Republicans Have Long History of NOT Supporting Veterans

If it's under Obama repubs say too much pork but if under Bush pork was great.

Anyway the repubs have been screwing vets since the days of Bush/Cheney..... what was the pork in those days.

The pork was vets benefits.....

Support the Vets!!!

the same as the Pork of today and in the decades previous.....and how does a sprinkler system somewhere in the Country benefit the Vets benefits?.......
Facts are so inconvenient for Pub dupes...Harry, get back on your meds.

Republicans Have Long History of NOT Supporting Veterans, or anyone esle but the rich. Great salesmen though....the dittoheads have NO sales resistance LOL.

Being against stupid wars does not mean you're against the soldiers, fer crying out loud.

Frankie if there is anyone in this forum who is on Medication its you......notice the things that get said about you from the posters is a little tidbit for you Frankie.....most Posters here put you in the same category as Mr. Shamen,Douger and Cheesewarow.....i know i cant imagine why myself.....
Most posters meaning all the dupes LOL, and fragly Scarlet, I don't give a dab. They're all deluded lol. They believe they're temporarily inconvenienced millionnaires...
I am a Nam vet.
I think you're a fucking liar.

Please disabled vets are no fools...
I am a service connected disabled veteran, and I'm here to tell you, liar, anybody that reads the fucking huffy puffy post is a SHIT FOR BRAINS, LIBTARD, LEFTIST, OBAMA ASS KISSING, SANDWICH SHORT OF A PICNIC, SOCIALIST HACK.

Now go fuck yourself.
It was McCain who cut the number of hours the Congress was working and insisted that a committee working on jobs and homes for homeless vets be disbanded in order that the repubs could go home early.

It was repubs who filibustered against vet's benefits over and over last year - What finally came of that?

In a similar vein, it was pubs who voted against medical care for 9/11 first responders.

Its not just that pubs are scum. That's an easy answer but doesn't address the full reality. The GObP/Repub party works for and is paid off by the 1%. They don't work for homeless vets or any other American who can't pony up some sizable bucks. Its fact, we all know its fact because they tell us that just about every day. And, the new crop of Clown Car Candidates, let by Mitt (Pink Slip) Romney, fit right in.
I am a Nam vet.
I think you're a fucking liar.

Please disabled vets are no fools...
I am a service connected disabled veteran, and I'm here to tell you, liar, anybody that reads the fucking huffy puffy post is a SHIT FOR BRAINS, LIBTARD, LEFTIST, OBAMA ASS KISSING, SANDWICH SHORT OF A PICNIC, SOCIALIST HACK.

Now go fuck yourself.

merrill - Thank you for your service. Ignore the ignorant.
Facts are so inconvenient for Pub dupes...Harry, get back on your meds.

Republicans Have Long History of NOT Supporting Veterans, or anyone esle but the rich. Great salesmen though....the dittoheads have NO sales resistance LOL.

Being against stupid wars does not mean you're against the soldiers, fer crying out loud.

Frankie if there is anyone in this forum who is on Medication its you......notice the things that get said about you from the posters is a little tidbit for you Frankie.....most Posters here put you in the same category as Mr. Shamen,Douger and Cheesewarow.....i know i cant imagine why myself.....
Most posters meaning all the dupes LOL, and fragly Scarlet, I don't give a dab. They're all deluded lol. They believe they're temporarily inconvenienced millionnaires...

thanks for giving an example to what i i knew you would......
It was McCain who cut the number of hours the Congress was working and insisted that a committee working on jobs and homes for homeless vets be disbanded in order that the repubs could go home early.

It was repubs who filibustered against vet's benefits over and over last year - What finally came of that?

In a similar vein, it was pubs who voted against medical care for 9/11 first responders.

Its not just that pubs are scum. That's an easy answer but doesn't address the full reality. The GObP/Repub party works for and is paid off by the 1%. They don't work for homeless vets or any other American who can't pony up some sizable bucks. Its fact, we all know its fact because they tell us that just about every day. And, the new crop of Clown Car Candidates, let by Mitt (Pink Slip) Romney, fit right in.

your right when are you going to address the bullshit that the Democrats have done against the Citizens of this Country?....i live in a State where the Democrats have failed big time.....
Dems are always for a good work ID card, but Pubs never allow that- the only thing that will stop illegal immigration- what's wrong with SoCal. All Pub talk of an un-American, useless Berlin Wall and unconstitutional, useless laws to harrass Hispanics are just a smokescreen. Pass Schumer bill.
Dems are always for a good work ID card, but Pubs never allow that- the only thing that will stop illegal immigration- what's wrong with SoCal. All Pub talk of an un-American, useless Berlin Wall and unconstitutional, useless laws to harrass Hispanics are just a smokescreen. Pass Schumer bill.

take the fucking dick out of your mouth and say that again....PHD my cant even express yourself coherently....
Dems are always for a good work ID card, but Pubs never allow that- the only thing that will stop illegal immigration- what's wrong with SoCal. All the Pub talk of an un-American, useless Berlin Wall and unconstitutional, useless laws to harrass Hispanics is just a smokescreen for the dupes. Pass the Schumer Immigration bill. There.:eusa_angel:and good night.

