"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

"There was MONTHS of outrage over Tillman's death and the subsequent cover up of the accidental fratricide."

Show me YOURS!
So ..... no outrage was extended among you guys over Tillman?


What the fuck does Tillmans death have to do with Benghazi??

Absolutely nothing.

While a tragedy that the military tried to cover up it had nothing to do with Benghazi.

Deflect, deflect and deflect thats all idiots like you do.
Clau 10352670
We all know they blamed it on a demonstration, a demonstration that by the way never took place at the consulate, about a video.

Intelligent and informed people don't "know that". There's two parts to what most of us know. The protests around the world were blamed on the video. The actual attacks in Benghazi were blamed on extremists not protesters. Reality is not that complicated if you are willing to accept it.

The actual attacks in Benghazi were terrorists. Not demonstrators. It was the anniversary of 9-11 DUUH.

You can't figure that out then a box of rocks is smarter than you dude.

Panetta told the WH immediately that it was a terrorist attack and there were no demonstrators at all in Benghazi.

Not rocket science. The administration lied and continued to lie for weeks.
And yet, not a single one of the GOP-led investigations found they were lying.

Hmmm ... whom to believe ... ? Seven GOP-led investigations or brain-dead Dreamers? Now that's a tough choice to make indeed.
So ..... no outrage was extended among you guys over Tillman?


What the fuck does Tillmans death have to do with Benghazi??

Absolutely nothing.

While a tragedy that the military tried to cover up it had nothing to do with Benghazi.

Deflect, deflect and deflect thats all idiots like you do.

Yep... it serves as an equivocating distraction. Such is the nature of evil.
Faun is a blind idiot who just can't see the truth.
Funny ... that's exactly what Truthers say about me whenever I debunk their nonsensical conspiracy. :mm:

Dreamers = the new Truthers
Since I'm not a Rep and I'm certainly not a birther your comments are ridiculous.

You can't debunk what millions of us saw on TV there idiot.

Dream on dreamer.

Oh yeah. And if Bush were the POTUS when Benghazi happened you'd be singing one different tune. You'd be screaming scandal, coverup and be demanding the truth.

Your an idiot.
"There was MONTHS of outrage over Tillman's death and the subsequent cover up of the accidental fratricide."

Show me YOURS!

ROFL! I just did. Yet there you are, pretending that it didn't happen. Pretty cool, huh?

Sorry, you simply claimed "there was outrage" - you didn't even say now that you were outraged.
So show me your posts that showed your outrage.

Then I'll know that your Benghazi "outrage" is not just politically motivated bullshit.
Faun is a blind idiot who just can't see the truth.
Funny ... that's exactly what Truthers say about me whenever I debunk their nonsensical conspiracy. :mm:

Dreamers = the new Truthers
Since I'm not a Rep and I'm certainly not a birther your comments are ridiculous.

You can't debunk what millions of us saw on TV there idiot.

Dream on dreamer.

Oh yeah. And if Bush were the POTUS when Benghazi happened you'd be singing one different tune. You'd be screaming scandal, coverup and be demanding the truth.

Seriously, just how rightarded are you?? (Rhetorical)

I never said anyone debunked them saying it on TV. Who knows why you keep repeating that? I said it was your claim that they lied which was debunked. And the best part ... ? It was debunked by a GOP-led investigation, so only Dreamers can keep dreaming the investigation was bullshit. :lol:

Your an idiot.
I don't typically point out spelling mistakes, but when they're this deliciously ironic, I can't refrain myself from highlighting the idiocy. :mm:
"There was MONTHS of outrage over Tillman's death and the subsequent cover up of the accidental fratricide."

Show me YOURS!

ROFL! I just did. Yet there you are, pretending that it didn't happen. Pretty cool, huh?

Sorry, you simply claimed "there was outrage" - you didn't even say now that you were outraged.
So show me your posts that showed your outrage.

Then I'll know that your Benghazi "outrage" is not just politically motivated bullshit.

I didn't claim anything, I stated a fact. You're not required to accept that as fact, and please don't make the mistake of believing that I am trying to convince you of anything.

I am simply setting reality against the fantasy which you're fraudulently advancing, through deceitful means toward the hope of influencing those who were not there, thus who are ignorant of what happened.

Not a single American defended any attempt to cover up the fratricide relevant to Sgt. Tillman's death. NO ONE that I am aware of stood up and defended it... I am stating that NOT A SINGLE HUMAN BEING defended it.

