"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

You really aren't very bright...are you, Joey? Anyone who thinks that "thousands" attacked our consulate in Benghazi over a YouTube video like you do is so utterly clueless it's like kicking a puppy to argue with you.

GUy, I don't want to hear about your hobbies, which obviously involve animal cruelty.
OS 10314075
We now know that in fact 12 different revisions were demanded by the White House and the State Department before they were satisfied with what was left.

Why don't you know the primary pertinent fact that the (belief that a protest outside the consulate in Benghazi that briefly preceded the attack by the actual extremists who came with heavier weapons) was put into the talking points at first by the CIA? Should Susan Rice have defied what US intelligence officers told her to say by insisting that their was no protest and that she had full certainty that it was al Qaeda that planned and carried out the attack five days earlier than her appearances on the Sunday morning talk show circuit.

They don't have certainty today that al Qaeda planned the Benghazi attack and carried it out.
Oh for God's sake, Dana! First of all...the GOP cut requests for increases to the State Department budget...they did not cut an existing budget by that amount! Secondly...Charlene Lamb testified under oath that budget cuts had nothing to do with security personnel levels in Libya and that the State Department felt they had what they wanted in Libya prior to the attacks. She was the person from the State Department who was in charge of this section...she TOTALLY makes your argument a moot point and yet you liberal supporters of Obama and Clinton repeatedly keep trying to bring this failed talking point up! Please stop...it's embarrassing to watch!

Obviously, if they were asking for increases, they felt more was needed. This is what government on the cheap looks like, guy.

You don't know the first thing about how government works...do you Joey? Here's how things are done in the public sector! If I think my department is going to need 1 million dollars to operate, I ask for a budget of 1.2 million. Why, you naively ask? Because in government, budget requests are almost NEVER granted in their entirety because the people allocating the money assume that you've asked for far more than you really need. So you need 1 million...you ask for 1.2...and a budget committee pats itself on the back for "saving" the taxpayers a hundred thousand dollars by giving you 1.1 million!

There is nothing "cheap" about government the way we do it here in the US.
The committee says you are the liars ,AmericanFirst and Listening.

Hey Fakey,

Why not take it to the bullring and we can go at it one-on-one.

You can show me what a liar I am.

What say you ?

No ?

Thought so.....

You gutless coward.

Nobody takes you seriously.
You really aren't very bright...are you, Joey? Anyone who thinks that "thousands" attacked our consulate in Benghazi over a YouTube video like you do is so utterly clueless it's like kicking a puppy to argue with you.

GUy, I don't want to hear about your hobbies, which obviously involve animal cruelty.

Kicking you when you're down is "animal cruelty"? What breed are you, Joey?
OS 10314075
We now know that in fact 12 different revisions were demanded by the White House and the State Department before they were satisfied with what was left.

Why don't you know the primary pertinent fact that the (belief that a protest outside the consulate in Benghazi that briefly preceded the attack by the actual extremists who came with heavier weapons) was put into the talking points at first by the CIA? Should Susan Rice have defied what US intelligence officers told her to say by insisting that their was no protest and that she had full certainty that it was al Qaeda that planned and carried out the attack five days earlier than her appearances on the Sunday morning talk show circuit.

They don't have certainty today that al Qaeda planned the Benghazi attack and carried it out.

Yes, the original CIA talking points DID have information in it to the effect that the attack was preceded by a protest, Notfooled! Your problem is that original assessment was walked back by our intelligence community almost immediately. It was obvious even at 24 hours after the attack that there wasn't a protest before the attack. The streets were empty...the streets were quiet before the attack. Local Libyans were saying there was no protest. Surveillance video showed no protest. Americans present during the attacks stated there was no protest.

So explain to me how it was with all of those different sources sounding the alarm that the original talking points were inaccurate and there was no protest...that Susan Rice was sent out to those Sunday talk shows days later to state that to the best of the White House's knowledge the attacks were still considered the result of a protest over a YouTube video?
You don't know the first thing about how government works...do you Joey? Here's how things are done in the public sector! If I think my department is going to need 1 million dollars to operate, I ask for a budget of 1.2 million. Why, you naively ask? Because in government, budget requests are almost NEVER granted in their entirety because the people allocating the money assume that you've asked for far more than you really need. So you need 1 million...you ask for 1.2...and a budget committee pats itself on the back for "saving" the taxpayers a hundred thousand dollars by giving you 1.1 million!

