Republicans have elected just six blacks to major office in 70 years

Race-Baiting is so old and lame. When will Americans finally get sick of this stuff? Oh well,all part of the Dumbing-Down of America i guess. Is there any real hope for this nation's future?
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

"I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century"


BTW, most blacks were republican up until that point...

I suppose LBJ got his wish....
The American people have already decided the republican party is the racist party.

Its in the voting patterns of Americans.

So voting patterns determine racism, not the actual viewpoints?

That's a pretty crappy argument.

Does that mean since most a majority find you to be a liar and have no clue what you are talking about, it's true?

I would think you'd object to that and rightly so. So why should anyone accept your argument based on hte same premise?

Oh and voting "patterns" change.
Race-Baiting is so old and lame. When will Americans finally get sick of this stuff? Oh well,all part of the Dumbing-Down of America i guess. Is there any real hope for this nation's future?

When they become honest and realize that race baiting is just a way people distract from issues.
I see Rightwingshitflinger is up to his same old crap. What is it with Statists and race?

No, its that Republicans are racist because they haven't elected enough Republicans. You'll note however that RW has ignored DTMB's really pertinent post up there with a nice list of black Republicans that lost to Democrats in Democratically prominent states. Now under HIS theory, failure to elect those Republicans makes those Republicans, but not the Democrats, racist. The fact that the Republicans nominated them, however, is obviously immaterial. :)
I see Rightwingshitflinger is up to his same old crap. What is it with Statists and race?

They're brainwashed with progressive bullshit..

Progressives pretend like its still 1950...

Lets also not forget its the democrats who were the biggest racists back then. The KKK was democrat. They were like the present day ACORN.
I see Rightwingshitflinger is up to his same old crap. What is it with Statists and race?

They're brainwashed with progressive bullshit..

Progressives pretend like its still 1950...

Lets also not forget its the democrats who were the biggest racists back then. The KKK was democrat. They were like the present day ACORN.
Yep. That part of thier psyche hasn't changed since before Lincoln...:eusa_whistle:
I see Rightwingshitflinger is up to his same old crap. What is it with Statists and race?

No, its that Republicans are racist because they haven't elected enough Republicans. You'll note however that RW has ignored DTMB's really pertinent post up there with a nice list of black Republicans that lost to Democrats in Democratically prominent states. Now under HIS theory, failure to elect those Republicans makes those Republicans, but not the Democrats, racist. The fact that the Republicans nominated them, however, is obviously immaterial. :)

So in effect? Rightwingshitflinger is crowing that the Statists have the majority of people of colour on thier plantation.
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

"I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century"


BTW, most blacks were republican up until that point...

I suppose LBJ got his wish....

Interesting.....such loyalty to the Republican Party

At what point did Republicans change course and show blacks the door?
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

"I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century"


BTW, most blacks were republican up until that point...

I suppose LBJ got his wish....

Interesting.....such loyalty to the Republican Party

At what point did Republicans change course and show blacks the door?

i believe it was the same time that you had an intelligent thought.
Sticking your head in the sand and claiming you don't have a problem is equally egregious
To hide behind "You are racist because you noticed we never elect blacks" is childish

I seem to recall Ken Blackwell being the Republican nominee for Ohio governor in 2006. He lost in a landslide election. Why did so many Ohio Democrats not vote for him? Clearly they are racist.

I seem to recall Lynn Swann being the Republican nominee for Pennsylvania governor in 2006. He lost in a landslide election. Pennsylvania is a Democratic leaning state. Clearly PA Democrats are racist.

I seem to recall Michael Steele being the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Maryland in 2006. He also lost. Maryland is an overwhelmingly Democratic state. Clearly Maryland Democrats are racist.

I seem to recall Alan Keys being the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Illinois in 2004. He also lost in a major landslide. Illinois is an overwhelmingly Democratic state. Clearly Illinois Democrats are racist.

I seem to recall Ryan Frazier being the Republican nominee for Colorado's 7th Congressional District in 2010. It's a Democratic leaning district in the lily white suburbs of Denver. Clearly suburban Democrats are racist.

Then, of course, there was Herman Cain who just recently dropped his presidential run because of all those racist women who fabricated sexual harassment allegations against him.

Is there really a need for anyone to continue engaging you with your own stupidity?

Excellent post

Glad to see someone actually addressing the OP. As your post clearly shows, there are blacks who have attempted to run as Republicans but failed.

So what does that show?

Your plea for why Democrats don't vote for black Republicans makes no sense. Why would democrats vote for any Republican? Democrats manage to get black candidates elected without any Republicans voting for them.
The inability for your noted black candidates to win reflects on the unwillingness of the Republican base to get out and support black candidates. Democrats have no problem doing it.
Sticking your head in the sand and claiming you don't have a problem is equally egregious
To hide behind "You are racist because you noticed we never elect blacks" is childish

I seem to recall Ken Blackwell being the Republican nominee for Ohio governor in 2006. He lost in a landslide election. Why did so many Ohio Democrats not vote for him? Clearly they are racist.

I seem to recall Lynn Swann being the Republican nominee for Pennsylvania governor in 2006. He lost in a landslide election. Pennsylvania is a Democratic leaning state. Clearly PA Democrats are racist.

I seem to recall Michael Steele being the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Maryland in 2006. He also lost. Maryland is an overwhelmingly Democratic state. Clearly Maryland Democrats are racist.

I seem to recall Alan Keys being the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Illinois in 2004. He also lost in a major landslide. Illinois is an overwhelmingly Democratic state. Clearly Illinois Democrats are racist.

