Republicans & Homosexuality ?!

What's your opinion about homosexuality?

  • Homosexuality must be illegal and punishable.

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Nature created wiring. Just different, or unique wiring.
Homosexual behavior have existed since dinosaurs and today in most animals species.
It might not be the majority, but it is not unnatural or sinful.


When stripped of all bullshit, the goal of life is to procreate. Species evolve in a manner to ensure the survival of the species, to pass on the genetic material to the next generation. Homosexuality ensures that the genetic code of the inflicted ends with that person.

It's natures little way of saying "get the fuck out of the gene pool."

It's a genetic kill switch to weed out genes that are undesirable to the species.
Nature created wiring. Just different, or unique wiring.
Homosexual behavior have existed since dinosaurs and today in most animals species.
It might not be the majority, but it is not unnatural or sinful.


When stripped of all bullshit, the goal of life is to procreate. Species evolve in a manner to ensure the survival of the species, to pass on the genetic material to the next generation. Homosexuality ensures that the genetic code of the inflicted ends with that person.

It's natures little way of saying "get the fuck out of the gene pool."

It's a genetic kill switch to weed out genes that are undesirable to the species.
If homosexuality was not a viable survival strategy in nature, natural selection would have stopped producing animals that had that so called defect millions of years ago.
Btw gay people do procreate and raise children.
So as always your "theory"is a steaming pile of non sense.
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If homosexuality was not a viable survival strategy in nature, natural selection would have stopped producing animals that had that so called defect millions of years ago.
Btw gay people do procreate and raise children.
So as always your "theory"is a steaming pile of non sense.


You are an ignorant fool.

If cancer was not a viable survival strategy in nature, natural selection would have stopped producing animals that had that so called defect millions of years ago.

If homosexuality was not a viable survival strategy in nature, natural selection would have stopped producing animals that had that so called defect millions of years ago.
Btw gay people do procreate and raise children.
So as always your "theory"is a steaming pile of non sense.


You are an ignorant fool.

If cancer was not a viable survival strategy in nature, natural selection would have stopped producing animals that had that so called defect millions of years ago.

Speaking of ignorant, cancers are the model of survival strategies they reproduces rapidly and exponentially, are hard it kill.
They can lie dormant for extended periods.
And you say I'm ignorant.
Speaking of ignorant, cancers are the model of survival strategies they reproduces rapidly and exponentially, are hard it kill.
They can lie dormant for extended periods.
And you say I'm ignorant.

I see, so you view your ignorance as a virtue.

You are one dumb motherfucker, truly.
Since I'm not by any measure ignorant, your observation is as always false.
A "gay gene" is much different than brain structure.
Yes, I said it was from a while ago. That's not a big sampling, it sounds like they were trying to confirm what they believed. Like i said, there are twins with different desires. Human sexuality is complex, I don't care what people do, neither do most people. They just don't like getting sued for shying away from things that make them feel uncomfortable.

You DO realize that there is no such thing as a true "identical twin", because their fingerprints and eye irises (2 modern methods for ID), will be different? If something like that can be different, then why not brain structure? Too bad they didn't have twins they could study as well who had different sexual preferences.

And, since it truly does appear that people are born that way, is it right to discriminate against them for it?

If so, then we should discriminate against anyone who isn't formed perfect and straight, meaning discriminate against those with Down's syndrome as well?

Or, do we simply accept them as being different and allow them to exist peacefully in our society, with all the benefits that everyone else gets?

Which is it?
Why do you assholes need to misrepresent others? Is it possible you know you're full of shit? Because if your weren't there would be no need to bother. So the bodies of identical twins are the same but their brains are different, and you buy that?

The ones not letting others live in peace are those trying to destroy the life of those that disagree with them, that would be the Gaystapo, not the people minding their own business.

Identical twins still have different fingerprints and iris patterns than their twin, so yeah, I do think that it is possible for their brains to be structured slightly differently.
A "gay gene" is much different than brain structure.
Yes, I said it was from a while ago. That's not a big sampling, it sounds like they were trying to confirm what they believed. Like i said, there are twins with different desires. Human sexuality is complex, I don't care what people do, neither do most people. They just don't like getting sued for shying away from things that make them feel uncomfortable.