There is nothing "cheap" about government the way we do it here in the US.

Come on, guy, you slashed the shit out of Embassy Security and now want to whine when people get killed.

That Chutzpah, guy.

The Kind of Chutzpah that says, "Shit Happens' when 5000 Americans die in a war over weapons that didn't exist, but you want to treat the deaths of these four guys like the WORST THING EVER!!!!
Kicking you when you're down is "animal cruelty"? What breed are you, Joey?

Guy, making you nuts is always fun. I actually missed you when you were away, you were so much fun to torment.

Here we go. "Karl Rove is not a Charity!!!"

Have fun.
You don't know the first thing about how government works...do you Joey? Here's how things are done in the public sector! If I think my department is going to need 1 million dollars to operate, I ask for a budget of 1.2 million. Why, you naively ask? Because in government, budget requests are almost NEVER granted in their entirety because the people allocating the money assume that you've asked for far more than you really need. So you need 1 million...you ask for 1.2...and a budget committee pats itself on the back for "saving" the taxpayers a hundred thousand dollars by giving you 1.1 million!

There is nothing "cheap" about government the way we do it here in the US.

Come on, guy, you slashed the shit out of Embassy Security and now want to whine when people get killed.

That Chutzpah, guy.

The Kind of Chutzpah that says, "Shit Happens' when 5000 Americans die in a war over weapons that didn't exist, but you want to treat the deaths of these four guys like the WORST THING EVER!!!!
^ that

don't forget the 3,000 that perished on the REAL 9/11 that happened while a Repub Admin was "asleep at the switch".

Oldstyle is one of the biggest partisan hacks on the board. Thats saying A LOT because there are > a few here ;)
You don't know the first thing about how government works...do you Joey? Here's how things are done in the public sector! If I think my department is going to need 1 million dollars to operate, I ask for a budget of 1.2 million. Why, you naively ask? Because in government, budget requests are almost NEVER granted in their entirety because the people allocating the money assume that you've asked for far more than you really need. So you need 1 million...you ask for 1.2...and a budget committee pats itself on the back for "saving" the taxpayers a hundred thousand dollars by giving you 1.1 million!

There is nothing "cheap" about government the way we do it here in the US.

Come on, guy, you slashed the shit out of Embassy Security and now want to whine when people get killed.

That Chutzpah, guy.

The Kind of Chutzpah that says, "Shit Happens' when 5000 Americans die in a war over weapons that didn't exist, but you want to treat the deaths of these four guys like the WORST THING EVER!!!!

Nobody "slashed the shit" out of the State Department's security budget, you dolt! The Congress didn't give them the full amount of the increase they asked for. Surely even someone with your limited intelligence can grasp the not so subtle difference?

The whole "The GOP slashed the security budget and that's why Ambassador Stevens didn't have adequate security personnel in Libya!" was a short lived and rather pathetic attempt by Democratic supporters of Hillary Clinton to divert blame from her policy decisions that turned out to have deadly consequences to someone else. It lasted just about as long as it took for Charlene Lamb to testify under oath that budget concerns had nothing to do with how many security personnel were in Libya and in fact the State Department STILL thought they had the correct amount EVEN AFTER THE ATTACKS ON OUR CONSULATE AND ANNEX WITH THE RESULTING DEATHS OF STEVENS AND THREE OTHER AMERICANS!
Kicking you when you're down is "animal cruelty"? What breed are you, Joey?

Guy, making you nuts is always fun. I actually missed you when you were away, you were so much fun to torment.

Here we go. "Karl Rove is not a Charity!!!"

Have fun.

When did I go away? That must have taken place about the same time the "thousands" attacked our Consulate in Benghazi, I take it? :itsok:
You don't know the first thing about how government works...do you Joey? Here's how things are done in the public sector! If I think my department is going to need 1 million dollars to operate, I ask for a budget of 1.2 million. Why, you naively ask? Because in government, budget requests are almost NEVER granted in their entirety because the people allocating the money assume that you've asked for far more than you really need. So you need 1 million...you ask for 1.2...and a budget committee pats itself on the back for "saving" the taxpayers a hundred thousand dollars by giving you 1.1 million!

There is nothing "cheap" about government the way we do it here in the US.

Come on, guy, you slashed the shit out of Embassy Security and now want to whine when people get killed.

That Chutzpah, guy.