Now, you're entitled to disagree... and all ya have to do to sustain that disagreement is to post examples of people who you KNOW STOOD UP AND DEFENDED THE COVER UP OF THE FRATRICIDE THAT KILLED Sgt Tillman.

Now you have claimed that you know for a fact that Americans DID stand up for the coverup.. I am stating FOR A FACT that no one did. It is not reasonable for me to have to go through every single statement made by every single American, in order to prove that NO AMERICAN STOOD UP FOR TILLMAN'S DEATH or the coverup of his death. What IS reasonable is for you to provide the evidence which YOU WERE THINKING OF WHEN YOU MADE WHAT YOU CLAIM TO BE A TRUTHFUL CLAIM!
"There was MONTHS of outrage over Tillman's death and the subsequent cover up of the accidental fratricide."

Show me YOURS!

ROFL! I just did. Yet there you are, pretending that it didn't happen. Pretty cool, huh?

Sorry, you simply claimed "there was outrage" - you didn't even say now that you were outraged.
So show me your posts that showed your outrage.

Then I'll know that your Benghazi "outrage" is not just politically motivated bullshit.

I didn't claim anything, I stated a fact. You're not required to accept that as fact, and please don't make the mistake of believing that I am trying to convince you of anything.

I am simply setting reality against the fantasy which you're fraudulently advancing, through deceitful means toward the hope of influencing those who were not there, thus who are ignorant of what happened.

Not a single American defended any attempt to cover up the fratricide relevant to Sgt. Tillman's death. NO ONE that I am aware of stood up and defended it... I am stating that NOT A SINGLE HUMAN BEING defended it.

Now, you're entitled to disagree... and all ya have to do to sustain that disagreement is to post examples of people who you KNOW STOOD UP AND DEFENDED THE COVER UP OF THE FRATRICIDE THAT KILLED Sgt Tillman.

Now you have claimed that you know for a fact that Americans DID stand up for the coverup.. I am stating FOR A FACT that no one did. It is not reasonable for me to have to go through every single statement made by every single American, in order to prove that NO AMERICAN STOOD UP FOR TILLMAN'S DEATH or the coverup of his death. What IS reasonable is for you to provide the evidence which YOU WERE THINKING OF WHEN YOU MADE WHAT YOU CLAIM TO BE A TRUTHFUL CLAIM!

So, a wealth of verbosity to conclude that no, you cannot demonstrate any of your own outrage over Tillman. So how am I to know whether or not your Benghazi outage is just hyper-partisan political bullshit?

Two wrongs do not make a right and I certainly haven't attempted to excuse any wrongdoing. I just like to know who the bullshitters are.

Thanks. Have a great evening.
"There was MONTHS of outrage over Tillman's death and the subsequent cover up of the accidental fratricide."

Show me YOURS!

ROFL! I just did. Yet there you are, pretending that it didn't happen. Pretty cool, huh?

Sorry, you simply claimed "there was outrage" - you didn't even say now that you were outraged.
So show me your posts that showed your outrage.

Then I'll know that your Benghazi "outrage" is not just politically motivated bullshit.

I didn't claim anything, I stated a fact. You're not required to accept that as fact, and please don't make the mistake of believing that I am trying to convince you of anything.

I am simply setting reality against the fantasy which you're fraudulently advancing, through deceitful means toward the hope of influencing those who were not there, thus who are ignorant of what happened.

Not a single American defended any attempt to cover up the fratricide relevant to Sgt. Tillman's death. NO ONE that I am aware of stood up and defended it... I am stating that NOT A SINGLE HUMAN BEING defended it.

Now, you're entitled to disagree... and all ya have to do to sustain that disagreement is to post examples of people who you KNOW STOOD UP AND DEFENDED THE COVER UP OF THE FRATRICIDE THAT KILLED Sgt Tillman.

Now you have claimed that you know for a fact that Americans DID stand up for the coverup.. I am stating FOR A FACT that no one did. It is not reasonable for me to have to go through every single statement made by every single American, in order to prove that NO AMERICAN STOOD UP FOR TILLMAN'S DEATH or the coverup of his death. What IS reasonable is for you to provide the evidence which YOU WERE THINKING OF WHEN YOU MADE WHAT YOU CLAIM TO BE A TRUTHFUL CLAIM!

So, a wealth of verbosity to conclude that no, you cannot demonstrate any of your own outrage over Tillman. So how am I to know whether or not your Benghazi outage is just hyper-partisan political bullshit?

Two wrongs do not make a right and I certainly haven't attempted to excuse any wrongdoing. I just like to know who the bullshitters are.

