Republicans have elected just six blacks to major office in 70 years

yeap the right blames their inability to attract black voters on the black voters every time.
yeap the right blames their inability to attract black voters on the black voters every time.

You're not reading well again, dear. At least some/many on the right blame people like YOU and your unintended racism who won't encourage or ALLOW black voters to think for themselves and who visciously attack any who presume to do so.
You just said black people dont think for themselves.

You are a racist

Well I did say a lot of them don't. A lot of white people don't either. If they did, they would not still be supporting Obama because I think most are really smarter than that when they do think for themselves. Unfortunately we have an authoritarian and intolerant left in this country that doesn't encourage thinking for oneself or tolerate anybody, most especailly minorities, straying off the plantation.

If that makes me racist, so be it.
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

So your reason for electing Obama is strictly because of your need to see a black man as President? If it were more important for voters to be looking at leadership experience, the need of a leader who works WITH an opposing party over using "politics of division", and coming up with constructive ideas that help build an economy over speeches, then perhaps the nation's economy would be in a much better place than when he FIRST took office? Perhaps Obama's approval rating would make his re-election a bit more certain than it is? Yet, that's what happens when the left wants to concentrate on "race" over qualified experience.
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then explain why the redpublican paryt can NOT get blacks to vote for them without claiming its the fault of black people.
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

So your reason for electing Obama is strictly because of your need to see a black man as President? If it were more important for voters to be looking at leadership experience, the need of a leader who works WITH an opposing party over using "politics of division", and coming up with constructive ideas that help build an economy over speeches, then perhaps the nation's economy would be in a much better place than when he FIRST took office? Perhaps Obama's approval rating would make his re-election a bit more certain than it is? Yet, that's what happens when the left wants to concentrate on "race" over qualified experience.


The left was so in love with just the thought of a black man in the WH they didn't care who he was. They overlooked Ayers, Wright and any other negatives. Teh media jumped on the bandwagon hook line and sinker.

They bought into his Hope and Change bs and thought he was gonna save the world. How wrong they were and are.

I can still hear Mathews with that tingle running up his leg.

After three years we have discovered that Barry hadn't got a clue and doesn't seem likely to get one either.
Foxy. You don't agree with TDM.

You just gotta be a racist. LOL

Geez, if we had a better crystal ball we could actually predict that couldn't we. :)

Ah, if I had a dollar for every time I have been accused of being a troll, a liar, a bitch, a bigot, hating poor people, wanting to invade people's privacy, wanting to trample the poor and protect the rich, being hateful, being prejudiced, being intolerant, or thinking this, that or something else about somebody, and most especially being RACIST here on USMB, I could get Mr. Foxfyre that Lexus for Christmas. :)

The fact is Republicans, while no saints in themselves, are more likely to oppose entitlements to special groups and less likely to lie about caring about this group or that group in particular. The left is more likely to make people dependent on those entitlements and pretend that isn't hurting those people. Meanwhile they make outrageous claims and promises to convince certain groups that it is only the left who care about them. That and the fear of viscious retaliation if they don't play ball with the left keeps most of them obediently on the plantation the left has staked out for them.

And in my point of view, that is one of the most viscious kinds of racism that exists.
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

So your reason for electing Obama is strictly because of your need to see a black man as President? If it were more important for voters to be looking at leadership experience, the need of a leader who works WITH an opposing party over using "politics of division", and coming up with constructive ideas that help build an economy over speeches, then perhaps the nation's economy would be in a much better place than when he FIRST took office? Perhaps Obama's approval rating would make his re-election a bit more certain than it is? Yet, that's what happens when the left wants to concentrate on "race" over qualified experience.

Your argument would make sense if you were looking at one election...a single data point

You lose the argument when you look at 70 years worth of elections and over 5000 candidates. You cannot claim that every one of those 5000 elections were because you were looking solely at experience. The evidence against you is overwhelming
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

So your reason for electing Obama is strictly because of your need to see a black man as President? If it were more important for voters to be looking at leadership experience, the need of a leader who works WITH an opposing party over using "politics of division", and coming up with constructive ideas that help build an economy over speeches, then perhaps the nation's economy would be in a much better place than when he FIRST took office? Perhaps Obama's approval rating would make his re-election a bit more certain than it is? Yet, that's what happens when the left wants to concentrate on "race" over qualified experience.

