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Republicans & Homosexuality ?!

What's your opinion about homosexuality?

  • Homosexuality must be illegal and punishable.

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because most republican are christian .and christianity hate gay marriage.
Probably because God is against homosexuality.
Many people like to measure what sins are worse than the others.. For some reason other sins are always worse those in the tea party

What do you mean "the tea party"?

right wing political movement, ....... throwing the tea in boston harbor, a protest
you believe homosexuality is sin?

But what shall they do then? Cut their ***** and sit down in their home and do nothing about their natural emotions? or what? what is the better alternative of you and Christianity to solve this issue?
Are you ever had a gay as friend or family member? Are you really know enough about this people?

God created them himself. The big question is, If this is a sin, then why god created them with this strong feelings and then demands that they should ignore their feelings? It seems cruelly and illogical.

I have discussed this issue with many Iranians and i just curious about opinions of other people.
Psychiatric help is a good start. God didn't create them with those feelings, they are satan induced.
Then who created satan?
Sorry, you're trying to catch me isn't going to work. Satan influences a lot of people. Muslims call satan Allah and worship him because of the lying Mohammed. That is probably the biggest example of satans influence I can think of.

the right to love who they want and to commit to that person for live. The right to be happy and not have others judge him because he is himself.

You don't have join, just let them live and let live.

>>And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked. (Mark 14:51-52, KJV<<

Nature created wiring. Just different, or unique wiring.
Homosexual behavior have existed since dinosaurs and today in most animals species.
It might not be the majority, but it is not unnatural or sinful.
I don't recall advocating killing homosexuals. Would you kindly point that post out? Perhaps I was drunk.

No, homosexuals don't exist in animals, that's not how nature designed genders. There are reasons less dominant males would groom each other but they aren't having anal sex. Male mammals prefer females in the real world. So much of the gay agenda is based on lies and distortions, that's the real problem, not so much what they do in private, most folks don't care.

And yes, I am well familiar with the militant gay twist to Mark 14. It's laughable.

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality


Main article: List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior
Selected mammals from the full list:

Time to get over the fact, homosexuality exists, and has for a very long time.
Dinosaurs, animals and man........ nature/god made

Maybe you should be asking - "why shouldn't wo/man be homosexual or bisexual?"
LWhat a steamy pile of shit. You list a bunch of mammals, I looked at the first one and it was a wikilink to the bison. Nothing about buffaloes preferring anal sex with another male or cows preferring sex with females. Mammals do not procreate with homosexuality, that's not how they evolved. What is most disturbing about you same sex advocates is the length of lies, distortions and attempts to humiliate people that fail to fall into lock step. Murder has always happened too but we don't consider it natural either.Libs and their stupid wikibluffs, LOL

So what if Jesus did? I'm not a Christian, the US is not a theocracy, and if two dudes want to get down and dirty in the privacy of their own house, it neither s picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.

The whole US Government is based on morals and principals.

You meant to say the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but you fell off your horse on the way to Damascus and got turned around, right?

I was talking to Steven about it not being a Theocracy which he is right, but our form of government is based on morals and principlas.
Even Obama admits it. " We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals (principles) and a set of values (morals)."


Hammurabi's laws were based on morals and principles and under his laws gays could marry.

Not every believes in your god or any gods. You don't believe in gays or gay marriage, don't fall in love with someone of the same sex.
What others outside your church, what they believe is right or moral is their business. Don't impose your religion on others._______ They might be right and you might be wrong. Or there might be no god at all.

Let others do what they want as long is harms none. Don't want to see gays, don't look.

They are not forcing you to be gay, you have no right to force them to be straight.

They allow you the right to your marriage, let them have their rights.

You are the one who has accused me falsely.
I have never said that gays should not have their rights too.
the right to love who they want and to commit to that person for live. The right to be happy and not have others judge him because he is himself.

You don't have join, just let them live and let live.