You DO realize that there is no such thing as a true "identical twin", because their fingerprints and eye irises (2 modern methods for ID), will be different? If something like that can be different, then why not brain structure? Too bad they didn't have twins they could study as well who had different sexual preferences.

And, since it truly does appear that people are born that way, is it right to discriminate against them for it?

If so, then we should discriminate against anyone who isn't formed perfect and straight, meaning discriminate against those with Down's syndrome as well?

Or, do we simply accept them as being different and allow them to exist peacefully in our society, with all the benefits that everyone else gets?

Which is it?
Why do you assholes need to misrepresent others? Is it possible you know you're full of shit? Because if your weren't there would be no need to bother. So the bodies of identical twins are the same but their brains are different, and you buy that?

The ones not letting others live in peace are those trying to destroy the life of those that disagree with them, that would be the Gaystapo, not the people minding their own business.

Identical twins still have different fingerprints and iris patterns than their twin, so yeah, I do think that it is possible for their brains to be structured slightly differently.
Male and female brains are hardwired differently. If you believe a male can have a female brain that goes against evolution, homosexuality doesn't lend itself to reproduction. It makes no sense. Life depends on reproduction, it wouldn't evolve into same sex attraction.
A "gay gene" is much different than brain structure.
Yes, I said it was from a while ago. That's not a big sampling, it sounds like they were trying to confirm what they believed. Like i said, there are twins with different desires. Human sexuality is complex, I don't care what people do, neither do most people. They just don't like getting sued for shying away from things that make them feel uncomfortable.

You DO realize that there is no such thing as a true "identical twin", because their fingerprints and eye irises (2 modern methods for ID), will be different? If something like that can be different, then why not brain structure? Too bad they didn't have twins they could study as well who had different sexual preferences.

And, since it truly does appear that people are born that way, is it right to discriminate against them for it?

If so, then we should discriminate against anyone who isn't formed perfect and straight, meaning discriminate against those with Down's syndrome as well?

Or, do we simply accept them as being different and allow them to exist peacefully in our society, with all the benefits that everyone else gets?

Which is it?
Why do you assholes need to misrepresent others? Is it possible you know you're full of shit? Because if your weren't there would be no need to bother. So the bodies of identical twins are the same but their brains are different, and you buy that?

The ones not letting others live in peace are those trying to destroy the life of those that disagree with them, that would be the Gaystapo, not the people minding their own business.

Identical twins still have different fingerprints and iris patterns than their twin, so yeah, I do think that it is possible for their brains to be structured slightly differently.
Male and female brains are hardwired differently. If you believe a male can have a female brain that goes against evolution, homosexuality doesn't lend itself to reproduction. It makes no sense. Life depends on reproduction, it wouldn't evolve into same sex attraction.
All ready addressed and debunked.
The only difference between male and female brains is the female brain is just a fraction smaller due to smaller overall body size.
Got a link to prove your bullshit?
boy havnt right
lesbian have right

i dont like gay (boy)
but i love lesbian.


and lesbian

the right to love who they want and to commit to that person for live. The right to be happy and not have others judge him because he is himself.

You don't have join, just let them live and let live.

>>And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked. (Mark 14:51-52, KJV<<

Nature created wiring. Just different, or unique wiring.
Homosexual behavior have existed since dinosaurs and today in most animals species.
It might not be the majority, but it is not unnatural or sinful.
I don't recall advocating killing homosexuals. Would you kindly point that post out? Perhaps I was drunk.

No, homosexuals don't exist in animals, that's not how nature designed genders. There are reasons less dominant males would groom each other but they aren't having anal sex. Male mammals prefer females in the real world. So much of the gay agenda is based on lies and distortions, that's the real problem, not so much what they do in private, most folks don't care.

And yes, I am well familiar with the militant gay twist to Mark 14. It's laughable.