I seem to recall Ryan Frazier being the Republican nominee for Colorado's 7th Congressional District in 2010. It's a Democratic leaning district in the lily white suburbs of Denver. Clearly suburban Democrats are racist.

Then, of course, there was Herman Cain who just recently dropped his presidential run because of all those racist women who fabricated sexual harassment allegations against him.

Is there really a need for anyone to continue engaging you with your own stupidity?

Excellent post

Glad to see someone actually addressing the OP. As your post clearly shows, there are blacks who have attempted to run as Republicans but failed.

So what does that show?

Your plea for why Democrats don't vote for black Republicans makes no sense. Why would democrats vote for any Republican? Democrats manage to get black candidates elected without any Republicans voting for them.
The inability for your noted black candidates to win reflects on the unwillingness of the Republican base to get out and support black candidates. Democrats have no problem doing it.
Michael Steele's loss in MD shows Democrats are racist. :thup: They voted for the white guy.
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

"I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century"


BTW, most blacks were republican up until that point...

I suppose LBJ got his wish....

Interesting.....such loyalty to the Republican Party

At what point did Republicans change course and show blacks the door?

LBJ was a democrat you ignorant tool...

Are you so fucking dumb you don't know the political affiliation of our presidents?

When did democrats start buying the black vote via entitlements???
Last edited:
"I'll have every ****** voting democrat for the next century"


BTW, most blacks were republican up until that point...

I suppose LBJ got his wish....

Interesting.....such loyalty to the Republican Party

At what point did Republicans change course and show blacks the door?

LBJ was a democrat you ignorant tool...
You have to excuse him...he's being shitheadedly obtuse... a know? His usual self.
No blacks dont vote republican is very high numbers for good reasons

Maybe cause they know they have a better chance at "getting taken care of" by that other
party... :badgrin:
Ya think that's why the Statists are so afraid to tackle what must be done and the austerity measures that will have to happen if we are to get back on track?

You think there will be a mass exodus off the Statist Plantation if they admit it?
No blacks dont vote republican is very high numbers for good reasons

Maybe cause they know they have a better chance at "getting taken care of" by that other
party... :badgrin:

They don't 'know' it because I believe history will show that the 'other' party destroyed the institutions that were supporting an emerging black middle class, has broken down the black family, has created permanent underclasses of chronically poor and unemployable, and halted their economic advancement that up until the time of the Great Society was progressing much more impressively than was that of the white folks collectively. You don't have to spend much time reading the works of Shelby Steele, Walter Williams, and especially Thomas Sowell, all who not only grew up during that time, and who have done exhaustive research on this topic, to know that the Democrats have not been the friend of black people or other minorities.

But the Democrats must be really good at lying to convince all those people that the promised rewards will be coming if they'll just keep voting for Democrats.
I seem to recall Ken Blackwell being the Republican nominee for Ohio governor in 2006. He lost in a landslide election. Why did so many Ohio Democrats not vote for him? Clearly they are racist.

I seem to recall Lynn Swann being the Republican nominee for Pennsylvania governor in 2006. He lost in a landslide election. Pennsylvania is a Democratic leaning state. Clearly PA Democrats are racist.

I seem to recall Michael Steele being the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Maryland in 2006. He also lost. Maryland is an overwhelmingly Democratic state. Clearly Maryland Democrats are racist.

I seem to recall Alan Keys being the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Illinois in 2004. He also lost in a major landslide. Illinois is an overwhelmingly Democratic state. Clearly Illinois Democrats are racist.

I seem to recall Ryan Frazier being the Republican nominee for Colorado's 7th Congressional District in 2010. It's a Democratic leaning district in the lily white suburbs of Denver. Clearly suburban Democrats are racist.

Then, of course, there was Herman Cain who just recently dropped his presidential run because of all those racist women who fabricated sexual harassment allegations against him.

Is there really a need for anyone to continue engaging you with your own stupidity?

Excellent post

Glad to see someone actually addressing the OP. As your post clearly shows, there are blacks who have attempted to run as Republicans but failed.

So what does that show?

Your plea for why Democrats don't vote for black Republicans makes no sense. Why would democrats vote for any Republican? Democrats manage to get black candidates elected without any Republicans voting for them.
The inability for your noted black candidates to win reflects on the unwillingness of the Republican base to get out and support black candidates. Democrats have no problem doing it.
Michael Steele's loss in MD shows Democrats are racist. :thup: They voted for the white guy.

Why should democrats be expected to vote for a Republican candidate? Republicans don't vote for black democrats yet they still manage to get elected

Steele lost because Republicans did not come out for him. Republican candidates are frequently elected in Maryland.......they obviously wouldn't turn out for Steele
No blacks dont vote republican is very high numbers for good reasons

Maybe cause they know they have a better chance at "getting taken care of" by that other
party... :badgrin:

They don't 'know' it because I believe history will show that the 'other' party destroyed the institutions that were supporting an emerging black middle class, has broken down the black family, has created permanent underclasses of chronically poor and unemployable, and halted their economic advancement that up until the time of the Great Society was progressing much more impressively than was that of the white folks collectively. You don't have to spend much time reading the works of Shelby Steele, Walter Williams, and especially Thomas Sowell, all who not only grew up during that time, and who have done exhaustive research on this topic, to know that the Democrats have not been the friend of black people or other minorities.

But the Democrats must be really good at lying to convince all those people that the promised rewards will be coming if they'll just keep voting for Democrats.
But it has been going on for decades...and we see the same complaints...thier plight is far worse...must be thos evil Republicans...

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