Republicans: Hillary's loss isn't the problem. It's that Trump won.

The OP is yet another Liberal genius. You know, one of those sub-humans who have managed to lose over 1,000 political seats in the US since Obama's election. One of those of the super intelligent sub-humans who now staff the lowest number of state legislatures in fifty years. One of those who's control of city governments has resulted in the highest levels of poverty, corruption, crime and murder rates in history. One of those who can't even defeat a man who has never held a political office in his entire life. The OP is one of those super intelligent folks who has so much knowledge that his Party can't win a dog catcher's position anywhere.
Why is it my fault Americans are too stupid to know what's best for the nation?
At least let him take office. He was elected.

We will deal with him when and if he gets out of line.

It's what the rest of you plan to do.

You never quit with insulting those who won't goose step to your demands.

It's old and stale.

Get over it.

"My problem is not what he will do."

And there in lies the problem. You have so much hatred for liberals that you have now elected a monster for president.
I have no hatred for liberals. I am still liberal in many aspects.

I left the Democrat party 4 months ago. No. It left me and many others.

I cannot support violence. The lies. The insults. The indifferent attitude towards half the country.

Keep doubling down. Keep insulting and destroying. and you will lose many more.

It is those like you who are a danger to this country.

Your TI failed in his responsibility or you failed to actively participate.

Don't come here accusing and insulting the members of this board, expecting to be worshipped you arrogant, elitist POS.

Who do you think you are?

Sit down and STFU.

You don't scare me.
Billy was talking about economics and foreign policy, and YOU, faye ray, expanded that into EVERYTHING. Are you a teen girl emoting about EVERYTHING? Grow up, little girl.

Try to follow along son, won't you? It doesn't matter what policy you talk about, no President is an expert on everything and most on nothing. Yes, that is what's being discussed here.
What you were talking about does matter, Faye Ray, and you failed at it. We were talking about his lack of economics and foreign policy knowledge, which is not similar to not knowing auto repair or fly fishing. Now pay attention.
What you were talking about does matter, Faye Ray, and you failed at it. We were talking about his lack of economics and foreign policy knowledge, which is not similar to not knowing auto repair or fly fishing. Now pay attention.

With that comment, it's clear you're the one that's lost in this conversation Fakey.
The news tonight showed 2 black racist liberal terrorists drag a white man from his car, which had a Trump bumper sticker on it. They beat him over and over, berating him for voting for Trump.

According to the news, Oregon doesn't have a law calling such a politically motivated crime a 'hate crime' & the local police refuse to call the 2 blacks unmercifully beating a white man a racially motivated hate crime...which means, according to the cops, almost nothing will be done to them.

What about assault, attempted murder, etc?

This is why I wish the man had had a CCP and a gun and had shot these 2 racist liberal POSes dead and left them in the street OR a witness with a CCP and a gun had come to the rescue of this man and had shot these two thugs dead.

THEN maybe, just MAYBE, these f*ing terrorists would learn just because they did not get their way does not mean you can riot, burn, or put your hands on anyone else. A .45 or .9mm round to the forehead looks to be the only thing these violent liberal racist terrorists would understand.

Of course if that happened, liberals would then riot, loot, and burn declaring these racist terrorists were 'unjustly killed'.

These are the kinds of problems you have in a gun unfriendly state. Sure, the courts forced them to have CCW permits, but that doesn't mean the law will back you if deadly force is needed for self-defense.

Criminals understand that yes, there is a slight chance a victim can be armed, but they also understand it's not likely the victim will use a firearm even if they are carrying in that state.

In Ohio, if somebody tries to enter your vehicle, it's no different than if they tried to break into your home. You can shoot to kill because your vehicle is covered under our Castle Doctrine. Our criminals understand this, and that's why it's less likely to see anything like that attack happen here.

If something like that ever happened to me and the courts did nothing, then it's time for vigilanteism. These two would eventually end up at the bottom of the lake.
What you were talking about does matter, Faye Ray, and you failed at it. We were talking about his lack of economics and foreign policy knowledge, which is not similar to not knowing auto repair or fly fishing. Now pay attention.