I am a disciple of Stephane Mallarme and modern rhetoric ("Make the reader work at it.") And a lazy bad typist.
The Reagan-Bush tax cuts for the rich so defunded the government that we won't be able to pay veteran benefits.
I have a very low tolerance level for moronic babbling, even if you have a link.

That's such crap. Why don't you dispute the article with facts?? You know why??? You don't have any.

You batshit crazy conservatives just like to say something is not true and the source is not reliable. That's what you always do. And then you're done. :rolleyes: The GOP has a terrible record when it comes to supporting our troops. And if you and other people don't like it, tough. Offer some proof that it isn't true.
[ame=]Weekly Republican Address 12/24/11: Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) - YouTube[/ame]
Supporting veterans and their families increases the cost or war for oil dramatically. Vets deserve all they get.

If anyone believes veterans are medically discharged and all turns out roses guess again. Agent orange created hassles galore for impact on Vets and their disability pay. Depleted Uranium weapons dust is the Agent Orange for the vets in the war for oil.

The DU vets can most certainly plan for cancer to end their lives and should not be having children.

Disability pay and treatment is a huge cost of war that politicians don't want to pay much less reveal.

Firstly you claimed that 'Republicans have a long history of not supporting Vets', and now you claim it is 'politicians'. So which is it? Or are you really just this stupid?

For the record, people who use our veterans - or our troops - or our war dead - as political footballs seriously piss me off.

Work out what you think, then fucking post. Idiot.... and stop reading the HuffPuff - it rots what is left of your brain.

Like a true republican, taking after your role models on fox: you stifle any intellectual debate with name-calling and condescension, just like an elementary school bully. grow up.
House Speaker John Boehner is Fighting for Troop Funding
Washington- Just days after a government watchdog group released its annual report on worthless Washington spending, some in the U.S. House have signaled they may load up a critical troop funding bill with lawmaker pet projects that receive little to no public scrutiny. Citizens Against Government Waste’s “Pig Book” details the nearly $18 billion worth of pet projects squeezed into just 12 spending bills for Fiscal Year 2008 such as $212,000 for olive fruit fly research in Paris, France, $188,000 for the Lobster Institute in Maine and $149,000 for the Montana Sheep Institute.

In recent weeks, the House Democratic leadership had led the American public to believe they would join House Republicans in supporting an immediate freeze on all taxpayer-funded “earmarks,” but we learned recently that they now refuse to do so. Instead, the Democratic leadership hinted it will again pile unrelated spending onto the backs of our troops fighting the global War on Terror. Last year, this bill was porked up with such “priorities” as peanut storage and money for spinach farmers.

In a recent speech to the American Legion, I warned about 1,500 state commanders that there will be politicians who view the troop funding bill as an opportunity for pork-barrel spending. Using the troop funding bill as a vehicle for pork is wrong. The bill should be focused on keeping our troops and our nation safe, and House Republicans will again fight to make sure our warriors get the money they need without having to shoulder worthless Washington spending
Democrat falsehoods from Hurting the Troops?

Democrats attack GOP incumbents for voting against funding troops. Some ads are wrong, others lack context.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Well over a dozen Democratic ads claim incumbent GOP lawmakers voted against benefits and funding for the nation's military. The Republicans are accused variously of opposing a $1,500 bonus, expanded health care, trauma care, and job assistance for troops. Some of the ads are false. The rest are true, but don't tell the whole story.

Examples: The claims below are taken from 18 political ads that appeared in 14 districts across the country between Sept. 29 and Oct. 19. All of the ads are from Democratic candidates or groups. Some are misleading or false, and those that are true paint only part of a larger picture.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Healthcare for Guard & Reservists : At least five ads this year claim a Republican incumbent voted against expanding healthcare for National Guard and Reservists. It's true that they did vote against such an amendment, but the ads beg the question: Expand it from what? Members of the National Guard and Reserves already are granted full military health insurance - referred to as TRICARE - for themselves and their families 90 days before, during and 180 days after their active-duty service. TRICARE is the same health insurance full-time active duty service members receive.[/FONT]

Democrats constantly take issues out of context and falsify the outcome as above, by setting up phony bills, which Republicans vote down that don't tell the public the veterans are already getting those benefits.

If you did to a business what the Democrats do to Republicans, you'd get sued for slander and lose your shirt.

This thread has that same lie in it: it claims that Republicans who support the troops don't because it's much harder to prove the truth than it is a lie.

Keep it up, Democrats, and your words will be measured for the lies you have smarmed the airwaves with in the past as well as the present.

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