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality


Main article: List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior
Selected mammals from the full list:

Main article: List of birds displaying homosexual behavior
Selected birds from the full list:

Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) leaping for a fly fisherman's bait. Research going back to the 1950s has shown both male and female graylings exhibit homosexual behavior.[46]

Three species of Cnemidophorus.
The all-female Whiptail lizard species Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (center), which reproduces via parthenogenesis, is shown flanked by two sexual species having males, C. inornatus (left) and C. tigris (right). Research has shown that simulated mating behavior increases fertility for Cnemidophorus neomexicanus. One female lies on top of another, playing the role of the male, the lizard that was on bottom has larger eggs. The lizards switch off this role each mating season.[53]


The head of a darner dragonfly (Basiaeschna janata).
Male homosexuality has been inferred in several species of dragonflies. A survey of damsel and dragonflies reveals characteristic cloacal pincher mating damage in 20–80 percent of the males, indicating a fairly high occurrence of sexual coupling between males.[61][62]

Male flour beetles are believed by scientists to engage in same-sex coupling to practice mating and to rid themselves of "old, less effective" sperm.[63]
Other invertebrates

Time to get over the fact, homosexuality exists, and has for a very long time.
Dinosaurs, animals and man........ nature/god made

Maybe you should be asking - "why shouldn't wo/man be homosexual or bisexual?"
Nature created wiring. Just different, or unique wiring.
Homosexual behavior have existed since dinosaurs and today in most animals species.
It might not be the majority, but it is not unnatural or sinful.


When stripped of all bullshit, the goal of life is to procreate. Species evolve in a manner to ensure the survival of the species, to pass on the genetic material to the next generation. Homosexuality ensures that the genetic code of the inflicted ends with that person.

It's natures little way of saying "get the fuck out of the gene pool."

It's a genetic kill switch to weed out genes that are undesirable to the species.

Sex is fun. Sex is healthy and necessary part of life for mankind and animals.

It does not matter if you are in a reproductive age or beyond. If sex was just for procreation we would loose the drive after a certain age. If it was just for procreation we would not want sex during pregnancy or while nursing. Women who cannot have children enjoy the benefits of sex.
Not is not just for procreation. Not for man and not for animals.

Good for the brain, for the heart, for the body, for the mental well being.... good, good, good.
the right to love who they want and to commit to that person for live. The right to be happy and not have others judge him because he is himself.

You don't have join, just let them live and let live.

>>And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked. (Mark 14:51-52, KJV<<

Nature created wiring. Just different, or unique wiring.
Homosexual behavior have existed since dinosaurs and today in most animals species.
It might not be the majority, but it is not unnatural or sinful.
I don't recall advocating killing homosexuals. Would you kindly point that post out? Perhaps I was drunk.

No, homosexuals don't exist in animals, that's not how nature designed genders. There are reasons less dominant males would groom each other but they aren't having anal sex. Male mammals prefer females in the real world. So much of the gay agenda is based on lies and distortions, that's the real problem, not so much what they do in private, most folks don't care.

And yes, I am well familiar with the militant gay twist to Mark 14. It's laughable.

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality


Main article: List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior
Selected mammals from the full list:

Main article: List of birds displaying homosexual behavior
Selected birds from the full list:

Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) leaping for a fly fisherman's bait. Research going back to the 1950s has shown both male and female graylings exhibit homosexual behavior.[46]

Three species of Cnemidophorus.
The all-female Whiptail lizard species Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (center), which reproduces via parthenogenesis, is shown flanked by two sexual species having males, C. inornatus (left) and C. tigris (right). Research has shown that simulated mating behavior increases fertility for Cnemidophorus neomexicanus. One female lies on top of another, playing the role of the male, the lizard that was on bottom has larger eggs. The lizards switch off this role each mating season.[53]


The head of a darner dragonfly (Basiaeschna janata).
Male homosexuality has been inferred in several species of dragonflies. A survey of damsel and dragonflies reveals characteristic cloacal pincher mating damage in 20–80 percent of the males, indicating a fairly high occurrence of sexual coupling between males.[61][62]

Male flour beetles are believed by scientists to engage in same-sex coupling to practice mating and to rid themselves of "old, less effective" sperm.[63]
Other invertebrates

Time to get over the fact, homosexuality exists, and has for a very long time.
Dinosaurs, animals and man........ nature/god made

Maybe you should be asking - "why shouldn't wo/man be homosexual or bisexual?"
Nature created wiring. Just different, or unique wiring.
Homosexual behavior have existed since dinosaurs and today in most animals species.
It might not be the majority, but it is not unnatural or sinful.


When stripped of all bullshit, the goal of life is to procreate. Species evolve in a manner to ensure the survival of the species, to pass on the genetic material to the next generation. Homosexuality ensures that the genetic code of the inflicted ends with that person.

It's natures little way of saying "get the fuck out of the gene pool."

