Republicans: "Have you No Shame?"

Ryan is speaking now live on TV trying to grow a pair doing damage control for what trump did yesterday by reiterating American values and reiterating that Russia is an adversary and not this buddy buddy bullshit Trump is illogically pushing.
It’s the same old shit for 3 years. Trump says something incredibly stupid then his allies try to cover for him and “ reexplain “ what he said.
But yesterday was different.
An American president placed Russia ahead of America on the world stage.
Fucking incredible.
Actually....the trump meeting was far more devistating. Putin has given trump orders to take NATO down....Putin plans to push us put of Syria and then return the Baltic states to his fold.

you need to find another news outlet, CNN is filling your little head with bullshit
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?

Because nothing is of greater value than appeasing anti-Trump hate. Nothing whatsoever.
It’s incredible that you DEPLORABLES are incapable of admitting none of the horrendous things this president does.
Newt Gingrich: Yesterday was the low point of Trump’s presidency.
And not one of your cult has the balls to admit the truth. Not one of you.
Deplorables? my aren't you superior?
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
If Republicans had any shame they wouldn't be supporting Trump to begin with.
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....

They have no shame because they fail to push back against the endless deceit that the left has been pushing ever since they lost the election.
I heard a Russian government specialist say on NPR this morning that the Putin government will now take extraordinary steps to support trump and defeat any adversaries. So Putin has big plans for trump. We certainly may be a future Russian satellite state.....and you RW nutcases cannot see what the Orange Clown is doing.

The meeting yesterday gave Putin the green light to invade our electoral system. The GOP is complicit as is the Traitor in Chief.
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
They have no shame. Paul Ryan on a televised new conference this morning. If you blinked, you missed it.
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
They have no shame. Paul Ryan on a televised new conference this morning. If you blinked, you missed it.

They left their Balls at the door.
Actually....the trump meeting was far more devistating. Putin has given trump orders to take NATO down....Putin plans to push us put of Syria and then return the Baltic states to his fold.

you need to find another news outlet, CNN is filling your little head with bullshit
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?

Because nothing is of greater value than appeasing anti-Trump hate. Nothing whatsoever.
It’s incredible that you DEPLORABLES are incapable of admitting none of the horrendous things this president does.
Newt Gingrich: Yesterday was the low point of Trump’s presidency.
And not one of your cult has the balls to admit the truth. Not one of you.

Yeah, we get it. Trump is uncouth, loud, a braggart, brash, foul mouthed, doesn't fit in with the Cabernet and Brie crowd, and probably wears white after Labor Day. He's also not the reincarnation of every evil villain throughout history, as the hysterics demand. Notice in your own statement that you can't even refrain from casting aspersions on those who do not display sufficient allegiance to your view of the president.

The bottom line is, the immediate reaction to a summit, a speech, or any presidential action is the turf of the spin doctors, who quite frankly have little to no idea of what went on behind the scenes or of any middle to long term impact. They're interested solely in scoring cheap political points, and in the case of Trump, trying fanatically to tear him down as much as possible, no matter what he has done.

Had he taken a hard line with Russia, I have no problem believing that the screeching would be that he is a dangerous cowboy who's determined to start WWIII by pissing off our most important ally, Russia. That's how far we've gone down the rabbit hole.
you need to find another news outlet, CNN is filling your little head with bullshit
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?

Because nothing is of greater value than appeasing anti-Trump hate. Nothing whatsoever.
It’s incredible that you DEPLORABLES are incapable of admitting none of the horrendous things this president does.
Newt Gingrich: Yesterday was the low point of Trump’s presidency.
And not one of your cult has the balls to admit the truth. Not one of you.
Deplorables? my aren't you superior?

Apparently, they believe that's how you persuade someone to support your viewpoint.
Actually....the trump meeting was far more devistating. Putin has given trump orders to take NATO down....Putin plans to push us put of Syria and then return the Baltic states to his fold.

you need to find another news outlet, CNN is filling your little head with bullshit
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?

Because nothing is of greater value than appeasing anti-Trump hate. Nothing whatsoever.
It’s incredible that you DEPLORABLES are incapable of admitting none of the horrendous things this president does.
Newt Gingrich: Yesterday was the low point of Trump’s presidency.
And not one of your cult has the balls to admit the truth. Not one of you.

No kidding, and Newt is now your hero?
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
Real republicans are speaking against the fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impeach trump the traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real republicans are ashamed of this president today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you need to find another news outlet, CNN is filling your little head with bullshit
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?
Then you are delusional. What everybody else saw was tRump grovelling to his handler and committiing what could be argued to be treason.
Key word= argued
What is key about that? The grovelling doesn't bother you? And to even get close to treasonous talk with an enemy of the Unites States.........

So when Hillary was groveling with her idiotic "Reset" button...did that bother you? Or is it just when Trump meets with Putin that you get your panties in a bunch?
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?
Then you are delusional. What everybody else saw was tRump grovelling to his handler and committiing what could be argued to be treason.
Key word= argued
What is key about that? The grovelling doesn't bother you? And to even get close to treasonous talk with an enemy of the Unites States.........

