Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

Biden has a long way to go to equal the 7.8 Trillion that Trump put on the credit card and at least 1.4 of that was to give himself a windfall. And Biden spent a lot to battle the mess that Trump left him with, through his mismanagement of Covid. He never stops grifting and you fools never stop ignoring it.
Mismanagement of what?
Tell them what? You think CEO’s don’t pay taxes? Thanks for volunteering more stupid
Billionaires have avoided taxation by paying themselves very low salaries while amassing fortunes in stocks and other assets. They then borrow off those assets to finance their lifestyles, rather than selling the assets and paying capital gains taxes.
Billionaires have avoided taxation by paying themselves very low salaries while amassing fortunes in stocks and other assets. They then borrow off those assets to finance their lifestyles, rather than selling the assets and paying capital gains taxes.
That’s not what Bill Gates said, he disagrees with you! Why?

That’s not what Bill Gates said, he disagrees with you! Why?

Because Gates is one of the rare birds who gives a shit about his country above all of the perks. The same is true of Warren Buffet. Two who have a sense of responsibility for all of the advantages given them.
Because Gates is one of the rare birds who gives a shit about his country above all of the perks. The same is true of Warren Buffet. Two who have a sense of responsibility for all of the advantages given them.
Can’t make it up.

What about Elon and Jeff?

You’ve been powened
It must be persuasive because it just worked on your dumb ass. Nice smilies! LOL
If you mean it elicited a response, then you’re even more vapid than I thought. That’s astounding.

If you hadn’t noticed (and I’m sure you hadn’t, since you’re a clot), I have been pointing out lots of things about what a waste of protoplasm you are.
Keynesian economics is how we got to where we are today. Deficits do mater and when the debt service and entitlements exceed GDP and the economy is no longer expanding then your in for the ride of your life. So go ahead and raise taxes and the government can assume to role of employer of the last resort, see where that gets you, and when your finished with those rich people what will be next nationalization of all means of energy and means of production and distribution? Unless you stop printing cabbage like a drunk sailor all the kings men and horses won’t be able to put humpty dumpty back together again.
If you mean it elicited a response, then you’re even more vapid than I thought. That’s astounding.

If you hadn’t noticed (and I’m sure you hadn’t, since you’re a clot), I have been pointing out lots of things about what a waste of protoplasm you are.
Great! Then I know I'm winning. Any time a Trump turd insults anyone, it should be worn as a badge of courage. You babies just can't deal with a public spanking and you are the loudest crybaby of them all.
Keynesian economics is how we got to where we are today. Deficits do mater and when the debt service and entitlements exceed GDP and the economy is no longer expanding then your in for the ride of your life. So go ahead and raise taxes and the government can assume to role of employer of the last resort, see where that gets you, and when your finished with those rich people what will be next nationalization of all means of energy and means of production and distribution? Unless you stop printing cabbage like a drunk sailor all the kings men and horses won’t be able to put humpty dumpty back together again.
So if the CEOs and the uber wealthy have to pay on real income like the rest of us they will close up shop? Another of the "can't fuck with the rich" toadies. Keep laying down this theory and nothing will ever change and the middle class will be swallowed up by the predatory tax advantages and their ever changing rules to benefit themselves to the detriment of all else. Taxing the rich fairly would allow for a pie of the size that can support all kinds of social reforms and still pay the bills. But as long as there are boot licking parrots of the ruling class to fight against what's happening to that middle class, it will get worse and break the backs of the average American family. Grow the pie without built-in loop holes and we will see positive change. Tax the rich on TRUE personal income and it will change the landscape.
Why are Republicans expected to have a plan to fix inflation when the goddamn Democrats are the ones to have caused it?

The best plan to fix inflation is to kick the Democrats out of Congress and the White House.
Great! Then I know I'm winning. Any time a Trump turd insults anyone, it should be worn as a badge of courage. You babies just can't deal with a public spanking and you are the loudest crybaby of them all.
Lol. You’re a pussy. Wear that as a badge of honor. “Courage?” Lol.
There is no way to dispute the deficits are structurally inevitable because of tax cuts, and they are part of the inflationary problem. And the gop knew this was coming as boomers retire. It's gop dogma that the actual debt will be "worth less" by their being more dollars in circulation.

Sienna is a problem, but Manchin was dead on right that the dems real goal should have been raising taxes on the 5-1%, and cutting taxes on people living on paychecks. Even Rubio was for it before Trump came along.

The supply problems are working out. The fed is already causing consumers to not spend like ... they were republican congressmen. The fed is belatedly cutting back on buying US debt and belatedly raising rates to what are still historically low levels. We are never going to extract enough oil to meet demand, and the world is increasing its need for food. BOTH parties are not aligning policy to lessen the impact of those inevitablities
Supply Side WReckanomics is exactly that ................... never pays back. Has never worked since Reagan/Bush put it on the table. It has been a theory since day one never a working model then came the Global Economy garbage and Free Trade Agreements that kill USA employment big time.
Lol. You’re a pussy. Wear that as a badge of honor. “Courage?” Lol.
So many are afraid or too dumb to tell it like it is. That includes you. So, which is it? Are you just a coward who can't bring himself to admit how wrong you are about your cult master or are you just so indoctrinated and dumb that you actually think he is an honest man?
So many are afraid or too dumb to tell it like it is. That includes you. So, which is it? Are you just a coward who can't bring himself to admit how wrong you are about your cult master or are you just so indoctrinated and dumb that you actually think he is an honest man?
I enjoy your pathetically obvious efforts to rely on fallacies. You’re a hack, but you’re so stupid you likely don’t even grasp the false dichotomy ploy you just attempted.

Toddle off, ya hapless hump.
I enjoy your pathetically obvious efforts to rely on fallacies. You’re a hack, but you’re so stupid you likely don’t even grasp the false dichotomy ploy you just attempted.

Toddle off, ya hapless hump.
Fallacies? So folks aren't mesmerized by Trump to the extent that they are willing to believe his lies? And folks who think he's an honest man are not just plain blind, deaf and stupid like you are?
Because Gates is one of the rare birds who gives a shit about his country above all of the perks. The same is true of Warren Buffet. Two who have a sense of responsibility for all of the advantages given them.
What about Musk? Does he give a shit about the country?
Can’t make it up.

What about Elon and Jeff?

You’ve been powened
Gates has expressed concern that taxes could go “too far” — including, at times, wealth taxes. But, in general, he has said he supports substantially higher rates, including higher federal estate taxes and capital gains taxes, along with an institution of a state income tax in Washington, which it currently lacks. Apr 13, 2021

Like I said, he's not one of the 0%ers who live to find ways to pay nothing. And he is concerned about taxes strictly because of wealth. Both valid points. But the vast majority of the uber wealthy who are not named Bill Gates use the tax code as it exists to play the system. And exemptions should be made to accommodate those few who GET IT. Time to work it out to find a way to FORCE those who do Play The System to join the rest of Americans. 1-3% won't break them but might be a way to provide health care for all Americans seeing as how we are the only industrialized nation of any size not to have universal healthcare. It might also provide a means to reduce drug costs.
Fallacies? So folks aren't mesmerized by Trump to the extent that they are willing to believe his lies? And folks who think he's an honest man are not just plain blind, deaf and stupid like you are?
Fallacy. Like your use of a false dichotomy. Look it up and get an intelligent adult to help you figure it out. Best seek out a conservative. Education is helpful.

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