Republicans Identify their weakness: Americans Who Can Vote!

Republicans have honed in on the glitch in our democratic system - ordinary Americans having a say in their self-governance!

The former guy had identified the problem when he tried to disenfranchise entire counties that had indulged in a personal betrayal after four years of Trumpery, and he then tried threatening Republican office holders to get them to falsify the tally to fit his desires.

Unfortunately, Republican judges - including Trump-appointees - laughed the former totalitarian solution out of court, and integrity reared its ugly head to kill the latter.

Summoning his goons to attack Congress to prevent its certifying the democratic verdict fizzled as well amidst mayhem and carnage.

In 2021, an obscene level of Americans voted, the security of the elective process acclaimed by cyber-security experts, the Attorney General, and others, and just look the the result! - democracy wreaking havoc with Republican control!

Radically reducing the number of people voting would actually ease the strain on poll workers - fewer ballots to count, and less opportunity for goons to threaten them and their families!

Maybe, the GOP could institute a sudden "flash mob" approach to elections - time and place only confided to the "right people."

In any event, it'll be fun watching them contrive pretexts to impair the ability of an American to exercise her civic duty.

Georgia Republicans seek to end Sunday early voting,
a popular election method for Black voters
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis calls for restrictive new voting laws
Might the exposure of all those fake claims of "voter fraud!" impair Republican politicians' populist zeal to suppress the populace?

Nine Election Fraud Claims, None Credible
Hardly. A legitimate vote can be thoroughly repugnant!

What'll they come up with?

View attachment 459578
"Okay, Ms. You accurately recited the 27 Constitutional
Amendments in a passable Alabama accent...
Now, can you say, 'The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick,'

six times in under sixteen seconds?"
Remember, kids, black people are too dumb to get on the internet.
Too poor.
I'm just telling you what Old Racist Joe just said.

Vote on the first Tuesday - period, end of story.

The DNC and RNC both have volunteered to pay the $5 to purchase a state ID.
Then open up a lot more voting booths.....the ones we have, EVEN WITH mail in/absentee/early/drop-off voting have loooooooooooooooooooong lines.

Vote on the first Tuesday - period, end of story.

The DNC and RNC both have volunteered to pay the $5 to purchase a state ID.
Then open up a lot more voting booths.....the ones we have, EVEN WITH mail in/absentee/early/drop-off voting have loooooooooooooooooooong lines.
My county had about 10 polling locations prior to COVID, one of which was a three minute drive from my house. Then my Democratic Government shut down 8 of them, and I had to drive 20 minutes.
My county had about 10 polling locations prior to COVID, one of which was a three minute drive from my house. Then my Democratic Government shut down 8 of them, and I had to drive 20 minutes.
Many communities were short-staffed for election poll workers, since, you know, they’re usually retirees who didn’t want to die yet, despite the pleas for them to self-sacrifice their lives, from the Texas AG.

When you are understaffed, you concentrate your resources.

And no doubt there was a shortage of police to stand around all day, because idiot Trumpers would try to vote without masks.

Let me know of any other simple things to figure out that you need help with.
My county had about 10 polling locations prior to COVID, one of which was a three minute drive from my house. Then my Democratic Government shut down 8 of them, and I had to drive 20 minutes.
Many communities were short-staffed for election poll workers, since, you know, they’re usually retirees who didn’t want to die yet, despite the pleas for them to self-sacrifice their lives, from the Texas AG.

When you are understaffed, you concentrate your resources.

And no doubt there was a shortage of police to stand around all day, because idiot Trumpers would try to vote without masks.

Let me know of any other simple things to figure out that you need help with.
You don't know shit about my county, boy. We're not retarded leftists who need their hands held.

Meanwhile, it says a lot about you that you believe armed police are the proper response to people not wearing masks.

It says a lot -- and none of it complimentary.
Republicans have honed in on the glitch in our democratic system - ordinary Americans having a say in their self-governance!

There's no glitch. The system is specifically designed to ensure that lobbyists and corporations decide how things are governed, not ordinary citizens.

You can vote however you like, but you might as well be sliding your ballot into a paper shredder.
The system is specifically designed to ensure that lobbyists and corporations decide how things are governed, not ordinary citizens.
Cynicism is the prevailing form of naïvité.

It is imperative that Republicans obstruct the democratic process and target any American voter who does not serve their agenda.