With that comment, it's clear you're the one that's lost in this conversation Fakey.
faye ray, you made a silly comment, you were corrected, and now you are doubling down on . . . being silly.
Ray, well myve it's time those with CCW Permits and weapons start using them. As I pointed out in the story of the white male pulled out of his car and beaten by 2 blacks for having a Trump bumper sticker, the liberal community cops refused to label it a racist hate crime, do not recognize political hate crimes, and said 'the 2 probably won't be charged with hardly anything'.

If liberal governments and law enforcement tolerate and facilitate violence against others then it's time for those others to protect themselves.
Ray, well myve it's time those with CCW Permits and weapons start using them. As I pointed out in the story of the white male pulled out of his car and beaten by 2 blacks for having a Trump bumper sticker, the liberal community cops refused to label it a racist hate crime, do not recognize political hate crimes, and said 'the 2 probably won't be charged with hardly anything'.

If liberal governments and law enforcement tolerate and facilitate violence against others then it's time for those others to protect themselves.

I agree. But in this guys case, even if he had a gun, would you want to be put on trial for two counts of murder if that's what the prosecutor wants to charge you with? Or even manslaughter?

Police can't charge anybody with something that's not written in the law. And even if he could, how much difference would it make in sentencing these two lowlifes?

The real solution is to do what my state did and write laws on behalf of the victim instead of the criminal. I know what it used to be like in our state and their ridiculous laws. It used to be that if somebody broke into your house and you had the ability to escape through a door or window, but instead shot the intruder, you would go to trial for murder, and then get sued by the family.

So it all boils down to the legislatures. If Illinois drastically changes their laws to protect it's citizens, these types of things will eventually stop happening after victims kill a couple dozen or so.
Ray, well myve it's time those with CCW Permits and weapons start using them. As I pointed out in the story of the white male pulled out of his car and beaten by 2 blacks for having a Trump bumper sticker, the liberal community cops refused to label it a racist hate crime, do not recognize political hate crimes, and said 'the 2 probably won't be charged with hardly anything'.

If liberal governments and law enforcement tolerate and facilitate violence against others then it's time for those others to protect themselves.

I agree. But in this guys case, even if he had a gun, would you want to be put on trial for two counts of murder if that's what the prosecutor wants to charge you with? Or even manslaughter?

Police can't charge anybody with something that's not written in the law. And even if he could, how much difference would it make in sentencing these two lowlifes?

The real solution is to do what my state did and write laws on behalf of the victim instead of the criminal. I know what it used to be like in our state and their ridiculous laws. It used to be that if somebody broke into your house and you had the ability to escape through a door or window, but instead shot the intruder, you would go to trial for murder, and then get sued by the family.

So it all boils down to the legislatures. If Illinois drastically changes their laws to protect it's citizens, these types of things will eventually stop happening after victims kill a couple dozen or so.
I will not be pulled from my car and beaten by a bunch of racist thugs. That's part of the reason I have a CCW permit, to protect myself. I would have no problem acting in self-defense and would not gear the repercussions of defending myself. The law is clear.
Ray, well myve it's time those with CCW Permits and weapons start using them. As I pointed out in the story of the white male pulled out of his car and beaten by 2 blacks for having a Trump bumper sticker, the liberal community cops refused to label it a racist hate crime, do not recognize political hate crimes, and said 'the 2 probably won't be charged with hardly anything'.

If liberal governments and law enforcement tolerate and facilitate violence against others then it's time for those others to protect themselves.

I agree. But in this guys case, even if he had a gun, would you want to be put on trial for two counts of murder if that's what the prosecutor wants to charge you with? Or even manslaughter?

Police can't charge anybody with something that's not written in the law. And even if he could, how much difference would it make in sentencing these two lowlifes?

The real solution is to do what my state did and write laws on behalf of the victim instead of the criminal. I know what it used to be like in our state and their ridiculous laws. It used to be that if somebody broke into your house and you had the ability to escape through a door or window, but instead shot the intruder, you would go to trial for murder, and then get sued by the family.

So it all boils down to the legislatures. If Illinois drastically changes their laws to protect it's citizens, these types of things will eventually stop happening after victims kill a couple dozen or so.
I will not be pulled from my car and beaten by a bunch of racist thugs. That's part of the reason I have a CCW permit, to protect myself. I would have no problem acting in self-defense and would not gear the repercussions of defending myself. The law is clear.
You are a gay boy, not a hard boy. If the guys told you to shut the f up and bend over, you would be asking 'how far over'.

