Republicans Hate Babies, schoolchildren, the elderly, unemployed, welfare, immigrants


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.
I can't speak for Republicans since I'm not one, but YES to a certain degree Conservatives do "hate" a large number of those groups; for one simple reason.... they are unable or unwilling to take care of themselves, thereby forcing us (and society in general) to help take care of them.
An example of a liberal lemming being confronted with honesty and without either side being too rude, both the liberal man and the conservative man behaved ok in my opinion.

[ame=]YouTube - Liberal Confronts Herman Cain![/ame]
I can't speak for Republicans since I'm not one, but YES to a certain degree Conservatives do "hate" a large number of those groups; for one simple reason.... they are unable or unwilling to take care of themselves, thereby forcing us (and society in general) to help take care of them.

And you have Proof of this supposed Hate. Or are you nothing more then another chittering lemming speaking by rote?
I can't speak for Republicans since I'm not one, but YES to a certain degree Conservatives do "hate" a large number of those groups; for one simple reason.... they are unable or unwilling to take care of themselves, thereby forcing us (and society in general) to help take care of them.

I wont speak for republicans but for many conservatives, who usually vote for republicans, there is no hate toward any of these groups that I see.

If you want to talk about it just provide me a specific example of conservatives hating one of those groups....please explain how you come to the conclusion that the conservative behavior and/or position justifies the description of hate.
And you have Proof of this supposed Hate. Or are you nothing more then another chittering lemming speaking by rote?

As a Conservative myself who really has zero compassion or interest in helping those who cannot or will not help themselves I AM THE PROOF.

I wont speak for republicans but for many conservatives, who usually vote for republicans, there is no hate toward any of these groups that I see.

Nothing personal, but anyone who would willingly vote for most Republicans does not meet the qualifications to be called a Conservative in my book.

If you want to talk about it just provide me a specific example of conservatives hating one of those groups....please explain how you come to the conclusion that the conservative behavior and/or position justifies the description of hate.

Again, as I mentioned above, I am a Conservative and I have absolutely no use for MOST of those groups of people.
Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.

DAMN! You forgot the most important ones!!

Unions and government!

No gop deadpool is complete w/o those.

But you can also toss in;
all muslims
free speech

From what I've learned, all conservative veiws lead to the death of something.
If you want to talk about it just provide me a specific example of conservatives hating one of those groups....please explain how you come to the conclusion that the conservative behavior and/or position justifies the description of hate.

Again, as I mentioned above, I am a Conservative and I have absolutely no use for MOST of those groups of people.

Are you saying that you hate these groups or have no use for them?

Having no use for people based off of some random classification such as legal citizenship status does not equal hating them to me.

On that same example, immigration. I detest illegal immigrants yet I embrace and hold up legal immigrants as the lifeblood of america.

See, I have no use for the illegal immigrants but a use for the legal ones. I dont hate immigrants, I dont even hate the illegal ones I just want them punished for breaking our laws just like I would be if I broke the law.

Is that hate?
Are you saying that you hate these groups or have no use for them?

The ones who CANNOT support themselves I simply have no use for (children, the disabled, etc...). Those who WILL NOT support themselves I would consider it active HATRED (the unemployed, elderly, etc...). Anyone who breaks the law... HATRED.
Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.

Your list is SPECIST. Don't forget that Republicans also hate spotted owls, the delta smelt, ragweed and other living things.
Am I a good liberal lemming now?

Seriously you guys are saying that by cutting less than 1% of the total budget the republicans are trying to starve seniors?

Your also trying to say that by cutting the budget and spending they are actually going to add more to the debt than if they didn't spend less? This one is a doozie, and some liberals wonder why many americans view them as dim-witted.

Not all liberals mind you, there are many smart liberals out there but man the caliber of the ones posting here is just horrid.

It is comical, but sad in that they actually believe their propaganda....
That list looks pretty accurate to me. I wouldn't have agreed with the one about the elderly, but now that you all seem to be supporting Ryan's plan to get rid of Medicare, I think the hate for the elderly is now at least justifiable.
And if you we were basing this on Rabbi's view, we would also have to include black people. But I know that most of you don't share his disgustingly racist viewpoints so I think it's safe to leave that one off the list.
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