Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

You're the one obsessed with my junk.
Wrong. Wishful thinking on your part. Nobody could possibly be obsessed with your junk. You have no dick, dickless. In any event, fly your rainbow flag. That stuff doesn’t concern me.
Thanks for making my point. The vast majority of the benefits went to those who don't need them or those who will get even more filthy rich than they already are, like Trump! 2 Trillion dollars of which 1.6 trillion went to the top earners. BTW those who pay no taxes because their earnings don't require them to, are not considered Middle Class. Wake up.
why should any citizen of any country be exempt from paying any taxes? everyone gets the benefits of government spending (theoretically) so why shouldn't everyone pay a little into the general fund?

You can only cut taxes for those who pay taxes, and who wrote the tax code that you say favors the rich? the party that has controlled congress for most of the last century------democrats. So if you have a problem with the tax code, blame your own party-----------they wrote it.
in summary

the inflation we are living with today is solely the result of Biden's obsession to cut the use of oil and gas. the price of fuel determines the price of everything in the economy, because the engine of the economy runs on fuel. When he cancelled keystone and other pipelines, blocked all new drilling in ANWR and the gulf, and resumed buying oil from countries that hate us, he artificially reduced the supply of fuel, and the laws of supply and demand kicked in raising the prices to record levels. There is nothing more to say about this, its all on Biden and his administration.
in summary

the inflation we are living with today is solely the result of Biden's obsession to cut the use of oil and gas. the price of fuel determines the price of everything in the economy, because the engine of the economy runs on fuel. When he cancelled keystone and other pipelines, blocked all new drilling in ANWR and the gulf, and resumed buying oil from countries that hate us, he artificially reduced the supply of fuel, and the laws of supply and demand kicked in raising the prices to record levels. There is nothing more to say about this, its all on Biden and his administration.
Its not that simple. You also need to factor in the democrat's $4T in stimulus spending in 2020 & 2021, and the Fed's printing money, aka their "balance sheet":

Then you need to factor in how much money is on the Fed's balance sheet:

Joe's moronic "war on energy" is throwing gas on the fire giving Putin a cash windfall by reducing supply and raising the price of gas and diesel thereby raising the cost of everything unnecessarily.
We read and hear all the disinformed talking crazy about Biden, but they have no plan to stop inflation. If they had one, they would have presented it to congress. Because if they had one and it worked, they would most certainly assure themselves the majority. Instead it's been about obstruction and the idiocy of Big Money Manchin and Corporate Slave Sinema.

I say they have no plan because spending by trump contributed to the inflation.

Facts First: While some economists say the stimulus packages passed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are having an impact on inflation, it's misleading to suggest that's the only explanation for the recent rise in inflation. Blaming it exclusively on Democratic spending proposals misrepresents what's actually been passed, and ignores the trillions of dollars in spending passed last year supported by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump which economists say have also contributed to inflation.

Last year, Congress passed two bills totaling around $3 trillion in Covid relief spending -- the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act passed in March 2020, and the $900 billion pandemic relief bill passed in December 2020. Both were signed by Trump and supported by Republicans.

And Rick Scotts tax increase for all is not the answer. So the Republican plan is to get the majority and start bogus investigations on Hunter Biden and attempt to impeach Biden, then Harris. If they appoint trump to speaker, understand that is the first move to the attempt to reinstall him as president. Sane Americans cannot continue falling for disinformation. Biden is not the reason that supply chains have been hampered, COVID is. And we were negatively affected by COVID due to the incompetence of a republican president. We cannot afford to have crazies running our government.

Funny - fuck things up, quickly point fingers, and blame others for having no plan to unfuck what YOU did.

Democrats follow Barry's example...


At least Biden can blame dain bramage.
You're the one obsessed with my junk. How can you support a party that hates homosexuals? Isn't that considered voting against your interests? And BTW it's you that keeps going astray with all of your childish insults? What is a baby like you doing talking to adults in the first place? Now, Back on topic after your hissy fit.