Let's see how far Trump goes to the center.
I will not be pulled from my car and beaten by a bunch of racist thugs. That's part of the reason I have a CCW permit, to protect myself. I would have no problem acting in self-defense and would not gear the repercussions of defending myself. The law is clear.

Well yes, again, if the law is going to back you up using deadly force. I'm not sure if I can use my license in New York, but if I could, I would still be scared as hell using my gun in that state. Remember, liberals are for evil and conservatives are for the good. So when you're in a state that stands by evil, you may find yourself in trouble simply for protecting your own life.
Ray, well myve it's time those with CCW Permits and weapons start using them. As I pointed out in the story of the white male pulled out of his car and beaten by 2 blacks for having a Trump bumper sticker, the liberal community cops refused to label it a racist hate crime, do not recognize political hate crimes, and said 'the 2 probably won't be charged with hardly anything'.

If liberal governments and law enforcement tolerate and facilitate violence against others then it's time for those others to protect themselves.

I agree. But in this guys case, even if he had a gun, would you want to be put on trial for two counts of murder if that's what the prosecutor wants to charge you with? Or even manslaughter?

Police can't charge anybody with something that's not written in the law. And even if he could, how much difference would it make in sentencing these two lowlifes?

The real solution is to do what my state did and write laws on behalf of the victim instead of the criminal. I know what it used to be like in our state and their ridiculous laws. It used to be that if somebody broke into your house and you had the ability to escape through a door or window, but instead shot the intruder, you would go to trial for murder, and then get sued by the family.

So it all boils down to the legislatures. If Illinois drastically changes their laws to protect it's citizens, these types of things will eventually stop happening after victims kill a couple dozen or so.
I will not be pulled from my car and beaten by a bunch of racist thugs. That's part of the reason I have a CCW permit, to protect myself. I would have no problem acting in self-defense and would not gear the repercussions of defending myself. The law is clear.
You are a gay boy, not a hard boy. If the guys told you to shut the f up and bend over, you would be asking 'how far over'.

Let's see how far Trump goes to the center.
Jake, while I'm flattered (actually repulsed) by your version of 'coming on' to me, I am not gay and no, I will not have sex with you. Why don't you hit on some of your lib friends?!
Ray, well myve it's time those with CCW Permits and weapons start using them. As I pointed out in the story of the white male pulled out of his car and beaten by 2 blacks for having a Trump bumper sticker, the liberal community cops refused to label it a racist hate crime, do not recognize political hate crimes, and said 'the 2 probably won't be charged with hardly anything'.

If liberal governments and law enforcement tolerate and facilitate violence against others then it's time for those others to protect themselves.

I agree. But in this guys case, even if he had a gun, would you want to be put on trial for two counts of murder if that's what the prosecutor wants to charge you with? Or even manslaughter?

Police can't charge anybody with something that's not written in the law. And even if he could, how much difference would it make in sentencing these two lowlifes?

The real solution is to do what my state did and write laws on behalf of the victim instead of the criminal. I know what it used to be like in our state and their ridiculous laws. It used to be that if somebody broke into your house and you had the ability to escape through a door or window, but instead shot the intruder, you would go to trial for murder, and then get sued by the family.

So it all boils down to the legislatures. If Illinois drastically changes their laws to protect it's citizens, these types of things will eventually stop happening after victims kill a couple dozen or so.
I will not be pulled from my car and beaten by a bunch of racist thugs. That's part of the reason I have a CCW permit, to protect myself. I would have no problem acting in self-defense and would not gear the repercussions of defending myself. The law is clear.
You are a gay boy, not a hard boy. If the guys told you to shut the f up and bend over, you would be asking 'how far over'.

Let's see how far Trump goes to the center.
Jake, while I'm flattered (actually repulsed) by your version of 'coming on' to me, I am not gay and no, I will not have sex with you. Why don't you hit on some of your lib friends?!
Only your fanboys come onto you, easysleazy :lol:. Yeah, you are gay, and, yeah, you do have gay sex with your fan boys. Just stay away from us straight.

Trump won for the Republicans, and the cons are beginning to realize that Trump is not their fan boy.

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