"Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal"

And yes...I think even ten ex-special forces operators would have made a HUGE difference at our Consulate let alone 25.
xtreme austerity? They spent 17 BILLION on diplomatic security!!! The "one bureaucrat" you could care less about was the bureaucrat in charge of diplomatic security for Libya. She simply told the truth. Budget cuts had nothing to do with the security level in Libya. Those levels were set by the Clinton State Department who (as Lamb tesitfied to) were satisfied with what they had in place. So who's word would you take over hers?

17 billion for thousands of embassies and consulates around the world? That's chicken feed. And the republicans slashed the shit out of that number, and then whined when people died.
That's the synopsis that we never got from the Obama White House. Instead we were totally misled about a protest over a YouTube video that turned violent.

Uh, sorry, guy, they were really upset about the Video.

That's what happened. Now let's talk about WHY it was able to happen! Let's talk about WHY our diplomatic security was drawn down from 30 to 5 when conditions in Libya were by all accounts getting worse! The disregard for actual conditions on the ground in Libya by the Clinton State Department because they didn't like the "optics" of having an heavily armed security presence in Libya is ultimately why that consulate fell so easily. Then there is the total lack of preparedness for a military response on a day like 9/11 which also begs the question of WHY that was the case? On any OTHER date one might be excused for not being "ready" to respond...but on 9/11 you're caught with your pants around your ankles? Really? I mean REALLY???

you really think 25 extra guys spread across the country would have made a difference when there were THOUSANDS of rioters?

The Consulate fell because thousands of people attacked it.

Thousands? Did you wake up and smoke crack today, Joey? Or are you trying to nail down this year's "Dumbest Poster" award?

"Between 125 and 150 gunmen, "some wearing the Afghan-style tunics favored by Islamic militants," are reported to have participated in the assault." Wikipedia.

Thousands? :disbelief:

Uh, yeah, there were thousands demonstrating. The gunmen were only a small part of the problem, taking advantage of the larger demonstration.

Oh, wait, you guys still claim there wasn't a demonstration, and no one was really mad about that video.
That's the synopsis that we never got from the Obama White House. Instead we were totally misled about a protest over a YouTube video that turned violent.

Uh, sorry, guy, they were really upset about the Video.

That's what happened. Now let's talk about WHY it was able to happen! Let's talk about WHY our diplomatic security was drawn down from 30 to 5 when conditions in Libya were by all accounts getting worse! The disregard for actual conditions on the ground in Libya by the Clinton State Department because they didn't like the "optics" of having an heavily armed security presence in Libya is ultimately why that consulate fell so easily. Then there is the total lack of preparedness for a military response on a day like 9/11 which also begs the question of WHY that was the case? On any OTHER date one might be excused for not being "ready" to respond...but on 9/11 you're caught with your pants around your ankles? Really? I mean REALLY???

you really think 25 extra guys spread across the country would have made a difference when there were THOUSANDS of rioters?

The Consulate fell because thousands of people attacked it.

Thousands? Did you wake up and smoke crack today, Joey? Or are you trying to nail down this year's "Dumbest Poster" award?

"Between 125 and 150 gunmen, "some wearing the Afghan-style tunics favored by Islamic militants," are reported to have participated in the assault." Wikipedia.

Thousands? :disbelief:

Uh, yeah, there were thousands demonstrating. The gunmen were only a small part of the problem, taking advantage of the larger demonstration.

Oh, wait, you guys still claim there wasn't a demonstration, and no one was really mad about that video.

I'm not "claiming" there was no demonstration...I'm stating that as a FACT! THERE WAS NO DEMONSTRATION IN BENGHAZI PRECEDING THE ATTACK!!!
And your claim that there were thousands of people who attacked our consulate is SO fucking idiotic you should make yourself a big Dunce Cap...put it on and go sit in the corner before you embarrass yourself further.
If there really was no Benghazi scandal...then kindly explain why it is that four Americans are dead. Duh?
Because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Stevens made the call. Had they stayed at the embassy, 400 miles away, they'd have been fine.

Shit happens, time to grow up.

What a complete fucking ignoramus you are.
After many months of conducting sham hearings in pursuit of a phony scandal and coming up with nothing......I wonder how stupid Republicans feel now? They should feel pretty stupid.

You airhead righties often post links to HotAir.com as fact.

Now what do you have to say? LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal
Republicans finally admit there is no Benghazi scandal Hot Air Headlines

Oh, wait! Just to corroborate your beloved blog, your beloved Washington Examiner says it ain't so either, TOOLS.