So when Hillary was groveling with her idiotic "Reset" button...did that bother you? Or is it just when Trump meets with Putin that you get your panties in a bunch?
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?
Then you are delusional. What everybody else saw was tRump grovelling to his handler and committiing what could be argued to be treason.
Key word= argued
What is key about that? The grovelling doesn't bother you? And to even get close to treasonous talk with an enemy of the Unites States.........

So when Hillary was groveling with her idiotic "Reset" button...did that bother you? Or is it just when Trump meets with Putin that you get your panties in a bunch?

Nah. Nothing Hitlery does bothers these lefty loons. She's the greatest. LOL
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
Real republicans are speaking against the fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impeach trump the traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real republicans are ashamed of this president today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Impeach him for what exactly?
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
Real republicans are speaking against the fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impeach trump the traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real republicans are ashamed of this president today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Impeach him for what exactly?

LMAO they don't have anything that they can impeach him for.

They sure like to throw that word around and don't seem to have clue what it takes to impeach a sitting POTUS.

What a whinny ass bunch of losers.
Meeting with Putin was not the problem, dipshit. Throwing America under the bus and taking Putin’s side over America WAS THE PROBLEM.
I love how all you idiots are trying to deflect what happened yesterday.
Let me remind you the seriously of what Racoon Eyes did yesterday in the words of a former republican, Steve Schmidt:
No President has ever disgraced himself, the Presidency and the United Stated like Trump did today. The video will endure as a monument to stupidity, arrogance and idiocy throughout the ages. Trump beclowned himself and made the world much more dangerous. What a fool.
Never thought I would see the day when Conservatives would flock to the defense of Russia
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
Real republicans are speaking against the fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impeach trump the traitor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Real republicans are ashamed of this president today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Impeach him for what exactly?

LMAO they don't have anything that they can impeach him for.

They sure like to throw that word around and don't seem to have clue what it takes to impeach a sitting POTUS.

What a whinny ass bunch of losers.
You guys seemed to toss it around a lot with Clinton and Obama
President Vladimir Trump is in the bunker this morning smarting from the world’s condemnation after letting Putin fuck him in the ass yesterday.
Yesterday will live in infamy and was one of the worst days in American history for all of America.
Never before has an American President not stood up for America after being attacked. And there’s no doubt about it that Russia attacked our democracy in 2016. But the traitor in chief won’t admit it or do anything about it because Russia helped him to get elected.

you are a sad pathetic little person. Please tell us exactly what Russia did that got Trump elected. What did they do, in which states, how many votes were changed, how did they change them?

did they help Trump by contributing 145 million to the Clinton foundation? did they help Trump by paying Bubba Clinton 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow? did they help Trump by getting control of 20% of our uranium through a deal brokered by Hillary?

you keep saying Russia helped elect Trump, tell us exactly how they did that, or STFU and go away.
Dead fish embarrassing himself again broadly showing the whole forum how little he knows.
It’s been well publicized how Putin helped Fat boi get elected but since he only watches Fox he hasn’t learned a god damn thing.
Addressing and arguing with a lowly brain dead deplorable is like pissing in the wind.

if its so well known you should be able to describe how it was done, please do so.
There were hundreds of Russian trolls on social media targeting swing states pretending to be Americans making up lies about Hillary like her having Parkinson’s. They even admitted it. Now how did these Russians even know who to target without help from Trump’s team.
Here’s a question I guarantee you’ll piss your pants over.
Why did 9 members of Trump team meet with Russians before the election and then LIED about it after getting caught?
What the hell were they doing?
Hint. 3 of them have already pleaded guilty and headed for jail.
But fat boi didn’t know anything about it, right?
America is not as stupid as you think it is.
Don’t forget Mueller has Trump’s tax returns and we’ll find out why he is so petrified to release them.
Anyone with a brain or any knowledge of Donald Trump knows he’s as dirty as sin with a whole host of crimes. It’s how he’s lived his life.

hundreds or Russian trolls, got any names? any proof? how many votes did they affect? any idea?

Trump makes a lot of money, he has tax lawyers prepare his return, he gets audited every year, if he was doing anything illegal it would already be out there. Now, shall we talk about the Clintons and their foundation? -------------which no longer exists after taking 145 million from Russian oligarths.
Actually....the trump meeting was far more devistating. Putin has given trump orders to take NATO down....Putin plans to push us put of Syria and then return the Baltic states to his fold.

you need to find another news outlet, CNN is filling your little head with bullshit
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?

Because nothing is of greater value than appeasing anti-Trump hate. Nothing whatsoever.
It’s incredible that you DEPLORABLES are incapable of admitting none of the horrendous things this president does.
Newt Gingrich: Yesterday was the low point of Trump’s presidency.
And not one of your cult has the balls to admit the truth. Not one of you.

he could have handled the "who do you believe" question better. He should have said, " I will reserve judgement on that until I have all of the facts". Happy now?

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