Thanks. Have a great evening.

Oh lord.. sadly, there is a minimal intellectual standard which qualifies an individual's speech for consideration by reasonable people. Sadly, for you... you have consistently failed to rise to that standard. As a result: you are hereby summarily sentenced to Ignor-cution.

Life is simply too short...
Come on, Bulldog...this has dragged on for as long as it has because the Obama people stonewalled the investigation of Benghazi before the 2012 elections.

You know better. The GOP knows better. Some right wing nuts just aren't able to let it go. Keep it up.......It illustrates the craziness of the right.

I hate to point out the blatantly obvious, Bulldog but the Obama Administration now has a long history of stonewalling investigations into scandals. Fast & Furious, the IRS and Benghazi. It's what they DO.

I think the real scandal is the phony investigations and trying to somehow link those to the Obama Administration these Republicans have pursued. How many convictions do they have?
Have they arrested that super villain Lois Lerner yet?

Unfortunately Lois Lerner is living comfortably on her pension after depriving the very Americans who PAY that pension their rights under the Constitution.

Anyone expecting convictions of a liberal as long as Eric Holder is running the Justice Department is about as delusional as they come.
What are talking about? Lois Lerner played an invaluable role in this. Thanks to her, I now know that rightwingers are crazy assholes.

Thank you for your service, Lois!

To be fair, there was already plenty of evidence that right wingers are crazy assholes long before Lois came on the scene. Like you, I thank her as well, but she didn't do it all by herself.
You know better. The GOP knows better. Some right wing nuts just aren't able to let it go. Keep it up.......It illustrates the craziness of the right.

I hate to point out the blatantly obvious, Bulldog but the Obama Administration now has a long history of stonewalling investigations into scandals. Fast & Furious, the IRS and Benghazi. It's what they DO.

I think the real scandal is the phony investigations and trying to somehow link those to the Obama Administration these Republicans have pursued. How many convictions do they have?
Have they arrested that super villain Lois Lerner yet?

Unfortunately Lois Lerner is living comfortably on her pension after depriving the very Americans who PAY that pension their rights under the Constitution.

Anyone expecting convictions of a liberal as long as Eric Holder is running the Justice Department is about as delusional as they come.
What are talking about? Lois Lerner played an invaluable role in this. Thanks to her, I now know that rightwingers are crazy assholes.

Thank you for your service, Lois!

To be fair, there was already plenty of evidence that right wingers are crazy assholes long before Lois came on the scene. Like you, I thank her as well, but she didn't do it all by herself.

Not sure if trying to kneecap Obama with non-stop investigation is crazy.

But yeah, the people who believe all the political theater are either stupid or crazy.
"The administration lied and continued to lie for weeks."

You talking about the Tillman death or Benghazi


But how adorable is it, that you feel equivocation is a valid defense.

ROFLMNAO! Folks you can NOT make this crap up.

Nope - if you'd read all my posts, you'd see that I was simply asking some of these "Benghazi IS a scandal" types to show me their outrage over Tillman just so I could be sure their "outrage" is not just politically motivated bullshit.

Thank you so much for answering my question as it pertains to you.

Sorry, can't cover your hypocrisy by putting words into my mouth that I did not say.

(middle school stuff)

So you equate the death of a soldier in battle which may have ended up being friendly fire to the death of four men left to their own devices without proper defense. Really? And when called on it your are condesending. Wow.

If you want equivalency the death of the Special Forces in an old helicopter under Obama is more fitting.
"The administration lied and continued to lie for weeks."

You talking about the Tillman death or Benghazi


But how adorable is it, that you feel equivocation is a valid defense.

ROFLMNAO! Folks you can NOT make this crap up.

Nope - if you'd read all my posts, you'd see that I was simply asking some of these "Benghazi IS a scandal" types to show me their outrage over Tillman just so I could be sure their "outrage" is not just politically motivated bullshit.

Thank you so much for answering my question as it pertains to you.

Sorry, can't cover your hypocrisy by putting words into my mouth that I did not say.

(middle school stuff)

So you equate the death of a soldier in battle which may have ended up being friendly fire to the death of four men left to their own devices without proper defense. Really? And when called on it your are condesending. Wow.

If you want equivalency the death of the Special Forces in an old helicopter under Obama is more fitting.

Please read ALL the posts you quoted.

(Oh btw - did you say "MAY" have "ended up" being friendly fire?????????)
Thanks for identifying yourself as a hyper-partisan bullshitter too.