We don't see the GOP coming up with workable solutions to inflation. Like I've said before, the GOP doesn't even pretend to legislate any more. Seems they exist to block every bill proposed by the Dems because they are butt hurt that we are finally getting to the bottom of all of the lies and the attempts to destroy America. They are busy and will be busy for the foreseeable future trying to stay out of jail, walking back everything they've said for four years, and circling the wagons around the most traitorous sleaze merchant in American history! Begging for blanket pardons while proclaiming innocence. LOL Pointing fingers at each other like the cowardly little brats that they are. And while doing this they are helping the Dem cause in Nov. And, even if they manage not to completely shoot their own feet off, they are revealing what total criminals they are. Folks even on the right are starting to understand what Democrats have been telling them for 5 years or more. Namely, they care not a single shit about those who voted them in, the rule of law, the Constitution, decency, humanity, and in doing so, they have doomed their own existence. Couldn't happen to a finer bunch of conspirators. They are a perfect example of the old saying that "You can fool the people for a little while but not forever." Sooner or later your lies will catch up to you. While I'm disappointed that it wasn't sooner, I'm thankful that it won't be too much later. Walls are closing in on the group of Anti American slime and they will soon pay the price. And YES! Even the cult master will not escape culpability. Not this time!!! Watch!!
Just like a demofk, intentionally create chaos and expect someone else to fix it! Hahaha haha
in summary

the inflation we are living with today is solely the result of Biden's obsession to cut the use of oil and gas. the price of fuel determines the price of everything in the economy, because the engine of the economy runs on fuel. When he cancelled keystone and other pipelines, blocked all new drilling in ANWR and the gulf, and resumed buying oil from countries that hate us, he artificially reduced the supply of fuel, and the laws of supply and demand kicked in raising the prices to record levels. There is nothing more to say about this, its all on Biden and his administration.
Full O' shit.
why should any citizen of any country be exempt from paying any taxes? everyone gets the benefits of government spending (theoretically) so why shouldn't everyone pay a little into the general fund?

You can only cut taxes for those who pay taxes, and who wrote the tax code that you say favors the rich? the party that has controlled congress for most of the last century------democrats. So if you have a problem with the tax code, blame your own party-----------they wrote it.
I see you have zero understanding of tax policy or how the GOP has steadily put the burden on the Middle class.
Wrong. Wishful thinking on your part. Nobody could possibly be obsessed with your junk. You have no dick, dickless. In any event, fly your rainbow flag. That stuff doesn’t concern me.
When are you fools gonna understand that this kind of childish nonsense doesn't work on me? It only lets me expose what babies you all are. In other words. Keep 'em comin', it's fun.
When are you fools gonna understand that this kind of childish nonsense doesn't work on me? It only lets me expose what babies you all are. In other words. Keep 'em comin', it's fun.
Why do you try to lecture me? Do you imagine that your whining pussy poofery is persuasive? 🤣😂
why should any citizen of any country be exempt from paying any taxes? everyone gets the benefits of government spending (theoretically) so why shouldn't everyone pay a little into the general fund?

You can only cut taxes for those who pay taxes, and who wrote the tax code that you say favors the rich? the party that has controlled congress for most of the last century------democrats. So if you have a problem with the tax code, blame your own party-----------they wrote it.
Tell that to the CEO's of giant Corporations. Wake up.
Apparently printing money and politicization of the fed is the cure all? Just how long can deficits and a free ride last without economic repercussions? The government spends more than it collects, aka deficit, without creating jobs, payrolls, and taxable income. So….your answer is simply tax the shit out those that create jobs, and those evil corporations. Go ahead and dream on, the printing press keeps on pumping out cabbage. Speaking of which your cabbage patch man shut down the economy with one broad stroke of the pin based on the fear that elevated him from the basement to the White House…from cabbage to garbage.. and you bought it hook line and sinker. It’s time to wake up dude, your clown is accountable for his policies. Both the GOP and Dem’s own this crap. Milton F warned you and you were too dam ignorant to understand what he was preaching!
Biden has a long way to go to equal the 7.8 Trillion that Trump put on the credit card and at least 1.4 of that was to give himself a windfall. And Biden spent a lot to battle the mess that Trump left him with, through his mismanagement of Covid. He never stops grifting and you fools never stop ignoring it.

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