Your argument would make sense if you were looking at one election...a single data point

You lose the argument when you look at 70 years worth of elections and over 5000 candidates. You cannot claim that every one of those 5000 elections were because you were looking solely at experience. The evidence against you is overwhelming

you're making an assumption you cannot possibly back up.
because they don't have a majority in most congressional districts and states, you racist moron. :lol:

D.C., Hawaii Most Democratic, Utah Most Republican State in '11

do you need instructions to open a coke bottle?

You seem to assume that all people are either Democrat or Republican. Ever hear of independents?

You do know those coke bottles have twist tops now don't you?

i guess those independents must all be racists like you, racist.

Independents vote both ways.....and yes, those black candidates with a (D) after their name do receive independent votes.
Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

So your reason for electing Obama is strictly because of your need to see a black man as President? If it were more important for voters to be looking at leadership experience, the need of a leader who works WITH an opposing party over using "politics of division", and coming up with constructive ideas that help build an economy over speeches, then perhaps the nation's economy would be in a much better place than when he FIRST took office? Perhaps Obama's approval rating would make his re-election a bit more certain than it is? Yet, that's what happens when the left wants to concentrate on "race" over qualified experience.

Your argument would make sense if you were looking at one election...a single data point

You lose the argument when you look at 70 years worth of elections and over 5000 candidates. You cannot claim that every one of those 5000 elections were because you were looking solely at experience. The evidence against you is overwhelming

How many black senators / reps did you vote for in lily white Dover, NJ?
Who thinks separating out and counting black people is in itself racist? Who thinks the color of a person's skin is something that should be important to people?

And who thinks those are the most racist of racists when they mercilessly attack, smear, defame, and personally destroy ANY conservative black candidate (or any other minority) who runs for anything?

I just love conservative logic....

If you were running an exclusive country club and I were to say..."I think your country club may be racist" and you replied "Why do you think my country club is racist?" and I replied "Because you have no black members"

Conservative logic would say....."I'm not racist....You are racist for noticing I don't have any black members"
So your reason for electing Obama is strictly because of your need to see a black man as President? If it were more important for voters to be looking at leadership experience, the need of a leader who works WITH an opposing party over using "politics of division", and coming up with constructive ideas that help build an economy over speeches, then perhaps the nation's economy would be in a much better place than when he FIRST took office? Perhaps Obama's approval rating would make his re-election a bit more certain than it is? Yet, that's what happens when the left wants to concentrate on "race" over qualified experience.

Your argument would make sense if you were looking at one election...a single data point

You lose the argument when you look at 70 years worth of elections and over 5000 candidates. You cannot claim that every one of those 5000 elections were because you were looking solely at experience. The evidence against you is overwhelming

you're making an assumption you cannot possibly back up.

The evidence is there......make another assumption based on the evidence
So your reason for electing Obama is strictly because of your need to see a black man as President? If it were more important for voters to be looking at leadership experience, the need of a leader who works WITH an opposing party over using "politics of division", and coming up with constructive ideas that help build an economy over speeches, then perhaps the nation's economy would be in a much better place than when he FIRST took office? Perhaps Obama's approval rating would make his re-election a bit more certain than it is? Yet, that's what happens when the left wants to concentrate on "race" over qualified experience.

Your argument would make sense if you were looking at one election...a single data point

You lose the argument when you look at 70 years worth of elections and over 5000 candidates. You cannot claim that every one of those 5000 elections were because you were looking solely at experience. The evidence against you is overwhelming

How many black senators / reps did you vote for in lily white Dover, NJ?

Five Congressmen, one senator, no governors, no presidents

In an embarrassing example of inclusiveness, Republicans have almost never selected blacks to represent them. While they claim they only consider character and qualifications in selecting Republican candidates, they somehow have selected white candidates in thousands of elections while only finding six blacks qualified to wear the Republican banner

The Republicans are the whitewing.
Your argument would make sense if you were looking at one election...a single data point

You lose the argument when you look at 70 years worth of elections and over 5000 candidates. You cannot claim that every one of those 5000 elections were because you were looking solely at experience. The evidence against you is overwhelming

How many black senators / reps did you vote for in lily white Dover, NJ?


Oh my....look at that
Our resident Board sniper thinks his question is bump worthy

I will have to think on that one for a while.......OK........having never resided in Dover NJ, I will have to say none

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