Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

Democrats have no plan to fix the economy they are busy fucking up.
I'm satisfied for now that we haven't tried to stage a coup like your scoundrels did. The rest will take care of itself. Always does. BTW Do Republicans have any plans to stop trying to destroy our democratic way of life? That would be a good start on your side. Also, will you still send Trump Valentines when he's in prison?
See? Even Dicklessthing Admits he has no argument.
Hey if you hadn't chewed the damn thing off in your effort to please me, I'd still have one. But good news! My balls are still available for you should you get that hungry look in your eyes. See, I like to share, even with stooges.
I'm satisfied for now that we haven't tried to stage a coup like your scoundrels did. The rest will take care of itself. Always does. BTW Do Republicans have any plans to stop trying to destroy our democratic way of life? That would be a good start on your side. Also, will you still send Trump Valentines when he's in prison?
By the way, do you libtards ever learn that we aren’t a democracy but that we are, instead, a republic?

No Republicans tried to stage any coup.

Also, despite your absurd wet dreams, our former President (and probable future President) isn’t going to prison.

And yes, things will get sorted out. A good red wave is likely to inflict significant electoral damage on the vermin leftist Dumbocrap Party. This should allow society a reprieve from the ongoing damage caused by mindless Joe Brandon and his band of scoundrels. And maybe a period of conservative Republican government can lead to some repairs.
It’s why you don’t watch, you get lies from every demofk station and embrace it
Why are you not watching the Jan 6 committee hearings? You see more truth in those hearings than you've seen and heard under the scoundrel in chief! Truth! Good for ya. Balances your brainwashing out a little. Don't be afraid. Truth never hurt anyone the way the steady stream of Trump lies have. The lies you seem not to recognize has killed many Americans and is still doing so. Maybe you could even redeem yourself a smidgen. You'll have less to apologize for in the end and there's a fuckin' heap! Something we Dems won't have to do.
By the way, do you libtards ever learn that we aren’t a democracy but that we are, instead, a republic?

No Republicans tried to stage any coup.

Also, despite your absurd wet dreams, our former President (and probable future President) isn’t going to prison.

And yes, things will get sorted out. A good red wave is likely to inflict significant electoral damage on the vermin leftist Dumbocrap Party. This should allow society a reprieve from the ongoing damage caused by mindless Joe Brandon and his band of scoundrels. And maybe a period of conservative Republican government can lead to some repairs.
Make a bet? I don't care how you categorize our system. The good news is that the attempts by the GOP haven't succeeded to turn it all into what your god calls a shithole. Damn good try though. Doncha think? Came so close. Trump will win again? You are becoming as delusional as he is. Silly silly goose! You are in for a rude awakening and nobody will delight in that as much as I will.
Make a bet? I don't care how you categorize our system. The good news is that the attempts by the GOP haven't succeeded to turn it all into what your god calls a shithole. Damn good try though. Doncha think? Came so close. Trump will win again? You are becoming as delusional as he is. Silly silly goose! You are in for a rude awakening and nobody will delight in that as much as I will.
No. It’s you fucking Dumbocraps who seek to turn us into a shithole. You lie an awful lot. But since you’re retarded, you suck at it. That’s actually a good thing.

And I didn’t say that Trump “will” win again. But you’re a dishonest imbecile, so your probably don’t recognize the meaning of words.

I will delight in watching assholes like you squirm and cry. You’re thoroughly reprehensible and anti-American, you piece of shit. So, in that spirit, I urge you to get Fire-AIDS.
Hey! Spit it out and help me. Whatcha say Buddy??
I already noted that you’re dickless and I noted with approval that you for admitted it. I say you’re an odious dishonest sub-imbecile unAmerican piece of shit.

May your dreams and nightmares be filled with images of the coming red wave. Good night, ya dicklessthing.
By the way, do you libtards ever learn that we aren’t a democracy but that we are, instead, a republic?

No Republicans tried to stage any coup.

Also, despite your absurd wet dreams, our former President (and probable future President) isn’t going to prison.

And yes, things will get sorted out. A good red wave is likely to inflict significant electoral damage on the vermin leftist Dumbocrap Party. This should allow society a reprieve from the ongoing damage caused by mindless Joe Brandon and his band of scoundrels. And maybe a period of conservative Republican government can lead to some repairs.
Good, they can start by repairing all the damage they have inflicted upon America, From Reagan, to Bush to Trump. We are always picking up your messes that you leave behind. From supply side voodoo economics to attacks on the wrong country on the credit card, to ignoring Covid and denying its seriousness costing a million American lives, to attempts to completely destroy our government (no matter what name you want to pontificate about) while raping the economy while stuffing their pockets with cash that fools like you didn't notice. Hell, even scammed fools like you out of 250 Million bucks on the way out of the door. These are the things that will dawn upon you at some point in the future. Right after you manage to shake off the Indoctrination.
I already noted that you’re dickless and I noted with approval that you for admitted it. I say you’re an odious dishonest sub-imbecile unAmerican piece of shit.