I like to know who are just not worthy of engagement
Clau 10352670
We all know they blamed it on a demonstration, a demonstration that by the way never took place at the consulate, about a video.

Intelligent and informed people don't "know that". There's two parts to what most of us know. The protests around the world were blamed on the video. The actual attacks in Benghazi were blamed on extremists not protesters. Reality is not that complicated if you are willing to accept it.

The actual attacks in Benghazi were terrorists. Not demonstrators. It was the anniversary of 9-11 DUUH.

You can't figure that out then a box of rocks is smarter than you dude.

Panetta told the WH immediately that it was a terrorist attack and there were no demonstrators at all in Benghazi.

Not rocket science. The administration lied and continued to lie for weeks.

I mostly agree but i will say that the attacks at Benghazi were demonstrations. Demostration of incompetence, uncaring, lying and indifference of the Obama administration.
"The administration lied and continued to lie for weeks."

You talking about the Tillman death or Benghazi


But how adorable is it, that you feel equivocation is a valid defense.

ROFLMNAO! Folks you can NOT make this crap up.

Nope - if you'd read all my posts, you'd see that I was simply asking some of these "Benghazi IS a scandal" types to show me their outrage over Tillman just so I could be sure their "outrage" is not just politically motivated bullshit.

Thank you so much for answering my question as it pertains to you.

Sorry, can't cover your hypocrisy by putting words into my mouth that I did not say.

(middle school stuff)

So you equate the death of a soldier in battle which may have ended up being friendly fire to the death of four men left to their own devices without proper defense. Really? And when called on it your are condesending. Wow.

If you want equivalency the death of the Special Forces in an old helicopter under Obama is more fitting.

Please read ALL the posts you quoted.

(Oh btw - did you say "MAY" have "ended up" being friendly fire?????????)
Thanks for identifying yourself as a hyper-partisan bullshitter too.

I like to know who are just not worthy of engagement

Truthfully the only reason I engaged your BS is to show you as as the partisan YOU are. Please, Please feel free to ignore anything I post. We will all be better for it.
Watergate? The capturing of Nixon's plumbers in the middle of a burglary was merely the tip of the iceberg of the investigation into Nixon's corrupt activities. They had evidence of a crime on day one. No correlation to the current phony GOP led witch hunts.

With all due respect, Boo...the "crime" that Richard Nixon committed didn't take place on day one of the Watergate break-in. His crimes were committed over the following months as his administration tried to stonewall the investigation leading up to the election that year.
How was their best estimate "100% incorrect?" I dunno, maybe because it was produced by the same personnel who said there were stockpiles of WMD in Iraq in 2002? That was also 100% incorrect.

I understand you are trying to defeat Hillary now so you don't have to in 2016, but you're failing miserably by using hindsight as your best weapon.

It's a simple question, Boo. How could the CIA possibly have gotten it so wrong for so long when EVERYBODY involved was telling them there was no protest that night in Benghazi? Libyan officials made that clear. The streaming video made that clear. The surviving Americans who were there made that clear. Even a very dead Ambassador Stevens made it clear because he mentioned nothing about a protest taking place an hour and a half before the attack began when he walked that Turkish diplomat out to the front gates of the consulate. Surely if there WAS a protest, Stevens would have noted it? On a red letter day like 9/11 when he was already deeply concerned about security levels? Yet your best answer is "I dunno..."?

You make such a damming case. Why didn't all those republican led investigations pick upon some of your claims? Are you saying the leading republicans in charge of all those separate investigations are incompetent, or are they secretly Democrats who are helping with a cover up? Trey Goudy and Darrell Issa........Double agents for the DNC. Someone should investigate that.

When you've got an Administration that's actively working to hide the truth from Congress...as the Obama White House did when they reclassified the Ben Rhodes email to Top Secret...should it surprise anyone that investigations DON'T reveal the truth? Take a good hard look at the White House's stance during those early investigations, Bulldog. They were declaring that they had given Congress everything that they had on Benghazi when we now know that was not the case. They lied to Congress and they lied to the American people. That's why this has dragged out for as long as it has!
It's already a given ... there can be another dozen investigations. Dreamers are going to drag this out until after the 2016 elections. It will then be brought to the forefront again when Hillary is running for re-election in 2020. The RWN strategy is transparent.

What's amusing is that the same liberals that were happy to drag out the original investigations until AFTER the 2012 elections now demand that they be concluded as quickly as possible BEFORE the 2016 elections. Sorry, Kiddies...you made the bed...climb in and get comfy!

Maybe O will put off the next election until after the investigations are done.

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