Republicans: "Have you No Shame?"

This man had got to go before he declares Marshall Law and makes the US another state of Russia. He is a Cancer!

View attachment 205473


Our forum’s Russian troll Queasy is out early today doing Putin’s work for him.
You don’t have to work so hard. It’s obvious to the whole world that Putin has something BIGLY over Trump which is why Trump buried America in Russia’s name yesterday.


your stupidity intensifies with each new post. you make me laugh with your inane bullshit.
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....

No, imbecile.
Treason is a Communist / Socialist candidate for Congress.
Ocasio-Cortez starts controversy with comments on Israeli ‘occupation,’ admits she's 'not the expert'
How DARE you assclowns try to point the finger of treason when you're trying to get Communists into Congress !!
(Sry, but the disguise is blown, the world has seen what you Socialists did in Venezuela)

What kind of FOOLS are Americans to even ALLOW such a thing? The SCOTUS needs to review allowing such people the basic freedom to make such a brazen attempt to destroy the Constitution and the nation.

Communists trolls masquerading as Americans .....THAT's the REAL TREASON.
Basic Human Vomit is trying to convince everyone they didn’t see and hear what they did with their own ears and eyes by attacking a rising star on the political scene.
Figures. Traitors to America like Trump and Vomit stick together.
After that display of treason...
Barry gives 20% of the US Uranium to Russia, knows Hillary is compromising national security & lets her keep doing it, & knows what the Russians are doing & lets them continue....

Barry attempted to control the outcome of the 2016 elections, protected a felon, & organized a coup should Trump win...

You & other snowflakes have been undermining this President since before he beat your career criminal candidate....

STFU, traitor....
No uranium was given to Russia
Just because propaganda pops up in your mailbox is no reason to repeat it
Only an idiot would compare the meeting between Trump and Putin to Chamberlain. Keep reaching.

Actually....the trump meeting was far more devistating. Putin has given trump orders to take NATO down....Putin plans to push us put of Syria and then return the Baltic states to his fold.

you need to find another news outlet, CNN is filling your little head with bullshit
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?
Then you are delusional. What everybody else saw was tRump grovelling to his handler and committiing what could be argued to be treason.
Key word= argued
This man had got to go before he declares Marshall Law and makes the US another state of Russia. He is a Cancer!

View attachment 205473


Our forum’s Russian troll Queasy is out early today doing Putin’s work for him.
You don’t have to work so hard. It’s obvious to the whole world that Putin has something BIGLY over Trump which is why Trump buried America in Russia’s name yesterday.


your stupidity intensifies with each new post. you make me laugh with your inane bullshit.

Every word I write is the God’s honest truth and what people all over America and the world are saying.
Trump is Putin’s bitch and it’s never been so obvious before than yesterday.
Even this prez’s allies are saying this is without a doubt the low point of fat boy’s presidency while you laughably keep pushing the lie that T didn’t sell out America to Russia yesterday.
Actually....the trump meeting was far more devistating. Putin has given trump orders to take NATO down....Putin plans to push us put of Syria and then return the Baltic states to his fold.

you need to find another news outlet, CNN is filling your little head with bullshit
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?
Then you are delusional. What everybody else saw was tRump grovelling to his handler and committiing what could be argued to be treason.
Key word= argued
What is key about that? The grovelling doesn't bother you? And to even get close to treasonous talk with an enemy of the Unites States.........
After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
Take off the tin foil hat. Please, with facts and accuracy prove treason.

The Democratic Congress will decide that in 2019. You trumpettes are nothing more that treasonous bastards.
Not a trumpette Just pointing out the fact that the person posting should explain what is treason.

And I said the Dem House will decide next year. What trump did yesterday went WAY BEYOND...."high crimes and misdemeanors." He has sunk the GOP.
you need to find another news outlet, CNN is filling your little head with bullshit
Yeah blame CNN for reporting what we all saw with our own eyes and ears.
You’re an idiot, thru and thru.

What I saw was an American president trying to repair international relations that have been damaged over the last 30 years, damaged by presidents of both parties, warmongers like McCain, idiots like Obama, incompetents like Bush.

None of us have any idea of what was said in private and what threats may have been laid down.

Why is war with Russia preferable to a peaceful mutually beneficial relationship?
Then you are delusional. What everybody else saw was tRump grovelling to his handler and committiing what could be argued to be treason.
Key word= argued
What is key about that? The grovelling doesn't bother you? And to even get close to treasonous talk with an enemy of the Unites States.........
Everyone here is stating " Treason" I'm pointing out that they should prove exactly what is treason. The word argue is key because it means there is doubt. It is your opinion that the talk was treasonous. Or as you imply " close to".
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After that display of treason, yes I said treason, yesterday.....just how can the GOP Congress sit on their hands and do nothing. The Orange Dictator named trump has shown his total allegiance to Vladimir Putin. He did everything yesterday except kiss him on the lips. Maybe be did that while they were alone.

US Intelligence needs to find out what orders Putin gave to trump while they were alone with interpreters...I am sure he gave him some new ways to tear down the Western Alliance. Putin is aiming to regain the Baltic states, at the very least. trump is doing everything he can to help him. Syria will soon be lost....
Take off the tin foil hat. Please, with facts and accuracy prove treason.

The Democratic Congress will decide that in 2019. You trumpettes are nothing more that treasonous bastards.
Not a trumpette Just pointing out the fact that the person posting should explain what is treason.