May your dreams and nightmares be filled with images of the coming red wave. Good night, ya dicklessthing.
Yeah, but what do you like about me? C'mon! Remember the taste of my dick. Never complained back then and neither did your wife.
Good, they can start by repairing all the damage they have inflicted upon America, From Reagan, to Bush to Trump. We are always picking up your messes that you leave behind. From supply side voodoo economics to attacks on the wrong country on the credit card, to ignoring Covid and denying its seriousness costing a million American lives, to attempts to completely destroy our government (no matter what name you want to pontificate about) while raping the economy while stuffing their pockets with cash that fools like you didn't notice. Hell, even scammed fools like you out of 250 Million bucks on the way out of the door. These are the things that will dawn upon you at some point in the future. Right after you manage to shake off the Indoctrination.
Your braying like the jackass you are. It’s the fucking ass lien Dumbocraps who have injured America. The rest of your shit isn’t worth reading. So, I didn’t. 👍
Yeah, but what do you like about me? C'mon! Remember the taste of my dick. Never complained back then and neither did your wife.
Your fantasy is repulsive and you’re a waste of oxygen and electrons. Toddle off, little troll. Get Fire-AIDS. Ask for it by name.

Could you please die in a fire? Like a fire infested with AIDS so you get Fire-AIDS? I'm asking you to contract Fire-AIDS and die. If you can.

That ^ highlighted invitation was initially composed by a Board member who doesn’t seem to be around any more. Too bad. Unlike you, dickless, he was smart and entertaining. Unlike you, he had something to say. Something worthwhile. Naturally, you wouldn’t understand. You couldn’t. It would require a brain, so it’s forever beyond your reach.

When will you post on topic, by the way?

The topic isn’t your lack of a penis. Nor is it your odd desire to have someone giving a bj to a dickless thing like you. The topic is the silly complaint the the GOP (ie the party not in power) doesn’t have a “plan” to fix inflation caused by the Party in power. You know. The complaint which neglects that the Dims who have caused the problem have no plan to address.

Could you please die in a fire? Like a fire infested with AIDS so you get Fire-AIDS? I'm asking you to contract Fire-AIDS and die. If you can.

That ^ highlighted invitation was initially composed by a Board member who doesn’t seem to be around any more. Too bad. Unlike you, dickless, he was smart and entertaining. Unlike you, he had something to say. Something worthwhile. Naturally, you wouldn’t understand. You couldn’t. It would require a brain, so it’s forever beyond your reach.

When will you post on topic, by the way?

The topic isn’t your lack of a penis. Nor is it your odd desire to have someone giving a bj to a dickless thing like you. The topic is the silly complaint the the GOP (ie the party not in power) doesn’t have a “plan” to fix inflation caused by the Party in power. You know. The complaint which neglects that the Dims who have caused the problem have no plan to address.
You're the one obsessed with my junk. How can you support a party that hates homosexuals? Isn't that considered voting against your interests? And BTW it's you that keeps going astray with all of your childish insults? What is a baby like you doing talking to adults in the first place? Now, Back on topic after your hissy fit.

We don't see the GOP coming up with workable solutions to inflation. Like I've said before, the GOP doesn't even pretend to legislate any more. Seems they exist to block every bill proposed by the Dems because they are butt hurt that we are finally getting to the bottom of all of the lies and the attempts to destroy America. They are busy and will be busy for the foreseeable future trying to stay out of jail, walking back everything they've said for four years, and circling the wagons around the most traitorous sleaze merchant in American history! Begging for blanket pardons while proclaiming innocence. LOL Pointing fingers at each other like the cowardly little brats that they are. And while doing this they are helping the Dem cause in Nov. And, even if they manage not to completely shoot their own feet off, they are revealing what total criminals they are. Folks even on the right are starting to understand what Democrats have been telling them for 5 years or more. Namely, they care not a single shit about those who voted them in, the rule of law, the Constitution, decency, humanity, and in doing so, they have doomed their own existence. Couldn't happen to a finer bunch of conspirators. They are a perfect example of the old saying that "You can fool the people for a little while but not forever." Sooner or later your lies will catch up to you. While I'm disappointed that it wasn't sooner, I'm thankful that it won't be too much later. Walls are closing in on the group of Anti American slime and they will soon pay the price. And YES! Even the cult master will not escape culpability. Not this time!!! Watch!!
We read and hear all the disinformed talking crazy about Biden, but they have no plan to stop inflation. If they had one, they would have presented it to congress. Because if they had one and it worked, they would most certainly assure themselves the majority. Instead it's been about obstruction and the idiocy of Big Money Manchin and Corporate Slave Sinema.

I say they have no plan because spending by trump contributed to the inflation.