Republican-led legislatures in dozens of states are moving to change election laws in ways that could make it harder to vote...
43 states — including key swing states — are considering 253 bills that would raise barriers to voting, for example by reducing early voting days or limiting access to voting by mail... Republicans have made a priority of new security requirements and shorter voting periods...
In Georgia, which President Biden won by nearly 12,000 votes, legislators are considering multiple bills to restrict voting...
That controversy had no basis in fact. Audits and recounts confirmed the accuracy of the vote count in Georgia, and lawsuits there and in other states by the Trump campaign and allies failed to show otherwise. But Trump sought to discredit the vote, and even asked Georgia's secretary of state to change the vote totals. Now Georgia lawmakers are moving to repair a system that was not shown to be broken...
The bill also puts new limits on weekend early voting, which would complicate efforts to allow voting on a Sunday just before the election. "Sunday voting," says Fowler, "is when Black churches in Georgia typically host a 'Souls to the Polls' event and where we statistically see the highest Black turnout during early voting."..
Even as Trump was attempting to overturn the election last year, his allies said they would use his false claims to shape future elections. "Mail-in balloting is a nightmare for us," Sen. Lindsey Graham told Fox News on Nov. 8, referring to a form of voting that had been used securely with little controversy for years, but was used more often by Democrats in 2020. Graham said that without changes, "we're never going to win again presidentially."...
Georgia's repeated audits and recounts found two absentee ballots cast by dead people, out of 1.3 million absentee ballots and a total of about 5 million votes cast in Georgia.
Some conservatives fear that attacking elections is the point of these proposed voting law changes.
"Rather than celebrate the massive voter turnout that we saw, they want to dial that back," said Charlie Sykes, a writer and conservative talk show host. He left the Republican party, and was ostracized, after he criticized Trump.
Sykes said his former Republican allies "see the country slipping away from them" through demographic change. He sees some of them embracing alternatives to democracy, including "anti-democratic authoritarianism."

For the RINOs of Trumpery, democratic self-governance is a noble concept - as long as it is not co-opted by the People!
I thought that helping to get out the vote was the patriotic, American thing to do. Silly me!
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"The demographics race we're losing badly!
We're not generating enough angry white guys
to stay in business for the long term!
August 30, 2012
Led by loyalists who embrace former President Donald J. Trump’s baseless claims of a stolen election, Republicans in state legislatures nationwide are mounting extraordinary efforts to change the rules of voting and representation — and enhance their own political clout.
At the top of those efforts is a slew of bills raising new barriers to casting votes, particularly the mail ballots that Democrats flocked to in the 2020 election. But other measures go well beyond that, including tweaking Electoral College and judicial election rules for the benefit of Republicans; clamping down on citizen-led ballot initiatives; and outlawing private donations that provide resources for administering elections, which were crucial to the smooth November vote.

And although the decennial redrawing of political maps has been pushed to the fall because of delays in delivering 2020 census totals, there are already signs of an aggressive drive to further gerrymander political districts, particularly in states under complete Republican control.
Screen Shot 2021-02-28 at 9.05.18 AM.png
"Mail-in balloting is a nightmare for us!"
Lindsey Graham told Fox News, referring to a form of voting that had been used
securely with little controversy for years, but was used more often by Democrats in 2020,
"We're never going to win again presidentially!"
November 8, 2020
As a Traditionalist and a Conservstive the LAST people I want voting are American Citizens.

That group of people are not Educated, Informed, or Invested enough to be allowed a say in who the local dog catcher is, never mind the head it our nation.
Cynicism is the prevailing form of naïvité.

Cynicism is naive? That's a new one.

It is imperative that Republicans obstruct the democratic process and target any American voter who does not serve their agenda.
Republican-led legislatures in dozens of states are moving to change election laws in ways that could make it harder to vote...
43 states — including key swing states — are considering 253 bills that would raise barriers to voting, for example by reducing early voting days or limiting access to voting by mail... Republicans have made a priority of new security requirements and shorter voting periods...
In Georgia, which President Biden won by nearly 12,000 votes, legislators are considering multiple bills to restrict voting...
That controversy had no basis in fact. Audits and recounts confirmed the accuracy of the vote count in Georgia, and lawsuits there and in other states by the Trump campaign and allies failed to show otherwise. But Trump sought to discredit the vote, and even asked Georgia's secretary of state to change the vote totals. Now Georgia lawmakers are moving to repair a system that was not shown to be broken...
The bill also puts new limits on weekend early voting, which would complicate efforts to allow voting on a Sunday just before the election. "Sunday voting," says Fowler, "is when Black churches in Georgia typically host a 'Souls to the Polls' event and where we statistically see the highest Black turnout during early voting."..
Even as Trump was attempting to overturn the election last year, his allies said they would use his false claims to shape future elections. "Mail-in balloting is a nightmare for us," Sen. Lindsey Graham told Fox News on Nov. 8, referring to a form of voting that had been used securely with little controversy for years, but was used more often by Democrats in 2020. Graham said that without changes, "we're never going to win again presidentially."...
Georgia's repeated audits and recounts found two absentee ballots cast by dead people, out of 1.3 million absentee ballots and a total of about 5 million votes cast in Georgia.
Some conservatives fear that attacking elections is the point of these proposed voting law changes.
"Rather than celebrate the massive voter turnout that we saw, they want to dial that back," said Charlie Sykes, a writer and conservative talk show host. He left the Republican party, and was ostracized, after he criticized Trump.
Sykes said his former Republican allies "see the country slipping away from them" through demographic change. He sees some of them embracing alternatives to democracy, including "anti-democratic authoritarianism."

