already a given ... there can be another dozen investigations. Dreamers are going to drag this out until after the 2016 elections. It will then be brought to the forefront again when Hillary is running for re-election in 2020. The RWN strategy is transparent.

What's amusing is that the same liberals that were happy to drag out the original investigations until AFTER the 2012 elections now demand that they be concluded as quickly as possible BEFORE the 2016 elections. Sorry, Kiddies...you made the bed...climb in and get comfy!

Your head is overheating again. You got a single example of anyone other than a teabagger wanting to drag out all those so called investigations?

I'm concerned with each of those "so called investigations", Bulldog and I'll give you the reasons why you should be too.

Fast & Furious? Anytime our government has a policy that allows high powered assault weapons to fall into the hands of narco-terrorists...that worries me. Years after that story broke and I STILL have no clue what the Holder Justice Department was trying to achieve with that program!

Benghazi? I'm concerned when the people who make our foreign policy can't deal with reality! My problem with Obama and Clinton isn't that they lied to me...politicians on all sides of the aisle are less than honest with the American people all the time...what bothers me is that they honestly seem to believe that if they simply "say" that things aren't bad...then they won't be bad! If they "say" that Al Queda is on the run then Al Queda is on the run and we don't need to have the correct policies in place to deal with their threat. If they "say" the situation in Libya was getting better then they didn't need those 30 security personnel.

The IRS? This is really a no brainer, Bulldog. If you allow ANY party that controls government to use the IRS as a weapon against it's political opponents it's just a matter of time until the opponents seize power and return the favor. I don't want to have to fight the IRS because of how I vote or because of my views on issues. The tax collector should not be partisan and with Lois Lerner the IRS WAS! Anyone who was involved in that should be doing jail time. They knew that what they were doing was wrong...yet they did it anyways and then did their best to hide what had taken place.
Oh my, more bullshit from the pansy left. Want to hear the truth? BTW Betrayus is ranked about 4 thumbs down at the Army Ranger web site.

GOP lawmakers highly critical of Petraeus Benghazi explanation testimony shows Fox News

a G.I. Joe web site?


Yes, and even faggots are welcome there, but try not to touch anything. I mean after all, you creeps spread communicable disease 15 times greater than any other demographic, don't you?

Careful Tommy, I heard they have developed a GAY VIBE that transmits through a computer keyboard.
You know better. The GOP knows better. Some right wing nuts just aren't able to let it go. Keep it up.......It illustrates the craziness of the right.

I hate to point out the blatantly obvious, Bulldog but the Obama Administration now has a long history of stonewalling investigations into scandals. Fast & Furious, the IRS and Benghazi. It's what they DO.

I think the real scandal is the phony investigations and trying to somehow link those to the Obama Administration these Republicans have pursued. How many convictions do they have?
Have they arrested that super villain Lois Lerner yet?

Unfortunately Lois Lerner is living comfortably on her pension after depriving the very Americans who PAY that pension their rights under the Constitution.

Anyone expecting convictions of a liberal as long as Eric Holder is running the Justice Department is about as delusional as they come.
What are talking about? Lois Lerner played an invaluable role in this. Thanks to her, I now know that rightwingers are crazy assholes.

Thank you for your service, Lois!

To be fair, there was already plenty of evidence that right wingers are crazy assholes long before Lois came on the scene. Like you, I thank her as well, but she didn't do it all by herself.

The fact that you on the Left view Lois Lerner as some sort of "hero" because she used the power of the IRS to illegally target conservative groups is illustrative of your "the end justifies the means" mentality. It's OK with you that Lerner deprived Americans of their civil rights under the Constitution because you don't happen to agree politically with those Americans that she harmed. Because those people are conservatives...you seem to feel that they got what they deserved and more power TO Lois Lerner!

What you don't seem to grasp is that using the IRS as a political weapon is a double edged sword...it was used against conservatives this time (which you applaud) but at a future date it could be used against liberals by an unscrupulous conservative government. Will you be fine with that? No problems when you're being audited for the sixth time in six years?
I hate to point out the blatantly obvious, Bulldog but the Obama Administration now has a long history of stonewalling investigations into scandals. Fast & Furious, the IRS and Benghazi. It's what they DO.

I think the real scandal is the phony investigations and trying to somehow link those to the Obama Administration these Republicans have pursued. How many convictions do they have?
Have they arrested that super villain Lois Lerner yet?

Unfortunately Lois Lerner is living comfortably on her pension after depriving the very Americans who PAY that pension their rights under the Constitution.

Anyone expecting convictions of a liberal as long as Eric Holder is running the Justice Department is about as delusional as they come.
What are talking about? Lois Lerner played an invaluable role in this. Thanks to her, I now know that rightwingers are crazy assholes.