House Benghazi report delivers mixed story of heroism, policy failures

"""A two-year congressional investigation into the deadly 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, found that while the State Department ignored warnings of terrorist threats, Obama administration appointees weren’t directly to blame.
The report, conducted by the Republican-run House Intelligence Committee and declassified Friday, debunks several conspiracies regarding the administration’s involvement in the attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.""

House Benghazi report delivers mixed story of heroism policy failures WashingtonExaminer.com

What idiots, chasing shiny things that the GOP throws in your path.
YOU are the idiot. The guys who were THERE (in Benghazi) all say they got a stand down order. ANd it came from the Sect. of State. Hillary Clinton openly accepted responsibility (ie. BLAME) long ago.
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After many months of conducting sham hearings in pursuit of a phony scandal and coming up with nothing......I wonder how stupid Republicans feel now? They should feel pretty stupid.
If Hillary runs in 2016, Benghazi will shred her. So will her choice for her Deputy Chief of Staff, none other than Ms. Muslim Brotherhood herself, Huma Abedin. It will be another Republican landslide.
After many months of conducting sham hearings in pursuit of a phony scandal and coming up with nothing......I wonder how stupid Republicans feel now? They should feel pretty stupid.
If Hillary runs in 2016, Benghazi will shred her. So will her choice for her Deputy Chief of Staff, none other than Ms. Muslim Brotherhood herself, Huma Abedin. It will be another Republican landslide.

Good......I don't give two shits about Hillary.

Jim Webb for President.

Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb forms exploratory committee for 2016 White House run Fox News
After many months of conducting sham hearings in pursuit of a phony scandal and coming up with nothing......I wonder how stupid Republicans feel now? They should feel pretty stupid.
If Hillary runs in 2016, Benghazi will shred her. So will her choice for her Deputy Chief of Staff, none other than Ms. Muslim Brotherhood herself, Huma Abedin. It will be another Republican landslide.

Good......I don't give two shits about Hillary.

Jim Webb for President.

Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb forms exploratory committee for 2016 White House run Fox News
Webb is better than most Democrats, but like all of them, he supports legalizing illegal aliens, an immensely anti-US working class position.
After many months of conducting sham hearings in pursuit of a phony scandal and coming up with nothing......I wonder how stupid Republicans feel now? They should feel pretty stupid.
If Hillary runs in 2016, Benghazi will shred her. So will her choice for her Deputy Chief of Staff, none other than Ms. Muslim Brotherhood herself, Huma Abedin. It will be another Republican landslide.

Good......I don't give two shits about Hillary.

Jim Webb for President.

Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb forms exploratory committee for 2016 White House run Fox News
Webb is better than most Democrats, but like all of them, he supports legalizing illegal aliens, an immensely anti-US working class position.

So far Jeb Bush is the only reasonable intelligent Republican possibility for 2016. Fortunately for Democrats the Republicans aren't smart enough to nominate him.
After many months of conducting sham hearings in pursuit of a phony scandal and coming up with nothing......I wonder how stupid Republicans feel now? They should feel pretty stupid.
If Hillary runs in 2016, Benghazi will shred her. So will her choice for her Deputy Chief of Staff, none other than Ms. Muslim Brotherhood herself, Huma Abedin. It will be another Republican landslide.

Good......I don't give two shits about Hillary.

Jim Webb for President.

Former Virginia Senator Jim Webb forms exploratory committee for 2016 White House run Fox News
Webb is better than most Democrats, but like all of them, he supports legalizing illegal aliens, an immensely anti-US working class position.

So far Jeb Bush is the only reasonable intelligent Republican possibility for 2016. Fortunately for Democrats the Republicans aren't smart enough to nominate him.
Um, no.

Don't be taken in by the Jeb! 'elder statesman' facade.
Russia invading the Ukraine?

Actually Ukraine deserved to lose Crimea. There was a right wing motivated mob in Kiev that violently overthrew the Yanukovich government and the majority pro/Russian people in Crimea voted to leave and Putin took Them in. Not really an invasion.

And Obama had nothing to do with then starting the violence in Kiev last year. No foreign policy failure at all.

Crimea is re-united with Russia and it affects your life how, Oldstyle?
OS 10301379
for how I've reached my "perspective" that Barack Obama's foreign policy is in tatters and at this point he's just hoping things hold together until he's out of office and it becomes a crisis for someone else

Why are you accepting that there is no crisis at the moment but you think it will become one after Jan 20th or so in 2017?
The false narrative that the Obama White House pushed that ignored what really happened on the ground in Benghazi?

Did you forget already that there can be no false narrative because Obama referred to the Benghazi attack as an act of terror the very next day after the deadly attacks were committed?

You have no case for your 'false narrative' conspiracy theories.

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