"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

And your claim that there were thousands of people who attacked our consulate is SO fucking idiotic you should make yourself a big Dunce Cap...put it on and go sit in the corner before you embarrass yourself further.

There were thousands of people who were demonstrating against the video.

some of them just happen to have guns.

But don't worry, we can just hire 10 guys who washed out of the Special Forces on psych discharges and that would have made things so much better.
There is no 'case' for any aspect of the Benghazi conspiracy theory.

All one has to do is point out that Obama called it an act of terror on day one after the attack and Oldstyle will run away and drop his Benghazi CT's for a while. He must think we will forget that fact and so he pops back up every now and then as if it didnt happen.
There is no 'case' for any aspect of the Benghazi conspiracy theory.

All one has to do is point out that Obama called it an act of terror on day one after the attack and Oldstyle will run away and drop his Benghazi CT's for a while. He must think we will forget that fact and so he pops back up every now and then as if it didnt happen.

The day after the attack Obama made a broad reference to terror in his Rose Garden speech and then he and numerous members of his Administration spent the next week refusing to say that the Benghazi attack was carried out by Al Queda affiliated terrorists but was because of the YouTube video protest. Your "point" has been debunked so many times at this point and yet you Obama fluffers keep trying to bring it up as if Obama, Carney, Rice and Clinton's subsequent attempts to mislead the public never took place!
candy crowley admits mistake - Mozilla Yahoo Search Results
There is no 'case' for any aspect of the Benghazi conspiracy theory.

All one has to do is point out that Obama called it an act of terror on day one after the attack and Oldstyle will run away and drop his Benghazi CT's for a while. He must think we will forget that fact and so he pops back up every now and then as if it didnt happen.

The day after the attack Obama made a broad reference to terror in his Rose Garden speech and then he and numerous members of his Administration spent the next week refusing to say that the Benghazi attack was carried out by Al Queda affiliated terrorists. Your "point" has been debunked so many times at this point and yet you Obama fluffers keep trying to bring it up as if Obama, Carney, Rice and Clinton's subsequent attempts to mislead the public never took place!
Do you think Obama met with advisors after the attack, and told them to put spin on it, for electioneering purposes? Or did he okay the spin?
And Joey still thinks there were thousands of people demonstrating in Benghazi that night! You can't find stupid like THAT everywhere!
There is no 'case' for any aspect of the Benghazi conspiracy theory.

All one has to do is point out that Obama called it an act of terror on day one after the attack and Oldstyle will run away and drop his Benghazi CT's for a while. He must think we will forget that fact and so he pops back up every now and then as if it didnt happen.

The day after the attack Obama made a broad reference to terror in his Rose Garden speech and then he and numerous members of his Administration spent the next week refusing to say that the Benghazi attack was carried out by Al Queda affiliated terrorists. Your "point" has been debunked so many times at this point and yet you Obama fluffers keep trying to bring it up as if Obama, Carney, Rice and Clinton's subsequent attempts to mislead the public never took place!
Do you think Obama met with advisors after the attack, and told them to put spin on it, for electioneering purposes? Or did he okay the spin?

One only has to look at the Ben Rhodes email to Susan Rice to know that was the case, Toxic! She was sent out to all those Sunday morning news shows for one reason and one reason alone...to try and sell a false narrative that this attack was not a preplanned strike by Al Queda but was a spontaneous attack over in obscure YouTube video.
I'm not a republican and I know there was a scandal of lies and misrepresentation carried out by the Obama Administraion pertaining to Benghazi.

Anyone but a brain dead Obamabot could say the same.

They lied their asses off because of Barry's re-election campaign.
There is no 'case' for any aspect of the Benghazi conspiracy theory.

All one has to do is point out that Obama called it an act of terror on day one after the attack and Oldstyle will run away and drop his Benghazi CT's for a while. He must think we will forget that fact and so he pops back up every now and then as if it didnt happen.

The day after the attack Obama made a broad reference to terror in his Rose Garden speech and then he and numerous members of his Administration spent the next week refusing to say that the Benghazi attack was carried out by Al Queda affiliated terrorists. Your "point" has been debunked so many times at this point and yet you Obama fluffers keep trying to bring it up as if Obama, Carney, Rice and Clinton's subsequent attempts to mislead the public never took place!
Do you think Obama met with advisors after the attack, and told them to put spin on it, for electioneering purposes? Or did he okay the spin?

One only has to look at the Ben Rhodes email to Susan Rice to know that was the case, Toxic! She was sent out to all those Sunday morning news shows for one reason and one reason alone...to try and sell a false narrative that this attack was not a preplanned strike by Al Queda but was a spontaneous attack over in obscure YouTube video.
Was that a "yes"?

I've never seen the Ben Rhodes email.

I'm gonna go look it up, and see if it proves Obama decided to put the spin on it for electioneering purposes.

be right back.
There are also the emails between State and the CIA demanding that the original talking points be changed to exclude mentions of it being an Al Queda affiliated group which attacked our consulate. Between State and the White House 12 revisions were done to the original talking points before they "allowed" the CIA to release them. Essentially they scrubbed out the parts they didn't like and kept the ones they did even though our intelligence people walked back their initial belief that it was a protest that turned violent within the first 24 hours.
Another part of this story that seldom gets addressed is the total lack of urgency by the White House to investigate what happened in Benghazi. Let's face it...when you're pushing a false narrative to cover what you've botched badly...the last thing in the world you want to see is the truth being uncovered! Weeks went by before the Benghazi consulate area and the Annex were declared "safe" enough for FBI investigators to step foot on the properties. What was laughable is at the same time the Administration was making the excuse that the investigation was "on-going" but it was just to dangerous a situation on the ground in Libya to send investigators in...network news crews were doing live shots from the burned out consulate!
There is no 'case' for any aspect of the Benghazi conspiracy theory.

