Republicans: Hillary's loss isn't the problem. It's that Trump won.

Most of us aren't being sore losers about this. I personally don't give two shits Hillary isn't president. What bothers me is that Trump IS.

Bill Maher said it best: liberals cried wolf when it came to Bush jr. The worst possible election outcome is not a Bush win in 2004. it's a Trump win in 2016. This is a historic disaster in American politics and you people are too stupid to even realize it.

Trump is going to disappoint you more than any republican president ever could. He doesn't give a shit about you. Bush Jr. at least had some moral code. Trump only cares about himself.

NOTHING Trump says indicates he understands anything about public policy. Take trade for instance. Just because he's on the right side of the issue of getting rid of TPP, it doesn't fucking mean he understands trade in general. Hell its quite clear he doesn't even understand business. He just got lucky his da-da gave him a million dollars to start his failing businesses.

He also knows NOTHING about nuclear weapons or the Middle East. He is a complete moron. That makes him dangerous.

Trump is likely going to be a good president.

Just got lucky... yeah keep pretending that with your head in the ground. He understands how the scam artists operate, and they are furious, that's what we are witnessing here.
You don't believe that about Trump. If you did, you would refute the points I made about him.

You didn't even make an argument, there is nothing to refute. You just said that "since Trump knows something, he doesn't know something else". Do you realize how retarded of an "argument" that is?
You and I both know he knows NOTHING about economics or foreign policy. You just pretend he does because you're just as dumb as he is.

You and I both know he knows NOTHING about economics or foreign policy.

I agree, but Obama will be out of office shortly and his ignorance won't be an issue.
Most of us aren't being sore losers about this. I personally don't give two shits Hillary isn't president. What bothers me is that Trump IS.

Bill Maher said it best: liberals cried wolf when it came to Bush jr. The worst possible election outcome is not a Bush win in 2004. it's a Trump win in 2016. This is a historic disaster in American politics and you people are too stupid to even realize it.

Trump is going to disappoint you more than any republican president ever could. He doesn't give a shit about you. Bush Jr. at least had some moral code. Trump only cares about himself.

NOTHING Trump says indicates he understands anything about public policy. Take trade for instance. Just because he's on the right side of the issue of getting rid of TPP, it doesn't fucking mean he understands trade in general. Hell its quite clear he doesn't even understand business. He just got lucky his da-da gave him a million dollars to start his failing businesses.

He also knows NOTHING about nuclear weapons or the Middle East. He is a complete moron. That makes him dangerous.
his da-da gave him a million bucks and he now has a billion and he is a failure?.....pull up your underoos billy and deal with this guy like the rest of us
Most of us aren't being sore losers about this. I personally don't give two shits Hillary isn't president. What bothers me is that Trump IS.

Bill Maher said it best: liberals cried wolf when it came to Bush jr. The worst possible election outcome is not a Bush win in 2004. it's a Trump win in 2016. This is a historic disaster in American politics and you people are too stupid to even realize it.

Trump is going to disappoint you more than any republican president ever could. He doesn't give a shit about you. Bush Jr. at least had some moral code. Trump only cares about himself.

NOTHING Trump says indicates he understands anything about public policy. Take trade for instance. Just because he's on the right side of the issue of getting rid of TPP, it doesn't fucking mean he understands trade in general. Hell its quite clear he doesn't even understand business. He just got lucky his da-da gave him a million dollars to start his failing businesses.

He also knows NOTHING about nuclear weapons or the Middle East. He is a complete moron. That makes him dangerous.

One really can't judge the reaction by many cons online, they're entire lives boil down to everything being a high school football game where everything is 'us vs them'. The way children view the world.

It doesn't matter if Hillary Clinton lost, it could have been JFK. P.O.shit trump is a danger to the democracy and the world. The rest of the world understands this and more than half of the American people understand this as more people voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for p.o.shit trump. He will be opposed on everything at all times. And real efforts to have the blue states leave the union for good are under way. It's just time to admit conservatives in the United States can't live with anyone that isn't a white fake kristian. They can't. So let them go have their own kristian Caliphate in the south and the wealthy blue states can leave them to wallow in their infighting.
Can you possibly be any more emotional than you already are? A threat to democracy and the world? Seriously?

You lost an election. Deal with it. The sun will come up tomorrow. I promise.

You and the rest of conservatives live on emotion and then you project that out onto other people and assume they live as you do. Sorry charlie, I'm a middle aged white male and personally nothing much will change for me as I am by luck the core demographic of p.o.shit trump's voters.

I recognize historic peril because I've read volumes on human history. And I know it's futile trying to convince sheep of what is happening to them, as it has been all the times in the past when a human piece of shit convinced people to act against their own best interest. But even for a mind that is closed it is good for that mind to hear the plunk of a rock against the wall just to know there is a world outside.

And I know it's futile trying to convince sheep of what is happening to them, as it has been all the times in the past when a human piece of shit convinced people to act against their own best interest.

Yeah, but enough about Obama.
The OP is yet another Liberal genius. You know, one of those sub-humans who have managed to lose over 1,000 political seats in the US since Obama's election. One of those of the super intelligent sub-humans who now staff the lowest number of state legislatures in fifty years. One of those who's control of city governments has resulted in the highest levels of poverty, corruption, crime and murder rates in history. One of those who can't even defeat a man who has never held a political office in his entire life. The OP is one of those super intelligent folks who has so much knowledge that his Party can't win a dog catcher's position anywhere.

The Repubs have held majorities in many states for many years.

Many red states that are essentially welfare states living off the goodness of California, Illinois, New York.

Why don't you get informed and stop making asinine posts.

Many red states that are essentially welfare states living off the goodness of California, Illinois, New York.