Thank you for your service, Lois!

To be fair, there was already plenty of evidence that right wingers are crazy assholes long before Lois came on the scene. Like you, I thank her as well, but she didn't do it all by herself.

The fact that you on the Left view Lois Lerner as some sort of "hero" because she used the power of the IRS to illegally target conservative groups is illustrative of your "the end justifies the means" mentality. It's OK with you that Lerner deprived Americans of their civil rights under the Constitution because you don't happen to agree politically with those Americans that she harmed. Because those people are conservatives...you seem to feel that they got what they deserved and more power TO Lois Lerner!

What you don't seem to grasp is that using the IRS as a political weapon is a double edged sword...it was used against conservatives this time (which you applaud) but at a future date it could be used against liberals by an unscrupulous conservative government. Will you be fine with that? No problems when you're being audited for the sixth time in six years?

What you don't seem to grasp is that the IRS was investigating both parties, and a democratically based organization was the only one to be denied the exemption. This was nothing more than more of the right wing strategy of trying to make a scandal of everything. I don't understand why you teabaggers all want to make sure our politicians all have a price tag on them.
Faun is a blind idiot who just can't see the truth.
Funny ... that's exactly what Truthers say about me whenever I debunk their nonsensical conspiracy. :mm:

Dreamers = the new Truthers
Since I'm not a Rep and I'm certainly not a birther your comments are ridiculous.

You can't debunk what millions of us saw on TV there idiot.

Dream on dreamer.

Oh yeah. And if Bush were the POTUS when Benghazi happened you'd be singing one different tune. You'd be screaming scandal, coverup and be demanding the truth.

Seriously, just how rightarded are you?? (Rhetorical)

I never said anyone debunked them saying it on TV. Who knows why you keep repeating that? I said it was your claim that they lied which was debunked. And the best part ... ? It was debunked by a GOP-led investigation, so only Dreamers can keep dreaming the investigation was bullshit. :lol:

Your an idiot.
I don't typically point out spelling mistakes, but when they're this deliciously ironic, I can't refrain myself from highlighting the idiocy. :mm:

Lying is lying no matter who does it and for what reason and they lied their asses off and anyone watching TV hear them doing it.

They knew it was a terrorist attack so you explain to me why they lied.

Oh wait. I forgot. Your a fucking idiot so you don't care. Never mind.

As for my spelling mistakes, fuck off.
I think the real scandal is the phony investigations and trying to somehow link those to the Obama Administration these Republicans have pursued. How many convictions do they have?
Have they arrested that super villain Lois Lerner yet?

Unfortunately Lois Lerner is living comfortably on her pension after depriving the very Americans who PAY that pension their rights under the Constitution.

Anyone expecting convictions of a liberal as long as Eric Holder is running the Justice Department is about as delusional as they come.
What are talking about? Lois Lerner played an invaluable role in this. Thanks to her, I now know that rightwingers are crazy assholes.

Thank you for your service, Lois!

To be fair, there was already plenty of evidence that right wingers are crazy assholes long before Lois came on the scene. Like you, I thank her as well, but she didn't do it all by herself.

The fact that you on the Left view Lois Lerner as some sort of "hero" because she used the power of the IRS to illegally target conservative groups is illustrative of your "the end justifies the means" mentality. It's OK with you that Lerner deprived Americans of their civil rights under the Constitution because you don't happen to agree politically with those Americans that she harmed. Because those people are conservatives...you seem to feel that they got what they deserved and more power TO Lois Lerner!

What you don't seem to grasp is that using the IRS as a political weapon is a double edged sword...it was used against conservatives this time (which you applaud) but at a future date it could be used against liberals by an unscrupulous conservative government. Will you be fine with that? No problems when you're being audited for the sixth time in six years?

What you don't seem to grasp is that the IRS was investigating both parties, and a democratically based organization was the only one to be denied the exemption. This was nothing more than more of the right wing strategy of trying to make a scandal of everything. I don't understand why you teabaggers all want to make sure our politicians all have a price tag on them.

Come on, Bulldog...that talking point was shot down in tatters so long ago it's corpse has turned to dust by now! The reason that Lerner has taken the 5th and refuses to answer questions on advice from counsel isn't because she was treating both conservatives and liberals in the same fashion. Lois is pleading the fifth because she knows only too well that she targeted conservative groups and provided confidential information on conservative taxpayers to the Justice Department in direct violation of IRS regulations. The reason they tried to crash their computers and erase the evidence of what they did wasn't because they treated both conservatives and liberals equally...it's because they were working hand in hand with the Obama Administration to deny conservative groups tax free status. That isn't a "made up" scandal...that's a "put people in jail" scandal!
On 9/11 there was one protest and that was in Cairo. Other then that most came days after Benghazi. One could think that what Rice and Obama said led to MORE riot.

