Republicans Getting a Kavanaugh Boost

Real Clear Politics Democratic Advantage- 7.7%.

some boost.

When it dawns on women you guys put a rapist on SCOTUS over their objections, it will get worse.

No one h as put Bill Clinton on SCOTUS, doofus.
Real Clear Politics Democratic Advantage- 7.7%.

some boost.

When it dawns on women you guys put a rapist on SCOTUS over their objections, it will get worse.
Please post your proof that Kavanaugh is a rapist! See how you feel you can cry wolf without proof? For that reason, I believe voters will crush you in midterms.

No one with an honest heart would vote to enhance the Democrats chance of taking either house. Your party has shot themselves in the foot this time. Good.
Please post your proof that Kavanaugh is a rapist! See how you feel you can cry wolf without proof? For that reason, I believe voters will crush you in midterms.

No one with an honest heart would vote to enhance the Democrats chance of taking either house. Your party has shot themselves in the foot this time. Good.

Okay, guy, reality time.

The Dems will take the House. No one even doubts that as this point. They have a lock of 206 seats, with 40 more Republican seats in play (They only need to win 18 of those.)

They'd probably take the Senate if the Senate Map weren't so shitty this year.

The thing is, you guys completely forgot what happened in 1992, when you pushed another misogynist creep onto SCOTUS over the objections of women. How did that work out for you again?
Please post your proof that Kavanaugh is a rapist! See how you feel you can cry wolf without proof? For that reason, I believe voters will crush you in midterms.

No one with an honest heart would vote to enhance the Democrats chance of taking either house. Your party has shot themselves in the foot this time. Good.

Okay, guy, reality time.

The Dems will take the House. No one even doubts that as this point. They have a lock of 206 seats, with 40 more Republican seats in play (They only need to win 18 of those.)

They'd probably take the Senate if the Senate Map weren't so shitty this year.

The thing is, you guys completely forgot what happened in 1992, when you pushed another misogynist creep onto SCOTUS over the objections of women. How did that work out for you again?
Did you read that I asked you to provide proof that Kavanaigh is a rapist or did that just not fit in your narrative?
Real Clear Politics Democratic Advantage- 7.7%.

some boost.

When it dawns on women you guys put a rapist on SCOTUS over their objections, it will get worse.

Post proof Kavanaugh raped anybody.

Proof...not your fact less BS allegations

If you cant? STFU with it
No one h as put Bill Clinton on SCOTUS, doofus.

I think we should have a 70 million dollar investigation into Kavanaugh just like we had into Clinton to prove that.

Oh, wait, Ken Starr didn't prove that after spending 70 million dollars.

No one is stopping the Democrats from spending whatever they what on private investigators who could dig through everyone's garbage until 2035 if they so choose. Currently, there is no unbiased verifiable evidence to support the allegations made or warrant further expenditures.

The desire to, for political reasons, based on unsubstantiated claims, could very well be how Judge Kavanaugh ends up being like Moses in parting the Red Wave.
In any case, it is done, and what the Democrats may want isn't going to happen unless they start a gofundme page and pay for it themselves.
No one is stopping the Democrats from spending whatever they what on private investigators who could dig through everyone's garbage until 2035 if they so choose. Currently, there is no unbiased verifiable evidence to support the allegations made or warrant further expenditures.

Except the Republicans and Ken Starr didn't spend their own money investigating Bill Clinton's consensual relationship with Lewinsky. They spent taxpayer's money. And they used the force of the government to threaten to throw Lewinsky's family members in jail if she didn't tell them what they wanted to know.

So let's have a real investigation of Kavanaugh, who we already know is lying about his drinking in college. You know, before we give him a lifetime position.

not to worry, you'll jam it through, and when women realize that you told rape survivors to drop dead, they'll make you pay for it.
It is early in October............the left's next attack will come in the last will be a bomb shell to them.........

I expect it to be Mueller time................some kind of raid.........some type of OH MY GOD always happens

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