For the RINOs of Trumpery, democratic self-governance is a noble concept - as long as it is not co-opted by the People!

If mail-in balloting is a good idea, then how come most of Europe either doesn't allow it or heavily restricts it, specifically due to concerns of fraud?
Cynicism is naive? That's a new one.
A consuming mindless cynicism is the ultimate naïvité in that it renders one a clueless innocent to be preyed upon by self-promoting liars. An abandonment of critical, objective thinking resulted in defenseless vulnerability.
If mail-in balloting is a good idea, then how come most of Europe either doesn't allow it or heavily restricts it, specifically due to concerns of fraud?
If you wish to emulate European models such as less costly universal healthcare and the abandonment of surrendering to the State the right to kill people in cold blood, goodo on you! As for mail in ballots, you may have inadvertently swallowed another of the former guy's blatant lies. Currently, 14 countries in Europe provide in-country postal voting opportunities to voters. In eight of these countries, all voters are eligible, and in six only voters in certain outlined categories may vote.

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Just a glitch of course ... :icon_rolleyes:
Judge Orders New Election After 78 Percent of Mail-In Ballots Found Invalid, Notary Arrested
A Mississippi judge ordered a new runoff election for a local election in Aberdeen after more than three-quarters of absentee ballots cast in the June Democratic runoff election were found to be invalid, while a notary involved in the election was arrested.

Judge Jeff Weill, in a 64-page order, said that there is evidence of fraud and criminal activity in how absentee ballots were handled, how they were counted, and actions from individuals at polling places during the runoff election held in Aberdeen, Mississippi. As a result, a new runoff election for the Ward 1 alderman seat is necessary, reported WCBI.

The judge ruled that 66 of 84 absentee ballots that were cast in the election, or around 78 percent, should have never been counted, according to WCBI. Nicholas Holliday was declared the winner of the alderman seat by 37 votes, while challenger Robert Devaull contested the results in court.

“The court is of the opinion there is probable cause that several individuals involved in the disturbances during election day at the polling precinct ‘willfully and corruptly violated’ one or more of the above criminal statutes,” according to the judge.
Republicans have honed in on the glitch in our democratic system - ordinary Americans having a say in their self-governance!

The former guy had identified the problem when he tried to disenfranchise entire counties that had indulged in a personal betrayal after four years of Trumpery, and he then tried threatening Republican office holders to get them to falsify the tally to fit his desires.

Unfortunately, Republican judges - including Trump-appointees - laughed the former totalitarian solution out of court, and integrity reared its ugly head to kill the latter.

Summoning his goons to attack Congress to prevent its certifying the democratic verdict fizzled as well amidst mayhem and carnage.

In 2021, an obscene level of Americans voted, the security of the elective process acclaimed by cyber-security experts, the Attorney General, and others, and just look the the result! - democracy wreaking havoc with Republican control!

Radically reducing the number of people voting would actually ease the strain on poll workers - fewer ballots to count, and less opportunity for goons to threaten them and their families!

Maybe, the GOP could institute a sudden "flash mob" approach to elections - time and place only confided to the "right people."

In any event, it'll be fun watching them contrive pretexts to impair the ability of an American to exercise her civic duty.

Georgia Republicans seek to end Sunday early voting,
a popular election method for Black voters
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis calls for restrictive new voting laws
Might the exposure of all those fake claims of "voter fraud!" impair Republican politicians' populist zeal to suppress the populace?

Nine Election Fraud Claims, None Credible
Hardly. A legitimate vote can be thoroughly repugnant!

What'll they come up with?