It's a genetic kill switch to weed out genes that are undesirable to the species.

Sex is fun. Sex is healthy and necessary part of life for mankind and animals.

It does not matter if you are in a reproductive age or beyond. If sex was just for procreation we would loose the drive after a certain age. If it was just for procreation we would not want sex during pregnancy or while nursing. Women who cannot have children enjoy the benefits of sex.
Not is not just for procreation. Not for man and not for animals.

Good for the brain, for the heart, for the body, for the mental well being.... good, good, good.
i havnt problem with gay.
but i dont like watch .......... .i dont want watch tv show when men kiss men ..............
it is in our nature.
Yanno, I thought the only "sin" was to disobey the 10 Commandments, or the 7 Noahide Commandments.

And...................btw............there is nothing in the Bible about lesbians being sinful.

yes there is.

Romans makes it very clear

do you follow jesus or paul?

jesus did not reject people. Paul did not know the living jesus and only claimed to see jesus after his death on a lonely road. Paul used jesus to advance his own agenda, they did not teach all the same things.
So what if Jesus did? I'm not a Christian, the US is not a theocracy, and if two dudes want to get down and dirty in the privacy of their own house, it neither s picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

The whole US Government is based on morals and principals.

You meant to say the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but you fell off your horse on the way to Damascus and got turned around, right?

I was talking to Steven about it not being a Theocracy which he is right, but our form of government is based on morals and principlas.
Even Obama admits it. " We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals (principles) and a set of values (morals)."


Hammurabi's laws were based on morals and principles and under his laws gays could marry.

Not every believes in your god or any gods. You don't believe in gays or gay marriage, don't fall in love with someone of the same sex.
What others outside your church, what they believe is right or moral is their business. Don't impose your religion on others._______ They might be right and you might be wrong. Or there might be no god at all.

Let others do what they want as long is harms none. Don't want to see gays, don't look.

They are not forcing you to be gay, you have no right to force them to be straight.

They allow you the right to your marriage, let them have their rights.
Well, marriage and the benefits that come with modern marriage have everything to do with government. Who's argument is stupid? lol

Lets say that a church that supported gays wanted to marry gays? Would you be ok with that?
Fine wth me, but it would not be recognized by civil government.

churches might not recognize a civil marriage but the government would. Marriage is civil contract between two people and church should not be interfering.
Marriage is ordained by God. The state is mans concept. God overrules.

If you are atheists or of other faiths, christian god has nothing to do with marriage.

You can't get married in a church without a state license. Marriage is not recognized for tax, health or other benefits if not recognized by the federal government.

You can marry in the church with "your god" but others do not. You have not say in their marriage.
Christian God is the one true God, he has everything to do with marriage, he created it between man and woman, period.

It is only the one true god to you. Not everyone attends your church. So don't attend any church.

You can follow your beliefs, but you have no right to interfere in the beliefs of other people, nor do you have the right to tell other who they can and cannot love, live with or marry.

Inter racial marriage, inter religious marriage, same sex marriage, civil marriage........ you have no right to determine what marriage is for others, only for yourself.
Eating shell fish is no longer a sin and never was for Gentiles, homosexuality is banned in both the OT and the NT. You're quoting Mosaic Law done away with by the New Covenant

you believe homosexuality is sin?

But what shall they do then? Cut their ***** and sit down in their home and do nothing about their natural emotions? or what? what is the better alternative of you and Christianity to solve this issue?
Are you ever had a gay as friend or family member? Are you really know enough about this people?

God created them himself. The big question is, If this is a sin, then why god created them with this strong feelings and then demands that they should ignore their feelings? It seems cruelly and illogical.

I have discussed this issue with many Iranians and i just curious about opinions of other people.
Ah, dirka dirka dirka DIRKA DIRKA, Allah Akmed dirka DIRKA dirka nut gobbler, dirka dirka dirka dirka anal jihad DIRKA DIRKA DIRKA!

what is dirka?

Hadji Girl, controversial song about a soldier in iraq


Kaiju diss, a track on Noncents vol. 5
>>Kabuto is known for his ruthless diss tracks. In this song, he disses Kaiju who created tension with Kabuto after he had dissed Jedi Mind Tricks (of whom Kaiju is a fan) in a previous diss track.<<

It is nonsense

la la lalala

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