The Kind of Chutzpah that says, "Shit Happens' when 5000 Americans die in a war over weapons that didn't exist, but you want to treat the deaths of these four guys like the WORST THING EVER!!!!
^ that

don't forget the 3,000 that perished on the REAL 9/11 that happened while a Repub Admin was "asleep at the switch".

Oldstyle is one of the biggest partisan hacks on the board. Thats saying A LOT because there are > a few here ;)

Only a total partisan hack would accuse George W. Bush of being "asleep at the switch" (because his Administration didn't see 9/11...a one day sneak attack coming) while giving Barack Obama a pass for totally BEING asleep as ISIS took over huge chunks of the Middle East over a six month period!
Only a total partisan hack would accuse George W. Bush of being "asleep at the switch" (because his Administration didn't see 9/11...a one day sneak attack coming) while giving Barack Obama a pass for totally BEING asleep as ISIS took over huge chunks of the Middle East over a six month period!

Ashcroft Didn t Want To Hear Of Al Qaeda In High Threat Summer Of 2001 Crooks and Liars
BEN-VENISTE: Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Mr. Pickard, on January 21st of this year you met with our staff. Is that correct?

PICKARD: That's correct.

BEN-VENISTE: And according to our staff report, you told them that in June 2001, you met with Attorney General Ashcroft and he told you that you would be the acting FBI director.

PICKARD: That's correct.

BEN-VENISTE: You had some seven or eight meetings with the attorney general?

PICKARD: Somewhere in that number. I have the exact number, but I don't know the total.

BEN-VENISTE: And according to the statement that our staff took from you, you said that you would start each meeting discussing either counterterrorism or counterintelligence. At the same time the threat level was going up and was very high. Mr. Watson had come to you and said that the CIA was very concerned that there would be an attack. You said that you told the attorney general this fact repeatedly in these meetings. Is that correct?

PICKARD: I told him at least on two occasions.

BEN-VENISTE: And you told the staff according to this statement that Mr. Ashcroft told you that he did not want to hear about this anymore. Is that correct?

PICKARD: That is correct.

(h/t Mike)
You don't know the first thing about how government works...do you Joey? Here's how things are done in the public sector! If I think my department is going to need 1 million dollars to operate, I ask for a budget of 1.2 million. Why, you naively ask? Because in government, budget requests are almost NEVER granted in their entirety because the people allocating the money assume that you've asked for far more than you really need. So you need 1 million...you ask for 1.2...and a budget committee pats itself on the back for "saving" the taxpayers a hundred thousand dollars by giving you 1.1 million!

There is nothing "cheap" about government the way we do it here in the US.

Come on, guy, you slashed the shit out of Embassy Security and now want to whine when people get killed.

That Chutzpah, guy.

The Kind of Chutzpah that says, "Shit Happens' when 5000 Americans die in a war over weapons that didn't exist, but you want to treat the deaths of these four guys like the WORST THING EVER!!!!
^ that

don't forget the 3,000 that perished on the REAL 9/11 that happened while a Repub Admin was "asleep at the switch".

Oldstyle is one of the biggest partisan hacks on the board. Thats saying A LOT because there are > a few here ;)

Only a total partisan hack would accuse George W. Bush of being "asleep at the switch" (because his Administration didn't see 9/11...a one day sneak attack coming) while giving Barack Obama a pass for totally BEING asleep as ISIS took over huge chunks of the Middle East over a six month period!

Yup and only a total partisan forgets the whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch with one of his FBI agents, John O'Neil, screaming something was coming. NO one listened and we got 9/11.

Kinda funny how easily they blame Bush for everything and kinda sorta forget all about Clinton and Obama.

Oh wait. I forgot. They are Dems. Never mind.
Nobody "slashed the shit" out of the State Department's security budget, you dolt! The Congress didn't give them the full amount of the increase they asked for. Surely even someone with your limited intelligence can grasp the not so subtle difference?

The whole "The GOP slashed the security budget and that's why Ambassador Stevens didn't have adequate security personnel in Libya!" was a short lived and rather pathetic attempt by Democratic supporters of Hillary Clinton to divert blame from her policy decisions that turned out to have deadly consequences to someone else. It lasted just about as long as it took for Charlene Lamb to testify under oath that budget concerns had nothing to do with how many security personnel were in Libya and in fact the State Department STILL thought they had the correct amount EVEN AFTER THE ATTACKS ON OUR CONSULATE AND ANNEX WITH THE RESULTING DEATHS OF STEVENS AND THREE OTHER AMERICANS!