View attachment 459578
"Okay, Ms. You accurately recited the 27 Constitutional
Amendments in a passable Alabama accent...
Now, can you say, 'The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick,'

six times in under sixteen seconds?"
Idiots who vote is what we fear.
Democracy dies when the People learn they can vote themselves their neighbor's paycheck
Republicans have honed in on the glitch in our democratic system - ordinary Americans having a say in their self-governance!

The former guy had identified the problem when he tried to disenfranchise entire counties that had indulged in a personal betrayal after four years of Trumpery, and he then tried threatening Republican office holders to get them to falsify the tally to fit his desires.

Unfortunately, Republican judges - including Trump-appointees - laughed the former totalitarian solution out of court, and integrity reared its ugly head to kill the latter.

Summoning his goons to attack Congress to prevent its certifying the democratic verdict fizzled as well amidst mayhem and carnage.

In 2021, an obscene level of Americans voted, the security of the elective process acclaimed by cyber-security experts, the Attorney General, and others, and just look the the result! - democracy wreaking havoc with Republican control!

Radically reducing the number of people voting would actually ease the strain on poll workers - fewer ballots to count, and less opportunity for goons to threaten them and their families!

Maybe, the GOP could institute a sudden "flash mob" approach to elections - time and place only confided to the "right people."

In any event, it'll be fun watching them contrive pretexts to impair the ability of an American to exercise her civic duty.

Georgia Republicans seek to end Sunday early voting,
a popular election method for Black voters
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis calls for restrictive new voting laws
Might the exposure of all those fake claims of "voter fraud!" impair Republican politicians' populist zeal to suppress the populace?

Nine Election Fraud Claims, None Credible
Hardly. A legitimate vote can be thoroughly repugnant!

What'll they come up with?

View attachment 459578
"Okay, Ms. You accurately recited the 27 Constitutional
Amendments in a passable Alabama accent...
Now, can you say, 'The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick,'

six times in under sixteen seconds?"
Idiots who vote is what we fear.
Democracy dies when the People learn they can vote themselves their neighbor's paycheck
Anticipated about 250 years ago and why the Founders went for a "republic" in place of a "democracy".

The "forces of darkness" started right away to turn that around and hence the mess and folly we have today.

Enough Idiots now allowed to vote and hence steal their neighbor's paycheck. Perfect way to kill incentive and productivity, which leads to the path of social and economic decline. More looters than makers is not a formula for success.
Republicans have honed in on the glitch in our democratic system - ordinary Americans having a say in their self-governance!

The former guy had identified the problem when he tried to disenfranchise entire counties that had indulged in a personal betrayal after four years of Trumpery, and he then tried threatening Republican office holders to get them to falsify the tally to fit his desires.

Unfortunately, Republican judges - including Trump-appointees - laughed the former totalitarian solution out of court, and integrity reared its ugly head to kill the latter.

Summoning his goons to attack Congress to prevent its certifying the democratic verdict fizzled as well amidst mayhem and carnage.

In 2021, an obscene level of Americans voted, the security of the elective process acclaimed by cyber-security experts, the Attorney General, and others, and just look the the result! - democracy wreaking havoc with Republican control!

Radically reducing the number of people voting would actually ease the strain on poll workers - fewer ballots to count, and less opportunity for goons to threaten them and their families!

Maybe, the GOP could institute a sudden "flash mob" approach to elections - time and place only confided to the "right people."

In any event, it'll be fun watching them contrive pretexts to impair the ability of an American to exercise her civic duty.

Georgia Republicans seek to end Sunday early voting,
a popular election method for Black voters
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis calls for restrictive new voting laws
Might the exposure of all those fake claims of "voter fraud!" impair Republican politicians' populist zeal to suppress the populace?

Nine Election Fraud Claims, None Credible
Hardly. A legitimate vote can be thoroughly repugnant!

What'll they come up with?

View attachment 459578
"Okay, Ms. You accurately recited the 27 Constitutional
Amendments in a passable Alabama accent...
Now, can you say, 'The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick,'

six times in under sixteen seconds?"
Idiots who vote is what we fear.
Democracy dies when the People learn they can vote themselves their neighbor's paycheck
Anticipated about 250 years ago and why the Founders went for a "republic" in place of a "democracy".

The "forces of darkness" started right away to turn that around and hence the mess and folly we have today.

Enough Idiots now allowed to vote and hence steal their neighbor's paycheck. Perfect way to kill incentive and productivity, which leads to the path of social and economic decline. More looters than makers is not a formula for success.
Attempting to suppress the vote of Americans whose political views differ is nothing new.

Participatory democracy is an expression of the will of the People, and some who fear that expression contrive excuses to target some Americans for exclusion.

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