Facts First: While some economists say the stimulus packages passed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are having an impact on inflation, it's misleading to suggest that's the only explanation for the recent rise in inflation. Blaming it exclusively on Democratic spending proposals misrepresents what's actually been passed, and ignores the trillions of dollars in spending passed last year supported by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump which economists say have also contributed to inflation.

Last year, Congress passed two bills totaling around $3 trillion in Covid relief spending -- the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act passed in March 2020, and the $900 billion pandemic relief bill passed in December 2020. Both were signed by Trump and supported by Republicans.

And Rick Scotts tax increase for all is not the answer. So the Republican plan is to get the majority and start bogus investigations on Hunter Biden and attempt to impeach Biden, then Harris. If they appoint trump to speaker, understand that is the first move to the attempt to reinstall him as president. Sane Americans cannot continue falling for disinformation. Biden is not the reason that supply chains have been hampered, COVID is. And we were negatively affected by COVID due to the incompetence of a republican president. We cannot afford to have crazies running our government.
Apparently printing money and politicization of the fed is the cure all? Just how long can deficits and a free ride last without economic repercussions? The government spends more than it collects, aka deficit, without creating jobs, payrolls, and taxable income. So….your answer is simply tax the shit out those that create jobs, and those evil corporations. Go ahead and dream on, the printing press keeps on pumping out cabbage. Speaking of which your cabbage patch man shut down the economy with one broad stroke of the pin based on the fear that elevated him from the basement to the White House…from cabbage to garbage.. and you bought it hook line and sinker. It’s time to wake up dude, your clown is accountable for his policies. Both the GOP and Dem’s own this crap. Milton F warned you and you were too dam ignorant to understand what he was preaching!
Apparently printing money and politicization of the fed is the cure all? Just how long can deficits and a free ride last without economic repercussions? The government spends more than it collects, aka deficit, without creating jobs, payrolls, and taxable income. So….your answer is simply tax the shit out those that create jobs, and those evil corporations. Go ahead and dream on, the printing press keeps on pumping out cabbage. Speaking of which your cabbage patch man shut down the economy with one broad stroke of the pin based on the fear that elevated him from the basement to the White House…from cabbage to garbage.. and you bought it hook line and sinker. It’s time to wake up dude, your clown is accountable for his policies. Both the GOP and Dem’s own this crap. Milton F warned you and you were too dam ignorant to understand what he was preaching!
Understand that inflation is worldwide.
Solution, shut down the presses, increase rates, tighten your belt, create a deflationary economic environment that drive down demand and raw material prices…..exactly what happened before you were born. Volker got it….Burns stated it right in that he didn’t recognize that that there is no such thing as a soft landing. Only politicians spew that dribble to get re-elected, and blame others. Go figure!
Hang on to yer hat the shit is about to hit the fan, time to pay the Piper!
From what I've seen over the years, the answer is actually quite simple. We have to return to demand side economics. But one party has been conditioned or likely paid off to stop that from ever happening. Keynes is probably spinning. It took decades for supply side to rear its ugly head but we are here and have been for years. Used to be that we built and expanded the PIE before we invented ways to keep taking from it. And over time corporations have bought their way into politics so successfully that to even suggest raising taxes on them and/or the uber wealthy will automatically elicit charges of Communism, Socialism etc etc as if caring for our fellow man and the folks who actually built America and continue to do so is a sucker's game. Capitalism in its current iteration leaves almost no room for humanity. We even have those who are among the neediest spouting those monstrous C&P words as they are being squeezed from all sides. We have shrunk the pie while spending like there is no tomorrow. Shit! We can't even bring up redistribution of wealth without taking flak from the wealthy who are having a free ride as well as the working poor who are afraid to say the words. This has resulted in no healthcare for the richest country on earth and the most productive workers on earth. Education costs are out of control as are prescription drugs. I don't see this turning around until we FORCE the wealthiest to help the poorest. Corps. individuals, silver spooners etc need to exist on less. Heaven forbid they should drive a Ford as their second through 12th car and shop at Walmart etc. People see the almost pornographic wealth that the top accumulates while greasing politicians to kill any chance for fair and balanced tax policy. Power corrupts as they say and absolute power etc etc. I truly believe we have lost our souls and our love for our fellow man. Greed has supplanted empathy and it MUST be reined in. I don't see any other solution. Do you? I'm reminded of the Blizzard of 78. We were housebound and people were afraid and panicky. But neighbors took charge to help others and everyone had a spiritual awakening of sorts. It was amazing! Compare and contrast to today and we see people hoarding toilet paper, food and gouging their neighbors like fuckin' scavengers. But again, don't dare say social program or take a look at tax policy and how it is manipulated by the rich. The difference is an eye opener. Okay! I'm bracing myself for the onslaught of insults and overreactions. Call me Mussolini or Hitler or Karl Marx. I'm a big guy, I can handle it.

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