>>And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked. (Mark 14:51-52, KJV<<

Nature created wiring. Just different, or unique wiring.
Homosexual behavior have existed since dinosaurs and today in most animals species.
It might not be the majority, but it is not unnatural or sinful.
I don't recall advocating killing homosexuals. Would you kindly point that post out? Perhaps I was drunk.

No, homosexuals don't exist in animals, that's not how nature designed genders. There are reasons less dominant males would groom each other but they aren't having anal sex. Male mammals prefer females in the real world. So much of the gay agenda is based on lies and distortions, that's the real problem, not so much what they do in private, most folks don't care.

And yes, I am well familiar with the militant gay twist to Mark 14. It's laughable.

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality


Main article: List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior
Selected mammals from the full list:

Time to get over the fact, homosexuality exists, and has for a very long time.
Dinosaurs, animals and man........ nature/god made

Maybe you should be asking - "why shouldn't wo/man be homosexual or bisexual?"
LWhat a steamy pile of shit. You list a bunch of mammals, I looked at the first one and it was a wikilink to the bison. Nothing about buffaloes preferring anal sex with another male or cows preferring sex with females. Mammals do not procreate with homosexuality, that's not how they evolved. What is most disturbing about you same sex advocates is the length of lies, distortions and attempts to humiliate people that fail to fall into lock step. Murder has always happened too but we don't consider it natural either.Libs and their stupid wikibluffs, LOL

So true.
Sex is fun. Sex is healthy and necessary part of life for mankind and animals.

It does not matter if you are in a reproductive age or beyond. If sex was just for procreation we would loose the drive after a certain age. If it was just for procreation we would not want sex during pregnancy or while nursing. Women who cannot have children enjoy the benefits of sex.
Not is not just for procreation. Not for man and not for animals.

Good for the brain, for the heart, for the body, for the mental well being.... good, good, good.

Science and leftism are like oil and water, they don't mix.

Natural selection isn't about "fun." The reality is that homosexuality is a genetic kill switch, evolutions way of weeding out undesirable traits that endanger the survival of the species.
Probably because God is against homosexuality.

The Old Testament mentions homosexuals twice, but banning of shellfish is mentioned nine times. Seems to me God is more upset if I eat clam chowder than if I eat man chowder.

Eating shell fish is no longer a sin and never was for Gentiles, homosexuality is banned in both the OT and the NT. You're quoting Mosaic Law done away with by the New Covenant

you believe homosexuality is sin?


And you want the government to crack down on peoples right to marry and be who they're? Yet you call yourself small government. I am laughing.
You have it ass backward. Legalizing gay marriage = bigger government.
My conclusion about your comments against equality for homosexuals :

I found you very religious. Even in Iran you see that many Muslim people are less religious than you are.
I also found that this Christians accepted homosexuality in their society. "However it is a sin and it's wrong but it must be legal", They say this. Although it may be reluctantly.

But when i say many of my people isn't very religious, It doesn't mean that they're liberal or against violense, at least toward homosexuals.
I mean this Christians is peaceful, liberal and yeah, dogmatic.
Many of Iranian people isn't very dogmatic about religion but they are not educated well, so some of them aren't liberal and peaceful.

Of course, this conclusion can not be extended to the entire society of America, not necessarily.
the right to love who they want and to commit to that person for live. The right to be happy and not have others judge him because he is himself.

You don't have join, just let them live and let live.

>>And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked. (Mark 14:51-52, KJV<<

Nature created wiring. Just different, or unique wiring.
Homosexual behavior have existed since dinosaurs and today in most animals species.
It might not be the majority, but it is not unnatural or sinful.
I don't recall advocating killing homosexuals. Would you kindly point that post out? Perhaps I was drunk.

No, homosexuals don't exist in animals, that's not how nature designed genders. There are reasons less dominant males would groom each other but they aren't having anal sex. Male mammals prefer females in the real world. So much of the gay agenda is based on lies and distortions, that's the real problem, not so much what they do in private, most folks don't care.