And I said the Dem House will decide next year. What trump did yesterday went WAY BEYOND...."high crimes and misdemeanors." He has sunk the GOP.
How did it go way beyond " high crimes and misdemeanors"?
After that display of treason...
Barry gives 20% of the US Uranium to Russia, knows Hillary is compromising national security & lets her keep doing it, & knows what the Russians are doing & lets them continue....

Barry attempted to control the outcome of the 2016 elections, protected a felon, & organized a coup should Trump win...

You & other snowflakes have been undermining this President since before he beat your career criminal candidate....

STFU, traitor....
No uranium was given to Russia
Just because propaganda pops up in your mailbox is no reason to repeat it

Just more Repub lies.....
This man had got to go before he declares Marshall Law and makes the US another state of Russia. He is a Cancer!

View attachment 205473


Our forum’s Russian troll Queasy is out early today doing Putin’s work for him.
You don’t have to work so hard. It’s obvious to the whole world that Putin has something BIGLY over Trump which is why Trump buried America in Russia’s name yesterday.


your stupidity intensifies with each new post. you make me laugh with your inane bullshit.

Every word I write is the God’s honest truth and what people all over America and the world are saying.
Trump is Putin’s bitch and it’s never been so obvious before than yesterday.
Even this prez’s allies are saying this is without a doubt the low point of fat boy’s presidency while you laughably keep pushing the lie that T didn’t sell out America to Russia yesterday.

you say that while you ignore the clear treason committed by Strzok, Page, Comey, Lynch, the Clintons, and Obama.

Trump did not "sell out America" he is trying to fix the mess created by the last presidents, Clinton, both bushes, and Obama.

why is it treason to try to find ways to deal peacefully with a potential enemy who controls half of the worlds nuclear weapons?
If you cannot denounce trump after his lovefest with Putin .....YOU ARE ALSO A TRAITOR.....just like the Orange King.
President Vladimir Trump is in the bunker this morning smarting from the world’s condemnation after letting Putin fuck him in the ass yesterday.
Yesterday will live in infamy and was one of the worst days in American history for all of America.
Never before has an American President not stood up for America after being attacked. And there’s no doubt about it that Russia attacked our democracy in 2016. But the traitor in chief won’t admit it or do anything about it because Russia helped him to get elected.
This man had got to go before he declares Marshall Law and makes the US another state of Russia. He is a Cancer!

View attachment 205473


Our forum’s Russian troll Queasy is out early today doing Putin’s work for him.
You don’t have to work so hard. It’s obvious to the whole world that Putin has something BIGLY over Trump which is why Trump buried America in Russia’s name yesterday.


your stupidity intensifies with each new post. you make me laugh with your inane bullshit.

Every word I write is the God’s honest truth and what people all over America and the world are saying.
Trump is Putin’s bitch and it’s never been so obvious before than yesterday.
Even this prez’s allies are saying this is without a doubt the low point of fat boy’s presidency while you laughably keep pushing the lie that T didn’t sell out America to Russia yesterday.

you say that while you ignore the clear treason committed by Strzok, Page, Comey, Lynch, the Clintons, and Obama.

Trump did not "sell out America" he is trying to fix the mess created by the last presidents, Clinton, both bushes, and Obama.

why is it treason to try to find ways to deal peacefully with a potential enemy who controls half of the worlds nuclear weapons?

trump is a dog turd....he believed Putin over 17 US intelligence agencies....Mueller now has a new direction for his investigation.
trump is PUTIN'S CHOICE....Putin said be was yesterday. He helped elect a puppet.
This man had got to go before he declares Marshall Law and makes the US another state of Russia. He is a Cancer!

View attachment 205473


Our forum’s Russian troll Queasy is out early today doing Putin’s work for him.
You don’t have to work so hard. It’s obvious to the whole world that Putin has something BIGLY over Trump which is why Trump buried America in Russia’s name yesterday.


your stupidity intensifies with each new post. you make me laugh with your inane bullshit.

Every word I write is the God’s honest truth and what people all over America and the world are saying.
Trump is Putin’s bitch and it’s never been so obvious before than yesterday.
Even this prez’s allies are saying this is without a doubt the low point of fat boy’s presidency while you laughably keep pushing the lie that T didn’t sell out America to Russia yesterday.

you say that while you ignore the clear treason committed by Strzok, Page, Comey, Lynch, the Clintons, and Obama.

Trump did not "sell out America" he is trying to fix the mess created by the last presidents, Clinton, both bushes, and Obama.

why is it treason to try to find ways to deal peacefully with a potential enemy who controls half of the worlds nuclear weapons?

Strzok wrote some personal texts to his girlfriend. Hilariously you call that treason. His ONLY mistake was doing it on a government phone. None of those other names are even close. I bet you watch a lot of Hannity, the propaganda master of our time.
YOU are a disgrace to this country as is your pathologically lying president.
He was stripped naked yesterday for the whole world to see.
President Vladimir Trump is in the bunker this morning smarting from the world’s condemnation after letting Putin fuck him in the ass yesterday.
Yesterday will live in infamy and was one of the worst days in American history for all of America.
Never before has an American President not stood up for America after being attacked. And there’s no doubt about it that Russia attacked our democracy in 2016. But the traitor in chief won’t admit it or do anything about it because Russia helped him to get elected.

you are a sad pathetic little person. Please tell us exactly what Russia did that got Trump elected. What did they do, in which states, how many votes were changed, how did they change them?

did they help Trump by contributing 145 million to the Clinton foundation? did they help Trump by paying Bubba Clinton 450K for a 20 minute speech in Moscow? did they help Trump by getting control of 20% of our uranium through a deal brokered by Hillary?

you keep saying Russia helped elect Trump, tell us exactly how they did that, or STFU and go away.

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