You should push to massively cut government spending to stick it to those welfare states. I dare you.
The OP is yet another Liberal genius. You know, one of those sub-humans who have managed to lose over 1,000 political seats in the US since Obama's election. One of those of the super intelligent sub-humans who now staff the lowest number of state legislatures in fifty years. One of those who's control of city governments has resulted in the highest levels of poverty, corruption, crime and murder rates in history. One of those who can't even defeat a man who has never held a political office in his entire life. The OP is one of those super intelligent folks who has so much knowledge that his Party can't win a dog catcher's position anywhere.

The Repubs have held majorities in many states for many years.

Many red states that are essentially welfare states living off the goodness of California, Illinois, New York.

Why don't you get informed and stop making asinine posts.

Why don't you simply point out exactly which part of my post isn't true?
Hazel had your nads from the go

She should spit them out....she's been sucking 'em long enough.
The Repubs have held majorities in many states for many years.

Many red states that are essentially welfare states living off the goodness of California, Illinois, New York.

Why don't you get informed and stop making asinine posts.

States don't live on welfare--people live on welfare.

On one hand you leftists complain about Republicans sticking up for the rich. Then hint that the rich are all in blue states.
You and I both know he knows NOTHING about economics or foreign policy. You just pretend he does because you're just as dumb as he is.

Name one President that knew about everything.

Why do you suppose all Presidents have a cabinet? Why do they hire staff? A President doesn't come up with his own research, a President listens to his advisors and makes a decision based on what they have to say. Should they decide not to take their advice and act on their own, we end up with Iraq being handed over to ISIS.
You and I both know he knows NOTHING about economics or foreign policy. You just pretend he does because you're just as dumb as he is.

Name one President that knew about everything.

Why do you suppose all Presidents have a cabinet? Why do they hire staff? A President doesn't come up with his own research, a President listens to his advisors and makes a decision based on what they have to say. Should they decide not to take their advice and act on their own, we end up with Iraq being handed over to ISIS.
Billy was talking about economics and foreign policy, and YOU, faye ray, expanded that into EVERYTHING. Are you a teen girl emoting about EVERYTHING? Grow up, little girl.
Billy was talking about economics and foreign policy, and YOU, faye ray, expanded that into EVERYTHING. Are you a teen girl emoting about EVERYTHING? Grow up, little girl.

Try to follow along son, won't you?

It doesn't matter what policy you talk about, no President is an expert on everything and most on nothing. Yes, that is what's being discussed here.
The OP is yet another Liberal genius. You know, one of those sub-humans who have managed to lose over 1,000 political seats in the US since Obama's election. One of those of the super intelligent sub-humans who now staff the lowest number of state legislatures in fifty years. One of those who's control of city governments has resulted in the highest levels of poverty, corruption, crime and murder rates in history. One of those who can't even defeat a man who has never held a political office in his entire life. The OP is one of those super intelligent folks who has so much knowledge that his Party can't win a dog catcher's position anywhere.
Why is it my fault Americans are too stupid to know what's best for the nation?
At least let him take office. He was elected.

We will deal with him when and if he gets out of line.

My problem is not what he will do. It's what the rest of you plan to do.

You never quit with insulting those who won't goose step to your demands.

It's old and stale.

Get over it.
You will deal with him if he gets out of line huh? Oh gee that's comforting.
Did you deal with Obama? No? Shut up and sit down.
Bill Maher..........:lmao:.

Bill Maher, John Stewart, Stephen Cobert, Samantha Bee, Sarah Silverman, Seth Meyers, Whoopi Goldberg, Chelsea Handler...the Democrats are completely run by comedians.

It's no wonder their party is a joke.
No, Billy, it's that liberals are racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, seditious, treasonous anarchists who are burning the American flag, calling for the overthrow of the govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, and calling for the assassination of the newly elected President, all because they did not get their way!
The news tonight showed 2 black racist liberal terrorists drag a white man from his car, which had a Trump bumper sticker on it. They beat him over and over, berating him for voting for Trump.

According to the news, Oregon doesn't have a law calling such a politically motivated crime a 'hate crime' & the local police refuse to call the 2 blacks unmercifully beating a white man a racially motivated hate crime...which means, according to the cops, almost nothing will be done to them.

What about assault, attempted murder, etc?

This is why I wish the man had had a CCP and a gun and had shot these 2 racist liberal POSes dead and left them in the street OR a witness with a CCP and a gun had come to the rescue of this man and had shot these two thugs dead.

THEN maybe, just MAYBE, these f*ing terrorists would learn just because they did not get their way does not mean you can riot, burn, or put your hands on anyone else. A .45 or .9mm round to the forehead looks to be the only thing these violent liberal racist terrorists would understand.

Of course if that happened, liberals would then riot, loot, and burn declaring these racist terrorists were 'unjustly killed'.
Most of us aren't being sore losers about this. I personally don't give two shits Hillary isn't president. What bothers me is that Trump IS.

Bill Maher said it best: liberals cried wolf when it came to Bush jr. The worst possible election outcome is not a Bush win in 2004. it's a Trump win in 2016. This is a historic disaster in American politics and you people are too stupid to even realize it.

Trump is going to disappoint you more than any republican president ever could. He doesn't give a shit about you. Bush Jr. at least had some moral code. Trump only cares about himself.

NOTHING Trump says indicates he understands anything about public policy. Take trade for instance. Just because he's on the right side of the issue of getting rid of TPP, it doesn't fucking mean he understands trade in general. Hell its quite clear he doesn't even understand business. He just got lucky his da-da gave him a million dollars to start his failing businesses.

He also knows NOTHING about nuclear weapons or the Middle East. He is a complete moron. That makes him dangerous.

hey dipshit- even if your rant were true- he doesn't have to know much- thats what his top notch advisors are for.

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