And yes, I am well familiar with the militant gay twist to Mark 14. It's laughable.

1,500 animal species practice homosexuality


Main article: List of mammals displaying homosexual behavior
Selected mammals from the full list:

Time to get over the fact, homosexuality exists, and has for a very long time.
Dinosaurs, animals and man........ nature/god made

Maybe you should be asking - "why shouldn't wo/man be homosexual or bisexual?"
LWhat a steamy pile of shit. You list a bunch of mammals, I looked at the first one and it was a wikilink to the bison. Nothing about buffaloes preferring anal sex with another male or cows preferring sex with females. Mammals do not procreate with homosexuality, that's not how they evolved. What is most disturbing about you same sex advocates is the length of lies, distortions and attempts to humiliate people that fail to fall into lock step. Murder has always happened too but we don't consider it natural either.Libs and their stupid wikibluffs, LOL

hey asshole! people are mammals
Why are humans mammals?
Why are humans mammals?

Confidence votes 11.5K
I am a Professor of Zoology , My fields of Specialization are Microbiology and Radiation Biology .

All mammals have mammary glands to feed their young. Humans do this thing too, therefore we also mammals. Humans have hair which is a mammalian character . Mammals, the class of vertebrate animals is characterized by the presence of sweat glands, including sweat glands modified for milk production which are called mammary glands , hair, three middle ear bones used in hearing, and a neocortex region in the brain) Mammals have 7 cervical vertebrae hence human are mammals .
Yes. Mammals have hair, they also give birth to their young alive insted of laying eggs and lastly, mammals feed their young with milk.
Humans are vertebrates, having backbones. They are eukaryote/have nucleated cells and are multicellular and heterotrophic and oogamous. All this defines them as vertebrate animalians, from the Kingdom Animalia, the Phylum Chordata and the Subphylum Vertebrata. Mammals are a subset of Vertebrates and thus have distinguishing characters specific to mammals.

Humans have hair, which is unique to the mammalian class, Class Mammalia. Humans are endothermic/warm blooded and undergo lactation/breastfeed their young. They also have different types of tooth; molars, premolars, incisors and canines. All of these characters define a human as mammalian, a mammal from the Class Mammalia. Furthermore, humans are viviparous/live bearing who give birth to well-developed young that are nursed by a placenta and thus humans come from the mammalian subclass of therians, Subclass Theria and the infraclass of eutherians/placentals, Infraclass Eutheria/Placentalia.
Humans have hair, different types of teeth and suckle their young. They have enucleate red blood cells, are synapsid and endothermic and have an aorta that curves to the left. All these are mammalian characters. Thus Humans are mammals.
To answer this as simply as possible.... All species of animal are classed under an encompassing group depending on whether they share certain traits. For example Fish, insects, Reptiles, Amphibians, Avian (birds) and Mammals, there are other smaller groups. In mammals a common feature is that they all carry their young up until they are developed. Only mammals do this. Another common feature among mammals is that they breathe oxygen from the air. That really should be enough to answer the question. There is no other way anybody should look at it. Don't try and come up with any other angles. It is fact. This one is very easy. mammals are classified as beings with mammary glands (hense the name mammals) Which are milk producing glands. Also a mammal gives birth to live young. Because we give birth to live children and feed them with milk afterwards, like any mammal does.
Sex is fun. Sex is healthy and necessary part of life for mankind and animals.

It does not matter if you are in a reproductive age or beyond. If sex was just for procreation we would loose the drive after a certain age. If it was just for procreation we would not want sex during pregnancy or while nursing. Women who cannot have children enjoy the benefits of sex.
Not is not just for procreation. Not for man and not for animals.

Good for the brain, for the heart, for the body, for the mental well being.... good, good, good.

Science and leftism are like oil and water, they don't mix.