You can spew that all day, guy. Frankly, the biggest problem wiht Obama is that he doesn't push back.

You guys slashed security budgets. This is what "government on the cheap" looks like. Rest assured, some rich person was able to get a dressage horse, though.
Only a total partisan hack would accuse George W. Bush of being "asleep at the switch" (because his Administration didn't see 9/11...a one day sneak attack coming) while giving Barack Obama a pass for totally BEING asleep as ISIS took over huge chunks of the Middle East over a six month period!

Bush was handed a daily breif that said, 'Bin Laden Determined To Strike US" that specifically talked about hijacking airplanes a month before the attack.

His response - "Well, you covered your ass." and he went fishing.

As for ISIS. Big Whup. Not our problem. Why don't you and Bill Krystol and all the other Neo-Cons form your own brigade to go over and fight them?

It was an attack over a YouTube video.

brnc 10318053
bigrebnc1775 said:
That has already been shown to be a lie. and proven that it was a lie.

Its a big lie by all those right-wingers that Susan Rice said that Amb Stevens and Sean Smith were killed by attackers that were angered over a video. She never said that. She said they were killed by extremists that brought heavy weapons to the consulate in Benghazi. So if you have concerns about lies Bigrebnc, why don't you concern yourself with the lie you righties have been telling from day one since Romney did it?
Yes, the original CIA talking points DID have information in it to the effect that the attack was preceded by a protest, Notfooled! Your problem is that original assessment was walked back by our intelligence community almost immediately. It was obvious even at 24 hours after the attack that there wasn't a protest before the attack.

I want to see the official "walk-back" by the CIA Oldstyle. The protest version of events the morning that Amb Stevens was killed came from the top of the CIA and was put in the 'talking points' that Susan Rice used five days later. So are you accusing the CIA of being part of your imaginary White House false narrative and cover-up. Of course that makes no sense either.
You don't know the first thing about how government works...do you Joey? Here's how things are done in the public sector! If I think my department is going to need 1 million dollars to operate, I ask for a budget of 1.2 million. Why, you naively ask? Because in government, budget requests are almost NEVER granted in their entirety because the people allocating the money assume that you've asked for far more than you really need. So you need 1 million...you ask for 1.2...and a budget committee pats itself on the back for "saving" the taxpayers a hundred thousand dollars by giving you 1.1 million!

There is nothing "cheap" about government the way we do it here in the US.

Come on, guy, you slashed the shit out of Embassy Security and now want to whine when people get killed.

That Chutzpah, guy.

The Kind of Chutzpah that says, "Shit Happens' when 5000 Americans die in a war over weapons that didn't exist, but you want to treat the deaths of these four guys like the WORST THING EVER!!!!
^ that

don't forget the 3,000 that perished on the REAL 9/11 that happened while a Repub Admin was "asleep at the switch".

Oldstyle is one of the biggest partisan hacks on the board. Thats saying A LOT because there are > a few here ;)

Only a total partisan hack would accuse George W. Bush of being "asleep at the switch" (because his Administration didn't see 9/11...a one day sneak attack coming) while giving Barack Obama a pass for totally BEING asleep as ISIS took over huge chunks of the Middle East over a six month period!

The 9/11 attack was on US soil and it was not a 'one day' attack. The terrorists learned to fly airplanes in Jeb Bush's Florida. The attack was planned for months. Bush could have been able to deal with it because the planning was going on in the US and the attackers were on US Soil before it happened. ISIS grew in war torn Syria. There was nothing Obama could do about it. Specifically since GW Bush's ignorant use of tens of thousands of US Ground troops bogged down for six years on Iraq soil having given the American public and military leaders like Bob Gates their fill of US ground troops dying on Arab lands. Let them fight their own fights and that is what the US and European allies are doing to stop ISIS.

And ISIS is being reversed in Iraq without US casualties on the ground. So we have no clue what your point is by bringing ISIS up during the Benghazi discussions.
9-11 was years in the planning. It was planned on Clinton's watch.

Funny your so dead set on blaming Bush but forget all about Clinton's none action.

His FBI agent O'Neil was screaming bloody murder and his bosses thought he was nuts.

The buck will always stop at Bush's desk but it should also stop at Clinton's.

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