All one has to do is point out that Obama called it an act of terror on day one after the attack and Oldstyle will run away and drop his Benghazi CT's for a while. He must think we will forget that fact and so he pops back up every now and then as if it didnt happen.

The day after the attack Obama made a broad reference to terror in his Rose Garden speech and then he and numerous members of his Administration spent the next week refusing to say that the Benghazi attack was carried out by Al Queda affiliated terrorists but was because of the YouTube video protest. Your "point" has been debunked so many times at this point and yet you Obama fluffers keep trying to bring it up as if Obama, Carney, Rice and Clinton's subsequent attempts to mislead the public never took place!
candy crowley admits mistake - Mozilla Yahoo Search Results
Your interpretation of the Crowley comment is distorted. You hear what you want to hear. Your interpretation of the attackers being "affiliates of Al Qaeda is also distorted. Basically, you disagree with all the investigations and conclusions made by all the committees and are sticking to the conspiracy theory put out by the radical right. Those theories are based on misinformation and agenda driven speculation. Luckily the horse you are beating is dead, otherwise you would face charges of animal abuse.
There is no 'case' for any aspect of the Benghazi conspiracy theory.

All one has to do is point out that Obama called it an act of terror on day one after the attack and Oldstyle will run away and drop his Benghazi CT's for a while. He must think we will forget that fact and so he pops back up every now and then as if it didnt happen.

The day after the attack Obama made a broad reference to terror in his Rose Garden speech and then he and numerous members of his Administration spent the next week refusing to say that the Benghazi attack was carried out by Al Queda affiliated terrorists. Your "point" has been debunked so many times at this point and yet you Obama fluffers keep trying to bring it up as if Obama, Carney, Rice and Clinton's subsequent attempts to mislead the public never took place!
Do you think Obama met with advisors after the attack, and told them to put spin on it, for electioneering purposes? Or did he okay the spin?

One only has to look at the Ben Rhodes email to Susan Rice to know that was the case, Toxic! She was sent out to all those Sunday morning news shows for one reason and one reason alone...to try and sell a false narrative that this attack was not a preplanned strike by Al Queda but was a spontaneous attack over in obscure YouTube video.
I did look at the Ben Rhodes email, and it's pretty clear that Rhodes did exactly what Issa and Gowdy say he did, if that email is genuine.
Another part of this story that seldom gets addressed is the total lack of urgency by the White House to investigate what happened in Benghazi. Let's face it...when you're pushing a false narrative to cover what you've botched badly...the last thing in the world you want to see is the truth being uncovered! Weeks went by before the Benghazi consulate area and the Annex were declared "safe" enough for FBI investigators to step foot on the properties. What was laughable is at the same time the Administration was making the excuse that the investigation was "on-going" but it was just to dangerous a situation on the ground in Libya to send investigators in...network news crews were doing live shots from the burned out consulate!
Okay, so we have activity between the CIA and State Dept, and the Rhodes email.

If all of that is genuine...it looks like a cover up.
You know that it's a cover-up, Toxic because the White House reclassified the Rhodes email to make it "Top Secret" and hide it from Congressional investigators.
You know it's a cover-up because Jay Carney flat out lied when he said that only one word was changed in the original CIA talking points and that was changed for "stylistic" reasons!
We now know that in fact 12 different revisions were demanded by the White House and the State Department before they were satisfied with what was left.
There is no 'case' for any aspect of the Benghazi conspiracy theory.

All one has to do is point out that Obama called it an act of terror on day one after the attack and Oldstyle will run away and drop his Benghazi CT's for a while. He must think we will forget that fact and so he pops back up every now and then as if it didnt happen.

The day after the attack Obama made a broad reference to terror in his Rose Garden speech and then he and numerous members of his Administration spent the next week refusing to say that the Benghazi attack was carried out by Al Queda affiliated terrorists but was because of the YouTube video protest. Your "point" has been debunked so many times at this point and yet you Obama fluffers keep trying to bring it up as if Obama, Carney, Rice and Clinton's subsequent attempts to mislead the public never took place!
candy crowley admits mistake - Mozilla Yahoo Search Results
Your interpretation of the Crowley comment is distorted. You hear what you want to hear. Your interpretation of the attackers being "affiliates of Al Qaeda is also distorted. Basically, you disagree with all the investigations and conclusions made by all the committees and are sticking to the conspiracy theory put out by the radical right. Those theories are based on misinformation and agenda driven speculation. Luckily the horse you are beating is dead, otherwise you would face charges of animal abuse.

How did I "distort" what Crowley said? She made that mea culpa because she knew she'd been in error when she took Obama's side in the debate. Crowley herself admits that a general statement made about terror...followed up by weeks of Administration denials that it WAS an organized attack carried out by and Al Queda group...doesn't pass the smell test.
I'm not a republican and I know there was a scandal of lies and misrepresentation carried out by the Obama Administraion pertaining to Benghazi.

Anyone but a brain dead Obamabot could say the same.

They lied their asses off because of Barry's re-election campaign.

Is that what your inside information tells you?

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