Natural selection isn't about "fun." The reality is that homosexuality is a genetic kill switch, evolutions way of weeding out undesirable traits that endanger the survival of the species.
answered and debunked
could find no study or argument bolstering your dumbass claim.
hey asshole! people are mammals
Why are humans mammals?
Why are humans mammals?
Exactly, humans ARE mammals. That's why I don't buy the 'born that way' speil. I do believe environmental conditions can lead to it so I am not saying everyone has a choice.
of course you don't as buying it would be accepting fact , an impossibility for you .
nothing you've posted has any basis in science .
A male mammal with a "female" brain wouldn't stand a chance in the wild. Evolution doesn't work that way.
There's no such thing as a 'male brain' or 'female brain,' and scientists have the scans to prove it
Karen Kaplana 2014 report in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews.

To find out whether these structural differences translated into cognitive differences, scientists examined detailed brain scans of more than 1,400 men and women. No matter which group of people they looked at, what type of scan was used or which part of the brain was examined, the researchers consistently failed to find patterns that set men and women apart.
Although there are sex/gender differences in brain structure, brains do not fall into two classes, one typical of males and the other typical of females,” the team wrote in a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Each brain is a unique mosaic of features, some of which may be more common in females compared with males, others may be more common in males compared with females, and still others may be common in both females and males.”
There's no such thing as a 'male brain' or 'female brain,' and scientists have the scans to prove it
Scans prove there’s no such thing as a ‘male’ or ‘female’ brain


Petr Strnad/Millennium Images, UK

You may have read that having a male brain will earn you more money. Or maybe that female brains are better at multitasking. But there is no such thing as a female or male brain, according to the first search for sex differences across the entire human brain. It reveals that most people have a mix of male and female brain features. And it also supports the idea that gender is non-binary, and that gender classifications in many situations are meaningless.

“This evidence that human brains cannot be categorised into two distinct classes is new, convincing, and somehow radical,” says Anelis Kaiser at the University of Bern, Switzerland.

The idea that people have either a “female” or “male” brain is an old one, says Daphna Joel at Tel Aviv University in Israel. “The theory goes that once a fetus develops testicles, they secrete testosterone which masculinises the brain,” she says. “If that were true, there would be two types of brain.”


To test the theory, Joel and her colleagues looked for differences in brain scans taken from 1400 people aged between 13 and 85. The team looked for variations in the size of brain regions as well as the connections between them. In total, the group identified 29 brain regions that generally seem to be different sizes in self-identified males and females. These include the hippocampus, which is involved in memory, and the inferior frontal gyrus, which is thought to play a role in risk aversion.

When the group looked at each individual brain scan, however, they found that very few people had all of the brain features they might be expected to have, based on their sex. Across the sample, between 0 and 8 per cent of people had “all-male” or “all-female” brains, depending on the definition. “Most people are in the middle,” says Joel.

This means that, averaged across many people, sex differences in brain structure do exist, but an individual brain is likely to be just that: individual, with a mix of features. “There are not two types of brain,” says Joel.

Spatial awareness
Although the team only looked at brain structure, and not function, their findings suggest that we all lie along a continuum of what are traditionally viewed as male and female characteristics. “The study is very helpful in providing biological support for something that we’ve known for some time – that gender isn’t binary,” says Meg John Barker, a psychologist at the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK.

Scans prove there’s no such thing as a ‘male’ or ‘female’ brain
hey asshole! people are mammals
Why are humans mammals?
Why are humans mammals?
Exactly, humans ARE mammals. That's why I don't buy the 'born that way' speil. I do believe environmental conditions can lead to it so I am not saying everyone has a choice.
of course you don't as buying it would be accepting fact , an impossibility for you .
nothing you've posted has any basis in science .
I asked questions and got nothing but insults. Science posits evolution as a fact and evolution doesn't square with homosexual animals. Species exist because they are the winners.

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