And you really want us to believe that Obama and Rice went on a hunch instead of solid intelligence? EVERYONE knew it wasn't a riot over the video.

The riots started in Cairo and spread everywhere else when it got more exposure. The CIA were the ones who told Obama and Rice that the video was the cause.
Cute using our troops that way. You do understand that more have been lost in Afghanistan under Obama and his surge then under Bush? Do you want to make that an additional scandal for Obama?

Uh, no, guy. We lost more people in Iraq (the unnecessary war) than Afghanistan. I think the surge in Afghanistan was a mistake because it was already a lost cause, but you can't blame Obama for trying.

War is war and I would have voted not to go to war, no one asked me. But we went and the prediction was many more casualties.

The predictions were predicated on the fact that Bush was telling the truth about WMD's. I really honestly wish you guys were as focused on the LIES told about those as you are about who talked about a fucking video. If they found a bunch of nukes with bows on them and shipping labels that said, "To Osama with Love", no one would have questioned the causualties in Iraq. It was because the Iraq war was based on lies people are upset, and rightfully so.

But putting men in dangerous situations without apparent reason seems to me to be fool hearty. That and putting them in harms way without adequate protection. Then lying about the situation. Why do people lie? Because they don't want you to know the truth.

Except that you really haven't convinced me that anyone has "lied" about Benghazi. All you clowns do is stitch together a bunch of conspiracy theories which you change every couple of days.

The middle east is a dangerous place. Period. You knew the job was dangerous when you took it.
Come on, Bulldog...that talking point was shot down in tatters so long ago it's corpse has turned to dust by now! The reason that Lerner has taken the 5th and refuses to answer questions on advice from counsel isn't because she was treating both conservatives and liberals in the same fashion. Lois is pleading the fifth because she knows only too well that she targeted conservative groups and provided confidential information on conservative taxpayers to the Justice Department in direct violation of IRS regulations. The reason they tried to crash their computers and erase the evidence of what they did wasn't because they treated both conservatives and liberals equally...it's because they were working hand in hand with the Obama Administration to deny conservative groups tax free status. That isn't a "made up" scandal...that's a "put people in jail" scandal!

Why? Not one conservative group was denied tax exempt status.

Lerner isn't going to testify because Issa is a fuckhead with no legal authority to ask her questions. He ain't her boss, he isn't a prosecutor, he's just as assclown with a gavel.
So who would assume that this was a protest over a video and what was gained by blaming it on a video? My contention that by doing so the administration flamed the riots.

Who would make such an assumption when everyone who saw the facts, as Obama should have, had to know it was an organized attack?

Guy, the Muslim world didn't need to tell Obama that video was offensive.

and why do "organized attack" and "anger over the video" have to be mutually exclusive?
Dude, do you not understand that the "judgement" Stevens would be safe with security provided in large part by local militias is why Hillary Clinton's competence is being questioned following the deaths in Benghazi? Despite repeated requests from Stevens not to draw down his security personnel because the situation was becoming increasingly dangerous in Libya...the Clinton State Department pushed a policy referred to as "normalization" in which the goal was to claim that things were getting better in Libya...not worse and the proof of that was fewer American security forces needed to protect our diplomats. It was policy put forth by people who refuse to accept reality when it conflicts with what they WANT to be reality!

If Stevens was really screaming like a little bitch about the 'deteriorating security situation" in LIbya, doesn't leaving his nice safe embassy in Tripoli to go to Benghazi where all the fighting was seem like kind of a bad idea?

Of course, he wasn't, and you Wingnuts are taking things out of context to prove crazy conspiracy theories.

Quit trying to use the poor man's coffin as a soap box, you just look ghoulish doing it.
So they spontaneously attacked our embassy on 9/11. The date they attacked the world trade center, which was the date they attacked the African embassies, which is the date they like to plan other attacks. On that date, a hundred fifty men spontaneously attacked a US mission and overran seals and marines. You actually believe that.

Riots can break out pretty quickly. Just ask the folks in Ferguson.
With all due respect, Boo...the "crime" that Richard Nixon committed didn't take place on day one of the Watergate break-in. His crimes were committed over the following months as his administration tried to stonewall the investigation leading up to the election that year.

No, the crime Nixon committed was 30 years of pissing off the Washington Establishment. Watergate was not that big of a deal, either. No one died in Watergate.

Again, where's your outrage over a war that was fought over weapons that didn't exist that ended up killing 5,000 Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis? One that has made us the most hated country in the world until this day? THAT'S a fucking scandal.

Not whether some pissant riot was over a video or not.

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